def print_feat_stats(kpts, vecs): assert len(vecs) == len(kpts), 'disagreement' print('keypoints and vecs agree') flat_kpts = np.vstack(kpts) num_kpts = list(map(len, kpts)) kpt_scale = vt.get_scales(flat_kpts) num_kpts_stats = ut.get_stats(num_kpts) scale_kpts_stats = ut.get_stats(kpt_scale) print('Number of ' + prefix + ' keypoints: ' + ut.repr3(num_kpts_stats, nl=0, precision=2)) print('Scale of ' + prefix + ' keypoints: ' + ut.repr3(scale_kpts_stats, nl=0, precision=2))
def __init__(self, qdup_pos_map={}, ddup_pos_map={}): message = ('Some UUIDs are specified more than once at positions:\n' 'duplicate_data_uuids=%s\n' 'duplicate_query_uuids=%s\n') % ( ut.repr3(qdup_pos_map, nl=1), ut.repr3(ddup_pos_map, nl=1)) qdup_pos_map_ = { str(k): v for k, v in qdup_pos_map.iteritems() } ddup_pos_map_ = { str(k): v for k, v in ddup_pos_map.iteritems() } rawreturn = { 'qdup_pos_map' : qdup_pos_map_, 'ddup_pos_map' : ddup_pos_map_, } code = 601 super(DuplicateUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
def _test_indent_print(): # Indent test code doesnt work in doctest blocks. import utool as ut flag = ut.ensure_logging() print('Checking indent. Should have none') with ut.Indenter('[INDENT] '): print('Checking indent. Should be indented') print('Should no longer be indented') text = ut.get_current_log_text() # The last line might sometimes be empty or not. # Not sure. # New hack: had to put in stride. Seems like logs get written # with two line breaks now last_lines = text.split('\n')[-8::2] if last_lines[-1] != '': assert False, 'DEV ERROR. REMOVE FIRST LINE INSTEAD OF LAST' last_lines = last_lines[:-1] #print('last_lines = %r' % (ut.repr3(last_lines))) try: assert last_lines[0].find('[INDENT] ') == -1, last_lines[0] assert last_lines[1].find('[INDENT] ') >= 0, 'did not indent %r' % (last_lines[1],) assert last_lines[2].find('[INDENT] ') == -1, last_lines[2] except AssertionError: print('Error. Last 3 lines') print(ut.repr3(last_lines)) raise if not flag: ut.stop_logging()
def make_ibeis_cell_list(ibs): cell_template_list = get_default_cell_template_list(ibs) autogen_str = make_autogen_str() dbname = ibs.get_dbname() #if ut.get_argflag('--hacktestscore'): # annotconfig_list_body = ut.codeblock( # ''' # 'timectrl', # ''' # ) #else: default_acfgstr = ut.get_argval('-a', type_=str, default='default:is_known=True') annotconfig_list_body = ut.codeblock( ut.repr2(default_acfgstr) + '\n' + ut.codeblock(''' # See ibeis/expt/ for names of annot configuration options #'default:has_any=(query,),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True', #'default:is_known=True', #'default:qsame_encounter=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True' #'default:qsame_encounter=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True,qsize=10,dsize=20', #'default:require_timestamp=True,min_timedelta=3600', #'default:species=primary', #'timectrl:', #'timectrl:been_adjusted=True,dpername=3', #'timectrl:qsize=10,dsize=20', #'unctrl:been_adjusted=True', ''') ) #if ut.get_argflag('--hacktestscore'): # pipeline_list_body = ut.codeblock( # ''' # # See ibeis/algo/ for names of pipeline config options # 'default:lnbnn_on=True,bar_l2_on=False,normonly_on=False,fg_on=True', # 'default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True,normonly_on=False,fg_on=True', # 'default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=False,normonly_on=True,fg_on=True', # 'default:lnbnn_on=True,bar_l2_on=False,normonly_on=False,fg_on=False', # 'default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True,normonly_on=False,fg_on=False', # 'default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=False,normonly_on=True,fg_on=False', # ''' # ) #elif True: default_pcfgstr_list = ut.get_argval(('-t', '-p'), type_=list, default='default') default_pcfgstr = ut.repr3(default_pcfgstr_list, nobr=True) pipeline_list_body = ut.codeblock( default_pcfgstr + '\n' + ut.codeblock(''' #'default', #'default:K=1', #'default:K=1,AI=False', #'default:K=1,AI=False,QRH=True', #'default:K=1,RI=True,AI=False', #'default:K=1,adapteq=True', #'default:fg_on=[True,False]', ''') ) locals_ = locals() _format = partial(format_cells, locals_=locals_) cell_list = ut.flatten(map(_format, cell_template_list)) return cell_list
def print_tree_struct(*args, **kwargs): tree_str = (ut.indent(ut.repr3(get_tree_info(*args, **kwargs), nl=1))) print(tree_str) #bytes_str = ut.byte_str2(drive.get_total_nbytes(dpath_to_unique_fidx[path])) #print('path = %r, %s' % (path, bytes_str)) #print(ut.repr3(key_list)) return tree_str
def print_tree(root, path, dpath_to_unique_fidx=dpath_to_unique_fidx, drive=drive, depth=None): print('path = %r' % (path,)) print(ut.byte_str2(drive.get_total_nbytes(dpath_to_unique_fidx[path]))) path_components = ut.dirsplit(path) # Navigate to correct spot in tree current = root for c in path_components: current = current[c] print(ut.repr3(current, truncate=1))
def hello_world(*args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.web.apis --exec-hello_world:0 python -m ibeis.web.apis --exec-hello_world:1 Example: >>> # WEB_DOCTEST >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> web_ibs = ibeis.opendb_bg_web(browser=True, url_suffix='/api/test/helloworld/?test0=0') # start_job_queue=False) >>> print('Server will run until control c') >>> #web_ibs.terminate2() Example1: >>> # WEB_DOCTEST >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> import requests >>> import ibeis >>> web_ibs = ibeis.opendb_bg_web('testdb1', start_job_queue=False) >>> domain = '' >>> url = domain + '/api/test/helloworld/?test0=0' >>> payload = { >>> 'test1' : 'test1', >>> 'test2' : None, # NOTICE test2 DOES NOT SHOW UP >>> } >>> resp =, data=payload) >>> print(resp) >>> web_ibs.terminate2() """ print('+------------ HELLO WORLD ------------') print('Args: %r' % (args,)) print('Kwargs: %r' % (kwargs,)) print('request.args: %r' % (request.args,)) print('request.form: %r' % (request.form,)) print('request.url; %r' % (request.url,)) print('request.environ: %s' % (ut.repr3(request.environ),)) print('request: %s' % (ut.repr3(request.__dict__),)) print('L____________ HELLO WORLD ____________')
def make_ibeis_cell_list(ibs): cell_template_list = get_default_cell_template_list(ibs) autogen_str = ut.make_autogen_str() dbname = ibs.get_dbname() default_acfgstr = ut.get_argval('-a', type_=str, default='default:is_known=True') asreport = ut.get_argflag('--asreport') default_pcfgstr_list = ut.get_argval(('-t', '-p'), type_=list, default='default') default_pcfgstr = ut.repr3(default_pcfgstr_list, nobr=True) if asreport: annotconfig_list_body = ut.codeblock( ut.repr2(default_acfgstr) ) pipeline_list_body = ut.codeblock( default_pcfgstr ) else: annotconfig_list_body = ut.codeblock( ut.repr2(default_acfgstr) + '\n' + ut.codeblock(''' # See ibeis/expt/ for names of annot configuration options #'default:has_any=(query,),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True', #'default:is_known=True', #'default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True,qsize=10,dsize=20', #'default:require_timestamp=True,min_timedelta=3600', #'default:species=primary', #'timectrl:', #'unctrl:been_adjusted=True', ''') ) pipeline_list_body = ut.codeblock( default_pcfgstr + '\n' + ut.codeblock(''' #'default', #'default:K=1,AI=False,QRH=True', #'default:K=1,RI=True,AI=False', #'default:K=1,adapteq=True', #'default:fg_on=[True,False]', ''') ) locals_ = locals() _format = partial(ut.format_cells, locals_=locals_) cell_list = ut.flatten(map(_format, cell_template_list)) return cell_list
def collector_loop(dbdir): """ Service that stores completed algorithm results """ import ibeis update_proctitle('collector_loop') print = partial(ut.colorprint, color='yellow') with ut.Indenter('[collect] '): collect_rout_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) collect_rout_sock.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, 'collect.ROUTER') collect_rout_sock.connect(collect_url2) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('connect collect_url2 = %r' % (collect_url2,)) ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, use_cache=False, web=False) # shelve_path = join(ut.get_shelves_dir(appname='ibeis'), 'engine') shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() ut.delete(shelve_path) ut.ensuredir(shelve_path) collecter_data = {} awaiting_data = {} try: while True: # several callers here # CALLER: collector_notify # CALLER: collector_store # CALLER: collector_request_status # CALLER: collector_request_result idents, collect_request = rcv_multipart_json(collect_rout_sock, print=print) try: reply = on_collect_request(collect_request, collecter_data, awaiting_data, shelve_path) except Exception as ex: print(ut.repr3(collect_request)) ut.printex(ex, 'ERROR in collection') send_multipart_json(collect_rout_sock, idents, reply) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught ctrl+c in collector loop. Gracefully exiting') if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Exiting collector')
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: import utool as ut ut.printex(ex) import inspect # NOQA trace = inspect.trace() locals_ = trace[-1][0].f_locals print('-- <TRACE LOCALS> --') for level, t in enumerate(trace[1:]): frame = t[0] locals_ = frame.f_locals local_repr_dict = {key: ut.trunc_repr(val) for key, val in locals_.items()} print('LOCALS LEVEL %d' % (level,)) print(ut.repr3(local_repr_dict, strvals=True, nl=1)) print('-- </TRACE LOCALS> --') #import utool #utool.embed() raise
def graph_info(graph, verbose=False): import utool as ut node_attrs = list(graph.node.values()) edge_attrs = list(ut.take_column(graph.edges(data=True), 2)) node_attr_hist = ut.dict_hist(ut.flatten([attr.keys() for attr in node_attrs])) edge_attr_hist = ut.dict_hist(ut.flatten([attr.keys() for attr in edge_attrs])) node_type_hist = ut.dict_hist(list(map(type, graph.nodes()))) info_dict = ut.odict([ ('directed', graph.is_directed()), ('multi', graph.is_multigraph()), ('num_nodes', len(graph)), ('num_edges', len(list(graph.edges()))), ('edge_attr_hist', ut.sort_dict(edge_attr_hist)), ('node_attr_hist', ut.sort_dict(node_attr_hist)), ('node_type_hist', ut.sort_dict(node_type_hist)), ('graph_attrs', graph.graph), ('graph_name',, ]) #unique_attrs = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.unique, ut.dict_accum(*node_attrs)) #ut.dict_isect_combine(*node_attrs)) #[list(attrs.keys())] if verbose: print(ut.repr3(info_dict)) return info_dict
def get_toy_data_1vM(num_annots, num_names=None, **kwargs): r""" Args: num_annots (int): num_names (int): (default = None) Kwargs: initial_aids, initial_nids, nid_sequence, seed Returns: tuple: (pair_list, feat_list) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-get_toy_data_1vM --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes import * # NOQA >>> num_annots = 1000 >>> num_names = 40 >>> get_toy_data_1vM(num_annots, num_names) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt tup_ = get_toy_annots(num_annots, num_names, **kwargs) aids, nids, aids1, nids1, all_aids, all_nids = tup_ rng = vt.ensure_rng(None) # Test a simple SVM classifier nid2_nexemp = ut.dict_hist(nids1) aid2_nid = dict(zip(aids, nids)) ut.fix_embed_globals() #def add_to_globals(globals_, subdict): # globals_.update(subdict) unique_nids = list(nid2_nexemp.keys()) def annot_to_class_feats2(aid, aid2_nid, top=None): pair_list = [] score_list = [] nexemplar_list = [] for nid in unique_nids: label = (aid2_nid[aid] == nid) num_exemplars = nid2_nexemp.get(nid, 0) if num_exemplars == 0: continue params = toy_params[label] mu, sigma = ut.dict_take(params, ['mu', 'sigma']) score_ = rng.normal(mu, sigma, size=num_exemplars).max() score = np.clip(score_, 0, np.inf) pair_list.append((aid, nid)) score_list.append(score) nexemplar_list.append(num_exemplars) rank_list = ut.argsort(score_list, reverse=True) feat_list = np.array([score_list, rank_list, nexemplar_list]).T sortx = np.argsort(rank_list) feat_list = feat_list.take(sortx, axis=0) pair_list = np.array(pair_list).take(sortx, axis=0) if top is not None: feat_list = feat_list[:top] pair_list = pair_list[0:top] return pair_list, feat_list toclass_features = [annot_to_class_feats2(aid, aid2_nid, top=5) for aid in aids] aidnid_pairs = np.vstack(ut.get_list_column(toclass_features, 0)) feat_list = np.vstack(ut.get_list_column(toclass_features, 1)) score_list = feat_list.T[0:1].T lbl_list = [aid2_nid[aid] == nid for aid, nid in aidnid_pairs] from sklearn import svm #clf1 = svm.LinearSVC() print('Learning classifiers') clf3 = svm.SVC(), lbl_list) clf1 = svm.LinearSVC(), lbl_list) # Score new annots against the training database tup_ = get_toy_annots(num_annots * 2, num_names, initial_aids=all_aids, initial_nids=all_nids) aids, nids, aids1, nids1, all_aids, all_nids = tup_ aid2_nid = dict(zip(aids, nids)) toclass_features = [annot_to_class_feats2(aid, aid2_nid) for aid in aids] aidnid_pairs = np.vstack(ut.get_list_column(toclass_features, 0)) feat_list = np.vstack(ut.get_list_column(toclass_features, 1)) lbl_list = np.array([aid2_nid[aid] == nid for aid, nid in aidnid_pairs]) print('Running tests') score_list = feat_list.T[0:1].T tp_feat_list = feat_list[lbl_list] tn_feat_list = feat_list[~lbl_list] tp_lbls = lbl_list[lbl_list] tn_lbls = lbl_list[~lbl_list] print('num tp: %d' % len(tp_lbls)) print('num fp: %d' % len(tn_lbls)) tp_score_list = score_list[lbl_list] tn_score_list = score_list[~lbl_list] print('tp_feat' + ut.repr3(ut.get_stats(tp_feat_list, axis=0), precision=2)) print('tp_feat' + ut.repr3(ut.get_stats(tn_feat_list, axis=0), precision=2)) print('tp_score' + ut.repr2(ut.get_stats(tp_score_list), precision=2)) print('tp_score' + ut.repr2(ut.get_stats(tn_score_list), precision=2)) tp_pred3 = clf3.predict(tp_feat_list) tn_pred3 = clf3.predict(tn_feat_list) print((tp_pred3.sum(), tp_pred3.shape)) print((tn_pred3.sum(), tn_pred3.shape)) tp_score3 = clf3.score(tp_feat_list, tp_lbls) tn_score3 = clf3.score(tn_feat_list, tn_lbls) tp_pred1 = clf1.predict(tp_score_list) tn_pred1 = clf1.predict(tn_score_list) print((tp_pred1.sum(), tp_pred1.shape)) print((tn_pred1.sum(), tn_pred1.shape)) tp_score1 = clf1.score(tp_score_list, tp_lbls) tn_score1 = clf1.score(tn_score_list, tn_lbls) print('tp score with rank = %r' % (tp_score3,)) print('tn score with rank = %r' % (tn_score3,)) print('tp score without rank = %r' % (tp_score1,)) print('tn score without rank = %r' % (tn_score1,)) toy_data = {} return toy_data
def classify_k(cfg={}): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-classify_k --show --ev :nA=3 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-classify_k --show --ev :nA=3,k=1 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-classify_k --show --ev :nA=3,k=0 --method=approx python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-classify_k --show --ev :nA=10,k=1 --method=approx Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes import * # NOQA >>> cfg_list = testdata_demo_cfgs() >>> classify_k(cfg_list[0]) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ cfg = cfg.copy() num_annots = cfg.pop('num_annots', 3) num_scores = cfg.pop('num_scores', 2) num_iter = cfg.pop('k', 0) nid_sequence = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]) toy_data = get_toy_data_1v1(num_annots, nid_sequence=nid_sequence) force_evidence = None force_evidence = 0 diag_scores, = ut.dict_take( toy_data, 'diag_scores'.split(', ')) #print('diag_scores = %r' % (diag_scores,)) #diag_labels = pairwise_matches.compress(is_diag) #diag_pairs = ut.compress(pairwise_aidxs, is_diag) discr_domain, discr_p_same = learn_prob_score(num_scores)[0:2] def discretize_scores(scores): # Assign continuous scores to closest discrete index score_idxs = np.abs(1 - (discr_domain / scores[:, None])).argmin(axis=1) return score_idxs # Careful ordering is important here score_evidence = discretize_scores(diag_scores) if force_evidence is not None: for x in range(len(score_evidence)): score_evidence[x] = 0 model, evidence, query_results = test_model( num_annots=num_annots, num_names=num_annots, num_scores=num_scores, mode=1, score_evidence=score_evidence, p_score_given_same=discr_p_same, score_basis=discr_domain, #verbose=True ) print(query_results['top_assignments'][0]) toy_data1 = toy_data print('toy_data1 = ' + ut.repr3(toy_data1, nl=1)) num_annots2 = num_annots + 1 score_evidence1 = [None] * len(score_evidence) full_evidence = score_evidence.tolist() factor_list = query_results['factor_list'] using_soft = False if using_soft: soft_evidence1 = [dict(zip(x.statenames[0], x.values)) for x in factor_list] for _ in range(num_iter): print('\n\n ---------- \n\n') #toy_data1['all_nids'].max() + 1 num_names_gen = len(toy_data1['all_aids']) + 1 num_names_gen = toy_data1['all_nids'].max() + 2 toy_data2 = get_toy_data_1v1( 1, num_names_gen, initial_aids=toy_data1['all_aids'], initial_nids=toy_data1['all_nids'], nid_sequence=nid_sequence) diag_scores2, = ut.dict_take( toy_data2, 'diag_scores'.split(', ')) print('toy_data2 = ' + ut.repr3(toy_data2, nl=1)) score_evidence2 = discretize_scores(diag_scores2).tolist() if force_evidence is not None: for x in range(len(score_evidence2)): score_evidence2[x] = force_evidence print('score_evidence2 = %r' % (score_evidence2,)) if using_soft: # Demo with soft evidence model, evidence, query_results2 = test_model( num_annots=num_annots2, num_names=num_annots2, num_scores=num_scores, mode=1, name_evidence=soft_evidence1, #score_evidence=score_evidence1 + score_evidence2, score_evidence=score_evidence2, p_score_given_same=discr_p_same, score_basis=discr_domain, #verbose=True, hack_score_only=len(score_evidence2), ) if 1: # Demo with full evidence model, evidence, query_results2 = test_model( num_annots=num_annots2, num_names=num_annots2, num_scores=num_scores, mode=1, score_evidence=full_evidence + score_evidence2, p_score_given_same=discr_p_same, score_basis=discr_domain, verbose=True ) factor_list2 = query_results2['factor_list'] if using_soft: soft_evidence1 = [dict(zip(x.statenames[0], x.values)) for x in factor_list2] score_evidence1 += ([None] * len(score_evidence2)) full_evidence = full_evidence + score_evidence2 num_annots2 += 1 toy_data1 = toy_data2
def on_scroll(self, event): if self.debug: print('[pt.a] on_scroll') print(ut.repr3(event.__dict__)) pass
def demo_bayesnet(cfg={}): r""" Make a model that knows who the previous annots are and tries to classify a new annot CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --diskshow --verbose --save demo4.png --dpath . --figsize=20,10 --dpi=128 --clipwhite python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=3,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1 python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1,Sbd=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1,Scd=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1,Sbd=1,Scd=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=3,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1 python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=5,rand_scores=True --show python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,nS=3,rand_scores=True --show --verbose python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=5,nS=2,Na=fred,rand_scores=True --show --verbose python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=5,nS=5,Na=fred,rand_scores=True --show --verbose python -m ibeis --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,nS=2,Na=fred,rand_scores=True --show --verbose python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-demo_bayesnet \ --ev =:nA=4,Sab=0,Sac=0,Sbc=1 \ :Sbd=1 :Scd=1 :Sbd=1,Scd=1 :Sbd=1,Scd=1,Sad=0 \ --show --present Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes import * # NOQA >>> cfg_list = testdata_demo_cfgs() >>> print('cfg_list = %r' % (cfg_list,)) >>> for cfg in cfg_list: >>> demo_bayesnet(cfg) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ cfg = cfg.copy() num_annots = cfg.pop('num_annots', 3) num_names = cfg.pop('num_names', None) num_scores = cfg.pop('num_scores', 2) rand_scores = cfg.pop('rand_scores', False) method = cfg.pop('method', 'bp') other_evidence = {k: v for k, v in cfg.items() if not k.startswith('_')} if rand_scores: #import randomdotorg #import sys #r = randomdotorg.RandomDotOrg('ExampleCode') #seed = int((1 - 2 * r.random()) * sys.maxint) toy_data = get_toy_data_1v1(num_annots, nid_sequence=[0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]) print('toy_data = ' + ut.repr3(toy_data, nl=1)) diag_scores, = ut.dict_take( toy_data, 'diag_scores'.split(', ')) discr_domain, discr_p_same = learn_prob_score(num_scores)[0:2] def discretize_scores(scores): # Assign continuous scores to discrete index score_idxs = np.abs(1 - (discr_domain / scores[:, None])).argmin(axis=1) return score_idxs score_evidence = discretize_scores(diag_scores) else: score_evidence = [] discr_p_same = None discr_domain = None model, evidence, query_results = test_model( num_annots=num_annots, num_names=num_names, num_scores=num_scores, score_evidence=score_evidence, mode=1, other_evidence=other_evidence, p_score_given_same=discr_p_same, score_basis=discr_domain, method=method, )
def fix_duplicates(drive): r""" for every duplicate file passing a (eg avi) filter, remove the file that is in the smallest directory. On a tie use the smallest dpath. This will filter all duplicate files in a folder into a single folder. but... need to look at non-duplicates in that folder and decide if they should be moved as well. So, should trigger on folders that have at least 50% duplicate. Might not want to move curated folders. Example: cd ~/local/scripts >>> from register_files import * # NOQA >>> dpaths = ut.get_argval('--drives', type_=list, default=['E:/'])#'D:/', 'E:/', 'F:/']) >>> drives = [Drive(root_dpath) for root_dpath in dpaths] >>> E = drive = drives[0] >>> #D, E, F = drives """ print('Fixing Duplicates in %r' % (drive,)) list_ = drive.fpath_hashX_list multiindex_dict_ = build_multindex(list_) duplicate_hashes = [ key for key, val in six.iteritems(multiindex_dict_) if len(val) > 1 ] duplicate_idxs = ut.dict_take(multiindex_dict_, duplicate_hashes) unflat_fpaths = ut.list_unflat_take(drive.fpath_list, duplicate_idxs) # Check if any dups have been removed still_exists = ut.unflat_map(exists, unflat_fpaths) unflat_idxs2 = ut.zipcompress(duplicate_idxs, still_exists) duplicate_idxs = [idxs for idxs in unflat_idxs2 if len(idxs) > 1] # Look at duplicate files unflat_fpaths = ut.list_unflat_take(drive.fpath_list, duplicate_idxs) unflat_sizes = ut.list_unflat_take(drive.fpath_bytes_list, duplicate_idxs) # Find highly coupled directories if True: coupled_dirs = [] for fpaths in unflat_fpaths: #basedir = ut.longest_existing_path(commonprefix(fpaths)) dirs = sorted(list(map(dirname, fpaths))) _list = list(range(len(dirs))) idxs = ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(_list) coupled_dirs.extend(list(map(tuple, ut.list_unflat_take(dirs, idxs)))) hist_ = ut.dict_hist(coupled_dirs) coupled_idxs = ut.list_argsort(hist_.values())[::-1] most_coupled = ut.take(list(hist_.keys()), coupled_idxs[0:100]) print('Coupled fpaths: ' + ut.list_str(most_coupled, nl=True)) print('%d unique files are duplicated' % (len(unflat_sizes),)) #print('Duplicate sizes: ' + ut.list_str(unflat_sizes[0:10], nl=True)) #print('Duplicate fpaths: ' + ut.list_str(unflat_fpaths[0:10], nl=True)) #print('Duplicate fpaths: ' + ut.list_str(unflat_fpaths[0::5], nl=True)) print('Duplicate fpaths: ' + ut.list_str(unflat_fpaths, nl=True)) # Find duplicate directories dpath_list = list(drive.dpath_to_fidx.keys()) fidxs_list = ut.dict_take(drive.dpath_to_fidx, drive.dpath_list) #exists_list = list(map(exists, drive.fpath_list)) #unflat_exists = ut.list_unflat_take(exists_list, fidxs_list) fname_registry = [basename(fpath) for fpath in drive.fpath_list] unflat_fnames = ut.list_unflat_take(fname_registry, fidxs_list) def unsorted_list_hash(list_): return ut.hashstr27(str(sorted(list_))) unflat_fname_sets = list(map(unsorted_list_hash, ut.ProgIter(unflat_fnames, freq=10000))) fname_based_duplicate_dpaths = [] multiindex_dict2_ = build_multindex(unflat_fname_sets) fname_based_duplicate_hashes = [key for key, val in multiindex_dict2_.items() if len(val) > 1] print('#fname_based_duplicate_dpaths = %r' % (len(fname_based_duplicate_hashes),)) fname_based_duplicate_didxs = ut.dict_take(multiindex_dict2_, fname_based_duplicate_hashes) fname_based_duplicate_dpaths = ut.list_unflat_take(dpath_list, fname_based_duplicate_didxs) print(ut.repr3(fname_based_duplicate_dpaths[0:10]))
def show_all_colormaps(): """ Displays at a 90 degree angle. Weird FIXME: Remove call to pylab References: Notes: cmaps = [('Perceptually Uniform Sequential', ['viridis', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'magma']), ('Sequential', ['Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd']), ('Sequential (2)', ['afmhot', 'autumn', 'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'gist_heat', 'gray', 'hot', 'pink', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter']), ('Diverging', ['BrBG', 'bwr', 'coolwarm', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'seismic']), ('Qualitative', ['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3']), ('Miscellaneous', ['gist_earth', 'terrain', 'ocean', 'gist_stern', 'brg', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'gist_ncar', 'nipy_spectral', 'jet', 'rainbow', 'gist_rainbow', 'hsv', 'flag', 'prism']) ] CommandLine: python -m plottool.color_funcs --test-show_all_colormaps --show python -m plottool.color_funcs --test-show_all_colormaps --show --type=Miscellaneous Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from plottool.color_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> show_all_colormaps() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import pylab import numpy as np pylab.rc('text', usetex=False) TRANSPOSE = True a = np.outer(np.arange(0, 1, 0.01), np.ones(10)) if TRANSPOSE: a = a.T pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) if TRANSPOSE: pylab.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, left=0.05, bottom=0.01, top=0.99) else: pylab.subplots_adjust(top=0.8, bottom=0.05, left=0.01, right=0.99) type_ = ut.get_argval('--type', str, default=None) if type_ is None: maps = [m for m in if not m.endswith("_r")] #maps += cmaps2.__all__ maps.sort() else: maps = CMAP_DICT[type_] print('CMAP_DICT = %s' % (ut.repr3(CMAP_DICT),)) l = len(maps) + 1 for i, m in enumerate(maps): if TRANSPOSE: pylab.subplot(l, 1, i + 1) else: pylab.subplot(1, l, i + 1) #pylab.axis("off") ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #try: cmap = pylab.get_cmap(m) #except Exception: # cmap = getattr(cmaps2, m) pylab.imshow(a, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap) # , origin="lower") if TRANSPOSE: ax.set_ylabel(m, rotation=0, fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') else: pylab.title(m, rotation=90, fontsize=10)
def dummy_example_depcacahe(): r""" CommandLine: python -m dtool.example_depcache --exec-dummy_example_depcacahe Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = dummy_example_depcacahe() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ fname = None # fname = 'dummy_default_depcache' fname = ':memory:' depc = testdata_depc(fname) tablename = 'fgweight' # print('[test] fgweight_path =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies(tablename), nl=1),)) # print('[test] keypoint =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('keypoint'), nl=1),)) # print('[test] descriptor =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('descriptor'), nl=1),)) # print('[test] spam =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('spam'), nl=1),)) root_rowids = [5, 3] desc_rowids = depc.get_rowids('descriptor', root_rowids) # NOQA table = depc[tablename] # NOQA #example_getter_methods(depc, 'vsmany', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'chipmask', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'keypoint', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'chip', root_rowids) test_getters(depc) #import plottool as pt # pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() graph = depc.make_graph() # NOQA #pt.show_nx(graph) print('---------- 111 -----------') # Try testing the algorithm req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, {}) print('req = %r' % (req,)) req.execute() print('---------- 222 -----------') cfgdict = {'sver_on': False} req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, cfgdict) req.execute() print('---------- 333 -----------') cfgdict = {'sver_on': False, 'adapt_shape': False} req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, cfgdict) req.execute() print('---------- 444 -----------') req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, {}) req.execute() #ut.InstanceList( db = list(depc.fname_to_db.values())[0] #db_list = ut.InstanceList(depc.fname_to_db.values()) #db_list.print_table_csv('config', exclude_columns='config_strid') print('config table') column_list, column_names = db.get_table_column_data(tablename, ['config_strid']) print('\n'.join([ut.hz_str(*list(ut.interleave((r, [', '] * (len(r) - 1))))) for r in list(zip(*[[ut.repr3(r, nl=2) for r in col] for col in column_list]))])) return depc
def postload_commands(ibs, back): """ Postload commands deal with a specific ibeis database ibeis --db PZ_MTEST --occur "*All Images" --query 1 ibeis --db PZ_MTEST --occur "*All Images" --query-intra """ if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('\n[main_cmd] postload_commands') if params.args.view_database_directory: print('got arg --vdd') vdd(ibs) if params.args.set_default_dbdir: sysres.set_default_dbdir(ibs.get_dbdir()) if params.args.update_query_cfg is not None: # Set query parameters from command line using the --cfg flag cfgdict = ut.parse_cfgstr_list(params.args.update_query_cfg) print('Custom cfgdict specified') print(ut.dict_str(cfgdict)) ibs.update_query_cfg(**cfgdict) #print(ibs.cfg.query_cfg.get_cfgstr()) if params.args.edit_notes: ut.editfile(ibs.get_dbnotes_fpath(ensure=True)) if params.args.delete_cache: ibs.delete_cache() if params.args.delete_cache_complete: ibs.delete_cache(delete_chips=True, delete_imagesets=True) if params.args.delete_query_cache: ibs.delete_qres_cache() if params.args.set_all_species is not None: ibs._overwrite_all_annot_species_to(params.args.set_all_species) if params.args.dump_schema: ibs.db.print_schema() # DEPRICATE if params.args.set_notes is not None: ibs.set_dbnotes(params.args.set_notes) if params.args.set_aids_as_hard is not None: aid_list = params.args.set_aids_as_hard ibs.set_annot_is_hard(aid_list, [True] * len(aid_list)) #/DEPRICATE if ut.get_argflag('--ipynb'): back.launch_ipy_notebook() select_imgsetid = ut.get_argval(('--select-imgsetid', '--imgsetid', '--occur'), None) if select_imgsetid is not None: print('\n+ --- CMD SELECT EID=%r ---' % (select_imgsetid,)) # Whoa: this doesnt work. weird. #back.select_imgsetid(select_imgsetid) # This might be the root of gui problems #back.front._change_imageset(select_imgsetid) back.front.select_imageset_tab(select_imgsetid) print('L ___ CMD SELECT EID=%r ___\n' % (select_imgsetid,)) # Send commands to GUIBack if params.args.select_aid is not None: if back is not None: try: ibsfuncs.assert_valid_aids(ibs, (params.args.select_aid,)) except AssertionError: print('Valid RIDs are: %r' % (ibs.get_valid_aids(),)) raise back.select_aid(params.args.select_aid) if params.args.select_gid is not None: back.select_gid(params.args.select_gid) if params.args.select_nid is not None: back.select_nid(params.args.select_nid) select_name = ut.get_argval('--select-name') if select_name is not None: import ibeis.gui.guiheaders as gh back.ibswgt.select_table_indicies_from_text(gh.NAMES_TREE, select_name, allow_table_change=True) if ut.get_argflag(('--intra-occur-query', '--query-intra-occur', '--query-intra')): back.special_query_funcs['intra_occurrence'](cfgdict={'use_k_padding': False}) qaid_list = ut.get_argval(('--query-aid', '--query'), type_=list, default=None) if qaid_list is not None: #qaid_list = params.args.query_aid # fix stride case if len(qaid_list) == 1 and isinstance(qaid_list[0], tuple): qaid_list = list(qaid_list[0]) daids_mode = ut.get_argval('--daids-mode', type_=str, default=const.VS_EXEMPLARS_KEY) back.compute_queries(qaid_list=qaid_list, daids_mode=daids_mode, ranks_lt=10) if ut.get_argflag('--inc-query'): back.incremental_query() if ut.get_argflag(('--dbinfo', '--display_dbinfo')): back.display_dbinfo() pass aidcmd = ut.get_argval('--aidcmd', default=None) aid = ut.get_argval('--aid', type_=int, default=1) if aidcmd: #aidcmd = 'Interact image' metadata = ibs.get_annot_lazy_dict(aid) annot_context_options = metadata['annot_context_options'] aidcmd_dict = dict(annot_context_options) print('aidcmd_dict = %s' % (ut.repr3(aidcmd_dict),)) command = aidcmd_dict[aidcmd] command() #import utool #utool.embed() #back.start_web_server_parallel() if ut.get_argflag('--start-web'): back.start_web_server_parallel() screengrab_fpath = ut.get_argval('--screengrab') if screengrab_fpath: from guitool.__PYQT__.QtGui import QPixmap from PyQt4.QtTest import QTest from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt fpath = ut.truepath(screengrab_fpath) import guitool #ut.embed() timer2 = guitool.__PYQT__.QtCore.QTimer() done = [1000] def delayed_screenshot_func(): if done[0] == 500: #back.mainwin.menubar.triggered.emit(back.mainwin.menuFile) print('Mouseclick') QTest.mouseClick(back.mainwin.menuFile, Qt.LeftButton) # This works #QTest.mouseClick(back.front.import_button, Qt.LeftButton) if done[0] == 1: timer2.stop() print('screengrab to %r' % (fpath,)) screenimg = QPixmap.grabWindow(back.mainwin.winId()), 'jpg') ut.startfile(fpath) print('lub dub2') done[0] -= 1 return None CLICK_FILE_MENU = True if CLICK_FILE_MENU: #ut.embed() #QTest::keyClick(menu, Qt::Key_Down) pass timer2.delayed_screenshot_func = delayed_screenshot_func timer2.timeout.connect(timer2.delayed_screenshot_func) timer2.start(1) back.mainwin.timer2 = timer2 guitool.activate_qwindow(back.mainwin) #QPixmap.grabWindow(back.mainwin.winId()).save(fpath, 'jpg') #ut.startfile(fpath) #ut.embed() pass if params.args.postload_exit: print('[main_cmd] postload exit') sys.exit(0)
def show_all_colormaps(): """ Displays at a 90 degree angle. Weird FIXME: Remove call to pylab References: Notes: cmaps = [('Perceptually Uniform Sequential', ['viridis', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'magma']), ('Sequential', ['Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd']), ('Sequential (2)', ['afmhot', 'autumn', 'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'gist_heat', 'gray', 'hot', 'pink', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter']), ('Diverging', ['BrBG', 'bwr', 'coolwarm', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'seismic']), ('Qualitative', ['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3']), ('Miscellaneous', ['gist_earth', 'terrain', 'ocean', 'gist_stern', 'brg', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'gist_ncar', 'nipy_spectral', 'jet', 'rainbow', 'gist_rainbow', 'hsv', 'flag', 'prism']) ] CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.color_funcs --test-show_all_colormaps --show python -m wbia.plottool.color_funcs --test-show_all_colormaps --show --type=Miscellaneous python -m wbia.plottool.color_funcs --test-show_all_colormaps --show --cmap=RdYlBu Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.color_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> show_all_colormaps() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import pylab import numpy as np pylab.rc('text', usetex=False) TRANSPOSE = True a = np.outer(np.arange(0, 1, 0.01), np.ones(10)) if TRANSPOSE: a = a.T pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) if TRANSPOSE: pylab.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, left=0.05, bottom=0.01, top=0.99) else: pylab.subplots_adjust(top=0.8, bottom=0.05, left=0.01, right=0.99) type_ = ut.get_argval('--type', str, default=None) if type_ is None: maps = [m for m in if not m.endswith('_r')] # maps += cmaps2.__all__ maps.sort() else: maps = CMAP_DICT[type_] print('CMAP_DICT = %s' % (ut.repr3(CMAP_DICT), )) cmap_ = ut.get_argval('--cmap', default=None) if cmap_ is not None: maps = [getattr(, cmap_)] length = len(maps) + 1 for i, m in enumerate(maps): if TRANSPOSE: pylab.subplot(length, 1, i + 1) else: pylab.subplot(1, length, i + 1) # pylab.axis("off") ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # try: cmap = pylab.get_cmap(m) # except Exception: # cmap = getattr(cmaps2, m) pylab.imshow(a, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap) # , origin="lower") if TRANSPOSE: ax.set_ylabel( m, rotation=0, fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', ) else: pylab.title(m, rotation=90, fontsize=10)
def __repr__(group): repr_ = ut.repr3(group.infohist, nl=1) print(repr_) return repr_
def compare_featscores(): """ CommandLine: ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.1] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1,2],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name,sv_on=[True,False] \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,10 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name --db PZ_Master1 \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name --db GZ_ALL \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db GIRM_Master1 \ --nfscfg ':disttype=fg,L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn' \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=[1,2,3],normalizer_rule=name,sv_on=False \ --db PZ_Master1 --save featscore{db}.png \ --dpi=128 --figsize=15,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db PZ_MTEST ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db GZ_ALL ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db PZ_Master1 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db GIRM_Master1 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.2] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.2] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> result = compare_featscores() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt import ibeis nfs_cfg_list = NormFeatScoreConfig.from_argv_cfgs() learnkw = {} ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts( defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default:K=1']) print('nfs_cfg_list = ' + ut.repr3(nfs_cfg_list)) encoder_list = [] lbl_list = [] varied_nfs_lbls = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(nfs_cfg_list) varied_qreq_lbls = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgdict_list) #varies_qreq_lbls #func = ut.cached_func(cache_dir='.')(learn_featscore_normalizer) for datakw, nlbl in zip(nfs_cfg_list, varied_nfs_lbls): for qreq_, qlbl in zip(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, varied_qreq_lbls): lbl = qlbl + ' ' + nlbl cfgstr = '_'.join([datakw.get_cfgstr(), qreq_.get_full_cfgstr()]) try: encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer() encoder.load(cfgstr=cfgstr) except IOError: print('datakw = %r' % (datakw,)) encoder = learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw, learnkw) encoder_list.append(encoder) lbl_list.append(lbl) fnum = 1 # next_pnum = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=len(encoder_list), nCols=3) next_pnum = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=len(encoder_list) + 1, nCols=3, start=3) iconsize = 94 if len(encoder_list) > 3: iconsize = 64 icon = qreq_.ibs.get_database_icon(max_dsize=(None, iconsize), aid=qreq_.qaids[0]) score_range = (0, .6) for encoder, lbl in zip(encoder_list, lbl_list): #encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr(), with_prebayes=False, with_postbayes=False) encoder._plot_score_support_hist(fnum, pnum=next_pnum(), titlesuf='\n' + lbl, score_range=score_range) encoder._plot_prebayes(fnum, pnum=next_pnum()) encoder._plot_roc(fnum, pnum=next_pnum()) if icon is not None: pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(1, 0), bbox_alignment=(1, 0)) nonvaried_lbl = ut.get_nonvaried_cfg_lbls(nfs_cfg_list)[0] figtitle = qreq_.__str__() + '\n' + nonvaried_lbl pt.set_figtitle(figtitle) pt.adjust_subplots(hspace=.5, top=.92, bottom=.08, left=.1, right=.9) pt.update_figsize() pt.plt.tight_layout()
for repo_dpath in IBEIS_REPO_DIRS: # ut.getp_ mod_dpaths = ut.get_submodules_from_dpath(repo_dpath, recursive=False, only_packages=True) modname_list = ut.lmap(ut.get_modname_from_modpath, mod_dpaths) print('Checking modules = %r' % (modname_list,)) for modname in modname_list: try: ut.import_modname(modname) print(modname + ' success') except ImportError as ex: failures += [modname] print(modname + ' failure') print('failures = %s' % (ut.repr3(failures),)) # print('repo_dpath = %r' % (repo_dpath,)) # print('modules = %r' % (modules,)) # import ibeis # print('found ibeis=%r' % (ibeis,)) if GET_ARGFLAG('--push'): ut.gg_command('git push') commit_msg = GET_ARGVAL('--commit', type_=str, default=None) if commit_msg is not None: ut.gg_command('git commit -am "{commit_msg}"'.format(**locals())) if GET_ARGFLAG('--clean'):
def basic_infostr(card): basic_infostr_ = ut.repr3(card.basic_infodict, nl=1) return basic_infostr_
def infostr(card): infostr_ = ut.repr3(card.infodict, nl=1) return infostr_
def detect_opencv_keypoints(): import cv2 import vtool as vt import numpy as np # NOQA #img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(ut.get_argval('--fname', default='lena.png')) img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(ut.get_argval('--fname', default='zebra.png')) imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath) imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(imgBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) def from_cv2_kpts(cv2_kp): kp = ([0],[1], cv2_kp.size, 0, cv2_kp.size, cv2_kp.angle) return kp print('\n'.join(ut.search_module(cv2, 'create', recursive=True))) detect_factory = { #'BLOB': cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create, #'HARRIS' : HarrisWrapper.create, #'SIFT': cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create, # really DoG 'SURF': cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create, # really harris corners 'MSER': cv2.MSER_create, #'StarDetector_create', } extract_factory = { 'SIFT': cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create, 'SURF': cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create, #'DAISY': cv2.xfeatures2d.DAISY_create, 'FREAK': cv2.xfeatures2d.FREAK_create, #'LATCH': cv2.xfeatures2d.LATCH_create, #'LUCID': cv2.xfeatures2d.LUCID_create, #'ORB': cv2.ORB_create, } mask = None type_to_kpts = {} type_to_desc = {} key = 'BLOB' key = 'MSER' for key in detect_factory.keys(): factory = detect_factory[key] extractor = factory() # For MSERS need to adapt shape and then convert into a keypoint repr if hasattr(extractor, 'detectRegions'): # bboxes are x,y,w,h regions, bboxes = extractor.detectRegions(imgGray) # ellipse definition from [Fitzgibbon95] # p518 # ell = [c_x, c_y, R_x, R_y, theta] # (cx, cy) = conic center # Rx and Ry = conic radii # theta is the counterclockwise angle fitz_ellipses = [cv2.fitEllipse(mser) for mser in regions] # #hulls = [cv2.convexHull(p.reshape(-1, 1, 2)) for p in regions] #hull_ells = [cv2.fitEllipse(hull[:, 0]) for hull in hulls] kpts_ = [] for ell in fitz_ellipses: ((cx, cy), (rx, ry), degrees) = ell theta = np.radians(degrees) # opencv lives in radians S = vt.scale_mat3x3(rx, ry) T = vt.translation_mat3x3(cx, cy) R = vt.rotation_mat3x3(theta) #R = np.eye(3) invVR = kpt = vt.flatten_invV_mats_to_kpts(np.array([invVR]))[0] kpts_.append(kpt) kpts_ = np.array(kpts_) tt = ut.tic('Computing %r keypoints' % (key,)) try: cv2_kpts = extractor.detect(imgGray, mask) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Failed to computed %r keypoints' % (key,), iswarning=True) pass else: ut.toc(tt) type_to_kpts[key] = cv2_kpts print(list(type_to_kpts.keys())) print(ut.depth_profile(list(type_to_kpts.values()))) print('type_to_kpts = ' + ut.repr3(type_to_kpts, truncate=True)) cv2_kpts = type_to_kpts['MSER'] kp = cv2_kpts[0] # NOQA #cv2.fitEllipse(cv2_kpts[0]) cv2_kpts = type_to_kpts['SURF'] for key in extract_factory.keys(): factory = extract_factory[key] extractor = factory() tt = ut.tic('Computing %r descriptors' % (key,)) try: filtered_cv2_kpts, desc = extractor.compute(imgGray, cv2_kpts) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Failed to computed %r descriptors' % (key,), iswarning=True) pass else: ut.toc(tt) type_to_desc[key] = desc print(list(type_to_desc.keys())) print(ut.depth_profile(list(type_to_desc.values()))) print('type_to_desc = ' + ut.repr3(type_to_desc, truncate=True))
def translated_call(**kwargs): def html_newlines(text): r = '<br />\n' text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = text.replace('\r\n', r).replace('\n\r', r).replace('\r', r).replace('\n', r) return text __format__ = False # Default __format__ value ignore_cookie_set = False try: #print('Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) #print('KWARGS: %s' % (kwargs, )) #print('COOKIES: %s' % (request.cookies, )) __format__ = request.cookies.get('__format__', None) __format__ = kwargs.pop('__format__', __format__) if __format__ is not None: __format__ = str(__format__).lower() ignore_cookie_set = __format__ in ['onetime', 'true'] __format__ = __format__ in ['true', 'enabled', 'enable'] resp_tup = translate_ibeis_webcall(func, **kwargs) rawreturn, success, code, message = resp_tup except WebException as webex: ut.printex(webex) rawreturn = webex.get_rawreturn( DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE) success = False code = webex.code message = webex.message jQuery_callback = None except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex) rawreturn = '' if DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 500 errmsg = str(ex) message = 'API error, Python Exception thrown: %s' % (errmsg) if "'int' object is not iterable" in message: rawreturn = ( 'HINT: the input for this call is most likely ' 'expected to be a list. Try adding a comma at ' 'the end of the input (to cast the conversion ' 'into a list) or encapsualte the input with ' '[].') jQuery_callback = None #print('RECEIVED FORMAT: %r' % (__format__, )) if __format__: # Hack for readable error messages webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.repr3(ut.from_json(webreturn), strvals=True) try: from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() webreturn = conv.convert(webreturn) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install ansi2html', iswarning=True) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) webreturn = '<p><samp>\n' + html_newlines(webreturn) + '\n</samp></p>' webreturn = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-8">\n' + webreturn def get_func_href(funcname): url = 'http://' + request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + flask.url_for(funcname) + '?__format__=True' return '<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=url) if not success: webreturn += '<pre>See logs for details: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_current_log_text') webreturn += '<pre>Might also look into db_info: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_dbinfo') else: webreturn = translate_ibeis_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) resp = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) if not ignore_cookie_set: if __format__: resp.set_cookie('__format__', 'enabled') else: resp.set_cookie('__format__', '', expires=0) return resp
def detect(rf, forest, input_gpath_list, **kwargs): """ Run detection with a given loaded forest on a list of images Args: forest (object): the forest obejct that you want to use during detection input_gpath_list (list of str): the list of image paths that you want to test Kwargs: output_gpath_list (list of str, optional): the paralell list of output image paths for detection debugging or results; defaults to None When this list is None no images are outputted for any test images, whereas the list can be a parallel list where some values are strings and others are None output_scale_gpath_list (list of str, optional): the paralell list of output scale image paths for detection debugging or results; defaults to None When this list is None no images are outputted for any test images, whereas the list can be a parallel list where some values are strings and others are None mode (int, optional): the mode that the detector outputs; detaults to 0 0 - Hough Voting - the output is a Hough image that predicts the locations of the obejct centeroids 0 - Classification Map - the output is a classification probability map across the entire image where no regression information is utilized sensitivity (float, optional): the sensitivity of the detector; mode = 0 - defaults to 128.0 mode = 1 - defaults to 255.0 scale_list (list of float, optional): the list of floats that specifies the scales to try during testing; defaults to [1.0, 0.80, 0.65, 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10] scale > 1.0 - Upscale the image scale = 1.0 - Original image size scale < 1.0 - Downscale the image The list of scales highly impacts the performance of the detector and should be carefully chosen The scales are applied to BOTH the width and the height of the image in order to scale the image and an interpolation of OpenCV's CV_INTER_LANCZOS4 is used batch_size (int, optional): the number of images to test at a single time in paralell (if None, the number of CPUs is used); defaults to None nms_min_area_contour (int, optional): the minimum size of a centroid candidate region; defaults to 300 nms_min_area_overlap (float, optional, DEPRICATED): the allowable overlap in bounding box predictions; defaults to 0.75 serial (bool, optional): flag to signify if to run detection in serial; len(input_gpath_list) >= batch_size - defaults to False len(input_gpath_list) < batch_size - defaults to False verbose (bool, optional): verbose flag; defaults to object's verbose or selectively enabled for this function Yields: (str, (list of dict)): tuple of the input image path and a list of dictionaries specifying the detected bounding boxes The dictionaries returned by this function are of the form: centerx (int): the x position of the object's centroid Note that the center of the bounding box and the location of the object's centroid can be different centery (int): the y position of the obejct's centroid Note that the center of the bounding box and the location of the object's centroid can be different xtl (int): the top left x position of the bounding box ytl (int): the top left y position of the bounding box width (int): the width of the bounding box height (int): the hiehgt of the bounding box confidence (float): the confidence that this bounding box is of the class specified by the trees used during testing suppressed (bool, DEPRICATED): the flag of if this bounding box has been marked to be suppressed by the detection algorithm """ # Default values params = odict([ ('output_gpath_list', None), ('output_scale_gpath_list', None), ('mode', 0), ('sensitivity', None), ('scale_list', [1.0, 0.80, 0.65, 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10]), ('_scale_num', None), # This value always gets overwritten ('batch_size', None), ('nms_min_area_contour', 100), ('nms_min_area_overlap', 0.75), ('results_val_array', None), # This value always gets overwritten ('results_len_array', None), # This value always gets overwritten ('RESULT_LENGTH', None), # This value always gets overwritten ('serial', False), ('verbose', rf.verbose), ('quiet', rf.quiet), ]) ut.update_existing(params, kwargs) #print('Unused kwargs %r' % (set(kwargs.keys()) - set(params.keys()),)) params['RESULT_LENGTH'] = RESULT_LENGTH output_gpath_list = params['output_gpath_list'] output_scale_gpath_list = params['output_scale_gpath_list'] # We no longer want these parameters in params del params['output_gpath_list'] del params['output_scale_gpath_list'] if params['sensitivity'] is None: assert params['mode'] in [0, 1], 'Invalid mode provided' if params['mode'] == 0: params['sensitivity'] = 128.0 elif params['mode'] == 1: params['sensitivity'] = 255.0 # Try to determine the parallel processing batch size if params['batch_size'] is None: try: cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not params['quiet']: print('[pyrf py] Detecting with %d CPUs' % (cpu_count, )) params['batch_size'] = cpu_count except: params['batch_size'] = 8 # To eleminate downtime, add 1 to batch_size # params['batch_size'] += # Data integrity assert params['mode'] >= 0, \ 'Detection mode must be non-negative' assert 0.0 <= params['sensitivity'], \ 'Sensitivity must be non-negative' assert len(params['scale_list']) > 0 , \ 'The scale list cannot be empty' assert all( [ scale > 0.0 for scale in params['scale_list'] ]), \ 'All scales must be positive' assert params['batch_size'] > 0, \ 'Batch size must be positive' assert params['nms_min_area_contour'] > 0, \ 'Non-maximum suppression minimum contour area cannot be negative' assert 0.0 <= params['nms_min_area_overlap'] and params['nms_min_area_overlap'] <= 1.0, \ 'Non-maximum supression minimum area overlap percentage must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive)' # Convert optional parameters to C-valid default options if output_gpath_list is None: output_gpath_list = [''] * len(input_gpath_list) elif output_gpath_list is not None: assert len(output_gpath_list) == len(input_gpath_list), \ 'Output image path list is invalid or is not the same length as the input list' for index in range(len(output_gpath_list)): if output_gpath_list[index] is None: output_gpath_list[index] = '' output_gpath_list = _cast_list_to_c(ensure_bytes_strings(output_gpath_list), C_CHAR) if output_scale_gpath_list is None: output_scale_gpath_list = [''] * len(input_gpath_list) elif output_scale_gpath_list is not None: assert len(output_scale_gpath_list) == len(input_gpath_list), \ 'Output scale image path list is invalid or is not the same length as the input list' for index in range(len(output_scale_gpath_list)): if output_scale_gpath_list[index] is None: output_scale_gpath_list[index] = '' output_scale_gpath_list = _cast_list_to_c(ensure_bytes_strings(output_scale_gpath_list), C_CHAR) # Prepare for C params['_scale_num'] = len(params['scale_list']) params['scale_list'] = _cast_list_to_c(params['scale_list'], C_FLOAT) if not params['quiet']: print('[pyrf py] Detecting over %d scales' % (params['_scale_num'], )) # Run training algorithm batch_size = params['batch_size'] del params['batch_size'] # Remove this value from params batch_num = int(len(input_gpath_list) / batch_size) + 1 # Detect for each batch for batch in ut.ProgressIter(range(batch_num), lbl="[pyrf py]", freq=1, invert_rate=True): begin = time.time() start = batch * batch_size end = start + batch_size if end > len(input_gpath_list): end = len(input_gpath_list) input_gpath_list_ = input_gpath_list[start:end] output_gpath_list_ = output_gpath_list[start:end] output_scale_gpath_list_ = output_scale_gpath_list[start:end] num_images = len(input_gpath_list_) # Set image detection to be run in serial if less than half a batch to run if num_images < min(batch_size / 2, 8): params['serial'] = True # Final sanity check assert len(input_gpath_list_) == len(output_gpath_list_) and len(input_gpath_list_) == len(output_scale_gpath_list_) params['results_val_array'] = np.empty(num_images, dtype=NP_ARRAY_FLOAT) params['results_len_array'] = np.empty(num_images, dtype=C_INT) # Make the params_list params_list = [ forest, _cast_list_to_c(ensure_bytes_strings(input_gpath_list_), C_CHAR), num_images, _cast_list_to_c(ensure_bytes_strings(output_gpath_list_), C_CHAR), _cast_list_to_c(ensure_bytes_strings(output_scale_gpath_list_), C_CHAR) ] + list(params.values()) try: RF_CLIB.detect(rf.detector_c_obj, *params_list) except C.ArgumentError as ex: print('ERROR passing arguments to pyrf') print(' * params_list = %s' % (ut.repr3(params_list, nl=3),)) ut.printex(ex) results_list = _extract_np_array(params['results_len_array'], params['results_val_array'], NP_ARRAY_FLOAT, NP_FLOAT32, RESULT_LENGTH) conclude = time.time() if not params['quiet']: print('[pyrf py] Took %r seconds to compute %d images' % (conclude - begin, num_images, )) for input_gpath, result_list in zip(input_gpath_list_, results_list): if params['mode'] == 0: result_list_ = [] for result in result_list: # Unpack result into a nice Python dictionary and return temp = {} temp['centerx'] = int(result[0]) temp['centery'] = int(result[1]) temp['xtl'] = int(result[2]) temp['ytl'] = int(result[3]) temp['width'] = int(result[4]) temp['height'] = int(result[5]) temp['confidence'] = float(np.round(result[6], decimals=4)) temp['suppressed'] = int(result[7]) == 1 result_list_.append(temp) yield (input_gpath, result_list_) else: yield (input_gpath, None) results_list = None params['results_val_array'] = None params['results_len_array'] = None
def learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw={}, learnkw={}): r""" Takes the result of queries and trains a score encoder Args: qreq_ (ibeis.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters Returns: vtool.ScoreNormalizer: encoder CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show -t default: python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show -a default:size=40 -t default:fg_on=False,lnbnn_on=False,ratio_thresh=1.0,K=1,Knorm=6,sv_on=False,normalizer_rule=name --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -t default:K=1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 # LOOK AT THIS python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 #python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=parzen -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 #python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=norm_parzen -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> learnkw = {} >>> datakw = NormFeatScoreConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default']) >>> encoder = learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw, learnkw) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr()) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ cm_list = qreq_.execute() print('learning scorenorm') print('datakw = %s' % ut.repr3(datakw)) tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg = get_training_featscores( qreq_, cm_list, **datakw) _learnkw = dict(monotonize=True, adjust=2) _learnkw.update(learnkw) encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(**_learnkw) encoder.fit_partitioned(tp_scores, tn_scores, verbose=False) # ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_cfgstr()) # Maintain regen command info: TODO: generalize and integrate encoder._regen_info = { 'cmd': 'python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer', 'scorecfg': scorecfg, 'learnkw': learnkw, 'datakw': datakw, 'qaids': qreq_.qaids, 'daids': qreq_.daids, 'qreq_cfg': qreq_.get_full_cfgstr(), 'qreq_regen_info': getattr(qreq_, '_regen_info', {}), } # 'timestamp': ut.get_printable_timestamp(), scorecfg_safe = scorecfg scorecfg_safe = re.sub('[' + re.escape('()= ') + ']', '', scorecfg_safe) scorecfg_safe = re.sub('[' + re.escape('+*<>[]') + ']', '_', scorecfg_safe) hashid = ut.hashstr27(ut.to_json(encoder._regen_info)) naidinfo = ('q%s_d%s' % (len(qreq_.qaids), len(qreq_.daids))) cfgstr = 'featscore_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(scorecfg_safe, qreq_.ibs.get_dbname(), naidinfo, hashid) encoder.cfgstr = cfgstr return encoder
def merge_level_order(level_orders, topsort): """ Merge orders of individual subtrees into a total ordering for computation. >>> level_orders = { >>> 'multi_chip_multitest': [['dummy_annot'], ['chip'], ['multitest'], >>> ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'multi_fgweight_multitest': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['chip', 'probchip'], >>> ['keypoint'], ['fgweight'], ['multitest'], ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'multi_keypoint_nnindexer': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['chip'], ['keypoint'], >>> ['nnindexer'], ['multitest'], ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'normal': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['chip', 'probchip'], ['keypoint'], >>> ['fgweight'], ['spam'], ['multitest'], ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'nwise_notch_multitest_1': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['notch'], ['multitest'], >>> ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'nwise_notch_multitest_2': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['notch'], ['multitest'], >>> ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'nwise_notch_notchpair_1': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['notch'], ['notchpair'], >>> ['multitest'], ['multitest_score'], ], >>> 'nwise_notch_notchpair_2': [ ['dummy_annot'], ['notch'], ['notchpair'], >>> ['multitest'], ['multitest_score'], ], >>> } >>> topsort = [u'dummy_annot', u'notch', u'probchip', u'chip', u'keypoint', >>> u'fgweight', u'nnindexer', u'spam', u'notchpair', u'multitest', >>> u'multitest_score'] >>> print(ut.repr3(ut.merge_level_order(level_orders, topsort))) EG2: level_orders = {u'normal': [[u'dummy_annot'], [u'chip', u'probchip'], [u'keypoint'], [u'fgweight'], [u'spam']]} topsort = [u'dummy_annot', u'probchip', u'chip', u'keypoint', u'fgweight', u'spam'] """ import utool as ut if False: compute_order = [] level_orders = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.total_flatten, level_orders) level_sets = ut.map_dict_vals(set, level_orders) for tablekey in topsort: compute_order.append((tablekey, [groupkey for groupkey, set_ in level_sets.items() if tablekey in set_])) return compute_order else: # Do on common subgraph import itertools # Pointer to current level.: Start at the end and # then work your way up. main_ptr = len(topsort) - 1 stack = [] #from six.moves import zip_longest keys = list(level_orders.keys()) type_to_ptr = {key: -1 for key in keys} print('level_orders = %s' % (ut.repr3(level_orders),)) for count in itertools.count(0): print('----') print('count = %r' % (count,)) ptred_levels = [] for key in keys: levels = level_orders[key] ptr = type_to_ptr[key] try: level = tuple(levels[ptr]) except IndexError: level = None ptred_levels.append(level) print('ptred_levels = %r' % (ptred_levels,)) print('main_ptr = %r' % (main_ptr,)) # groupkeys, groupxs = ut.group_indices(ptred_levels) # Group keys are tablenames # They point to the (type) of the input # num_levelkeys = len(ut.total_flatten(ptred_levels)) groupkeys, groupxs = ut.group_indices(ptred_levels) main_idx = None while main_idx is None and main_ptr >= 0: target = topsort[main_ptr] print('main_ptr = %r' % (main_ptr,)) print('target = %r' % (target,)) # main_idx = ut.listfind(groupkeys, (target,)) # if main_idx is None: possible_idxs = [idx for idx, keytup in enumerate(groupkeys) if keytup is not None and target in keytup] if len(possible_idxs) == 1: main_idx = possible_idxs[0] else: main_idx = None if main_idx is None: main_ptr -= 1 if main_idx is None: print('break I') break found_groups = ut.apply_grouping(keys, groupxs)[main_idx] print('found_groups = %r' % (found_groups,)) stack.append((target, found_groups)) for k in found_groups: type_to_ptr[k] -= 1 if len(found_groups) == len(keys): main_ptr -= 1 if main_ptr < 0: print('break E') break print('stack = %s' % (ut.repr3(stack),)) print('have = %r' % (sorted(ut.take_column(stack, 0)),)) print('need = %s' % (sorted(ut.total_flatten(level_orders.values())),)) compute_order = stack[::-1] return compute_order
def cluster_query(model, query_vars=None, evidence=None, soft_evidence=None, method=None, operation='maximize'): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-cluster_query --show ParamGrid: >>> param_grid = dict( >>> #method=['approx', 'bf', 'bp'], >>> method=['approx', 'bp'], >>> ) >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid) >>> index = 0 >>> keys = 'method'.split(', ') >>> method, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys) Setup: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> other_evidence = {} >>> name_evidence = [1, None, None, 0] >>> score_evidence = [2, 0, 2] >>> special_names = ['fred', 'sue', 'tom', 'paul'] >>> model = make_name_model( >>> num_annots=4, num_names=4, num_scores=3, verbose=True, mode=1, >>> special_names=special_names) >>> method = None >>> model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( >>> model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) >>> query_vars = ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['name'], 'variable') Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, >>> method=method) >>> print(ut.repr2(query_results['top_assignments'], nl=1)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> pgm_ext.show_model(model, evidence=evidence, **query_results) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) if query_vars is None: query_vars = model.nodes() orig_query_vars = query_vars # NOQA query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, list(evidence.keys())) if method is None: method = ut.get_argval('--method', type_=str, default='bp') reduced_joint = compute_reduced_joint(model, query_vars, evidence, method, operation) new_reduced_joint = collapse_factor_labels(model, reduced_joint, evidence) if False: report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint) # FIXME: are these max marginals? max_marginals = {} for i, var in enumerate(query_vars): one_out = query_vars[:i] + query_vars[i + 1:] max_marginals[var] = new_reduced_joint.marginalize(one_out, inplace=False) # max_marginals[var] = joint2.maximize(one_out, inplace=False) factor_list = max_marginals.values() # Now find the most likely state reduced_variables = new_reduced_joint.variables new_state_idxs = np.array(new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)) new_values = new_reduced_joint.values.ravel() sortx = new_values.argsort()[::-1] sort_new_state_idxs = new_state_idxs.take(sortx, axis=0) sort_new_values = new_values.take(sortx) sort_new_states = list(zip(*[ ut.dict_take(model.statename_dict[var], idx) for var, idx in zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_state_idxs.T)])) # Better map assignment based on knowledge of labels map_assign = dict(zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_states[0])) sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls = [ ut.repr2(dict(zip(reduced_variables, lbls)), explicit=True, nobraces=True, strvals=True) for lbls in sort_new_states ] top_assignments = list(zip(sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls[:4], sort_new_values)) if len(sort_new_values) > 3: top_assignments += [('other', 1 - sum(sort_new_values[:4]))] query_results = { 'factor_list': factor_list, 'top_assignments': top_assignments, 'map_assign': map_assign, 'method': method, } print('query_results = %s' % (ut.repr3(query_results, nl=2),)) return query_results
def cluster_query(model, query_vars=None, evidence=None, soft_evidence=None, method=None, operation='maximize'): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-cluster_query --show GridParams: >>> param_grid = dict( >>> #method=['approx', 'bf', 'bp'], >>> method=['approx', 'bp'], >>> ) >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid) >>> index = 0 >>> keys = 'method'.split(', ') >>> method, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys) GridSetup: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> other_evidence = {} >>> name_evidence = [1, None, None, 0] >>> score_evidence = [2, 0, 2] >>> special_names = ['fred', 'sue', 'tom', 'paul'] >>> model = make_name_model( >>> num_annots=4, num_names=4, num_scores=3, verbose=True, mode=1, >>> special_names=special_names) >>> method = None >>> model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( >>> model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) >>> query_vars = ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds[NAME_TTYPE], 'variable') GridExample: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, >>> method=method) >>> print(ut.repr2(query_results['top_assignments'], nl=1)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> from ibeis.algo.hots import pgm_viz >>> pgm_viz.show_model(model, evidence=evidence, **query_results) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) if query_vars is None: query_vars = model.nodes() orig_query_vars = query_vars # NOQA query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, list(evidence.keys())) if method is None: method = ut.get_argval('--method', type_=str, default='bp') reduced_joint = compute_reduced_joint(model, query_vars, evidence, method, operation) new_reduced_joint = collapse_factor_labels(model, reduced_joint, evidence) if False: report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint) # FIXME: are these max marginals? max_marginals = {} for i, var in enumerate(query_vars): one_out = query_vars[:i] + query_vars[i + 1:] max_marginals[var] = new_reduced_joint.marginalize(one_out, inplace=False) # max_marginals[var] = joint2.maximize(one_out, inplace=False) factor_list = max_marginals.values() # Now find the most likely state reduced_variables = new_reduced_joint.variables new_state_idxs = np.array(new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)) new_values = new_reduced_joint.values.ravel() sortx = new_values.argsort()[::-1] sort_new_state_idxs = new_state_idxs.take(sortx, axis=0) sort_new_values = new_values.take(sortx) sort_new_states = list(zip(*[ ut.dict_take(model.statename_dict[var], idx) for var, idx in zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_state_idxs.T)])) # Better map assignment based on knowledge of labels map_assign = dict(zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_states[0])) sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls = [ ut.repr2(dict(zip(reduced_variables, lbls)), explicit=True, nobraces=True, strvals=True) for lbls in sort_new_states ] top_assignments = list(zip(sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls[:4], sort_new_values)) if len(sort_new_values) > 3: top_assignments += [('other', 1 - sum(sort_new_values[:4]))] query_results = { 'factor_list': factor_list, 'top_assignments': top_assignments, 'map_assign': map_assign, 'method': method, } print('query_results = %s' % (ut.repr3(query_results, nl=2),)) return query_results