Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_summary(profile_block_list, maxlines=20):
    time_list = [get_block_totaltime(block) for block in profile_block_list]
    time_list = [time if time is not None else -1 for time in time_list]
    blockid_list = [get_block_id(block) for block in profile_block_list]
    sortx = ut.list_argsort(time_list)
    sorted_time_list = ut.take(time_list, sortx)
    sorted_blockid_list = ut.take(blockid_list, sortx)

    aligned_blockid_list = ut.util_str.align_lines(sorted_blockid_list, ':')
    summary_lines = [('%6.2f seconds - ' % time) + line
                     for time, line in
                     zip(sorted_time_list, aligned_blockid_list)]
    #summary_header = ut.codeblock(
    #    '''

    #    The Pystone timings are not from kernprof, so they may include kernprof
    #    overhead, whereas kernprof timings do not (unless the line being
    #    profiled is also decorated with kernrof)

    #    The kernprof times are reported in Timer Units

    #    ''')
    summary_lines_ = ut.listclip(summary_lines, maxlines, fromback=True)
    summary_text = '\n'.join(summary_lines_)
    return summary_text
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testdata_smk(*args, **kwargs):
    >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_pipeline import *  # NOQA
    >>> kwargs = {}
    import wbia
    import sklearn
    import sklearn.model_selection

    # import sklearn.model_selection
    ibs, aid_list = wbia.testdata_aids(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
    nid_list = np.array(ibs.annots(aid_list).nids)
    rng = ut.ensure_rng(0)
    xvalkw = dict(n_splits=4, shuffle=False, random_state=rng)

    skf = sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold(**xvalkw)
    train_idx, test_idx = six.next(skf.split(aid_list, nid_list))
    daids = ut.take(aid_list, train_idx)
    qaids = ut.take(aid_list, test_idx)

    config = {
        'num_words': 1000,
    qreq_ = SMKRequest(ibs, qaids, daids, config)
    smk = qreq_.smk
    # qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, cfgdict={'pipeline_root': 'smk', 'proot': 'smk'})
    # qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, cfgdict={})
    return ibs, smk, qreq_
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def isect_info(self, other):
        set1 = set(self.rel_fpath_list)
        set2 = set(other.rel_fpath_list)

        set_comparisons = ut.odict([
            ('s1', set1),
            ('s2', set2),
            ('union', set1.union(set2)),
            ('isect', set1.intersection(set2)),
            ('s1 - s2', set1.difference(set2)),
            ('s2 - s1', set1.difference(set1)),
        stat_stats = ut.map_vals(len, set_comparisons)
        return set_comparisons

        if False:
            idx_lookup1 = ut.make_index_lookup(self.rel_fpath_list)
            idx_lookup2 = ut.make_index_lookup(other.rel_fpath_list)

            uuids1 = ut.take(self.uuids,
                             ut.take(idx_lookup1, set_comparisons['union']))
            uuids2 = ut.take(other.uuids,
                             ut.take(idx_lookup2, set_comparisons['union']))

            uuids1 == uuids2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_factor_text(factor, name):
    collapse_uniform = True
    if collapse_uniform and ut.almost_allsame(factor.values):
        # Reduce uniform text
        ftext = name + ':\nuniform(%.3f)' % (factor.values[0], )
        values = factor.values
            rowstrs = [
                'p(%s)=%.3f' % (
                ) for n, v in zip(zip(*factor.statenames), values)
        except Exception:
            rowstrs = [
                'p(%s)=%.3f' % (
                ) for n, v in zip(factor._row_labels(False), values)
        idxs = ut.list_argmaxima(values)
        for idx in idxs:
            rowstrs[idx] += '*'
        thresh = 4
        always_sort = True
        if len(rowstrs) > thresh:
            sortx = factor.values.argsort()[::-1]
            rowstrs = ut.take(rowstrs, sortx[0:(thresh - 1)])
            rowstrs += ['... %d more' % ((len(values) - len(rowstrs)), )]
        elif always_sort:
            sortx = factor.values.argsort()[::-1]
            rowstrs = ut.take(rowstrs, sortx)
        ftext = name + ': \n' + '\n'.join(rowstrs)
    return ftext
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_qreq_annot_nids(qreq_, aids):
     # uses own internal state to grab name rowids instead of using wbia.
     if not hasattr(qreq_, 'aid_to_idx'):
     idxs = ut.take(qreq_.aid_to_idx, aids)
     nids = ut.take(qreq_.unique_nids, idxs)
     return nids
Ejemplo n.º 6
def show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, weight_mask_m, weight_mask, daids, fnum=None):
    import plottool as pt
    from ibeis import viz
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    idx_list = ut.dict_take(cm.daid2_idx, daids)
    nPlots = len(idx_list) + 1
    nRows, nCols = pt.get_square_row_cols(nPlots)
    pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows, nCols)
    pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 2, 1))
    # Draw coverage masks with bbox
    # <FlipHack>
    #weight_mask_m = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask_m))
    #weight_mask = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask))
    # </FlipHack>
    stacked_weights, offset_tup, sf_tup = vt.stack_images(weight_mask_m, weight_mask, return_sf=True)
    (woff, hoff) = offset_tup[1]
    wh1 = weight_mask_m.shape[0:2][::-1]
    wh2 = weight_mask.shape[0:2][::-1]
    pt.imshow(255 * (stacked_weights), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0), title='(query image) What did match vs what should match')
    pt.draw_bbox((   0,    0) + wh1, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1))
    pt.draw_bbox((woff, hoff) + wh2, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1))
    # Get contributing matches
    qaid = cm.qaid
    daid_list = daids
    fm_list = ut.take(cm.fm_list, idx_list)
    fs_list = ut.take(cm.fs_list, idx_list)
    # Draw matches
    for px, (daid, fm, fs) in enumerate(zip(daid_list, fm_list, fs_list), start=1):
        viz.viz_matches.show_matches2(qreq_.ibs, qaid, daid, fm, fs,
                                      draw_pts=False, draw_lines=True,
                                      draw_ell=False, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(px),
    coverage_score = score_matching_mask(weight_mask_m, weight_mask)
    pt.set_figtitle('score=%.4f' % (coverage_score,))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make_factor_text(factor, name):
    collapse_uniform = True
    if collapse_uniform and ut.almost_allsame(factor.values):
        # Reduce uniform text
        ftext = name + ':\nuniform(%.3f)' % (factor.values[0],)
        values = factor.values
            rowstrs = ['p(%s)=%.3f' % (','.join(n), v,)
                       for n, v in zip(zip(*factor.statenames), values)]
        except Exception:
            rowstrs = ['p(%s)=%.3f' % (','.join(n), v,)
                       for n, v in zip(factor._row_labels(False), values)]
        idxs = ut.list_argmaxima(values)
        for idx in idxs:
            rowstrs[idx] += '*'
        thresh = 4
        always_sort = True
        if len(rowstrs) > thresh:
            sortx = factor.values.argsort()[::-1]
            rowstrs = ut.take(rowstrs, sortx[0:(thresh - 1)])
            rowstrs += ['... %d more' % ((len(values) - len(rowstrs)),)]
        elif always_sort:
            sortx = factor.values.argsort()[::-1]
            rowstrs = ut.take(rowstrs, sortx)
        ftext = name + ': \n' + '\n'.join(rowstrs)
    return ftext
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def phis_flags_list(X, idxs):
     """ get subset of non-aggregated residual vectors """
     phis_list = ut.take(X.rvecs_list, idxs)
     flags_list = ut.take(X.flags_list, idxs)
     if X.int_rvec:
         phis_list = ut.lmap(smk_funcs.uncast_residual_integer, phis_list)
     return phis_list, flags_list
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def unnest_data(data):
     unnested_cols = list(zip(ut.take(data, idxs2)))
     nested_cols = ut.take(data, idxs1)
     grouped_items = [nested_cols, unnested_cols]
     groupxs = [idxs1, idxs2]
     unflat = ut.ungroup(grouped_items, groupxs, nested_nCols - 1)
     return tuple(ut.flatten(unflat))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_summary(profile_block_list, maxlines=20):
    time_list = [get_block_totaltime(block) for block in profile_block_list]
    time_list = [time if time is not None else -1 for time in time_list]
    blockid_list = [get_block_id(block) for block in profile_block_list]
    sortx = ut.list_argsort(time_list)
    sorted_time_list = ut.take(time_list, sortx)
    sorted_blockid_list = ut.take(blockid_list, sortx)

    aligned_blockid_list = ut.util_str.align_lines(sorted_blockid_list, ':')
    summary_lines = [('%6.2f seconds - ' % time) + line
                     for time, line in
                     zip(sorted_time_list, aligned_blockid_list)]
    #summary_header = ut.codeblock(
    #    '''

    #    The Pystone timings are not from kernprof, so they may include kernprof
    #    overhead, whereas kernprof timings do not (unless the line being
    #    profiled is also decorated with kernrof)

    #    The kernprof times are reported in Timer Units

    #    ''')
    summary_lines_ = ut.listclip(summary_lines, maxlines, fromback=True)
    summary_text = '\n'.join(summary_lines_)
    return summary_text
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=5):
    gets the index of the annots in the top groundtrue name and the top
    groundfalse names.

        cm (ibeis.ChipMatch):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        num(int): number of false names (default = 5)

        tuple: (tp_idxs, tn_idxs)
            cm.daid_list[tp_idxs] are all of the
               annotations in the correct name.
            cm.daid_list[tn_idxs] are all of the
               annotations in the top `num_false` incorrect names.

        python -m ibeis --tf get_topname_training_idxs --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm('PZ_MTEST', a='default:dindex=0:10,qindex=0:1', t='best')
        >>> num = 1
        >>> (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num)
        >>> result = ('(tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = %s' % (ut.repr2((tp_idxs, tn_idxs), nl=1),))
        >>> print(result)
        (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = (
            np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.int64),
            [3, 4, 5, 6],
    if num is None:
        num = 5
    sortx = cm.name_argsort()
    sorted_nids = vt.take2(cm.unique_nids, sortx)
    sorted_groupxs = ut.take(cm.name_groupxs, sortx)
    # name ranks of the groundtrue name
    tp_ranks = np.where(sorted_nids == cm.qnid)[0]
    if len(tp_ranks) == 0:
        #if ut.STRICT:
        #    raise Exception('tp_ranks=0')
            raise UnbalancedExampleException('tp_ranks=0')

    # name ranks of the top groundfalse names
    tp_rank = tp_ranks[0]
    tn_ranks = [rank for rank in range(num + 1)
                if rank != tp_rank and rank < len(sorted_groupxs)]
    if len(tn_ranks) == 0:
        #if ut.STRICT:
        #    raise Exception('tn_ranks=0')
            raise UnbalancedExampleException('tn_ranks=0')
    # annot idxs of the examples
    tp_idxs = sorted_groupxs[tp_rank]
    tn_idxs = ut.flatten(ut.take(sorted_groupxs, tn_ranks))
    return tp_idxs, tn_idxs
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def biggest_files(drive):
     print('Biggest Files in %r' % (drive,))
     sortx = ut.list_argsort(drive.fpath_bytes_list)[::-1]
     sel = sortx[0:10]
     biggest_nbytes = ut.take(drive.fpath_bytes_list, sel)
     biggest_files = ut.take(drive.fpath_list, sel)
     biginfo_list = list(zip(map(ut.byte_str2, biggest_nbytes), biggest_files))
     print(ut.list_str(biginfo_list, strvals=True))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def permute_columns(self, new_order, inplace=True):
     import utool as ut
     self.header = ut.take(self.header, new_order)
     self.header_tags = ut.take(self.header_tags, new_order)
     self.row_data = ut.listT(ut.take(ut.listT(self.row_data), new_order))
     if self.short_header is not None:
         self.short_header = ut.take(self.short_header, new_order)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def permute_columns(self, new_order, inplace=True):
     import utool as ut
     self.header = ut.take(self.header, new_order)
     self.header_tags = ut.take(self.header_tags, new_order)
     self.row_data = ut.listT(ut.take(ut.listT(self.row_data), new_order))
     if self.short_header is not None:
         self.short_header = ut.take(self.short_header, new_order)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bow_vector(X, wx_to_weight, nwords):
    import vtool as vt
    wxs = sorted(list(X.wx_set))
    tf = np.array(ut.take(X.termfreq, wxs))
    idf = np.array(ut.take(wx_to_weight, wxs))
    bow_ = tf * idf
    bow_ = vt.normalize(bow_)
    bow = SparseVector(dict(zip(wxs, bow_)))
    X.bow = bow
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def biggest_files(drive):
     print('Biggest Files in %r' % (drive, ))
     sortx = ut.list_argsort(drive.fpath_bytes_list)[::-1]
     sel = sortx[0:10]
     biggest_nbytes = ut.take(drive.fpath_bytes_list, sel)
     biggest_files = ut.take(drive.fpath_list, sel)
     biginfo_list = list(
         zip(map(ut.byte_str2, biggest_nbytes), biggest_files))
     print(ut.repr2(biginfo_list, strvals=True))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def residual_args(vocab, vecs, nAssign, int_rvec):
    fx_to_vecs = vecs
    fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws = smk_funcs.assign_to_words(vocab, fx_to_vecs, nAssign)
    wx_to_fxs, wx_to_maws = smk_funcs.invert_assigns(fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws)
    wx_list = sorted(wx_to_fxs.keys())

    word_list = ut.take(vocab.wx_to_word, wx_list)
    fxs_list = ut.take(wx_to_fxs, wx_list)
    maws_list = ut.take(wx_to_maws, wx_list)
    argtup = (wx_list, word_list, fxs_list, maws_list, fx_to_vecs, int_rvec)
    return argtup
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_name_shortlist_aids(
        python -m wbia.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_name_shortlist_aids

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.algo.hots.scoring import *  # NOQA
        >>> daid_list        = np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17])
        >>> dnid_list        = np.array([21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24])
        >>> annot_score_list = np.array([ 6,  2,  3,  5,  6,  3,  2])
        >>> name_score_list  = np.array([ 8,  9,  5,  4])
        >>> nid2_nidx        = {21:0, 22:1, 23:2, 24:3}
        >>> nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName = 3, 2
        >>> args = (daid_list, dnid_list, annot_score_list, name_score_list,
        ...         nid2_nidx, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName)
        >>> top_daids = get_name_shortlist_aids(*args)
        >>> result = str(top_daids)
        >>> print(result)
        [15, 14, 11, 13, 16]
    unique_nids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(np.array(dnid_list))
    grouped_annot_scores = vt.apply_grouping(annot_score_list, groupxs)
    grouped_daids = vt.apply_grouping(np.array(daid_list), groupxs)
    # Ensure name score list is aligned with the unique_nids
    aligned_name_score_list = name_score_list.take(
        ut.dict_take(nid2_nidx, unique_nids))
    # Sort each group by the name score
    group_sortx = aligned_name_score_list.argsort()[::-1]
    _top_daid_groups = ut.take(grouped_daids, group_sortx)
    _top_annot_score_groups = ut.take(grouped_annot_scores, group_sortx)
    top_daid_groups = ut.listclip(_top_daid_groups, nNameShortList)
    top_annot_score_groups = ut.listclip(_top_annot_score_groups,
    # Sort within each group by the annotation score
    top_daid_sortx_groups = [
        for annot_score_group in top_annot_score_groups
    top_sorted_daid_groups = vt.ziptake(top_daid_groups, top_daid_sortx_groups)
    top_clipped_daids = [
        ut.listclip(sorted_daid_group, nAnnotPerName)
        for sorted_daid_group in top_sorted_daid_groups
    top_daids = ut.flatten(top_clipped_daids)
    return top_daids
Ejemplo n.º 19
def show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_,
    import plottool as pt
    from ibeis import viz
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    idx_list = ut.dict_take(cm.daid2_idx, daids)
    nPlots = len(idx_list) + 1
    nRows, nCols = pt.get_square_row_cols(nPlots)
    pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows, nCols)
    pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 2, 1))
    # Draw coverage masks with bbox
    # <FlipHack>
    #weight_mask_m = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask_m))
    #weight_mask = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask))
    # </FlipHack>
    stacked_weights, offset_tup, sf_tup = vt.stack_images(weight_mask_m,
    (woff, hoff) = offset_tup[1]
    wh1 = weight_mask_m.shape[0:2][::-1]
    wh2 = weight_mask.shape[0:2][::-1]
    pt.imshow(255 * (stacked_weights),
              title='(query image) What did match vs what should match')
    pt.draw_bbox((0, 0) + wh1, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1))
    pt.draw_bbox((woff, hoff) + wh2, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1))
    # Get contributing matches
    qaid = cm.qaid
    daid_list = daids
    fm_list = ut.take(cm.fm_list, idx_list)
    fs_list = ut.take(cm.fs_list, idx_list)
    # Draw matches
    for px, (daid, fm, fs) in enumerate(zip(daid_list, fm_list, fs_list),
    coverage_score = score_matching_mask(weight_mask_m, weight_mask)
    pt.set_figtitle('score=%.4f' % (coverage_score, ))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def new_external_annot(aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws, int_rvec):
    wx_to_fxs, wx_to_maws = smk_funcs.invert_assigns(fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws)
    X = inverted_index.SingleAnnot()
    X.aid = aid
    # Build Aggregate Residual Vectors
    X.wx_list = np.array(sorted(wx_to_fxs.keys()), dtype=np.int32)
    X.wx_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(X.wx_list)
    X.int_rvec = int_rvec
    X.wx_set = set(X.wx_list)
    # TODO: maybe use offset list structure instead of heavy nesting
    X.fxs_list = ut.take(wx_to_fxs, X.wx_list)
    X.maws_list = ut.take(wx_to_maws, X.wx_list)
    return X
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def take(self, idxs):
     Creates a subset of the list using the specified indices.
     rowids = ut.take(self._rowids, idxs)
     # Create a new instance pointing only to the requested subset
     newself = self.__class__(rowids, ibs=self._ibs, config=self._config,
     # Pass along any internally cached values
     _new_internal = {key: ut.take(val, idxs)
                      for key, val in self._internal_attrs.items()}
     newself._internal_attrs = _new_internal
     return newself
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey(ibs, aids1, aids2):
    # The directed nature of this makes a few things difficult and may cause
    # odd behavior
    am_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey(aids1, aids2)
    idxs = ut.where([r is None for r in am_rowids])
    # Check which ones are None
    aids1_ = ut.take(aids1, idxs)
    aids2_ = ut.take(aids2, idxs)
    am_rowids_ = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey(aids2_, aids1_)
    # Use the other rowid if found
    for idx, rowid in zip(idxs, am_rowids_):
        am_rowids[idx] = rowid
    return am_rowids
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def biggest_dirs(drive):
        print('Biggest Dirs in %r' % (drive,))
        dpath_list = drive.dpath_list
        fidxs_list = ut.dict_take(drive.dpath_to_fidx, dpath_list)
        unflat_dpath_bytes_list = ut.list_unflat_take(drive.fpath_bytes_list, fidxs_list)
        dpath_nbytes_list = list(map(sum, unflat_dpath_bytes_list))

        sortx = ut.list_argsort(dpath_nbytes_list)[::-1]
        sel = sortx[0:10]
        biggest_nbytes = ut.take(dpath_nbytes_list, sel)
        biggest_dpaths = ut.take(dpath_list, sel)
        biginfo_list = list(zip(map(ut.byte_str2, biggest_nbytes), biggest_dpaths))
        print(ut.list_str(biginfo_list, strvals=True))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def biggest_dirs(drive):
        print('Biggest Dirs in %r' % (drive, ))
        dpath_list = drive.dpath_list
        fidxs_list = ut.dict_take(drive.dpath_to_fidx, dpath_list)
        unflat_dpath_bytes_list = ut.list_unflat_take(drive.fpath_bytes_list,
        dpath_nbytes_list = list(map(sum, unflat_dpath_bytes_list))

        sortx = ut.list_argsort(dpath_nbytes_list)[::-1]
        sel = sortx[0:10]
        biggest_nbytes = ut.take(dpath_nbytes_list, sel)
        biggest_dpaths = ut.take(dpath_list, sel)
        biginfo_list = list(
            zip(map(ut.byte_str2, biggest_nbytes), biggest_dpaths))
        print(ut.repr2(biginfo_list, strvals=True))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def predict_proba_df(clf, X_df, class_names=None):
    Calls sklearn classifier predict_proba but then puts results in a dataframe
    using the same index as X_df and incorporating all possible class_names
    if class_names is not None:
        columns = ut.take(class_names, clf.classes_)
        columns = None
    if len(X_df) == 0:
        return pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
        probs = clf.predict_proba(X_df)
    except ValueError:
        # solves a problem when values are infinity for whatever reason
        X = X_df.values.copy()
        X[~np.isfinite(X)] = np.nan
        probs = clf.predict_proba(X)

    probs_df = pd.DataFrame(probs, columns=columns, index=X_df.index)
    # add in zero probability for classes without training data
    if class_names is not None:
        missing = ut.setdiff(class_names, columns)
        if missing:
            for classname in missing:
                probs_df = probs_df.assign(**{
                    classname: np.zeros(len(probs_df))})
    return probs_df
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_patches(invassign, wx):
        ax_list = invassign.wx2_axs[wx]
        fx_list = invassign.wx2_fxs[wx]
        config = invassign.fstack.config
        ibs = invassign.fstack.ibs

        unique_axs, groupxs = vt.group_indices(ax_list)
        fxs_groups = vt.apply_grouping(fx_list, groupxs)

        unique_aids = ut.take(invassign.fstack.ax2_aid, unique_axs)

        all_kpts_list = ibs.depc.d.get_feat_kpts(unique_aids, config=config)
        sub_kpts_list = vt.ziptake(all_kpts_list, fxs_groups, axis=0)

        chip_list = ibs.depc_annot.d.get_chips_img(unique_aids)
        # convert to approprate colorspace
        #if colorspace is not None:
        #    chip_list = vt.convert_image_list_colorspace(chip_list, colorspace)
        # ut.print_object_size(chip_list, 'chip_list')
        patch_size = 64
        grouped_patches_list = [
            vt.get_warped_patches(chip, kpts, patch_size=patch_size)[0]
            for chip, kpts in ut.ProgIter(zip(chip_list, sub_kpts_list),
                                          lbl='warping patches')
        # Make it correspond with original fx_list and ax_list
        word_patches = vt.invert_apply_grouping(grouped_patches_list, groupxs)
        return word_patches
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def flat_compute_rmi_edges(inputs):
        Defines order of computation that maps input_ids to target_ids.

            python -m dtool.input_helpers flat_compute_rmi_edges

            list: compute_edges
                Each item is a tuple of input/output RootMostInputs
                    ([parent_1, ..., parent_n], node_i)
                All parents should be known before you reach the i-th item in
                the list.
                Results of the the i-th item may be used in subsequent item

            >>> from dtool.input_helpers import *  # NOQA
            >>> from dtool.example_depcache2 import *  # NOQA
            >>> depc =testdata_custom_annot_depc([
            ...    dict(tablename='chips', parents=['annot']),
            ...    dict(tablename='Notch_Tips', parents=['annot']),
            ...    dict(tablename='Cropped_Chips', parents=['chips', 'Notch_Tips']),
            ... ])
            >>> table = depc['Cropped_Chips']
            >>> inputs = exi_inputs = table.rootmost_inputs.total_expand()
            >>> compute_rmi_edges = exi_inputs.flat_compute_rmi_edges()
            >>> input_rmis = compute_rmi_edges[-1][0]
            >>> result = ut.repr2(input_rmis)
            >>> print(result)
            [chips[t, t:1, 1:1], Notch_Tips[t, t:1, 1:1]]
        sink = list(ut.nx_sink_nodes(inputs.exi_graph))[0]
        exi_graph = inputs.exi_graph
        compute_rmi_edges = []

        flat_compute_order = inputs.flat_compute_order()
        exi_graph = inputs.exi_graph
        for output_node in flat_compute_order:
            input_nodes = list(exi_graph.predecessors(output_node))
            # input_edges = [(node, output_node, node.branch_id.k) for node in input_nodes]
            input_edges = [(node, output_node) for node in input_nodes]

            # another sorting strategy. maybe this is correct.
            sortx = [
                for e in input_edges
            input_nodes = ut.take(input_nodes, sortx)

            input_rmis = [
                RootMostInput(node, sink, exi_graph) for node in input_nodes

            # input_rmis = sort_rmi_list(input_rmis)

            output_rmis = RootMostInput(output_node, sink, exi_graph)
            edge = (input_rmis, output_rmis)
        return compute_rmi_edges
Ejemplo n.º 28
def execute_singles(qreq_):
    if qreq_.use_single_cache:
        qaid_to_hit = _load_singles(qreq_)
        qaid_to_hit = {}
    hit_all = len(qaid_to_hit) == len(qreq_.qaids)
    hit_any = len(qaid_to_hit) > 0

    if hit_all:
        qaid_to_cm = qaid_to_hit
        if hit_any:
            logger.info('... partial cm cache hit %d/%d' %
                        (len(qaid_to_hit), len(qreq_)))
            hit_aids = list(qaid_to_hit.keys())
            miss_aids = ut.setdiff(qreq_.qaids, hit_aids)
            qreq_miss = qreq_.shallowcopy(miss_aids)
            qreq_miss = qreq_
        # Compute misses
        qaid_to_cm = execute_and_save(qreq_miss)
        # Merge misses with hits
        if hit_any:
    cm_list = ut.take(qaid_to_cm, qreq_.qaids)
    return cm_list
Ejemplo n.º 29
def sort_rmi_list(rmi_list):
        python -m dtool.input_helpers sort_rmi_list

        >>> from dtool.input_helpers import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache2 import *  # NOQA
        >>> depc =testdata_custom_annot_depc([
        ...    dict(tablename='Notch_Tips', parents=['annot']),
        ...    dict(tablename='chips', parents=['annot']),
        ...    dict(tablename='Cropped_Chips', parents=['chips', 'Notch_Tips']),
        ... ])
        >>> table = depc['Cropped_Chips']
        >>> inputs = exi_inputs = table.rootmost_inputs
        >>> compute_rmi_edges = exi_inputs.flat_compute_rmi_edges()
        >>> input_rmis = compute_rmi_edges[-1][0]
        >>> rmi_list = input_rmis[::-1]
        >>> rmi_list = sort_rmi_list(rmi_list)
        >>> assert rmi_list[0].node[0] == 'chips'
    # Order the input rmis via declaration
    reverse_compute_branches = [rmi.compute_order()[::-1] for rmi in rmi_list]
    # print('rmi_list = %r' % (rmi_list,))
    # rmi = rmi_list[0]  # hack
    # reverse_compute_branches = [path[::-1] for path in nx.all_simple_paths(rmi.exi_graph, rmi.node, rmi.sink)]
    sort_keys = [
        tuple([r.branch_id.parent_colx for r in rs])
        for rs in reverse_compute_branches
    sortx = ut.argsort(sort_keys)
    rmi_list = ut.take(rmi_list, sortx)
    return rmi_list
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _cm_breaking(infr, cm_list=None, review_cfg={}):
        >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import *  # NOQA
        >>> review_cfg = {}
        if cm_list is None:
            cm_list = infr.cm_list
        ranks_top = review_cfg.get('ranks_top', None)
        ranks_bot = review_cfg.get('ranks_bot', None)

        # Construct K-broken graph
        edges = []

        if ranks_bot is None:
            ranks_bot = 0

        for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
            score_list = cm.annot_score_list
            rank_list = ut.argsort(score_list)[::-1]
            sortx = ut.argsort(rank_list)

            top_sortx = sortx[:ranks_top]
            bot_sortx = sortx[len(sortx) - ranks_bot :]
            short_sortx = ut.unique(top_sortx + bot_sortx)

            daid_list = ut.take(cm.daid_list, short_sortx)
            for daid in daid_list:
                u, v = (cm.qaid, daid)
                if v < u:
                    u, v = v, u
                edges.append((u, v))
        return edges
Ejemplo n.º 31
def report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint):
    # compute partitioning statistics
    import vtool as vt
    vals, idxs = vt.group_indices(new_reduced_joint.values.ravel())
    #groupsize = list(map(len, idxs))
    #groupassigns = ut.unflat_vecmap(new_reduced_joint.assignment, idxs)
    all_states = new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)
    clusterstats = [tuple(sorted(list(ut.dict_hist(a).values())))
                    for a in all_states]
    grouped_vals = ut.group_items(new_reduced_joint.values.ravel(),

    #probs_assigned_to_clustertype = [(
    #    sorted(np.unique(np.array(b).round(decimals=5)).tolist())[::-1], a)
    #    for a, b in grouped_vals.items()]
    probs_assigned_to_clustertype = [(
        ut.dict_hist(np.array(b).round(decimals=5)), a)
        for a, b in grouped_vals.items()]
    sortx = ut.argsort([max(c[0].keys())
                        for c in probs_assigned_to_clustertype])
    probs_assigned_to_clustertype = ut.take(probs_assigned_to_clustertype, sortx)

    # This list of 2-tuples with the first item being the unique
    # probabilies that are assigned to a cluster type along with the number
    # of times they were assigned. A cluster type is the second item. Every
    # number represents how many annotations were assigned to a specific
    # label. The length of that list is the number of total labels.  For
    # all low scores you will see [[{somenum: 1}, {0: 800}], [1, 1, 1, ... 1]]
    # indicating that that the assignment of everyone to a different label happend once
    # where the probability was somenum and a 800 times where the probability was 0.

    #print(sorted([(b, a) for a, b in ut.map_dict_vals(sum, x)]).items())
    #z = sorted([(b, a) for a, b in ut.map_dict_vals(sum, grouped_vals).items()])
    print(ut.repr2(probs_assigned_to_clustertype, nl=2, precision=2, sorted_=True))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint):
    # compute partitioning statistics
    import vtool as vt
    vals, idxs = vt.group_indices(new_reduced_joint.values.ravel())
    #groupsize = list(map(len, idxs))
    #groupassigns = ut.unflat_vecmap(new_reduced_joint.assignment, idxs)
    all_states = new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)
    clusterstats = [tuple(sorted(list(ut.dict_hist(a).values())))
                    for a in all_states]
    grouped_vals = ut.group_items(new_reduced_joint.values.ravel(),

    #probs_assigned_to_clustertype = [(
    #    sorted(np.unique(np.array(b).round(decimals=5)).tolist())[::-1], a)
    #    for a, b in grouped_vals.items()]
    probs_assigned_to_clustertype = [(
        ut.dict_hist(np.array(b).round(decimals=5)), a)
        for a, b in grouped_vals.items()]
    sortx = ut.argsort([max(c[0].keys())
                        for c in probs_assigned_to_clustertype])
    probs_assigned_to_clustertype = ut.take(probs_assigned_to_clustertype, sortx)

    # This list of 2-tuples with the first item being the unique
    # probabilies that are assigned to a cluster type along with the number
    # of times they were assigned. A cluster type is the second item. Every
    # number represents how many annotations were assigned to a specific
    # label. The length of that list is the number of total labels.  For
    # all low scores you will see [[{somenum: 1}, {0: 800}], [1, 1, 1, ... 1]]
    # indicating that that the assignment of everyone to a different label happend once
    # where the probability was somenum and a 800 times where the probability was 0.

    #print(sorted([(b, a) for a, b in ut.map_dict_vals(sum, x)]).items())
    #z = sorted([(b, a) for a, b in ut.map_dict_vals(sum, grouped_vals).items()])
    print(ut.repr2(probs_assigned_to_clustertype, nl=2, precision=2, sorted_=True))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def find_requested_hrefs(all_href_list, py_version, pkg_list):
    Filters out everything but the requested urls
    Returns the urls to download the requested installers
    print('Filtering to only requested HREFS')
    href_list1, missing1 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, pkg_list,
                                            OS_VERSION, py_version)
    #print('missing1 = %r' % (missing1,))
    href_list2, missing2 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, missing1,
                                            OS_VERSION, py_version)
    #print('missing2 = %r' % (missing2,))
    href_list3, missing3 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, missing2, 'x64',
                                            py_version.replace('p', 'P'))
    #print('missing3 = %r' % (missing3,))
    href_list4, missing4 = filter_href_list(
        all_href_list, missing3, 'any',
        py_version.replace('cp', 'py')[0:3])

    if len(missing4) > 0:
        print('Could not find a match for missing4=%r' % (missing4, ))
        #import Levenshtein
        for pkg in missing4:
            #dist_list = [Levenshtein.distance(href, pkg) for href in all_href_list]
            dist_list = [
                0 if (href.find(pkg) > -1) else 100 for href in all_href_list
            closest_matche_xs = ut.list_argsort(dist_list)[::1]
            print('Perhaps pkg=%r could match one of these?' % (pkg, ))
            closest_hrefs = ut.take(all_href_list, closest_matche_xs[0:3])
            print(ut.indentjoin(closest_hrefs, '\n   '))

    href_list = href_list1 + href_list2 + href_list3 + href_list4
    return href_list
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def get_patches(invassign, wx):
        ax_list = invassign.wx2_axs[wx]
        fx_list = invassign.wx2_fxs[wx]
        config = invassign.fstack.config
        ibs = invassign.fstack.ibs

        unique_axs, groupxs = vt.group_indices(ax_list)
        fxs_groups = vt.apply_grouping(fx_list, groupxs)

        unique_aids = ut.take(invassign.fstack.ax2_aid, unique_axs)

        all_kpts_list = ibs.depc.d.get_feat_kpts(unique_aids, config=config)
        sub_kpts_list = vt.ziptake(all_kpts_list, fxs_groups, axis=0)

        chip_list = ibs.depc_annot.d.get_chips_img(unique_aids)
        # convert to approprate colorspace
        #if colorspace is not None:
        #    chip_list = vt.convert_image_list_colorspace(chip_list, colorspace)
        # ut.print_object_size(chip_list, 'chip_list')
        patch_size = 64
        grouped_patches_list = [
            vt.get_warped_patches(chip, kpts, patch_size=patch_size)[0]
            for chip, kpts in ut.ProgIter(zip(chip_list, sub_kpts_list),
                                          lbl='warping patches')
        # Make it correspond with original fx_list and ax_list
        word_patches = vt.invert_apply_grouping(grouped_patches_list, groupxs)
        return word_patches
Ejemplo n.º 35
def load_ordered_annots(data_uri_order, query_uri_order):
    # Open the wbia version of oxford
    import wbia

    ibs = wbia.opendb('Oxford')

    def reorder_annots(_annots, uri_order):
        intern_uris = get_annots_imgid(_annots)
        lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(intern_uris)
        _reordered = _annots.take(ut.take(lookup, uri_order))
        return _reordered

    # Load database annotations and reorder them to agree with internals
    _dannots = ibs.annots(ibs.filter_annots_general(has_none='query'))
    data_annots = reorder_annots(_dannots, data_uri_order)

    # Load query annototations and reorder to standard order
    _qannots = ibs.annots(ibs.filter_annots_general(has_any='query'))
    query_annots = reorder_annots(_qannots, query_uri_order)

    # Map each query annot to its corresponding data index
    dgid_to_dx = ut.make_index_lookup(data_annots.gids)
    qx_to_dx = ut.take(dgid_to_dx, query_annots.gids)

    return ibs, query_annots, data_annots, qx_to_dx
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def find_needsmove_to_other(self, other):
        hash1 = self.get_prop('md5_stride')
        hash2 = other.get_prop('md5_stride')
        idxs1 = list(range(len(hash1)))

        hash_to_idxs = ut.group_items(idxs1, hash1)
        # Find what we have that other doesnt have and move it there
        other_missing = set(hash1).difference(hash2)
        missing_idxs1 = ut.flatten(ut.take(hash_to_idxs, other_missing))

        data = ut.ColumnLists({
            self.get_prop('fname', missing_idxs1),
            self.get_prop('dname', missing_idxs1),
            self.get_prop('full_path', missing_idxs1),
            self.get_prop('nbytes', missing_idxs1),
        data = data.compress([f != 'Thumbs.db' for f in data['fname']])
        data['ext'] = self.get_prop('ext', data['idx'])
        data.print(ignore=['full_path', 'dname'])
Ejemplo n.º 37
        def _heuristic_weighting(nodes, avail_uv):
            avail_uv = np.array(avail_uv)
            weights = np.ones(len(avail_uv))

            if 'view_weight' in enabled_heuristics:
                from vtool import _rhomb_dist

                view_edge = [(node_to_view[u], node_to_view[v]) for (u, v) in avail_uv]
                view_weight = np.array(
                    [_rhomb_dist.VIEW_CODE_DIST[(v1, v2)] for (v1, v2) in view_edge]
                # Assume comparable by default and prefer undefined
                # more than probably not, but less than definately so.
                view_weight[np.isnan(view_weight)] = 1.5
                # Prefer viewpoint 10x more than time
                weights += 10 * view_weight

            if 'time_weight' in enabled_heuristics:
                # Prefer linking annotations closer in time
                times = ut.take(node_to_time, nodes)
                maxtime = vt.safe_max(times, fill=1, nans=False)
                mintime = vt.safe_min(times, fill=0, nans=False)
                time_denom = maxtime - mintime
                # Try linking by time for lynx data
                time_delta = np.array(
                    [abs(node_to_time[u] - node_to_time[v]) for u, v in avail_uv]
                time_weight = time_delta / time_denom
                weights += time_weight

            weights = np.array(weights)
            weights[np.isnan(weights)] = 1.0

            avail = [(u, v, {'weight': w}) for (u, v), w in zip(avail_uv, weights)]
            return avail
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def duplicates(self):
     uuid_to_dupxs = ut.find_duplicate_items(self.uuids)
     dup_fpaths = [
         ut.take(self.rel_fpath_list, idxs)
         for idxs in uuid_to_dupxs.values()
     return dup_fpaths
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def compute_gammas(inva, alpha, thresh):
         >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
         >>> from ibeis.algo.smk.inverted_index import *  # NOQA
         >>> qreq_, inva = testdata_inva()
         >>> inva.wx_to_weight = inva.compute_word_weights('uniform')
         >>> alpha = 3.0
         >>> thresh = 0.0
         >>> gamma_list = inva.compute_gammas(alpha, thresh)
     # TODO: sep
     wx_to_weight = inva.wx_to_weight
     _prog = ut.ProgPartial(length=len(inva.wx_lists),
     _iter = zip(inva.wx_lists, inva.agg_rvecs, inva.agg_flags)
     gamma_list = []
     for wx_list, phiX_list, flagsX_list in _prog(_iter):
         if inva.int_rvec:
             phiX_list = smk_funcs.uncast_residual_integer(phiX_list)
         weight_list = np.array(ut.take(wx_to_weight, wx_list))
         gammaX = smk_funcs.gamma_agg(phiX_list, flagsX_list, weight_list,
                                      alpha, thresh)
     return gamma_list
Ejemplo n.º 40
def find_requested_hrefs(all_href_list, py_version, pkg_list):
    Filters out everything but the requested urls
    Returns the urls to download the requested installers
    print('Filtering to only requested HREFS')
    href_list1, missing1  = filter_href_list(all_href_list, pkg_list, OS_VERSION, py_version)
    #print('missing1 = %r' % (missing1,))
    href_list2, missing2 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, missing1, OS_VERSION, py_version)
    #print('missing2 = %r' % (missing2,))
    href_list3, missing3 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, missing2, 'x64', py_version.replace('p', 'P'))
    #print('missing3 = %r' % (missing3,))
    href_list4, missing4 = filter_href_list(all_href_list, missing3, 'any', py_version.replace('cp', 'py')[0:3])

    if len(missing4) > 0:
        print('Could not find a match for missing4=%r' % (missing4,))
        #import Levenshtein
        for pkg in missing4:
            #dist_list = [Levenshtein.distance(href, pkg) for href in all_href_list]
            dist_list = [0 if (href.find(pkg) > -1) else 100 for href in all_href_list]
            closest_matche_xs = ut.list_argsort(dist_list)[::1]
            print('Perhaps pkg=%r could match one of these?' % (pkg,))
            closest_hrefs = ut.take(all_href_list, closest_matche_xs[0:3])
            print(ut.indentjoin(closest_hrefs, '\n   '))

    href_list = href_list1 + href_list2 + href_list3 + href_list4
    return href_list
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def compute_annot_occurrence_ids(ibs, aid_list):
     from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_occurrence
     gid_list = ibs.get_annot_gids(aid_list)
     gid2_aids = ut.group_items(aid_list, gid_list)
     flat_imgsetids, flat_gids = preproc_occurrence.ibeis_compute_occurrences(ibs, gid_list, seconds_thresh=4 * 60 * 60, verbose=False)
     occurid2_gids = ut.group_items(flat_gids, flat_imgsetids)
     occurid2_aids = {oid: ut.flatten(ut.take(gid2_aids, gids)) for oid, gids in occurid2_gids.items()}
     return occurid2_aids
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def _update_state(model):
     import networkx as nx
     nodes = sorted(list(model.graph.nodes()))
     edges = list(model.graph.edges())
     edge2_weights = nx.get_edge_attributes(model.graph, 'weight')
     node2_labeling = nx.get_node_attributes(model.graph, 'name_label')
     edge_weights = ut.take(edge2_weights, edges)
     labeling = ut.take(node2_labeling, nodes)
     n_nodes = len(nodes)
     # Model state
     model.n_nodes = n_nodes
     model.edges = edges
     model.edge_weights = edge_weights
     # Model parameters
     model.labeling = np.zeros(model.n_nodes, dtype=np.int32)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def get_total_nbytes(drive, fidx_list=None):
     if fidx_list is None:
         if drive.fpath_bytes_list_ is None:
             return None
     if fidx_list is None:
         return np.nansum(drive.fpath_bytes_list)
         return np.nansum(ut.take(drive.fpath_bytes_list, fidx_list))
Ejemplo n.º 44
def chain_crf():
    from pystruct.datasets import load_letters
    letters = load_letters()
    X, y, folds = ut.take(letters, ['data', 'labels', 'folds'])
    X, y = np.array(X), np.array(y)
    X_train, X_test = X[folds == 1], X[folds != 1]
    y_train, y_test = y[folds == 1], y[folds != 1]
Ejemplo n.º 45
def get_graph_bounding_box(graph):
    import utool as ut
    import networkx as nx
    import vtool as vt
    #nx.get_node_attrs = nx.get_node_attributes
    nodes = list(graph.nodes())
    pos_list = ut.take(nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'pos'), nodes)
    shape_list = ut.take(nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'size'), nodes)

    node_extents = np.array([
        vt.extent_from_bbox(vt.bbox_from_center_wh(xy, wh))
        for xy, wh in zip(pos_list, shape_list)
    tl_x, br_x, tl_y, br_y = node_extents.T
    extent = tl_x.min(), br_x.max(), tl_y.min(), br_y.max()
    bbox = vt.bbox_from_extent(extent)
    return bbox
Ejemplo n.º 46
def get_name_shortlist_aids(daid_list, dnid_list, annot_score_list,
                            name_score_list, nid2_nidx,
                            nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName):
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_name_shortlist_aids

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import *  # NOQA
        >>> # build test data
        >>> daid_list        = np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17])
        >>> dnid_list        = np.array([21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24])
        >>> annot_score_list = np.array([ 6,  2,  3,  5,  6,  3,  2])
        >>> name_score_list  = np.array([ 8,  9,  5,  4])
        >>> nid2_nidx        = {21:0, 22:1, 23:2, 24:3}
        >>> nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName = 3, 2
        >>> # execute function
        >>> args = (daid_list, dnid_list, annot_score_list, name_score_list,
        ...         nid2_nidx, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName)
        >>> top_daids = get_name_shortlist_aids(*args)
        >>> # verify results
        >>> result = str(top_daids)
        >>> print(result)
        [15, 14, 11, 13, 16]
    unique_nids, groupxs    = vt.group_indices(np.array(dnid_list))
    grouped_annot_scores    = vt.apply_grouping(annot_score_list, groupxs)
    grouped_daids           = vt.apply_grouping(np.array(daid_list), groupxs)
    # Ensure name score list is aligned with the unique_nids
    aligned_name_score_list = name_score_list.take(ut.dict_take(nid2_nidx, unique_nids))
    # Sort each group by the name score
    group_sortx             = aligned_name_score_list.argsort()[::-1]
    _top_daid_groups        = ut.take(grouped_daids, group_sortx)
    _top_annot_score_groups = ut.take(grouped_annot_scores, group_sortx)
    top_daid_groups         = ut.listclip(_top_daid_groups, nNameShortList)
    top_annot_score_groups  = ut.listclip(_top_annot_score_groups, nNameShortList)
    # Sort within each group by the annotation score
    top_daid_sortx_groups   = [annot_score_group.argsort()[::-1]
                               for annot_score_group in top_annot_score_groups]
    top_sorted_daid_groups  = vt.ziptake(top_daid_groups, top_daid_sortx_groups)
    top_clipped_daids = [ut.listclip(sorted_daid_group, nAnnotPerName)
                         for sorted_daid_group in top_sorted_daid_groups]
    top_daids = ut.flatten(top_clipped_daids)
    return top_daids
Ejemplo n.º 47
def show_name(ibs, nid, in_image=True, fnum=0, sel_aids=[], subtitle='',
              annote=False, aid_list=None, index_list=None,  **kwargs):
        ibs (IBEISController):  ibeis controller object
        nid (?):
        in_image (bool):
        fnum (int):  figure number
        sel_aids (list):
        subtitle (str):
        annote (bool):


        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_name --dpath ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015 --save 'figures/{name}.jpg' --no-figtitle --notitle --db NNP_Master3 --figsize=9,4 --clipwhite --dpi=180 --adjust=.05 --index_list=[0,1,2,3] --rc=2,4 --append temp_out_figure.tex --name=IBEIS_PZ_0739 --no-draw_lbls --doboth --no-inimage  --diskshow

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_name --no-figtitle --notitle --db NNP_Master3 --figsize=9,4 --clipwhite --dpi=180 --adjust=.05 --index_list=[0,1,2,3] --rc=2,4 --append temp_out_figure.tex --name=IBEIS_PZ_0739 --no-draw_lbls --doboth --no-inimage  --show

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_name --test-show_name --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_name import *  # NOQA
        >>> ibs, nid, in_image, index_list = testdata_showname()
        >>> fnum = 0
        >>> sel_aids = []
        >>> subtitle = ''
        >>> annote = False
        >>> # execute function
        >>> show_name(ibs, nid, in_image, fnum, sel_aids, subtitle, annote, index_list=index_list)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    print('[viz_name] show_name nid=%r, index_list=%r, aid_list=%r' % (nid, index_list, aid_list))
    if aid_list is None:
        aid_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nid)
        assert ut.list_all_eq_to(ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_list), nid)

    if index_list is not None:
        aid_list = ut.take(aid_list, index_list)

    name = ibs.get_name_texts((nid,))
    print('[viz_name] * name=%r aid_list=%r' % (name, aid_list))

    show_multiple_chips(ibs, aid_list, in_image=in_image, fnum=fnum,
                        sel_aids=sel_aids, annote=annote, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(nid, np.ndarray):
        nid = nid[0]
    if isinstance(name, np.ndarray):
        name = name[0]

    use_figtitle = not ut.get_argflag('--no-figtitle')

    if use_figtitle:
        figtitle = 'Name View nid=%r name=%r' % (nid, name)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def level_order(graph):
    import utool as ut
    node_to_level = ut.nx_dag_node_rank(graph)
    #source = ut.nx_source_nodes(graph)[0]
    #longest_paths = dict([(target, dag_longest_path(graph, source, target))
    #                      for target in graph.nodes()])
    #node_to_level = ut.map_dict_vals(len, longest_paths)
    grouped = ut.group_items(node_to_level.keys(), node_to_level.values())
    levels = ut.take(grouped, range(1, len(grouped) + 1))
    return levels
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def make_prob_names(infr):
        cm_list = infr.cm_list
        # Consolodate information from a series of chip matches
        unique_nids = sorted(ut.list_union(*[cm.unique_nids for cm in cm_list]))
        #nid2_nidx = ut.make_index_lookup(unique_nids)
        # Populate matrix of raw name scores
        prob_names = np.zeros((len(cm_list), len(unique_nids)))
        for count, cm in enumerate(cm_list):
                name_scores = ut.dict_take(cm.nid2_name_score, unique_nids, 0)
            except AttributeError:
                unique_nidxs = ut.take(cm.nid2_nidx, unique_nids)
                name_scores = ut.take(cm.name_score_list, unique_nidxs)
            prob_names[count][:] = name_scores

        # Normalize to row stochastic matrix
        prob_names /= prob_names.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
        #print(ut.hz_str('prob_names = ', ut.array2string2(prob_names,
        #precision=2, max_line_width=140, suppress_small=True)))
        return unique_nids, prob_names
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def jagged_stats_info(arr_, lbl, col_lbls):
     arr = ut.recursive_replace(arr_, np.inf, np.nan)
     # Treat infinite as nan
     stat_dict = ut.get_jagged_stats(arr, use_nan=True, use_sum=True)
     sel_stat_dict, sel_indices = ut.find_interesting_stats(stat_dict, col_lbls)
     sel_col_lbls = ut.take(col_lbls, sel_indices)
     statstr_kw   = dict(precision=3, newlines=True, lbl=lbl, align=True)
     stat_str     = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=stat_dict, **statstr_kw)
     sel_stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=sel_stat_dict, **statstr_kw)
     sel_stat_str = 'sel_col_lbls = %s' % (ut.list_str(sel_col_lbls),) + '\n' + sel_stat_str
     return stat_str, sel_stat_str
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def issue(repo, command, sudo=False, dry=False, error='raise', return_out=False):
        issues a command on a repo

            python -m utool.util_git --exec-repocmd

            >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from utool.util_git import *  # NOQA
            >>> import utool as ut
            >>> repo = dirname(ut.get_modpath(ut, prefer_pkg=True))
            >>> command = 'git status'
            >>> sudo = False
            >>> result = repocmd(repo, command, sudo)
            >>> print(result)
        import utool as ut
        if ut.WIN32:
            assert not sudo, 'cant sudo on windows'
        if command == 'short_status':
            return repo.short_status()
        command_list = ut.ensure_iterable(command)
        cmdstr = '\n        '.join([cmd_ for cmd_ in command_list])
        if not dry:
            print('+--- *** repocmd(%s) *** ' % (cmdstr,))
            print('repo=%s' % ut.color_text(repo.dpath, 'yellow'))
        verbose = True
        with repo.chdir_context():
            ret = None
            for count, cmd in enumerate(command_list):
                if dry:
                if not sudo or ut.WIN32:
                    # ret = os.system(cmd)
                    cmdinfo = ut.cmd2(cmd, verbout=True)
                    out, err, ret = ut.take(cmdinfo, ['out', 'err', 'ret'])
                    # cmdinfo = ut.cmd2('sudo ' + cmd, verbose=1)
                    out, err, ret = ut.cmd(cmd, sudo=True)
                if verbose > 1:
                    print('ret(%d) = %r' % (count, ret,))
                if ret != 0:
                    if error == 'raise':
                        raise Exception('Failed command %r' % (cmd,))
                    elif error == 'return':
                        return out
                        raise ValueError('unknown flag error=%r' % (error,))
                if return_out:
                    return out
        if not dry:
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def __init__(invassign, fstack, vocab, wx2_idxs, wx2_maws, wx2_fxs, wx2_axs):
     invassign.fstack = fstack
     invassign.vocab = vocab
     invassign.wx2_idxs = wx2_idxs
     invassign.wx2_maws = wx2_maws
     invassign.wx2_fxs = wx2_fxs
     invassign.wx2_axs = wx2_axs
     invassign.wx2_num = ut.map_dict_vals(len, invassign.wx2_axs)
     invassign.wx_list = sorted(invassign.wx2_num.keys())
     invassign.num_list = ut.take(invassign.wx2_num, invassign.wx_list)
     invassign.perword_stats = ut.get_stats(invassign.num_list)
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def intersect_hack():
        failed = testres.rank_mat > 0
        colx2_failed = [np.nonzero(failed_col)[0] for failed_col in failed.T]
        #failed_col2_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[1], colx2_failed[0])
        #failed_col2_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col2_only)
        failed_col1_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[0], colx2_failed[1])
        failed_col1_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col1_only)
        gt_aids1 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[0].daids)
        gt_aids2 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[1].daids)

        qaids_expt = failed_col1_only_aids
        gt_avl_aids1 = ut.flatten(gt_aids1)
        gt_avl_aids2 = list(set(ut.flatten(gt_aids2)).difference(gt_avl_aids1))

        ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids1)
        ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids2)
        #jsontext = ut.to_json({
        #    'qaids': list(qaids_expt),
        #    'dinclude_aids1': list(gt_aids_expt1),
        #    'dinclude_aids2': list(gt_aids_expt2),
        #from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs

        acfg = testres.acfg_list[0]
        import copy
        acfg1 = copy.deepcopy(acfg)
        acfg2 = copy.deepcopy(acfg)
        acfg1['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None
        acfg2['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None
        acfg1['dcfg']['min_pername'] = None
        acfg2['dcfg']['min_gt_per_name'] = None

        acfg1['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt
        acfg1['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids1
        acfg2['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt
        acfg2['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids2

        from ibeis.init import filter_annots
        from ibeis.expt import experiment_helpers

        annots1 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg1, verbose=True)
        annots2 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg2, verbose=True)

        acfg_name_list = dict(  # NOQA
            acfg_list=[acfg1, acfg2],
            expanded_aids_list=[annots1, annots2],
        test_cfg_name_list = ['candidacy_k']
        cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list = experiment_helpers.get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs=ibs)

        t1, t2 = testres_list  # NOQA
Ejemplo n.º 54
def group_images_by_label(label_arr, gid_arr):
    Input: Length N list of labels and ids
    Output: Length M list of unique labels, and lenth M list of lists of ids
    # Reverse the image to cluster index mapping
    import vtool as vt
    labels_, groupxs_ = vt.group_indices(label_arr)
    sortx = np.array(list(map(len, groupxs_))).argsort()[::-1]
    labels  = labels_.take(sortx, axis=0)
    groupxs = ut.take(groupxs_, sortx)
    label_gids = vt.apply_grouping(gid_arr, groupxs)
    return labels, label_gids
Ejemplo n.º 55
def get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=True, num=None, top_percent=None):
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_fsv --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> num = None
        >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm('PZ_MTEST', a='default:dindex=0:10,qindex=0:1', t='best')
        >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=False)
        >>> result = ('(tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = %s' % (ut.repr2((tp_fsv, tn_fsv), nl=1),))
        >>> print(result)
    if namemode:
        tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=num)
        tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num=num)

    # Keep only the top scoring half of the feature matches
    # top_percent = None
    if top_percent is not None:
        cm_orig = cm

        tophalf_indicies = [
            ut.take_percentile(fs.argsort()[::-1], top_percent)
            for fs in cm.get_fsv_prod_list()
        cm = cm_orig.take_feature_matches(tophalf_indicies, keepscores=True)

        assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tp_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tp_idxs))
        assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tn_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tn_idxs))

    tp_fsv = np.vstack(ut.take(cm.fsv_list, tp_idxs))
    tn_fsv = np.vstack(ut.take(cm.fsv_list, tn_idxs))
    return tp_fsv, tn_fsv
Ejemplo n.º 56
def simplify_graph(graph):
    strips out everything but connectivity

        graph (nx.Graph):

        nx.Graph: new_graph

        python3 -m utool.util_graph simplify_graph --show
        python2 -m utool.util_graph simplify_graph --show

        python2 -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__)"
        python3 -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__)"

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_graph import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> graph = nx.DiGraph([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'),
        >>>                     ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'e'),
        >>>                     ('d', 'e'), ('c', 'e'), ('c', 'd')])
        >>> new_graph = simplify_graph(graph)
        >>> result = ut.repr2(list(new_graph.edges()))
        >>> #adj_list = sorted(list(nx.generate_adjlist(new_graph)))
        >>> #result = ut.repr2(adj_list)
        >>> print(result)
        [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)]

        ['0 1 2 3 4', '1 3 4', '2 4', '3', '4 3']
    import utool as ut
    nodes = sorted(list(graph.nodes()))
    node_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(nodes)
    if graph.is_multigraph():
        edges = list(graph.edges(keys=True))
        edges = list(graph.edges())
    new_nodes = ut.take(node_lookup, nodes)
    if graph.is_multigraph():
        new_edges = [(node_lookup[e[0]], node_lookup[e[1]], e[2], {}) for e in edges]
        new_edges = [(node_lookup[e[0]], node_lookup[e[1]]) for e in edges]
    cls = graph.__class__
    new_graph = cls()
    return new_graph
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def get_prop(self, attrname, idxs=None):
     Caching getter
     if attrname not in self.attrs:
         self.attrs[attrname] = [None for _ in range(len(self))]
     prop_list = self.attrs[attrname]
     if idxs is None:
         idxs = list(range(len(prop_list)))
         props = prop_list
         props = ut.take(prop_list, idxs)
     miss_flags = ut.flag_None_items(props)
     if any(miss_flags):
         miss_idxs = ut.compress(idxs, miss_flags)
         miss_fpaths = self._abs(ut.take(self.rel_fpath_list, miss_idxs))
         miss_iter = getattr(self, '_' + attrname)(miss_fpaths)
         miss_iter = ut.ProgIter(miss_iter, length=len(miss_idxs),
                                 label='Compute %s' % (attrname,))
         for idx, val in zip(miss_idxs, miss_iter):
             prop_list[idx] = val
         props = ut.take(prop_list, idxs)
     return props
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def execute(request, parent_rowids=None, use_cache=None, postprocess=True):
        ut.colorprint('[req] Executing request %s' % (request,), 'yellow')
        table = request.depc[request.tablename]
        if use_cache is None:
            use_cache = not ut.get_argflag('--nocache')
        if parent_rowids is None:
            parent_rowids = request.parent_rowids
            print('given %d specific parent_rowids' % (len(parent_rowids),))

        # vsone hack (i,j) same as (j,i)
        if request._symmetric:
            import vtool as vt
            directed_edges = np.array(parent_rowids)
            undirected_edges = vt.to_undirected_edges(directed_edges)
            edge_ids = vt.compute_unique_data_ids(undirected_edges)
            unique_rows, unique_rowx, inverse_idx = np.unique(edge_ids, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
            parent_rowids_ = ut.take(parent_rowids, unique_rowx)
            parent_rowids_ = parent_rowids

        # Compute and cache any uncomputed results
        rowids = table.get_rowid(parent_rowids_, config=request,
                                 recompute=not use_cache)
        # Load all results
        result_list = table.get_row_data(rowids)

        if request._symmetric:
            result_list = ut.take(result_list, inverse_idx)

        if postprocess and hasattr(request, 'postprocess_execute'):
            print('Converting results')
            result_list = request.postprocess_execute(parent_rowids, result_list)
        return result_list
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def isect_info(self, other):
        set1 = set(self.rel_fpath_list)
        set2 = set(other.rel_fpath_list)

        set_comparisons = ut.odict([
            ('s1', set1),
            ('s2', set2),
            ('union', set1.union(set2)),
            ('isect', set1.intersection(set2)),
            ('s1 - s2', set1.difference(set2)),
            ('s2 - s1', set1.difference(set1)),
        stat_stats = ut.map_vals(len, set_comparisons)
        return set_comparisons

        if False:
            idx_lookup1 = ut.make_index_lookup(self.rel_fpath_list)
            idx_lookup2 = ut.make_index_lookup(other.rel_fpath_list)

            uuids1 = ut.take(self.uuids, ut.take(idx_lookup1, set_comparisons['union']))
            uuids2 = ut.take(other.uuids, ut.take(idx_lookup2, set_comparisons['union']))

            uuids1 == uuids2