Ejemplo n.º 1
 def canonicalise_uuid(uuid):
     import re
     uuid = str(uuid)
     _uuid_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$')
     _hex_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$')
     if _uuid_re.match(uuid):
         return uuid.upper()
     if _hex_re.match(uuid):
         return '-'.join([uuid[0:8], uuid[8:12], uuid[12:16],
                         uuid[16:20], uuid[20:]]).upper()
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
    #uuid = "E2 0A 39 F4 73 F5 4B C4 A1 2F 17 D1 AD 07 A9 61"
    uuid = get_random_uuid()
    major = randint(0, 65535)
    minor = randint(0, 65535)
    power = randint(150, 255)
    device = "hci0"
    if len(sys.argv) == 5:

            if str(sys.argv[1]):
                uuid = str(sys.argv[1])
            if str(sys.argv[2]):
                major = str(sys.argv[2])
                if major < 0 or major > 65535:
                    print "Error: major id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
            if str(sys.argv[3]):
                minor = str(sys.argv[3])
                if minor < 0 or minor > 65535:
                    print "Error: minor id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
            if str(sys.argv[4]):
                power = str(sys.argv[4])
                if power < 0 or power > 255:
                    print "Error: power id is out of bounds (0-255)"
    elif len(sys.argv) > 1:

    uuid = hexsplit(uuid.upper())

    major = hexify(major, 4)
    minor = hexify(minor, 4)

    major = hexsplit(major)
    minor = hexsplit(minor)

    power = hexify(power, 2)

    #uuid = "E2 0A 39 F4 73 F5 4B C4 A1 2F 17 D1 AD 07 A9 61"
    print uuid, major, minor, power

    executeComand("hciconfig %s up" % device)

    executeComand("hciconfig %s leadv" % device)

    executeComand("hciconfig %s noscan" % device)

        "hcitool -i %s cmd 0x08 0x0008 1E 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15 %s %s %s %s 00 >/dev/null"
        % (device, uuid, major, minor, power))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_short(self, uuid: str) -> str:
        Returns the short type for a given UUID. That means that "0000006D-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291" and "6D" both
        translates to "position.current" (after looking up "public.hap.characteristic.position.current").

        if item in self._characteristics:
            return self._characteristics[item].split('.', 3)[3]
        :param uuid: the UUID in long form or the shortened version as defined in chapter 5.6.1 page 72.
        :return: the textual representation
        orig_item = uuid
        uuid = uuid.upper()
        if uuid.endswith(self.baseUUID):
            uuid = uuid.split("-", 1)[0]
            uuid = uuid.lstrip("0")

        if uuid in self._characteristics:
            return self._characteristics[uuid].split(".", maxsplit=3)[3]

        return "Unknown Characteristic {i}".format(i=orig_item)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def id_externo(self):
     uuid = str(self.uuid)
     return uuid.upper()[:5]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv=None):

  # option flags
  global verbose
  global simulate

  # default uuid is the Digital2Go Media Networks UUID
  # can be overriden with environment variable
  uuid = os.getenv("IBEACON_UUID", "8D847D200116435F9A212FA79A706D9E")

  # major and minor ids, can be overriden with environment variable
  major = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MAJOR", "0"))
  minor = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MINOR", "0"))

  # default to the first available bluetooth device
  device = "hci0"

  # default minimum advertising interval (in milliseconds)
  min_adv = int(os.getenv("MIN_ADV_INTERVAL", "350"))

  # default maximum advertising interval (in milliseconds)
  max_adv = int(os.getenv("MAX_ADV_INTERVAL", "400"))

  # default power level
  power = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_POWER", "200"))

  # regexp to test for a valid UUID
  # here the - separators are optional
  valid_uuid_match = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$', re.I)

  # grab command line arguments
  if argv is None:
    argv = sys.argv

  # parse command line options
      opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hu:M:m:a:A:p:vd:nz", ["help", "uuid=", "major=", "minor=", "min_adv=","max_adv=","power=", "verbose", "device=", "simulate", "down"])

    except getopt.error, msg:
      raise Usage(msg)

    for o, a in opts:
      if o in ("-h", "--help"):
        print __doc__
        return 0
      elif o in ("-n", "--simulate"):
        simulate = True
        verbose = True
      elif o in ("-u", "--uuid"):
        uuid = a
        if uuid == "random":
          uuid = get_random_uuid()
      elif o in ("-M", "--major"):
        major = int(a)
      elif o in ("-m", "--minor"):
        minor = int(a)
      elif o in ("-a", "--minadv"):
        min_adv = int(a)
      elif o in ("-A", "--maxadv"):
        max_adv = int(a)
      elif o in ("-p", "--power"):
        power = int(a)
      elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
        verbose = True
      elif o in ( "-d", "--device"):
        temp_device = str(a)
        # devices can be specified as "X" or "hciX"
        if not temp_device.startswith("hci"):
          device = "hci%s" % temp_device
          device = temp_device
      elif o in ( "-z", "--down"):
        if check_for_sudo():
          if is_valid_device(device):
            print "Downing iBeacon on %s" % device
            process_command("hciconfig %s noleadv" % device)
            process_command("hciconfig %s piscan" % device)
            process_command("hciconfig %s down" % device)
            return 0
            print "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
            return 1
          return 1

    # test for valid UUID
    if not valid_uuid_match.match(uuid):
      print "Error: `%s' is an invalid UUID." % uuid
      return 1

    # strip out - symbols from uuid and turn it into uppercase
    uuid = uuid.replace("-","")
    uuid = uuid.upper()

    # bounds check major/minor ids
    if major < 0 or major > 65535:
      print "Error: major id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
      return 1
    if minor < 0 or minor > 65535:
      print "Error: minor id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
      return 1

    # Bound the advertising intervals to 100ms - 3000ms
    # Also make sure that the max > min
    if min_adv < 100 or min_adv > 3000:
      print "Error: min_adv is out of bounds (100-3000)"
      return 1
    if max_adv < 100 or max_adv > 3000:
      print "Error: max_adv is out of bounds (100-3000)"
      return 1
    if min_adv > max_adv:
      print "Error: min_adv > max_adv"
      return 1

    # bail if we're not running as superuser (don't care if we are simulating)
    if not simulate and not check_for_sudo():
      return 1

    # split the uuid into 8 bit (=2 hex digit) chunks
    split_uuid = hexsplit(uuid)

    # convert major/minor id into hex
    major_hex = hexify(major, 4)
    minor_hex = hexify(minor, 4)

    # convert min_adv/max_adv into hex
    min_adv_hex = hexify(int(min_adv/0.625), 4)
    max_adv_hex = hexify(int(max_adv/0.625), 4)

    # create split versions of these (for the hcitool command)
    split_major_hex = hexsplit(major_hex)
    split_minor_hex = hexsplit(minor_hex)

    # create split versions with endian swap for advertising intervals
    split_min_adv_hex = hexsplit(endian_swap(min_adv_hex))
    split_max_adv_hex = hexsplit(endian_swap(max_adv_hex))
    print "split min/max %s/%s" % (split_min_adv_hex, split_max_adv_hex) 
    # convert power into hex
    power_hex = hexify(power, 2)

    # make sure we are using a valid hci device
    if not simulate and not is_valid_device(device):
      print "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
      return 1
    # print status info
    print "Advertising on %s with:" % device
    print "       uuid: 0x%s" % uuid
    print "major/minor: %d/%d (0x%s/0x%s)" % (major, minor, major_hex, minor_hex)
    print "      power: %d (0x%s)" % (power, power_hex)
    print "min/max adv: %d/%d (0x%s/0x%s)" % (min_adv, max_adv, min_adv_hex, max_adv_hex)

    # first bring up bluetooth
    process_command("hciconfig %s up" % device)
    # now turn on LE advertising
    #process_command("hciconfig %s leadv" % device)
    # now turn off scanning
    process_command("hciconfig %s noscan" % device)
    # set up the beacon
    # pipe stdout to /dev/null to get rid of the ugly "here's what I did"
    # message from hcitool
    process_command("hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0008 1E 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15 %s %s %s %s 00 >/dev/null" % (split_uuid, split_major_hex, split_minor_hex, power_hex))
    process_command("hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0006 %s %s 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00" % (split_min_adv_hex, split_max_adv_hex))
    process_command("hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x000a 01")
def main(argv=None):

  # option flags
  global verbose
  global simulate

  # default uuid, this is the uuid that the "Beacon Toolkit" iOS app uses
  # https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/beacon-toolkit/id728479775
  # can be overriden with environment variable
  uuid = os.getenv("IBEACON_UUID", "E20A39F473F54BC4A12F17D1AD07A961")

  # major and minor ids, can be overriden with environment variable
  major = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MAJOR", "0"))
  minor = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MINOR", "0"))

  # default to the first available bluetooth device
  device = "hci0"

  # default power level
  power = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_POWER", "200"))

  # regexp to test for a valid UUID
  # here the - separators are optional
  valid_uuid_match = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}$', re.I)

  # grab command line arguments
  if argv is None:
    argv = sys.argv

  # parse command line options
      opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hu:M:m:p:vd:nz", ["help", "uuid=", "major=", "minor=", "power=", "verbose", "device=", "simulate", "down"])

    except getopt.error, msg:
      raise Usage(msg)

    for o, a in opts:
      if o in ("-h", "--help"):
        print __doc__
        return 0
      elif o in ("-n", "--simulate"):
        simulate = True
        verbose = True
      elif o in ("-u", "--uuid"):
        uuid = a
        if uuid == "random":
          uuid = get_random_uuid()
      elif o in ("-M", "--major"):
        major = int(a)
      elif o in ("-m", "--minor"):
        minor = int(a)
      elif o in ("-p", "--power"):
        power = int(a)
      elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
        verbose = True
      elif o in ( "-d", "--device"):
        temp_device = str(a)
        # devices can be specified as "X" or "hciX"
        if not temp_device.startswith("hci"):
          device = "hci%s" % temp_device
          device = temp_device
      elif o in ( "-z", "--down"):
        if check_for_sudo():
          if is_valid_device(device):
            print "Downing iBeacon on %s" % device
            process_command("hciconfig %s noleadv" % device)
            process_command("hciconfig %s piscan" % device)
            process_command("hciconfig %s down" % device)
            return 0
            print "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
            return 1
          return 1

    # test for valid UUID
    if not valid_uuid_match.match(uuid):
      print "Error: `%s' is an invalid UUID." % uuid
      return 1

    # strip out - symbols from uuid and turn it into uppercase
    uuid = uuid.replace("-","")
    uuid = uuid.upper()

    # bounds check major/minor ids
    if major < 0 or major > 65535:
      print "Error: major id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
      return 1
    if minor < 0 or minor > 65535:
      print "Error: minor id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
      return 1

    # bail if we're not running as superuser (don't care if we are simulating)
    if not simulate and not check_for_sudo():
      return 1

    # split the uuid into 8 bit (=2 hex digit) chunks
    split_uuid = hexsplit(uuid)

    # convert major/minor id into hex
    major_hex = hexify(major, 4)
    minor_hex = hexify(minor, 4)

    # create split versions of these (for the hcitool command)
    split_major_hex = hexsplit(major_hex)
    split_minor_hex = hexsplit(minor_hex)

    # convert power into hex
    power_hex = hexify(power, 2)

    # make sure we are using a valid hci device
    if not simulate and not is_valid_device(device):
      print "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
      return 1
    # print status info
    print "Advertising on %s with:" % device
    print "       uuid: 0x%s" % uuid
    print "major/minor: %d/%d (0x%s/0x%s)" % (major, minor, major_hex, minor_hex)
    print "      power: %d (0x%s)" % (power, power_hex)

    # first bring up bluetooth
    process_command("hciconfig %s up" % device)
    # now turn on LE advertising
    process_command("hciconfig %s leadv" % device)
    # now turn off scanning
    process_command("hciconfig %s noscan" % device)
    # set up the beacon
    # pipe stdout to /dev/null to get rid of the ugly "here's what I did"
    # message from hcitool
    process_command("hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0008 1E 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15 %s %s %s %s 00 >/dev/null" % (split_uuid, split_major_hex, split_minor_hex, power_hex))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(argv=None):
    # option flags
    global verbose
    global simulate

    # default uuid, this is the uuid that the "Beacon Toolkit" iOS app uses
    # https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/beacon-toolkit/id728479775
    # can be overriden with environment variable
    uuid = os.getenv("IBEACON_UUID", "E20A39F473F54BC4A12F17D1AD07A961")

    # major and minor ids, can be overriden with environment variable
    major = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MAJOR", "0"))
    minor = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_MINOR", "0"))

    # default to the first available bluetooth device
    device = "hci0"

    # default power level
    power = int(os.getenv("IBEACON_POWER", "200"))

    # regexp to test for a valid UUID
    # here the - separators are optional
    valid_uuid_match = re.compile(

    # grab command line arguments
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    # parse command line options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hu:M:m:p:vd:nz", [
                "help", "uuid=", "major=", "minor=", "power=", "verbose",
                "device=", "simulate", "down"

        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        for o, a in opts:
            if o in ("-h", "--help"):
                return 0
            elif o in ("-n", "--simulate"):
                simulate = True
                verbose = True
            elif o in ("-u", "--uuid"):
                uuid = a
                if uuid == "random":
                    uuid = get_random_uuid()
            elif o in ("-M", "--major"):
                major = int(a)
            elif o in ("-m", "--minor"):
                minor = int(a)
            elif o in ("-p", "--power"):
                power = int(a)
            elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
                verbose = True
            elif o in ("-d", "--device"):
                temp_device = str(a)
                # devices can be specified as "X" or "hciX"
                if not temp_device.startswith("hci"):
                    device = "hci%s" % temp_device
                    device = temp_device
            elif o in ("-z", "--down"):
                if check_for_sudo():
                    if is_valid_device(device):
                        "Downing iBeacon on %s" % device
                        process_command("hciconfig %s noleadv" % device)
                        # process_command("hciconfig %s piscan" % device)
                        process_command("hciconfig %s down" % device)
                        return 0
                        "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
                        return 1
                    return 1

        # test for valid UUID
        if not valid_uuid_match.match(uuid):
            "Error: `%s' is an invalid UUID." % uuid
            return 1

        # strip out - symbols from uuid and turn it into uppercase
        uuid = uuid.replace("-", "")
        uuid = uuid.upper()

        # bounds check major/minor ids
        if major < 0 or major > 65535:
            "Error: major id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
            return 1
        if minor < 0 or minor > 65535:
            "Error: minor id is out of bounds (0-65535)"
            return 1

        # bail if we're not running as superuser (don't care if we are simulating)
        if not simulate and not check_for_sudo():
            return 1

        # split the uuid into 8 bit (=2 hex digit) chunks
        split_uuid = hexsplit(uuid)

        # convert major/minor id into hex
        major_hex = hexify(major, 4)
        minor_hex = hexify(minor, 4)

        # create split versions of these (for the hcitool command)
        split_major_hex = hexsplit(major_hex)
        split_minor_hex = hexsplit(minor_hex)

        # convert power into hex
        power_hex = hexify(power, 2)

        # make sure we are using a valid hci device
        if not simulate and not is_valid_device(device):
            "Error: no such device: %s (try `hciconfig list')" % device
            return 1

        # print status info
        "Advertising on %s with:" % device
        "       uuid: 0x%s" % uuid
        "major/minor: %d/%d (0x%s/0x%s)" % (major, minor, major_hex, minor_hex)
        "      power: %d (0x%s)" % (power, power_hex)

        # first bring up bluetooth
        process_command("hciconfig %s up" % device)
        # now turn on LE advertising (3 => non-connectable advertisement)

        # now turn off scanning
        process_command("hciconfig %s noscan" % device)

        # set up the beacon
        # 1E Number of bytes that follow in the advertisement
        # 02 Number of bytes that follow in first AD structure
        # 01 Flags AD type
        # 1A Flags value 0x1A = 000011010
        #   bit 0 (OFF) LE Limited Discoverable Mode
        #   bit 1 (ON) LE General Discoverable Mode
        #   bit 2 (OFF) BR/EDR Not Supported
        #   bit 3 (ON) Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (controller)
        #   bit 4 (ON) Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Host)
        # 1A Number of bytes that follow in second (and last) AD structure
        # FF Manufacturer specific data AD type
        # 4C Company identifier code LSB
        # 00 Company identifier code MSB (0x004C == Apple)
        # 02 Byte 0 of iBeacon advertisement indicator
        # 15 Byte 1 of iBeacon advertisement indicator
            "hcitool -i %s cmd 0x08 0x0008 1E 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15 %s %s %s %s 00 >/dev/null"
            (device, split_uuid, split_major_hex, split_minor_hex, power_hex))

        # https://esf.eurotech.com/docs/how-to-user-bluetooth-le-beacons
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21124993/is-there-a-way-to-increase-ble-advertisement-frequency-in-bluez
        # 0-3  A0 00  min interval - A0 00 => 100ms => (100ms = 0x0A * 0.625ms), 40 06 => (1000ms = 0x0640 * 0.625ms)
        # 4-7  A0 00  max interval - A0 00 => 100ms => (100ms = 0x0A * 0.625ms), 40 06 => (1000ms = 0x0640 * 0.625ms)
        # 8-11 03 00  leadv 3
        #                                              0     4     8     12    16    20    24
            "hcitool -i %s cmd 0x08 0x0006 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00"
            % device)

        # (0x08 0x000a) is "LE Set Advertise Enable"
        process_command("hcitool -i %s cmd 0x08 0x000a 01" % device)