Ejemplo n.º 1
def pool(input,conv_mode,config):
    if config:
        pooled = {}
        for cidx in input.keys():
            pooled[cidx] = v1f.v1like_pool(input[cidx],conv_mode,**config)
        return pooled
    return input
Ejemplo n.º 2
def v1like_fromarray(arr, params, featsel):
    """ Applies a simple V1-like model and generates a feature vector from
    its outputs.

      arr -- image's array
      params -- representation parameters (dict)
      featsel -- features to include to the vector (dict)

      fvector -- corresponding feature vector


    if 'conv_mode' not in params:
        params['conv_mode'] = 'same'
    if 'color_space' not in params:
        params['color_space'] = 'gray'

    arr = sp.atleast_3d(arr)

    smallest_edge = min(arr.shape[:2])

    rep = params

    preproc_lsum = rep['preproc']['lsum_ksize']
    if preproc_lsum is None:
        preproc_lsum = 1
    smallest_edge -= (preproc_lsum-1)

    normin_kshape = rep['normin']['kshape']
    smallest_edge -= (normin_kshape[0]-1)

    filter_kshape = rep['filter']['kshape']
    smallest_edge -= (filter_kshape[0]-1)

    normout_kshape = rep['normout']['kshape']
    smallest_edge -= (normout_kshape[0]-1)

    pool_lsum = rep['pool']['lsum_ksize']
    smallest_edge -= (pool_lsum-1)

    arrh, arrw, _ = arr.shape

    if smallest_edge <= 0 and rep['conv_mode'] == 'valid':
        if arrh > arrw:
            new_w = arrw - smallest_edge + 1
            new_h =  int(np.round(1.*new_w  * arrh/arrw))
            print new_w, new_h
        elif arrh < arrw:
            new_h = arrh - smallest_edge + 1
            new_w =  int(np.round(1.*new_h  * arrw/arrh))
            print new_w, new_h

    # TODO: finish image size adjustment
    assert min(arr.shape[:2]) > 0

    # use the first 3 channels only
    orig_imga = arr.astype("float32")[:,:,:3]

    # make sure that we don't have a 3-channel (pseudo) gray image
    if orig_imga.shape[2] == 3 \
            and (orig_imga[:,:,0]-orig_imga.mean(2) < 0.1*orig_imga.max()).all() \
            and (orig_imga[:,:,1]-orig_imga.mean(2) < 0.1*orig_imga.max()).all() \
            and (orig_imga[:,:,2]-orig_imga.mean(2) < 0.1*orig_imga.max()).all():
        orig_imga = sp.atleast_3d(orig_imga[:,:,0])

    # rescale to [0,1]
    #print orig_imga.min(), orig_imga.max()
    if orig_imga.min() == orig_imga.max():
        raise MinMaxError("[ERROR] orig_imga.min() == orig_imga.max() "
                          "orig_imga.min() = %f, orig_imga.max() = %f"
                          % (orig_imga.min(), orig_imga.max())

    orig_imga -= orig_imga.min()
    orig_imga /= orig_imga.max()

    # -- color conversion
    # insure 3 dims
    #print orig_imga.shape
    if orig_imga.ndim == 2 or orig_imga.shape[2] == 1:
        orig_imga_new = sp.empty(orig_imga.shape[:2] + (3,), dtype="float32")
        orig_imga.shape = orig_imga_new[:,:,0].shape
        orig_imga_new[:,:,0] = 0.2989*orig_imga
        orig_imga_new[:,:,1] = 0.5870*orig_imga
        orig_imga_new[:,:,2] = 0.1141*orig_imga
        orig_imga = orig_imga_new

    # -
    if params['color_space'] == 'rgb':
        orig_imga_conv = orig_imga
#     elif params['color_space'] == 'rg':
#         orig_imga_conv = colorconv.rg_convert(orig_imga)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'rg2':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.rg2_convert(orig_imga)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'gray':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.gray_convert(orig_imga)
        orig_imga_conv.shape = orig_imga_conv.shape + (1,)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'opp':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.opp_convert(orig_imga)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'oppnorm':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.oppnorm_convert(orig_imga)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'chrom':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.chrom_convert(orig_imga)
#     elif params['color_space'] == 'opponent':
#         orig_imga_conv = colorconv.opponent_convert(orig_imga)
#     elif params['color_space'] == 'W':
#         orig_imga_conv = colorconv.W_convert(orig_imga)
    elif params['color_space'] == 'hsv':
        orig_imga_conv = colorconv.hsv_convert(orig_imga)
        raise ValueError, "params['color_space'] not understood"

    # -- process each map
    fvector_l = []

    for cidx in xrange(orig_imga_conv.shape[2]):
        imga0 = orig_imga_conv[:,:,cidx]

        assert(imga0.min() != imga0.max())

        # -- 0. preprocessing
        #imga0 = imga0 / 255.0

        # flip image ?
        if 'flip_lr' in params['preproc'] and params['preproc']['flip_lr']:
            imga0 = imga0[:,::-1]

        if 'flip_ud' in params['preproc'] and params['preproc']['flip_ud']:
            imga0 = imga0[::-1,:]

        # smoothing
        lsum_ksize = params['preproc']['lsum_ksize']
        conv_mode = params['conv_mode']
        if lsum_ksize is not None:
             k = sp.ones((lsum_ksize), 'f') / lsum_ksize
             imga0 = conv(conv(imga0, k[sp.newaxis,:], conv_mode),
                          k[:,sp.newaxis], conv_mode)

        # whiten full image (assume True)
        if 'whiten' not in params['preproc'] or params['preproc']['whiten']:
            imga0 -= imga0.mean()
            if imga0.std() != 0:
                imga0 /= imga0.std()

        # -- 1. input normalization
        imga1 = v1like_norm(imga0[:,:,sp.newaxis], conv_mode, **params['normin'])
        #print imga1.shape

        # -- 2. linear filtering
        filt_l = get_gabor_filters(params['filter'])
        imga2 = v1like_filter(imga1[:,:,0], conv_mode, filt_l)
        #print imga2.shape


        # -- 3. simple non-linear activation (clamping)
        minout = params['activ']['minout'] # sustain activity
        maxout = params['activ']['maxout'] # saturation
        imga3 = imga2.clip(minout, maxout)
        #print imga3.shape

        # -- 4. output normalization
        imga4 = v1like_norm(imga3, conv_mode, **params['normout'])
        #print imga4.shape

        # -- 5. sparsify ?
        if "sparsify" in params and params["sparsify"]:
            imga4 = (imga4.max(2)[:,:,None] == imga4)
            #print imga4.shape

        # -- 6. volume dimension reduction
        imga5 = v1like_pool(imga4, conv_mode, **params['pool'])
        output = imga5
        #print imga5.shape

        # -- 7. handle features to include
        feat_l = []

        # include input norm histograms ?
        f_normin_hists = featsel['normin_hists']
        if f_normin_hists is not None:
            division, nfeatures = f_norminhists
            feat_l += [rephists(imga1, division, nfeatures)]

        # include filter output histograms ?
        f_filter_hists = featsel['filter_hists']
        if f_filter_hists is not None:
            division, nfeatures = f_filter_hists
            feat_l += [rephists(imga2, division, nfeatures)]

        # include activation output histograms ?
        f_activ_hists = featsel['activ_hists']
        if f_activ_hists is not None:
            division, nfeatures = f_activ_hists
            feat_l += [rephists(imga3, division, nfeatures)]

        # include output norm histograms ?
        f_normout_hists = featsel['normout_hists']
        if f_normout_hists is not None:
            division, nfeatures = f_normout_hists
            feat_l += [rephists(imga4, division, nfeatures)]

        # include representation output histograms ?
        f_pool_hists = featsel['pool_hists']
        if f_pool_hists is not None:
            division, nfeatures = f_pool_hists
            feat_l += [rephists(imga5, division, nfeatures)]

        # include representation output ?
        f_output = featsel['output']
        if f_output and len(feat_l) != 0:
            fvector = sp.concatenate([output.ravel()]+feat_l)
            fvector = output

        fvector_l += [fvector]

    # --

    # include grayscale values ?
    f_input_gray = featsel['input_gray']
    if f_input_gray is not None:
        shape = f_input_gray
        #print orig_imga.shape
        fvector_l += [sp.misc.imresize(colorconv.gray_convert(orig_imga), shape).ravel()]

    # include color histograms ?
    f_input_colorhists = featsel['input_colorhists']
    if f_input_colorhists is not None:
        nbins = f_input_colorhists
        colorhists = sp.empty((3,nbins), 'f')
        if orig_imga.ndim == 3:
            for d in xrange(3):
                h = sp.histogram(orig_imga[:,:,d].ravel(),
                binvals = h[0].astype('f')
                colorhists[d] = binvals
            raise ValueError, "orig_imga.ndim == 3"
            #h = sp.histogram(orig_imga[:,:].ravel(),
            #                 bins=nbins,
            #                 range=[0,255])
            #binvals = h[0].astype('f')
            #colorhists[:] = binvals

        #feat_l += [colorhists.ravel()]
        fvector_l += [colorhists.ravel()]

    # -- done !
    fvector_l = [fvector.ravel() for fvector in fvector_l]
    out = sp.concatenate(fvector_l).ravel()
    return out