Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__ (self, *args):
  # {{{
    from pygeode.tools import combine_axes
    from pygeode.var import combine_meta
    import numpy as np

    assert self.op is not None, "can't instantiate UfuncVar directly"

    ivars = [i for i,v in enumerate(args) if isinstance(v, Var)]
    vars = [args[i] for i in ivars]

    axes = combine_axes(vars)

    self.args = args
    self.ivars = ivars

#    dtype = common_dtype(args)
    # create some dummy scalar args to test the dtype
    dummy_dtypes = ['int64' if isinstance(a,(int, long)) else 'float64' if isinstance(a,float) else 'complex128' if isinstance(a,complex) else a.dtype for a in args]
    dummy_args = [np.array(1,dtype=d) for d in dummy_dtypes]
    dtype = self.op(*dummy_args).dtype

    # TODO: Type check arguments. numpy arrays probably shouldn't be allowed

    # Generate a default name
    symbol = self.symbol
    names = [(arg.name or '??') if isinstance(arg,Var) else str(arg) for arg in args]
    # Strip out parentheses if there's only one name?
    if len(names) == 1:
      if names[0].startswith('(') and names[0].endswith(')'):
        names[0] = names[0][1:-1]

    if symbol is None:
      name = self.op.__name__ + '(' + ','.join(names) + ')'

    elif isinstance(symbol,(list,tuple)):
      assert len(names) == 1
      name = symbol[0] + names[0] + symbol[1]

      assert isinstance(symbol, str)
      name = '(' + symbol.join(names) + ')'

    # Special case: applying a scalar to a Var object with a simple name.
    # In this case, keep the original name.
    if len(args) == 2 and len(vars) == 1:  # One scalar, one var
      if '(' not in vars[0].name and ')' not in vars[0].name:
        if self.symbol in ('+','-','*','/'):  # Basic arithmetic only
          name = vars[0].name

#    # Copy any common generic metadata
#    self.atts = common_dict(v.atts for v in vars)
#    self.plotatts = common_dict(v.plotatts for v in vars)

    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=dtype)

    # Copy any common generic metadata
    combine_meta(vars, self)
    # Use our locally derived name (override combine_meta)
    self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, vars, iaxis=None):
    import pygeode.axis
    from pygeode.tools import common_dtype
    from pygeode.var import combine_meta
    import numpy as np

    # Use first var segment for the axes
    axes = list(vars[0].axes)
    naxes = len(axes)
    # For now, assume all segments have the same order of axes
    assert all(v.naxes == naxes for v in vars)
    for i in range(naxes):
      assert all(axes[i].isparentof(v.axes[i]) for v in vars)

    if iaxis is None:
      iaxis = set(i for v in vars for i in range(naxes) if v.axes[i] not in axes)
      assert len(iaxis) <= 1, "more than one varying axis id=%s for %s; can't concatenate"%(iaxis,repr(vars[0]))
      # Degenerate case: all segments have identical axes
      if len(iaxis) == 0:
        from warnings import warn
        warn ('all axes are identical.  Creating a fake "concat" axis', stacklevel=2)
        iaxis = naxes
        axes.append(pygeode.axis.NamedAxis(len(vars), name='concat'))
      # Standard case: exactly one concatenation axis
        iaxis = iaxis.pop()

    if not iaxis is naxes:
      # Get a numerical dimension number
      iaxis = vars[0].whichaxis(iaxis)

      # Update the list of axes with the concatenated axis included
      values = [v.axes[iaxis].values for v in vars]
      values = np.concatenate(values)
      axes[iaxis] = axes[iaxis].withnewvalues(values)

    # Get the data type
    dtype = common_dtype(vars)

    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=dtype)

    # Grab metadata from the input variables
    combine_meta (vars, self)

#    # Assign a name (and other attributes??) to the var
#    name = set(v.name for v in vars if v.name != '')
#    if len(name) == 1: self.name = name.pop()
#    # Combine the attributes (if applicable)
#    atts = common_dict([v.atts for v in vars])
#    self.atts = atts
#    # Combine the plot attributes (if applicable)
#    plotatts = common_dict([v.plotatts for v in vars])
#    self.plotatts = plotatts

    # Other stuff
    self.vars = vars
    self.iaxis = iaxis