Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_channel_info(channel_number=1):
    Get the channel info and return as a dictionary.

        [channel_medium_type]:                        802.3 LAN
        [channel_protocol_type]:                      IPMB-1.0
        [session_support]:                            multi-session
        [active_session_count]:                       0
        [protocol_vendor_id]:                         7154
        [alerting]:                                   enabled
        [per-message_auth]:                           enabled
        [user_level_auth]:                            enabled
        [access_mode]:                                always available
        [alerting]:                                   enabled
        [per-message_auth]:                           enabled
        [user_level_auth]:                            enabled
        [access_mode]:                                always available

    status, ret_values = \
        grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command  channel info " + str(channel_number))
    key_var_list = list(filter(None, ret_values.split("\n")))
    # To match the dict format, add a colon after 'Volatile(active) Settings' and 'Non-Volatile Settings'
    # respectively.
    key_var_list[6] = 'Volatile(active) Settings:'
    key_var_list[11] = 'Non-Volatile Settings:'
    result = vf.key_value_list_to_dict(key_var_list, process_indent=1)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse_nping_output(output):
    Parse the output from the nping command and return as a dictionary.

    Example of output value:

    Starting Nping 0.6.47 ( http://nmap.org/nping ) at 2019-08-07 22:05 IST
    SENT (0.0181s) TCP Source IP:37577 >
      Destination IP:80 S ttl=64 id=39113 iplen=40  seq=629782493 win=1480
    SENT (0.2189s) TCP Source IP:37577 >
      Destination IP:80 S ttl=64 id=39113 iplen=40  seq=629782493 win=1480
    RCVD (0.4120s) TCP Destination IP:80 >
      Source IP:37577 SA ttl=49 id=0 iplen=44  seq=1078301364 win=5840 <mss 1380>
    Max rtt: 193.010ms | Min rtt: 193.010ms | Avg rtt: 193.010ms
    Raw packets sent: 2 (80B) | Rcvd: 1 (46B) | Lost: 1 (50.00%)
    Nping done: 1 IP address pinged in 0.43 seconds

    Example of data returned by this function:

      [max_rtt]:                 193.010ms
      [min_rtt]:                 193.010ms
      [avg_rtt]:                 193.010ms
      [raw_packets_sent]:        2 (80B)
      [rcvd]:                    1 (46B)
      [lost]:                    1 (50.00%)
      [percent_lost]:            50.00

    Description of argument(s):
    output                          The output obtained by running an nping

    lines = output.split("\n")
    # Obtain only the lines of interest.
    lines = list(filter(lambda x: re.match(r"(Max rtt|Raw packets)", x),

    key_value_list = []
    for line in lines:
        key_value_list += line.split("|")
    nping_result = vf.key_value_list_to_dict(key_value_list)
    # Extract percent_lost value from lost field.
    nping_result['percent_lost'] = \
        float(nping_result['lost'].split(" ")[-1].strip("()%"))
    return nping_result