Ejemplo n.º 1
def do_concat (shape1, shape2, iaxis, count=[0]):
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis
  from pygeode.var import Var
  from pygeode.concat import concat
  from var_test import varTest
  import numpy as np

  # Increment test counter (and generate a unique test name)
  count[0] += 1
  testname = "concattest%05d"%(count[0])

  # Create some test data
  array1 = np.random.randn(*shape1)
  array2 = np.random.randn(*shape2)

  # Get the # of dimensions, and assign a unique axis class for each dim
  assert array1.ndim == array2.ndim
  ndim = array1.ndim
  axis_classes = (XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis)[:ndim]

  # Construct the first var
  axes = [cls(n) for cls,n in zip(axis_classes,array1.shape)]
  var1 = Var(axes = axes, values = array1, name = "myvar", atts={'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3})

  # The second var should have the same axes, except for the concatenation one
  n1 = array1.shape[iaxis]
  n2 = array2.shape[iaxis]
  axes[iaxis] = axis_classes[iaxis](np.arange(n1, n1+n2))
  var2 = Var(axes = axes, values = array2, name = "myvar", atts={'a':1, 'b':3, 'd':4})

  # Try concatenating
  var = concat(var1,var2)

  # The expected result
  expected = np.concatenate ( (array1, array2), iaxis)

  # Test this
  test = varTest(testname=testname, var=var, values=expected)

  # Store this test
  globals()[testname] = test
Ejemplo n.º 2
def do_concat (shape1, shape2, iaxis, count=[0]):
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis
  from pygeode.var import Var
  from pygeode.concat import concat
  from var_test import varTest
  import numpy as np

  # Increment test counter (and generate a unique test name)
  count[0] += 1
  testname = "concattest%05d"%(count[0])

  # Create some test data
  array1 = np.random.randn(*shape1)
  array2 = np.random.randn(*shape2)

  # Get the # of dimensions, and assign a unique axis class for each dim
  assert array1.ndim == array2.ndim
  ndim = array1.ndim
  axis_classes = (XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, TAxis)[:ndim]

  # Construct the first var
  axes = [cls(n) for cls,n in zip(axis_classes,array1.shape)]
  var1 = Var(axes = axes, values = array1, name = "myvar", atts={'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3})

  # The second var should have the same axes, except for the concatenation one
  n1 = array1.shape[iaxis]
  n2 = array2.shape[iaxis]
  axes[iaxis] = axis_classes[iaxis](np.arange(n1, n1+n2))
  var2 = Var(axes = axes, values = array2, name = "myvar", atts={'a':1, 'b':3, 'd':4})

  # Try concatenating
  var = concat(var1,var2)

  # The expected result
  expected = np.concatenate ( (array1, array2), iaxis)

  # Test this
  test = varTest(testname=testname, var=var, values=expected)

  # Store this test
  globals()[testname] = test
Ejemplo n.º 3
      sl = tuple([i] if isinstance(i,int) else i for i in sl)

      # Apply the slices one dimension at a time.
      # Avoids a 'feature' in numpy slicing when there are advanced integer
      # indices.  If there are 2 such things, numpy goes into a special
      # mode where it zips the arrays to get a list of specific coordinates,
      # then picks out those individual elements.
      # E.g., you would think that x[ [0,1], [0,1] ] would give you a 2x2
      # square array of the first 2 rows and first 2 columns of x, but noooo...
      # what it does is give you a 1D array, consisting of elements (0,0) and
      # (1,1)!!!
      expected = values
      for dim in range(naxes):
        current_sl = [slice(None)]*dim + [sl[dim]] + [slice(None)]*(naxes-1-dim)
        expected = expected[current_sl]

      # Things are just about to start getting crazy-go-nuts.
      # Pass the var and expected values to 'varTest', which in turn
      # dynamically defines a test class (subclass of unittest.TestCase)
      # to check the var for consistency.
      # We then have to take this test class, and assign it to a variable
      # (this has to be done dynamically, since we're looping over many tests).
      # 'nosetests' will then find this file, import it, and look for any
      # global variables that represent a subclass of unittest.TestCase(?),
      # then invoke the corresponding tests.
      testname = 'slicetest%05d'%count
      globals()[testname] = varTest(testname=testname, var=slicedvar, values=expected)

      count += 1