"CellML" : {
                  "modelFilename":                          variables.cellml_file,                          # input C++ source file or cellml XML file
                  "initializeStatesToEquilibrium":          False,                                          # if the equilibrium values of the states should be computed before the simulation starts
                  "initializeStatesToEquilibriumTimestepWidth": 1e-4,                                       # if initializeStatesToEquilibrium is enable, the timestep width to use to solve the equilibrium equation
                  # optimization parameters
                  "optimizationType":                       "vc",                                           # "vc", "simd", "openmp" type of generated optimizated source file
                  "approximateExponentialFunction":         True,                                           # if optimizationType is "vc", whether the exponential function exp(x) should be approximate by (1+x/n)^n with n=1024
                  "compilerFlags":                          "-fPIC -O3 -march=native -shared ",             # compiler flags used to compile the optimized model code
                  "maximumNumberOfThreads":                 0,                                              # if optimizationType is "openmp", the maximum number of threads to use. Default value 0 means no restriction.
                  # stimulation callbacks
                  "setSpecificStatesFunction":              set_specific_states,                                             # callback function that sets states like Vm, activation can be implemented by using this method and directly setting Vm values, or by using setParameters/setSpecificParameters
                  #"setSpecificStatesCallInterval":         2*int(1./variables.stimulation_frequency/variables.dt_0D),       # set_specific_states should be called variables.stimulation_frequency times per ms, the factor 2 is needed because every Heun step includes two calls to rhs
                  "setSpecificStatesCallInterval":          0,                                                               # 0 means disabled
                  "setSpecificStatesCallFrequency":         variables.get_specific_states_call_frequency(compartment_no),   # set_specific_states should be called variables.stimulation_frequency times per ms
                  "setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter":       variables.get_specific_states_frequency_jitter(compartment_no), # random value to add or substract to setSpecificStatesCallFrequency every stimulation, this is to add random jitter to the frequency
                  "setSpecificStatesRepeatAfterFirstCall":  0.01,                                                            # [ms] simulation time span for which the setSpecificStates callback will be called after a call was triggered
                  "setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin":       variables.get_specific_states_call_enable_begin(compartment_no),# [ms] first time when to call setSpecificStates
                  "additionalArgument":                     compartment_no,
                  "mappings":                               variables.mappings,                             # mappings between parameters and algebraics/constants and between outputConnectorSlots and states, algebraics or parameters, they are defined in helper.py
                  "parametersInitialValues":                variables.parameters_initial_values,            #[0.0, 1.0],      # initial values for the parameters: I_Stim, l_hs
                  "meshName":                               "3Dmesh",                                       # use the linear mesh, it was partitioned by the helper.py script which called opendihu/scripts/create_partitioned_meshes_for_settings.py
                  "stimulationLogFilename":                 "out/stimulation.log",
                  # output writer for states, algebraics and parameters                
									"OutputWriter" : [
                    {"format": "Paraview", "outputInterval": (int)(1./variables.dt_0D*variables.output_timestep_multidomain), "filename": "out/" + variables.scenario_name + "/0D_all", "binary": True, "fixedFormat": False, "combineFiles": True, "fileNumbering": "incremental"}
                  ] if variables.states_output else []
   "initializeStatesToEquilibriumTimestepWidth": 1e-4,                                       # if initializeStatesToEquilibrium is enable, the timestep width to use to solve the equilibrium equation
   # optimization parameters
   "optimizationType":                       "vc" if variables.use_vc else "simd",           # "vc", "simd", "openmp" type of generated optimizated source file
   "approximateExponentialFunction":         True,                                           # if optimizationType is "vc", whether the exponential function exp(x) should be approximate by (1+x/n)^n with n=1024
   "compilerFlags":                          "-fPIC -O3 -march=native -Wno-deprecated-declarations -shared ",             # compiler flags used to compile the optimized model code
   "maximumNumberOfThreads":                 0,                                              # if optimizationType is "openmp", the maximum number of threads to use. Default value 0 means no restriction.
   # stimulation callbacks
   #"libraryFilename":                       "cellml_simd_lib.so",                           # compiled library
   #"setSpecificParametersFunction":         set_specific_parameters,                        # callback function that sets parameters like stimulation current
   #"setSpecificParametersCallInterval":     int(1./variables.stimulation_frequency/variables.dt_0D),         # set_specific_parameters should be called every 0.1, 5e-5 * 1e3 = 5e-2 = 0.05
   "setSpecificStatesFunction":              set_specific_states,                                             # callback function that sets states like Vm, activation can be implemented by using this method and directly setting Vm values, or by using setParameters/setSpecificParameters
   #"setSpecificStatesCallInterval":         2*int(1./variables.stimulation_frequency/variables.dt_0D),       # set_specific_states should be called variables.stimulation_frequency times per ms, the factor 2 is needed because every Heun step includes two calls to rhs
   "setSpecificStatesCallInterval":          0,                                                               # 0 means disabled
   "setSpecificStatesCallFrequency":         variables.get_specific_states_call_frequency(fiber_no, motor_unit_no),   # set_specific_states should be called variables.stimulation_frequency times per ms
   "setSpecificStatesFrequencyJitter":       variables.get_specific_states_frequency_jitter(fiber_no, motor_unit_no), # random value to add or substract to setSpecificStatesCallFrequency every stimulation, this is to add random jitter to the frequency
   "setSpecificStatesRepeatAfterFirstCall":  0.01,                                                            # [ms] simulation time span for which the setSpecificStates callback will be called after a call was triggered
   "setSpecificStatesCallEnableBegin":       variables.get_specific_states_call_enable_begin(fiber_no, motor_unit_no),# [ms] first time when to call setSpecificStates
   "additionalArgument":                     fiber_no,                                       # last argument that will be passed to the callback functions set_specific_states, set_specific_parameters, etc.
   # parameters to the cellml model
   "mappings":                               variables.mappings,                             # mappings between parameters and algebraics/constants and between outputConnectorSlots and states, algebraics or parameters, they are defined in helper.py
   "parametersInitialValues":                variables.parameters_initial_values,            #[0.0, 1.0],      # initial values for the parameters: I_Stim, l_hs
   "meshName":                               "MeshFiber_{}".format(fiber_no),                # reference to the fiber mesh
   "stimulationLogFilename":                 "out/stimulation.log",                          # a file that will contain the times of stimulations
 "OutputWriter" : []
 #  {"format": "Paraview", "outputInterval": 1, "filename": "out/" + variables.scenario_name + "/0D_states({},{})".format(fiber_in_subdomain_coordinate_x,fiber_in_subdomain_coordinate_y), "binary": True, "fixedFormat": False, "combineFiles": True, "fileNumbering": "incremental"}