def execute(self, context):
        if not context.node:
            Debug.PrintError("No active node!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        if context.node.bl_idname != "VRayNodeMtlVRmat":
            Debug.PrintError("Selected node is not of type VRayNodeMtlVRmat!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        MtlVRmat = context.node.MtlVRmat
        if not MtlVRmat.filename:
            Debug.PrintError("Filepath is not set!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        filePath = os.path.normpath(bpy.path.abspath(MtlVRmat.filename))
        if not os.path.exists(filePath):
            Debug.PrintError("File doesn't exist!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        if filePath.endswith(".vrscene"):
            VRAY_MT_MaterialName.ma_list = GetMaterialsNames(filePath)
            VRAY_MT_MaterialName.ma_list = GetXMLMaterialsNames(filePath)


        return {'FINISHED'}
    def execute(self, context):
        node = context.node
        if not node:
            Debug.PrintError("No active node!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        if node.bl_idname != "VRayNodeMtlVRmat":
            Debug.PrintError("Selected node is not of type VRayNodeMtlVRmat!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        MtlVRmat = node.MtlVRmat
        if not MtlVRmat.filename:
            Debug.PrintError("Filepath is not set!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        if not MtlVRmat.mtlname:
            Debug.PrintError("Material is not chosen!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        filePath = os.path.normpath(bpy.path.abspath(MtlVRmat.filename))
        if not os.path.exists(filePath):
            Debug.PrintError("File doesn't exist!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        namePrefix = ""
        vrsceneDict = []
        if filePath.endswith(".vrscene"):
            vrsceneDict = ParseVrscene(filePath)
            vrsceneDict = ParseVrmat(filePath)
            namePrefix = "/"

        # Preview data from the file
        # for pluginDesc in vrsceneDict:
        #     pluginID    = pluginDesc['ID']
        #     pluginName  = pluginDesc['Name']
        #     pluginAttrs = pluginDesc['Attributes']
        #     print("Plugin:")
        #     print("  Type: %s" % pluginID)
        #     print("  Name: %s" % pluginName)
        #     print("  Attributes:")
        #     for attrName in pluginAttrs:
        #         print("    %s = %s" % (attrName, pluginAttrs[attrName]))

        # Find requested material plugin
        mtlName = namePrefix + MtlVRmat.mtlname
        mtlPlugDesc = NodesImport.getPluginByName(vrsceneDict, mtlName)

        if not mtlPlugDesc:
            print("Requested material is not found!")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        ntree = context.space_data.edit_tree

        # Now lets start creating nodes
        mtlNode = NodesImport.createNode(ntree, node, vrsceneDict, mtlPlugDesc)

        # Connect material output to our node
        #['Material'], node.inputs['Material'])

        NodesTools.rearrangeTree(ntree, node)

        return {'FINISHED'}