Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fromRawObject(obj):
        if obj.get("jsonrpc") != "2.0":
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("wrong protocol version", obj)

        method = obj.get("method")
        if method is None:
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("missing method header", obj)

        reqId = obj.get("id")
        # when sending notifications id is not provided

        params = obj.get('params', [])
        if not isinstance(params, (list, dict)):
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("wrong params type", obj)

        return JsonRpcRequest(method, protect_passwords(params), reqId)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def fromRawObject(obj):
        if obj.get("jsonrpc") != "2.0":
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("wrong protocol version", obj)

        method = obj.get("method")
        if method is None:
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("missing method header", obj)

        reqId = obj.get("id")
        # when sending notifications id is not provided

        params = obj.get('params', [])
        if not isinstance(params, (list, dict)):
            raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError("wrong params type", obj)

        return JsonRpcRequest(method, protect_passwords(params), reqId)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def iscsiDiscoverSendTargets(self, con, options=None):
     con = protect_passwords(con)
     iscsiConn = API.ISCSIConnection(con['connection'], con['port'],
                                     con['user'], con['password'])
     return iscsiConn.discoverSendTargets()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def poolDisconnectStorageServer(self, domType, spUUID, conList,
     conList = protect_passwords(conList)
     pool = API.StoragePool(spUUID)
     return pool.disconnectStorageServer(domType, conList)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def vmUpdateDevice(self, vmId, params):
     params = protect_passwords(params)
     vm = API.VM(vmId)
     return vm.updateDevice(params)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def registerSecrets(self, secrets, clear=False):
     secrets = protect_passwords(secrets)
     api = API.Global()
     return api.registerSecrets(secrets, clear=clear)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            logLevel = logging.DEBUG
            suppress_logging = f.__name__ in ('getAllVmStats',)

            # TODO: This password protection code is fragile and ugly. Password
            # protection should be done in the wrapped methods, and logging
            # shold be done in the next layers, similar to storage logs.

            displayArgs = args
            if f.__name__ == 'vmDesktopLogin':
                if 'password' in kwargs:
                    raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument: "
                if len(args) > 3:
                    displayArgs = args[:3] + ('****',) + args[4:]
            elif f.__name__ == 'getExternalVMs':
                if len(args) >= 3:
                    displayArgs = args[:2] + ('****',) + args[3:]
            elif f.__name__ == 'getExternalVMNames':
                if len(args) == 3:
                    displayArgs = args[:2] + ('****',)
            elif f.__name__ == 'convertExternalVm':
                if len(args) > 3:
                    displayArgs = args[:2] + ('****',) + args[3:]
            elif f.__name__ == 'registerSecrets':
                secrets = protect_passwords(utils.picklecopy(args[0]))
                displayArgs = (secrets,) + args[1:]
            elif f.__name__ == 'vmUpdateDevice':
                if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].get(
                   'deviceType', '') == 'graphics':
                    params = protect_passwords(utils.picklecopy(args[1]))
                    displayArgs = (args[0],) + (params,) + args[2:]

            # Logging current call
            logStr = 'client [%s]::call %s with %s %s' % \
                (getattr(f.__self__.cif.threadLocal, 'client', ''),
                 f.__name__, displayArgs, kwargs)

            # if flowID exists
            if getattr(f.__self__.cif.threadLocal, 'flowID', None) is not None:
                logStr += " flowID [%s]" % f.__self__.cif.threadLocal.flowID

            # Ready to show the log into vdsm.log
            f.__self__.log.log(logLevel, logStr)

            if f.__self__.cif.ready:
                res = f(*args, **kwargs)
                res = errCode['recovery']
            log_res = "(suppressed)" if suppress_logging else res
            f.__self__.cif.log.log(logLevel, 'return %s with %s',
                                   f.__name__, log_res)
            return res
        except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
            f.__self__.cif.log.error("libvirt error", exc_info=True)
            if e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN:
                return errCode['noVM']
                return errCode['unexpected']
        except VdsmException as e:
            f.__self__.cif.log.error("vdsm exception occured", exc_info=True)
            return e.response()
            f.__self__.cif.log.error("unexpected error", exc_info=True)
            return errCode['unexpected']
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, method, params=(), reqId=None):
     self.method = method
     self.params = protect_passwords(params)
     self.id = reqId
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_protect_dict(self):
     unprotected = dict_unprotedted()
     protected = dict_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_protect_nested_dicts(self):
     unprotected = nested_dicts_unprotected()
     protected = nested_dicts_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_protect_dict(self):
     unprotected = dict_unprotedted()
     protected = dict_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_protect_empty(self, params):
     self.assertEqual(params, protect_passwords(params))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_protect_lists_of_dicts(self):
     unprotected = lists_of_dicts_unprotected()
     protected = lists_of_dicts_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_protect_nested_dicts(self):
     unprotected = nested_dicts_unprotected()
     protected = nested_dicts_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, method, params=(), reqId=None):
     self.method = method
     self.params = protect_passwords(params)
     self.id = reqId
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_protect_lists_of_dicts(self):
     unprotected = lists_of_dicts_unprotected()
     protected = lists_of_dicts_protected()
     self.assertEqual(protected, protect_passwords(unprotected))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_protect_empty(self, params):
     self.assertEqual(params, protect_passwords(params))