Ejemplo n.º 1
def intersect_sphere(sphere, ray):
    # sphere a, ray a -> Maybe int
    dirn = ry.get_dirn(ray)
    pos = ry.get_pos(ray)
    center = get_center(sphere)
    to_center = vr.sub_vector(pos, center)
    a = vr.dot_prod(dirn, dirn)
    b = 2*vr.dot_prod(dirn, to_center)
    c = vr.dot_prod(to_center, to_center) - get_radius(sphere) ** 2
    det = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
    if det < 0:
        return None
        t1 = (-b + math.sqrt(det)) / (2*a)
        t2 = (-b - math.sqrt(det)) / (2*a)
        return min([t1, t2])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

    # create 3 random vectors
    v1 = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
    v2 = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
    v3 = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]

    # Print out the 3 vectors
    print("v1 = ", v1)
    print("v2 = ", v2)
    print("v3 = ", v3)

    #Print magnitude of 3 vectors
    print("v1 magnitude = ", vc.mod(v1))
    print("v2 magnitude = ", vc.mod(v2))
    print("v3 magnitude = ", vc.mod(v3))

    #print addition, dot & cross products of v1 and v2
    print("v1 + v2 =", vc.addv(v1, v2))
    print("v1 . v2 =", vc.dot_prod(v1, v2))
    print("v1 x v2 =", vc.crossprod(v1, v2))

    #vector identities
    identity1part1 = vc.crossprod(v1, v2)
    identity1part2 = vc.crossprod(vc.scale(v2, -1), v1)
    if vc.same(identity1part1, identity1part2) == True:
        print("Identity 1 is correct.")

    identity2part1 = vc.crossprod(v1, vc.addv(v2, v3))
    identity2part2 = vc.addv(vc.crossprod(v1, v2), vc.crossprod(v1, v3))
    if vc.same(identity2part1, identity2part2) == True:
        print("Identity 2 is correct.")

    identity3part1 = vc.crossprod(v1, vc.crossprod(v2, v3))
    identity3part2 = vc.subv((vc.scale(v2, vc.dot_prod(v1, v3))),
                             (vc.scale(v3, vc.dot_prod(v1, v2))))
    if vc.same(identity3part1, identity3part2) == True:
        print("Identity 3 is correct.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def intersect_lights(scene, lights, pos, normal):
    # scene, light, vector -> float
    color = 1
    for light in lights:
        dirn = vr.normalize(vr.sub_vector(lt.get_pos(light), pos))
        new_ray = ry.make_ray(pos, dirn)
        t, n = intersect_scene(scene, new_ray)
        if not t:
            dot_or_0 = max([vr.dot_prod(dirn, normal), 0])
            incr = dot_or_0 * lt.get_brightness(light)
            color += incr
    if color:
        return min([8, color])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mat_vec_prod(m, v):
    """Calculate the matrix-vector product."""
    if m.shape[1] != v.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError
    l = [vector.dot_prod(m.rows[i], v) for i in range(m.shape[0])]
    return vector.Vector(l)
Ejemplo n.º 5
v0 = [GF2.zero, GF2.zero, GF2.one, GF2.zero, GF2.zero, GF2.one, GF2.zero]
v_0010010 = match_vector_sums_to(p5_vectors, v0)
p5_v1 = [GF2.zero, GF2.one, GF2.zero, GF2.zero, GF2.zero, GF2.one, GF2.zero]
v_0100010 = match_vector_sums_to(p5_vectors, p5_v1)

## 6: (Problem 6) Solving Linear Equations over GF(2)
#You should be able to solve this without using a computer.
a = [GF2.one, GF2.one, GF2.zero, GF2.zero]
b = [GF2.one, GF2.zero, GF2.one, GF2.zero]
c = [GF2.one, GF2.one, GF2.one, GF2.one]
x_gf2 = [GF2.one, GF2.zero, GF2.zero, GF2.zero]
x_gf2_comp = vector.GF2_solve_dot_prod_sys(one, a, b, c)

## 7: (Problem 7) Formulating Equations using Dot-Product
#Please provide each answer as a list of numbers
v1 = [2, 3, -4, 1]
v2 = [1, -5, 2, 0]
v3 = [4, 1, -1, -1]

## 8: (Problem 8) Practice with Dot-Product
uv_a = vector.dot_prod([1, 0], [5, 4321])
uv_b = vector.dot_prod([0, 1], [12345, 6])
uv_c = vector.dot_prod([-1, 3], [5, 7])
uv_d = trunc(
        [-(sqrt(2) / 2.0), sqrt(2) / 2.0],
        [sqrt(2) / 2.0, -(sqrt(2) / 2.0)]

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_dot_prod(self):
        p = vector.dot_prod(self.v, self.v)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(p, 8.75)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            vector.dot_prod(self.v, vector.Vector([1.0]))