Ejemplo n.º 1
    def calculate_start(sprite, mouse_location):
        mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse_location
        sprite_center = [sprite.rect.centerx, sprite.rect.centery]
        move_vector = [
            mouse_x - sprite.rect.centerx, mouse_y - sprite.rect.centery
        # normalize the move vector
        unit_move_vector = [
            move_vector[0] / vector.length(move_vector),
            move_vector[1] / vector.length(move_vector)
        # calculate distance between the center of the player and the potential bullet start point
        distance = vector.distance(sprite_center, [
            sprite_center[0] + unit_move_vector[0],
            sprite_center[1] + unit_move_vector[1]
        # One number above the radius of the circle circumscribing the player sprite
        radius = hitbox_radius = math.ceil(
            (sprite.image.get_width() / 2) * math.sqrt(2))
        # ensure that the bullet starts outside of the player hitbox
        while distance < hitbox_radius:
            move_vector = vector.multiply_scalar(unit_move_vector, radius)
            distance = vector.distance(sprite_center, [
                sprite_center[0] + move_vector[0],
                sprite_center[1] + move_vector[1]
            radius += 1  # raise me to lower iterations but possibly increase start distance

        return sprite_center[0] + move_vector[0], sprite_center[
            1] + move_vector[1]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def avoid_collisions_obstacles(self, obstacles, collision_distance):
     # determine nearby objs using distance only
     c = [0.0, 0.0]
     position = self.position
     for obj in obstacles:
         # if obj.x[0] < position[0] < obj.x[1] and obj.y[0] < position[1] < obj.y[1]:
         #     print('error')
         if obj.x[0] < position[0] < obj.x[1]:
             diff = (position[1] - obj.y[0], position[1] - obj.y[1])
             diff_vector = (0, -diff[np.argmin(np.abs(diff))])
         elif obj.y[0] < position[1] < obj.y[1]:
             diff = (position[0] - obj.x[0], position[0] - obj.x[1])
             diff_vector = (-diff[np.argmin(np.abs(diff))], 0)
             diff_vectors = []
             corners = [(obj.x[0], obj.y[0]), (obj.x[0], obj.y[1]),
                        (obj.x[1], obj.y[0]), (obj.x[1], obj.y[1])]
             for corner in corners:
                 diff_vectors.append(vector.diff(position, corner))
             diff_vector = diff_vectors[np.argmin(
                 [vector.length(*dif) for dif in diff_vectors])]
         if vector.length(*diff_vector) - self.size <= collision_distance:
             inv_sqr_magnitude = 1 / (
                 (vector.length(*diff_vector) - self.size)**2)
             c[0] = c[0] - inv_sqr_magnitude * diff_vector[0]
             c[1] = c[1] - inv_sqr_magnitude * diff_vector[1]
     return c  #vector.limit_length(c, 1, 0.5)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getClosest(self, sectorList):
        minDistance = vector.length(self.getMiddle() - sectorList[0].getMiddle())
        closestSector = sectorList[0]

        for s in sectorList:
            if vector.length(self.getMiddle() - s.getMiddle()) < minDistance:
                minDistance = vector.length(self.getMiddle() - s.getMiddle())
                closestSector = s

        return closestSector
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def avoid_collisions(self, objs, collision_distance):
     # determine nearby objs using distance only
     c = [0.0, 0.0]
     for obj in objs:
         diff = vector.diff(self.position, obj.position)
         if vector.length(
                 *diff) - self.size - obj.size <= collision_distance:
             inv_sqr_magnitude = 1 / (
                 (vector.length(*diff) - self.size - obj.size)**2)
             c[0] = c[0] - inv_sqr_magnitude * diff[0]
             c[1] = c[1] - inv_sqr_magnitude * diff[1]
     return c  # vector.limit_length(c, 1, 0.2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def move_stick(self, bag):
        Moves the stick.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.
        if 'position' not in bag.stick:
            bag.next.stick.position = strategy.SimpleStrategy.HOME_POSITION
        if 'dest_position' not in bag.stick:
            position = bag.stick.position

            # move stick towards destination
            # ignore dest_direction and dest_velocity
            dist_moved = strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED * bag.time_diff
            direction = vector.from_to(bag.stick.position, bag.stick.dest_position)
            if dist_moved > vector.length(direction):
                position = bag.stick.dest_position
                direction = vector.mul_by(vector.normalize(direction), dist_moved * strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED)
                position = vector.add(bag.stick.position, direction)

        # set new position
        bag.next.stick.position = position
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setCamera(self,bbox=None,angles=None):
        """Sets the camera looking under angles at bbox.

        This function sets the camera angles and adjusts the zooming.
        The camera distance remains unchanged.
        If a bbox is specified, the camera will be zoomed to make the whole
        bbox visible.
        If no bbox is specified, the current scene bbox will be used.
        If no current bbox has been set, it will be calculated as the
        bbox of the whole scene.
        # go to a distance to have a good view with a 45 degree angle lens
        if bbox is None:
            bbox = self.bbox
            self.bbox = bbox
        center,size = vector.centerDiff(bbox[0],bbox[1])
        # calculating the bounding circle: this is rather conservative
        dist = vector.length(size)
        if dist <= 0.0:
            dist = 1.0
        if angles:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def predict_puck_movement(self, bag):   #ausgefuehrt
        Predicts the pucks movement.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # need at least 2 points
        if len(self.buffer) < 2:

        # loop over points
        direction_sum = (0, 0)
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.buffer) - 1):
            # get tuples and time diff

            current_tuple = self.buffer[i]
            next_tuple 	  = self.buffer[i+1]
            time_diff	  = next_tuple[2] - current_tuple[2]

            # get direction (length is velocity) and divide by time_diff
            direction = vector.mul_by(vector.from_to(current_tuple, next_tuple), 1.0 / time_diff)

            # sum up
            direction_sum = vector.add(direction_sum, direction)

        # averaging
        direction = vector.mul_by(direction_sum, 1.0 / self.buffer_size)

        # add puck direction (normalized) and velocity
        bag.puck.velocity = vector.length(direction)
        bag.puck.direction = vector.normalize(direction)
        bag.next.puck.olddirection = bag.puck.direction
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def dyna(self,x,y):
        """Perform dynamic zoom/pan/rotation functions"""
        w,h = self.width(),self.height()
        if self.dynamic == "trirotate":
            # set all three rotations from mouse movement
            # tangential movement sets twist,
            # but only if initial vector is big enough
            x0 = self.state        # initial vector
            d = vector.length(x0)
            if d > h/8:
                x1 = [x-w/2, h/2-y, 0]     # new vector
                a0 = math.atan2(x0[0],x0[1])
                a1 = math.atan2(x1[0],x1[1])
                an = (a1-a0) / math.pi * 180
                ds = utils.stuur(d,[-h/4,h/8,h/4],[-1,0,1],2)
                twist = - an*ds
                #print "an,d,ds = ",an,d,ds,twist
                self.state = x1
            # radial movement rotates around vector in lens plane
            x0 = [self.statex-w/2, h/2-self.statey, 0]    # initial vector
            dx = [x-self.statex, self.statey-y,0]         # movement
            b = vector.projection(dx,x0)
            #print "x0,dx,b=",x0,dx,b
            if abs(b) > 5:
                val = utils.stuur(b,[-2*h,0,2*h],[-180,0,+180],1)
                rot =  [ abs(val),-dx[1],dx[0],0 ]
                #print "val,rot=",val,rot
                self.statex,self.statey = (x,y)

        elif self.dynamic == "pan":
            dist = self.camera.getDist() * 0.5
            # hor movement sets x value of center
            # vert movement sets y value of center
            #panx = utils.stuur(x,[0,self.statex,w],[-dist,0.,+dist],1.0)
            #pany = utils.stuur(y,[0,self.statey,h],[-dist,0.,+dist],1.0)
            #self.camera.setCenter (self.state[0] - panx, self.state[1] + pany, self.state[2])
            dx,dy = (x-self.statex,y-self.statey)
            panx = utils.stuur(dx,[-w,0,w],[-dist,0.,+dist],1.0)
            pany = utils.stuur(dy,[-h,0,h],[-dist,0.,+dist],1.0)
            #print dx,dy,panx,pany
            self.statex,self.statey = (x,y)

        elif self.dynamic == "zoom":
            # hor movement is lens zooming
            f = utils.stuur(x,[0,self.statex,w],[180,self.statef,0],1.2)

        elif self.dynamic == "combizoom":
            # hor movement is lens zooming
            f = utils.stuur(x,[0,self.statex,w],[180,self.state[1],0],1.2)
            #print "Lens Zooming: %s" % f
            # vert movement is dolly zooming
            d = utils.stuur(y,[0,self.statey,h],[0.2,1,5],1.2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def nearby_boids(self, all_boids):
     neighbours = []
     for boid in all_boids:
         distance_vector = vector.diff(self.position, boid.position)
         if (boid != self and vector.length(*distance_vector) <= _BOID_RANGE
                 and vector.angle_between(
                     self.velocity, distance_vector) <= _BOID_VIEW_ANGLE):
     return neighbours
Ejemplo n.º 10
def first_intersection(ray, objects):
    # build a list of all intersections and remove Nones
    ps = [e.intersect(ray) for e in objects]
    ps = [p for p in ps if p is not None]
        # select the point closest to ray.orig
        p = min(ps, key=lambda p: length(p - ray.orig))
        return p
    except ValueError:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def update(self, dt, level, playerPos):

        if self.timer > 0:
            self.timer -= 1 * dt
            if self.timer < 0:
                self.timer = 0

        relplayer = vector.add([playerPos[1], playerPos[0]],

        if self.line_of_sight(level, playerPos):
            #move directly at the player if they can be seen
            if vector.length(relplayer) > 0.2:
                reldir = vector.normalized(relplayer)
                self.pos = vector.add(
                    [reldir[0] * self.speed * dt, reldir[1] * self.speed * dt])


            #update the target position if the player moves to far away
            #from the original target position
            if len(self.nodes) == 0 or vector.distance(
                    self.pos, self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1]) > 2:
                self.find_path(level, playerPos)
                #get the direction to move in
                rel = vector.add(self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1],

                #set the position to the vector if moving one step will cause
                #the enemy to move over the node
                if vector.length(rel) < self.speed * dt:
                    self.pos = self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1]
                    #return subset of original that doesn't include the first entry
                    self.nodes.remove(self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1])

                    #move towards the node
                    rel = vector.normalized(rel)
                    self.pos = vector.add(
                        [rel[0] * self.speed * dt, rel[1] * self.speed * dt])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def first_intersection(ray, objects):
    # build a list of all intersections and remove Nones
    ps = [e.intersect(ray) for e in objects]
    ps = [p for p in ps if p is not None]
        # select the point closest to ray.orig
        p = min(ps, key=lambda p: length(p - ray.orig))
        return p
    except ValueError:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cast_ray(r):
    # walk the ray the distance to the nearest object
    start = r[0]
    for s in range(MAX_STEPS):
        if vector.length(vector.subtract(r[0], start)) > MAX_DISTANCE:
        d, s = min_distance(r[0])
        if d < TOLERANCE:
            return ray_colour(r, s)
        r[0] = vector.add(r[0], vector.scale(r[1], d))
    return 0, 0, 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def update(self,dt,level,playerPos):
        if self.timer > 0:
            self.timer -= 1 * dt
            if self.timer < 0:
                self.timer = 0
        relplayer = vector.add([playerPos[1],playerPos[0]],vector.negative(self.pos))

        if self.line_of_sight(level,playerPos):
            #move directly at the player if they can be seen
            if vector.length(relplayer) > 0.2:
              reldir = vector.normalized(relplayer)
              self.pos = vector.add(self.pos,[reldir[0] * self.speed * dt, reldir[1] * self.speed * dt])


            #update the target position if the player moves to far away
            #from the original target position
            if len(self.nodes) == 0 or vector.distance(self.pos,self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1]) > 2:
                #get the direction to move in
                rel = vector.add(self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1],vector.negative(self.pos))

                #set the position to the vector if moving one step will cause
                #the enemy to move over the node
                if vector.length(rel) < self.speed * dt:
                    self.pos = self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1]
                    #return subset of original that doesn't include the first entry
                    self.nodes.remove(self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1])
                    #move towards the node
                    rel = vector.normalized(rel)
                    self.pos = vector.add(self.pos,[rel[0] * self.speed * dt,rel[1] * self.speed * dt])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _check_for_wild_shot(self, bag):
        Checks if the latest puck position is a wild shot. Requires bag.puck.predicted_position.
        :param bag: The parameter bag
        #TODO ueberlegen ob nutzen oder loeschen
        predicted_position_pixel = vector.coord_to_image_space(bag.puck.predicted_position, bag.table_boundaries)
        diff = vector.length(vector.from_to(bag.puck.position_pixel, predicted_position_pixel))

        # use time_diff and velocity to play with this value
        #accepted = self.ACCEPTABLE_PUCK_POSITION_DIFF * bag.time_diff * max((1000 * self.last_path[-1][2]) if len(self.last_path) > 0 else 1.0, 1.0)

        #return diff > accepted
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def go_home(self, bag):
        Starts to move the stick to its home position.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # can only go home if we actually have a stick
        if 'position' in bag.stick:

            dist_home = vector.length(vector.from_to(bag.stick.position, self.HOME_POSITION))

            bag.stick.dest_position = self.HOME_POSITION
            bag.stick.dest_direction = (0, 0)
            bag.stick.dest_velocity = 0
            bag.stick.dest_time = time.time() + dist_home / self.STICK_MAX_SPEED
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def calculate_start(sprite, mouse_location):
        mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse_location
        sprite_center = [sprite.rect.centerx, sprite.rect.centery]
        move_vector = [mouse_x - sprite.rect.centerx, mouse_y - sprite.rect.centery]
        # normalize the move vector
        unit_move_vector = [move_vector[0] / vector.length(move_vector), move_vector[1] / vector.length(move_vector)]
        # calculate distance between the center of the player and the potential bullet start point
        distance = vector.distance(sprite_center, [sprite_center[0] + unit_move_vector[0], sprite_center[1] + unit_move_vector[1]])
        # One number above the radius of the circle circumscribing the player sprite
        radius = hitbox_radius = math.ceil((sprite.image.get_width()/2) * math.sqrt(2))
        # ensure that the bullet starts outside of the player hitbox
        while distance < hitbox_radius:
            move_vector = vector.multiply_scalar(unit_move_vector, radius)
            distance = vector.distance(sprite_center, [sprite_center[0] + move_vector[0], sprite_center[1] + move_vector[1]])
            radius += 1  # raise me to lower iterations but possibly increase start distance

        return sprite_center[0] + move_vector[0], sprite_center[1] + move_vector[1]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def dynarot(self,x,y,action):
        """Perform dynamic rotation operation.

        This function processes mouse button events controlling a dynamic
        rotation operation. The action is one of PRESS, MOVE or RELEASE.
        if action == PRESS:
            w,h = self.width(),self.height()
            self.state = [self.statex-w/2, self.statey-h/2, 0.]

        elif action == MOVE:
            w,h = self.width(),self.height()
            # set all three rotations from mouse movement
            # tangential movement sets twist,
            # but only if initial vector is big enough
            x0 = self.state        # initial vector
            d = length(x0)
            if d > h/8:
                # GD.debug(d)
                x1 = [x-w/2, y-h/2, 0]     # new vector
                a0 = atan2(x0[0],x0[1])
                a1 = atan2(x1[0],x1[1])
                an = (a1-a0) / pi * 180
                ds = utils.stuur(d,[-h/4,h/8,h/4],[-1,0,1],2)
                twist = - an*ds
                self.state = x1
            # radial movement rotates around vector in lens plane
            x0 = [self.statex-w/2, self.statey-h/2, 0]    # initial vector
            dx = [x-self.statex, y-self.statey,0]         # movement
            b = projection(dx,x0)
            if abs(b) > 5:
                val = utils.stuur(b,[-2*h,0,2*h],[-180,0,+180],1)
                rot =  [ abs(val),-dx[1],dx[0],0 ]
                self.statex,self.statey = (x,y)

        elif action == RELEASE:
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def setView(self,bbox=None,side='front'):
        """Sets the camera looking from one of the named views.

        On startup, the predefined views are 'front', 'back', 'left',
        'right', 'top', 'bottom' and 'iso'.
        This function does not only set the camera angles, but also
        adjust the zooming.
        If a bbox is specified, the camera will be zoomed to view the
        whole bbox.
        If no bbox is specified, the current scene bbox will be used.
        If no current bbox has been set, it will be calculated as the
        bbox of the whole scene.
        # select view angles: if undefined use (0,0,0)
        angles = self.views.get(side,(0,0,0))
        # go to a distance to have a good view with a 45 degree angle lens
        if type(bbox) == type(None):
            bbox = self.bbox
            self.bbox = bbox
        center,size = vector.centerDiff(bbox[0],bbox[1])
        #print "Setting view for bbox",bbox
        #print "center=",center
        #print "size=",size
        # calculating the bounding circle: this is rather conservative
        dist = vector.length(size)
        #print "dist = ",dist
        if dist > 0.0:
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def evaluate(self, goal, goal2):
     dir = vector.normalize(vector.from_to(self.position, goal))
     stop = vector.mult(
         vector.sub(self.velocity, vector.along(self.velocity, dir)),
         vector.length(self.velocity) * 2)
     return vector.normalize(vector.sub(dir, stop))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def distance_to(sphere, point):
    # direction = sphere.p - point
    # distance = length(direction) - radius
    d = vector.subtract(point, sphere[0])
    return vector.length(d) - sphere[1]
Ejemplo n.º 22
if __name__ == "__main__":

        list1 = random.sample(range(-10, 20), 4)
        list2 = random.sample(range(-10, 20), 4)
        text = '\n\t First: {}\n\tSecond: {}\n'
        print('Values:' + text.format(list1, list2))
        vect1 = vector.create(*list1)
        vect2 = vector.create(*list2)
        print('Vectors:' + text.format(vect1, vect2))
        print('   Values:' +
              text.format(vector.is_vector(list1), vector.is_vector(list2)))
        print('   Vectors:' +
              text.format(vector.is_vector(vect1), vector.is_vector(vect2)))
        print('Length:' +
              text.format(vector.length(vect1), vector.length(vect2)))
        a = random.randrange(-15, 30)
        b = round(random.uniform(-15, 30), 4)
        print('Multiplication:' +
              '\n\tFirst and {}: {}\n\tSecond  and {}: {}\n'.format(
                  a, vector.multiply(vect1, a), b, vector.multiply(vect2, b)))
        print('Scalar multiplication:',
              round(vector.scalar_product(vect1, vect2), 4))
        print('\nAngle:', vector.angle_between(vect1, vect2))

    except Exception as err:
        print('Error occured during execution:', err)
        print('Type:', type(err))