Ejemplo n.º 1
    def collides(self, other):
        """Checks if this shape collides with another

            other: the shape to test collision against
            True if the two shapes collide, False if they do not
        # Start with a bounding circle test, using the effective
        # lengths as radii for the circles. If we don't at least
        # pass this, then the shapes don't collide, and we skip
        # doing the more computationally expensive collision test
        if distance(self.pos, other.pos) > (self.effective_length +
            return False

        # We passed the bounding circle test, so we now need to do the
        # more accurate test for collision, using the separating axis
        # theorem

        # First grab the transformed (world-space) vertices of each
        # shape. Then, grab the axes, which are normalized vectors
        # perpendicular to each side
        verts1 = self._get_transformed_verts()
        verts2 = other._get_transformed_verts()
        axes1 = generate_axes(verts1)
        axes2 = generate_axes(verts2)

        # Loop over each set of axes, and project both shapes onto
        # each axis. If they don't overlap on the axis, the shapes do
        # not collide
        for axis in axes1:
            proj1 = project(verts1, axis)
            proj2 = project(verts2, axis)

            if not proj1.overlaps(proj2):
                return False

        for axis in axes2:
            proj1 = project(verts1, axis)
            proj2 = project(verts2, axis)

            if not proj1.overlaps(proj2):
                return False

        # If we got this far, the shapes overlap on each axis,
        # and the shapes collide
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_project(self):
        v1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
        v2 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
        correct = array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.]])
        result = vector.project(v1, v2)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(result - correct) < self.delta))

        # Test default "projection_type"
        result = vector.project(v1, v2, projection_type='1D')
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(result - correct) < self.delta))

        # Test with lists
        v1 = list(v1[0])
        v2 = list(v2[0])
        correct = correct[0]
        result = vector.project(v1, v2)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(result - correct) < self.delta))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_project(self):
     v1 = np.array([[1,2,3],
     v2 = np.array([[1,0,0],
     result = vector.project(v1,v2)
     correct = array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                    [ 0.,  5.,  0.]])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_project(self):
     v1 = np.array([[1,2,3],
     v2 = np.array([[1,0,0],
     result = vector.project(v1,v2)
     correct = array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                    [ 0.,  5.,  0.]])
 def test_project(self):
     v1 = np.array([[1,2,3],
     v2 = np.array([[1,0,0],
     correct = array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                    [ 0.,  5.,  0.]])
     result = vector.project(v1,v2)
     # Test default "projection_type"
     result = vector.project(v1,v2, projection_type='1D')
     # Test with lists
     v1 = list(v1[0])
     v2 = list(v2[0])
     correct = correct[0]
     result = vector.project(v1, v2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def FitPointsCompass(debug, points, current, norm):
    # ensure current and norm are float
    current = lmap(float, current)
    norm = lmap(float, norm)

    zpoints = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
    for i in range(6):
        zpoints[i] = lmap(lambda x : x[i], points)
    # determine if we have 0D, 1D, 2D, or 3D set of points
    point_fit, point_dev, point_max_dev = PointFit(points)
    if point_max_dev < 9:
        debug('0d fit, insufficient data %.1f %.1f < 9' % (point_dev, point_max_dev))
        return False

    line, plane = LinearFit(points)
    line_fit, line_dev, line_max_dev = line
    plane_fit, plane_dev, plane_max_dev = plane

    # initial guess average min and max for bias, and average range for radius
    minc = [1000, 1000, 1000]
    maxc = [-1000, -1000, -1000]
    for p in points:
        minc = lmap(min, p[:3], minc)
        maxc = lmap(max, p[:3], maxc)

    guess = lmap(lambda a, b : (a+b)/2, minc, maxc)
    diff = lmap(lambda a, b : b-a, minc, maxc)
    #debug('initial guess', guess)

    # initial is the closest to guess on the uv plane containing current
    initial = vector.add(current[:3], vector.project(vector.sub(guess[:3], current[:3]), norm))
    #debug('initial 1d fit', initial)

    # attempt 'normal' fit along normal vector
    def f_sphere1(beta, x):
        bias = lmap(lambda x, n: x + beta[0]*n, initial[:3], norm)
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[1] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere1d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, initial[3]], f_sphere1, zpoints)
    if not sphere1d_fit or sphere1d_fit[1] < 0:
        print('FitLeastSq sphere1d failed!!!! ', len(points))
        return False
    sphere1d_fit = lmap(lambda x, n: x + sphere1d_fit[0]*n, initial[:3], norm) + [sphere1d_fit[1]]
    debug('sphere1 fit', sphere1d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere1d_fit))

    def f_new_sphere1(beta, x):
        bias = lmap(lambda x, n: x + beta[0]*n, initial[:3], norm)
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[1] - vector.norm(y), m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = 1 # weight deviation
        def dip(y, z):
            n = min(max(vector.dot(y, z)/vector.norm(y), -1), 1)
            return n
        r1 = lmap(lambda y, z : fac*beta[1]*(beta[2]-dip(y, z)), m, g)
        return r0 + r1
    new_sphere1d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, initial[3], 0], f_new_sphere1, zpoints, debug, 2)
    if not new_sphere1d_fit or new_sphere1d_fit[1] < 0 or abs(new_sphere1d_fit[2]) > 1:
        debug('FitLeastSq new_sphere1 failed!!!! ', len(points), new_sphere1d_fit)
        new_sphere1d_fit = current
        new_sphere1d_fit = lmap(lambda x, a: x + new_sphere1d_fit[0]*a, initial[:3], norm) + [new_sphere1d_fit[1], math.degrees(math.asin(new_sphere1d_fit[2]))]
    new_sphere1d_fit = [new_sphere1d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere1d_fit), 1]
        #print('new sphere1 fit', new_sphere1d_fit)

    if line_max_dev < 2:
        debug('line fit found, insufficient data %.1f %.1f' % (line_dev, line_max_dev))
        return False
    # 2d sphere fit across normal vector
    u = vector.cross(norm, [norm[1]-norm[2], norm[2]-norm[0], norm[0]-norm[1]])
    v = vector.cross(norm, u)
    u = vector.normalize(u)
    v = vector.normalize(v)

    # initial is the closest to guess on the uv plane containing current
    initial = vector.add(guess[:3], vector.project(vector.sub(current[:3], guess[:3]), norm))
    #debug('initial 2d fit', initial)
    def f_sphere2(beta, x):
        bias = lmap(lambda x, a, b: x + beta[0]*a + beta[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v)
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[2] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere2d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, 0, initial[3]], f_sphere2, zpoints)
    if not sphere2d_fit or sphere2d_fit[2] < 0:
        print('FitLeastSq sphere2d failed!!!! ', len(points))
        new_sphere2d_fit = initial
        sphere2d_fit = lmap(lambda x, a, b: x + sphere2d_fit[0]*a + sphere2d_fit[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v) + [sphere2d_fit[2]]
    debug('sphere2 fit', sphere2d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere2d_fit))

    def f_new_sphere2(beta, x):
        bias = lmap(lambda x, a, b: x + beta[0]*a + beta[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v)
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[2] - vector.norm(y), m)
        #r0 = lmap(lambda y : 1 - vector.norm(y)/beta[2], m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = 1 # weight deviation
        def dip(y, z):
            n = min(max(vector.dot(y, z)/vector.norm(y), -1), 1)
            return n
        r1 = lmap(lambda y, z : fac*beta[2]*(beta[3]-dip(y, z)), m, g)
        return r0 + r1
    new_sphere2d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, 0, initial[3], 0], f_new_sphere2, zpoints, debug, 2)
    if not new_sphere2d_fit or new_sphere2d_fit[2] < 0 or abs(new_sphere2d_fit[3]) >= 1:
        debug('FitLeastSq sphere2 failed!!!! ', len(points), new_sphere2d_fit)
        return False
    new_sphere2d_fit = lmap(lambda x, a, b: x + new_sphere2d_fit[0]*a + new_sphere2d_fit[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v) + [new_sphere2d_fit[2], math.degrees(math.asin(new_sphere2d_fit[3]))]
    new_sphere2d_fit = [new_sphere2d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere2d_fit), 2]

    if plane_max_dev < 1.2:
        ang = math.degrees(math.asin(vector.norm(vector.cross(plane_fit[1], norm))))
        debug('plane fit found, 2D fit only', ang, plane_fit, plane_dev, plane_max_dev)
        if ang > 30:
            debug('angle of plane not aligned to normal: no 2d fit')
            new_sphere2d_fit = False

        return [new_sphere1d_fit, new_sphere2d_fit, False]

    # ok to use best guess for 3d fit
    initial = guess
    def f_sphere3(beta, x):
        bias = beta[:3]
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[3] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere3d_fit = FitLeastSq(initial[:4], f_sphere3, zpoints)
    if not sphere3d_fit or sphere3d_fit[3] < 0:
        print('FitLeastSq sphere failed!!!! ', len(points))
        return False
    debug('sphere3 fit', sphere3d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere3d_fit))
    def f_new_sphere3(beta, x):
        b = numpy.matrix(lmap(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], beta[:3]))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = lmap(lambda y : beta[3] - vector.norm(y), m)
        #r0 = lmap(lambda y : 1 - vector.norm(y)/beta[3], m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = 1 # weight deviation
        def dip(y, z):
            n = min(max(vector.dot(y, z)/vector.norm(y), -1), 1)
            return n
        r1 = lmap(lambda y, z : fac*beta[3]*(beta[4]-dip(y, z)), m, g)

        return r0 + r1
    new_sphere3d_fit = FitLeastSq(initial[:4] + [0], f_new_sphere3, zpoints, debug, 2)
    if not new_sphere3d_fit or new_sphere3d_fit[3] < 0 or abs(new_sphere3d_fit[4]) >= 1:
        debug('FitLeastSq sphere3 failed!!!! ', len(points))
        return False
    new_sphere3d_fit[4] = math.degrees(math.asin(new_sphere3d_fit[4]))
    new_sphere3d_fit = [new_sphere3d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere3d_fit), 3]
    #debug('new sphere3 fit', new_sphere3d_fit)
    return [new_sphere1d_fit, new_sphere2d_fit, new_sphere3d_fit]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def FitPoints(points, current, norm):
    if len(points) < 5:
        return False

    # ensure current and norm are float
    current = map(float, current)
    norm = map(float, norm)

    zpoints = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
    for i in range(6):
        zpoints[i] = map(lambda x: x[i], points)

    # determine if we have 0D, 1D, 2D, or 3D set of points
    point_fit, point_dev, point_max_dev = PointFit(points)
    if point_max_dev < 9:
        if debug:
            print '0d fit, insufficient data', point_dev, point_max_dev, '< 9'
        return False

    line, plane = LinearFit(points)
    line_fit, line_dev, line_max_dev = line
    plane_fit, plane_dev, plane_max_dev = plane

    # initial guess average min and max for bias, and average range for radius
    minc = [1000, 1000, 1000]
    maxc = [-1000, -1000, -1000]
    for p in points:
        minc = map(min, p[:3], minc)
        maxc = map(max, p[:3], maxc)

    guess = map(lambda a, b: (a + b) / 2, minc, maxc)
    diff = map(lambda a, b: b - a, minc, maxc)
    guess.append((diff[0] + diff[1] + diff[2]) / 3)
    if debug:
        print 'initial guess', guess

    # initial is the closest to guess on the uv plane containing current
    initial = vector.add(
        current[:3], vector.project(vector.sub(guess[:3], current[:3]), norm))
    if debug:
        print 'initial 1d fit', initial

    # attempt 'normal' fit along normal vector
    def f_sphere1(beta, x):
        bias = map(lambda x, n: x + beta[0]*n, initial[:3], norm)
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y : beta[1] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere1d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, initial[3]], f_sphere1, zpoints)
    if not sphere1d_fit or sphere1d_fit[1] < 0:
        print 'FitLeastSq sphere1d failed!!!! ', len(points)
        return False
    sphere1d_fit = map(lambda x, n: x + sphere1d_fit[0]*n, initial[:3], norm) + [sphere1d_fit[1]]
    if debug:
        print 'sphere1 fit', sphere1d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere1d_fit)
    def f_new_sphere1(beta, x):
        bias = map(lambda x, n: x + beta[0] * n, initial[:3], norm)
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b: a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y: beta[1] - vector.norm(y), m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = .03  # weight deviation as 1 degree ~ .03 mag
        r1 = map(
            lambda y, z: fac * beta[1] * (beta[2] - math.degrees(
                math.asin(vector.dot(y, z) / vector.norm(y)))), m, g)
        return r0 + r1

    new_sphere1d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, initial[3], 0], f_new_sphere1, zpoints,
    if not new_sphere1d_fit or new_sphere1d_fit[1] < 0:
        if debug:
            print 'FitLeastSq new_sphere1 failed!!!! ', len(points)
        new_sphere1d_fit = current
        new_sphere1d_fit = map(lambda x, a: x + new_sphere1d_fit[0] * a,
                               initial[:3], norm) + new_sphere1d_fit[1:]
    new_sphere1d_fit = [
        ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere1d_fit), 1
    #print 'new sphere1 fit', new_sphere1d_fit

    if line_max_dev < 3:
        if debug:
            print 'line fit found, insufficient data', line_dev, line_max_dev
        return [new_sphere1d_fit, False, False]

    # 2d sphere fit across normal vector
    u = vector.cross(norm,
                     [norm[1] - norm[2], norm[2] - norm[0], norm[0] - norm[1]])
    v = vector.cross(norm, u)
    u = vector.normalize(u)
    v = vector.normalize(v)

    # initial is the closest to guess on the uv plane containing current
    initial = vector.add(
        guess[:3], vector.project(vector.sub(current[:3], guess[:3]), norm))
    if debug:
        print 'initial 2d fit', initial
    def f_sphere2(beta, x):
        bias = map(lambda x, a, b: x + beta[0]*a + beta[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v)
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y : beta[2] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere2d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, 0, initial[3]], f_sphere2, zpoints)
    if not sphere2d_fit or sphere2d_fit[2] < 0:
        print 'FitLeastSq sphere2d failed!!!! ', len(points)
        new_sphere2d_fit = initial
        sphere2d_fit = map(lambda x, a, b: x + sphere2d_fit[0]*a + sphere2d_fit[1]*b, initial[:3], u, v) + [sphere2d_fit[2]]
    if debug:
        print 'sphere2 fit', sphere2d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere2d_fit)

    def f_new_sphere2(beta, x):
        bias = map(lambda x, a, b: x + beta[0] * a + beta[1] * b, initial[:3],
                   u, v)
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b: a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y: beta[2] - vector.norm(y), m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = .03  # weight deviation as 1 degree ~ .03 mag
        r1 = map(
            lambda y, z: fac * beta[2] * (beta[3] - math.degrees(
                math.asin(vector.dot(y, z) / vector.norm(y)))), m, g)
        return r0 + r1

    new_sphere2d_fit = FitLeastSq([0, 0, initial[3], 0], f_new_sphere2,
                                  zpoints, 2)
    if not new_sphere2d_fit or new_sphere2d_fit[2] < 0:
        if debug:
            print 'FitLeastSq sphere failed!!!! ', len(points)
        return False

    new_sphere2d_fit = map(
        lambda x, a, b: x + new_sphere2d_fit[0] * a + new_sphere2d_fit[1] * b,
        initial[:3], u, v) + new_sphere2d_fit[2:]
    new_sphere2d_fit = [
        ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere2d_fit), 2
    #print 'new sphere2 fit', new_sphere2d_fit

    if plane_max_dev < 1.2:
        if debug:
            print 'plane fit found, 2D fit only', plane_fit, plane_dev, plane_max_dev
        return [new_sphere1d_fit, new_sphere2d_fit, False]

    # ok to use best guess for 3d fit
    initial = guess
    def f_sphere3(beta, x):
        bias = beta[:3]
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b : a - b, x[:3], bias))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y : beta[3] - vector.norm(y), m)
        return r0
    sphere3d_fit = FitLeastSq(initial[:4], f_sphere3, zpoints)
    if not sphere3d_fit or sphere3d_fit[3] < 0:
        print 'FitLeastSq sphere failed!!!! ', len(points)
        return False
    if debug:
        print 'sphere3 fit', sphere3d_fit, ComputeDeviation(points, sphere3d_fit)

    def f_new_sphere3(beta, x):
        b = numpy.matrix(map(lambda a, b: a - b, x[:3], beta[:3]))
        m = list(numpy.array(b.transpose()))
        r0 = map(lambda y: beta[3] - vector.norm(y), m)
        g = list(numpy.array(numpy.matrix(x[3:]).transpose()))
        fac = .03  # weight deviation as 1 degree ~ .03 mag
        r1 = map(
            lambda y, z: fac * beta[3] * (beta[4] - math.degrees(
                math.asin(vector.dot(y, z) / vector.norm(y)))), m, g)
        return r0 + r1

    new_sphere3d_fit = FitLeastSq(initial[:4] + [0], f_new_sphere3, zpoints, 2)
    if not new_sphere3d_fit or new_sphere3d_fit[3] < 0:
        if debug:
            print 'FitLeastSq sphere failed!!!! ', len(points)
        return False
    new_sphere3d_fit = [
        ComputeDeviation(points, new_sphere3d_fit), 3
    #print 'new sphere3 fit', new_sphere3d_fit

    return [new_sphere1d_fit, new_sphere2d_fit, new_sphere3d_fit]