def set_world_primitives(self, primitives): # FIXME this does not work with changing environments if primitives: # FIXME: only find changed things sources = [p for p in primitives if isinstance(p, Source)] if not sources: logger.error('Warning: there no sources given for a field ' 'sampler in this world.') if self.primitives is None: self.primitives = primitives
def check_simulation_one_step_conf(id_world, world, id_vehicle, vehicle): sim = VehicleSimulation(vehicle, world) dt = 1 try: sim.new_episode() cmds = random_commands(sim.vehicle.dynamics.get_commands_spec()) sim.simulate(cmds, dt) sim.compute_observations() except: logger.error('Error for vehicle=%s world=%s' % (id_vehicle, id_world)) raise
def instance_vehicle_spec(entry): from ..simulation import Vehicle from ..interfaces import VehicleSensor, Dynamics from vehicles.configuration.master import get_conftools_dynamics, \ get_conftools_sensors check_valid_vehicle_config(entry) try: master = get_conftools_dynamics() if 'id_dynamics' in entry: id_dynamics = entry['id_dynamics'] dynamics = master.instance(id_dynamics) else: id_dynamics = entry['dynamics']['id'] dynamics = master.instance_spec(entry['dynamics']) assert isinstance(dynamics, Dynamics) sensors = entry['sensors'] radius = entry['radius'] extra = entry.get('extra', {}) vehicle = Vehicle(radius=radius, extra=extra) vehicle.add_dynamics(id_dynamics, dynamics) master = get_conftools_sensors() for sensor in sensors: if 'id_sensor' in sensor: id_sensor = sensor['id_sensor'] sensor_instance = master.instance(id_sensor) else: id_sensor = sensor['sensor']['id'] sensor_instance = master.instance_spec(sensor['sensor']) assert isinstance(sensor_instance, VehicleSensor) # TODO: document this x, y, theta_deg = sensor.get('pose', [0, 0, 0]) theta = np.radians(theta_deg) pose = SE2_from_translation_angle([x, y], theta) pose = SE3_from_SE2(pose) joint = sensor.get('joint', 0) extra = sensor.get('extra', {}) vehicle.add_sensor(id_sensor=id_sensor, sensor=sensor_instance, pose=pose, joint=joint, extra=extra) return vehicle except: logger.error('Error while trying to instantiate vehicle. Entry:\n%s' % (pformat(entry))) raise
def compute_observations(self, pose): """ Computes the observations for this vehicle Args: pose: SE2 (world reference frame.) Returns: a dictionary, containing as many data fields as desired. This data is eventually passed to the client as a OpenStruct. There is, however, one necessary field. * data[SENSELS] should be the declared sensel for the sensor. This should be a numpy.ndarray, or a list of numbers. No NANs allowed. """ observations = self._compute_observations(pose) if not isinstance(observations, dict): raise ValueError('This should return a dict()') if not VehicleSensor.SENSELS in observations: raise ValueError('No field %r in %r' % (VehicleSensor.SENSELS, observations.keys())) sensels = observations[VehicleSensor.SENSELS] sensels = np.array(sensels) if DO_EXTRA_CHECKS: # todo: check spec # check("array[K]", sensels, # desc='I expect a unidimenional array/list for sensels.') try: notfinite = not np.isfinite(sensels).all() except Exception as e: logger.error('Error is: %s' % e) # XXX: print logger.error('Data is: %s' % sensels.dtype) logger.error((observations)) notfinite = False if notfinite: msg = ('Not all are valid:\n%s\n%s' % (sensels, pformat(observations))) logger.error(msg) logger.error('pose: %s' % pose) # XXX # XXX: - we will solve this later. sensels[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(sensels))] = 0.5 raise ValueError(msg) # XXX: maybe somewhere else? # if sensels.size != self.num_sensels: # raise ValueError('I was expecting %d sensels, not %s.' % # (self.num_sensels, sensels.size)) observations[VehicleSensor.SENSELS] = sensels return observations
def integrate(self, state, commands, dt): # self._state_space.belongs(state) self.check_commands(commands) try: new_state = self._integrate(state, commands, dt) except: msg = 'Error while integrating.' try: msg += '\n state: %s' % self._state_space.friendly(state) except: # XXX msg += '\n state: %s' % state.__repr__() msg += '\ncommands: %s' % commands.__repr__() msg += '\n%s' % traceback.format_exc() logger.error(msg) raise # self._state_space.belongs(new_state) return new_state
''' Code interfacing PyVehicles with BootstrappingOlympics. ''' from vehicles import __version__, logger try: import bootstrapping_olympics vehicles_has_boot_olympics = True except ImportError: logger.error('Package BootOlympics not installed, vehicles_boot cannot ' 'work properly.') vehicles_has_boot_olympics = False if vehicles_has_boot_olympics: from .vehicles_simulation import * from .ros_visualization import * def get_comptests(): # get testing configuration directory from pkg_resources import resource_filename # @UnresolvedImport dirname = resource_filename("vehicles_boot", "configs") from vehicles import get_vehicles_config get_vehicles_config().load('default') # load into bootstrapping_olympics from comptests import get_comptests_app from bootstrapping_olympics import get_boot_config boot_config = get_boot_config() boot_config.load(dirname) # Our tests are its tests with our configuration
def main(): if not vehicles_has_cairo: logger.error('This program cannot be run if Cairo is not installed.') return from vehicles_cairo import (cairo_plot_rectangle) from vehicles_cairo import cairo_plot_circle, cairo_set_axis, show_grid parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option("--outdir", "-o", default='.', help="output directory [%default]") # parser.add_option("--outdir", "-o", default='.', # help="additional config directory [%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: raise Exception() width = 400 height = 400 r = Report('skins_demo') f = r.figure(cols=3) import cairo VehiclesConfig.make_sure_loaded() skins = get_conftools_skins().keys()'Skins: %s' % skins) for id_skin in skins: skin = get_conftools_skins().instance(id_skin) with f.data_file(id_skin, MIME_PNG) as filename: surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, # @UndefinedVariable width, height) cr = cairo.Context(surf) # @UndefinedVariable cairo_plot_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, width, height, fill_color=[1, 1, 1]) cairo_set_axis(cr, width, height, [-2, +2, -2, +2]) cairo_plot_circle(cr, center=[0, 0], radius=1, facecolor=None, edgecolor=(1, 0, 0), width=0.1) show_grid(cr, bx=[-3, +3], by=[-3, +3], spacing=1.0) if skin.njoints_required() > 1: logger.warning('Skipping skin %r' % id_skin) continue try: skin.draw(cr, joints=[]) except Exception: logger.error('Error for skin %r' % id_skin) raise surf.write_to_png(filename) # Output to PNG filename = os.path.join(options.outdir, 'index.html')'Writing to %r.' % filename) r.to_html(filename)
def main(): if not vehicles_has_cairo: logger.error('This program cannot be run if Cairo is not installed.') return from vehicles_cairo import (cairo_plot_rectangle) from vehicles_cairo import cairo_plot_circle, cairo_set_axis, show_grid parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option("--outdir", "-o", default='.', help="output directory [%default]") # parser.add_option("--outdir", "-o", default='.', # help="additional config directory [%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: raise Exception() width = 400 height = 400 r = Report('skins_demo') f = r.figure(cols=3) import cairo VehiclesConfig.make_sure_loaded() skins = get_conftools_skins().keys()'Skins: %s' % skins) for id_skin in skins: skin = get_conftools_skins().instance(id_skin) with f.data_file(id_skin, MIME_PNG) as filename: surf = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, # @UndefinedVariable width, height) cr = cairo.Context(surf) # @UndefinedVariable cairo_plot_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, width, height, fill_color=[1, 1, 1]) cairo_set_axis(cr, width, height, [-2, +2, -2, +2]) cairo_plot_circle(cr, center=[0, 0], radius=1, facecolor=None, edgecolor=(1, 0, 0), width=0.1) show_grid(cr, bx=[-3, +3], by=[-3, +3], spacing=1.0) if skin.njoints_required() > 1: logger.warning('Skipping skin %r' % id_skin) continue try: skin.draw(cr, joints=[]) except Exception: logger.error('Error for skin %r' % id_skin) raise surf.write_to_png(filename) # Output to PNG filename = os.path.join(options.outdir, 'index.html')'Writing to %r.' % filename) r.to_html(filename)
def main(): from vehicles_cairo import vehicles_has_cairo if not vehicles_has_cairo: logger.error('This program cannot be run if Cairo is not installed.') return from vehicles_cairo import (vehicles_cairo_display_pdf, vehicles_cairo_display_png, vehicles_cairo_display_svg, cairo_plot_circle2) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option("--vehicles", default='*', help="ID vehicle [%default].") parser.add_option("--world", default='SBox2_10a', # default='empty_fixed', help="ID world [%default].") parser.add_option("--outdir", "-o", default='vehicles_demo_display_vehicles', help="output directory [%default]") parser.add_option("--figsize", default=10, type='float', help="figsize (inches) [%default]") parser.add_option("-g", "--grid", default=1, type='float', help="grid size in meters; 0 for no grid [%default]") parser.add_option("-d", dest="config", default=".", help="Config directory") parser.add_option("--scale", default=False, action='store_true', help="If given, displays the scale with a red circle") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: raise Exception() # XXX id_world =' id_world: %s' % id_world) from reprep import Report, MIME_PDF basename = 'vehicles_demo' r = Report(basename)'Loading configuration from %s' % options.config) VehiclesConfig.load(options.config) # TODO: selection all_vehicles = VehiclesConfig.vehicles.keys() if options.vehicles is None: vehicles = all_vehicles else: vehicles = expand_string(options.vehicles, all_vehicles) print('Plotting vehicles: %s' % vehicles) f0 = r.figure(cols=6) f0_data = r.figure(cols=6) for id_vehicle in sorted(vehicles): sec = r.node(id_vehicle) f = sec.figure(cols=6) world = VehiclesConfig.specs['worlds'].instance(id_world) vehicle = VehiclesConfig.specs['vehicles'].instance(id_vehicle) simulation = VehicleSimulation(vehicle, world) simulation.new_episode() simulation.compute_observations() sim_state = simulation.to_yaml() def draw_scale(cr): if options.scale: cairo_plot_circle2(cr, 0, 0, vehicle.radius, fill_color=(1, .7, .7)) plot_params = dict(grid=options.grid, zoom=1.5, zoom_scale_radius=True, width=500, height=500, show_sensor_data=True, show_sensor_data_compact=True, extra_draw_world=draw_scale, bgcolor=None, show_world=False) with f.data_file('png_with', MIME_PNG) as filename: vehicles_cairo_display_png(filename, sim_state=sim_state, **plot_params) f0_data.sub(f.last(), caption=id_vehicle) plot_params['show_sensor_data'] = False with f.data_file('png_without', MIME_PNG) as filename: vehicles_cairo_display_png(filename, sim_state=sim_state, **plot_params) f0.sub(f.last(), caption=id_vehicle) with f.data_file('svg', MIME_SVG) as filename: vehicles_cairo_display_svg(filename, sim_state=sim_state, **plot_params) plot_params['grid'] = 0 plot_params['extra_draw_world'] = None with sec.data_file('pdf', MIME_PDF) as filename: vehicles_cairo_display_pdf(filename, sim_state=sim_state, **plot_params) plot_params['show_robot_body'] = True plot_params['show_robot_sensors'] = False with f.data_file('png_only_body', MIME_PNG) as filename: vehicles_cairo_display_png(filename, sim_state=sim_state, **plot_params) filename = os.path.join(options.outdir, 'index.html')'Writing to %r.' % filename) r.to_html(filename)
''' Code interfacing PyVehicles with BootstrappingOlympics. ''' from vehicles import __version__, logger try: import bootstrapping_olympics vehicles_has_boot_olympics = True except ImportError: logger.error('Package BootOlympics not installed, vehicles_boot cannot ' 'work properly.') vehicles_has_boot_olympics = False if vehicles_has_boot_olympics: from .vehicles_simulation import * from .ros_visualization import * def get_comptests(): # get testing configuration directory from pkg_resources import resource_filename # @UnresolvedImport dirname = resource_filename("vehicles_boot", "configs") from vehicles import get_vehicles_config get_vehicles_config().load('default') # load into bootstrapping_olympics from comptests import get_comptests_app from bootstrapping_olympics import get_boot_config boot_config = get_boot_config() boot_config.load(dirname)