Ejemplo n.º 1
	def goBackToBeginning(self):
		if (self.sideOfField == "Away"):
			commandedX = -0.535
			commandedX = 0.535
		commandedY = 0.0
		XErr = commandedX - self.robotX
		YErr = commandedY - self.robotY

		# Code for Proportional Controller for X
		error_Max_X = 2.0
		vel_Max_X = 1.45
		error_X = XErr
		kp_X = float(vel_Max_X)/float(error_Max_X) # units don't match, but that's okay
		vel_X = kp_X*error_X

		# Code for Proportional Controller for Y
		error_Max_Y = 2.0
		vel_Max_Y = 1.45
		error_Y = YErr
		kp_Y = float(vel_Max_Y)/float(error_Max_Y) # units don't match, but that's okay
		vel_Y = kp_Y*error_Y

		# Account for the angle of the robot
		vel_X_Body_Frame = math.cos(self.theta)*vel_X + math.sin(self.theta)*vel_Y 
		vel_Y_Body_Frame = -1.0*(math.cos(self.theta)*float(vel_Y) - math.sin(self.theta)*float(vel_X))
		# Send commands to the wheels
		v.goVel(vel_X_Body_Frame, vel_Y_Body_Frame, 0.0)

		# If Error is small, then we are at the start, so stop robot
		if (abs(XErr) <= 0.1 and abs(YErr) <= 0.1):
			self.state = "correctAngle"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def seek(current_X_pos):
  #move kp and other calculations to param file to only be done once
  # if (current_X_pos - old_X_pos > .5):
  #   flag = True

  # if flag: 
    # error_Max_X = 5
    # vel_Max_X = 1
    # error_X = commanded_X_pos - current_X_pos
    # kp_X = vel_Max_X/error_Max_X # units don't match, but that's okay
    # vel_X = kp_X*error_X

    # error_Max_Y = 5
    # vel_Max_Y = 1
    # error_Y = commanded_Y_pos - current_Y_pos
    # kp_Y = vel_Max_Y/error_Max_Y # units don't match, but that's okay
    # vel_Y = kp_Y*error_Y

    # error_Max_Ang = 3.14 #in radians
    # vel_Max_Ang = 3
    # error_Ang = commanded_Ang_pos - current_Ang_pos
    # kp_Ang = vel_Max_Ang/error_Max_Ang # units don't match, but that's okay
    # vel_Ang = kp_Ang*error_Ang

  commanded_X_pos = 0

  error_Max_X = 5
  vel_Max_X = 1
  error_X = commanded_X_pos - current_X_pos
  kp_X = vel_Max_X/error_Max_X # units don't match, but that's okay
  vel_X = kp_X*error_X

  commanded_Y_pos = 0
  current_Y_pos = 0

  error_Max_Y = 5
  vel_Max_Y = 1
  error_Y = commanded_Y_pos - current_Y_pos
  kp_Y = vel_Max_Y/error_Max_Y # units don't match, but that's okay
  vel_Y = kp_Y*error_Y

  commanded_Ang_pos = 0
  current_Ang_pos = 0

  error_Max_Ang = 3.14 #in radians
  vel_Max_Ang = 3
  error_Ang = commanded_Ang_pos - current_Ang_pos
  kp_Ang = vel_Max_Ang/error_Max_Ang # units don't match, but that's okay
  vel_Ang = kp_Ang*error_Ang

  print "vel x is%d"%vel_X


  if (current_X_pos != 0):
    current_X_pos = current_X_pos - .01
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stateMachine():
    if (Statics.state == "defendGoal"):
    elif (Statics.state == "rushBall"):
    elif (Statics.state == "attackEnemy"):
    elif (Statics.state == "correctAngle"):
    elif (Statics.state == "DoNothing"):
        v.goVel(0, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def attackEnemy():
    # Code for Proportional Controller
    if (abs(Statics.XErr) <= 0.5):
        error_Max_X = 1.9
        error_Max_X = 2.3
    vel_Max_X = 1.4
    error_X = Statics.XErr
    kp_X = float(vel_Max_X) / float(
        error_Max_X)  # units don't match, but that's okay
    vel_X = kp_X * error_X

    # Code for Proportional Controller
    if (abs(Statics.YErr) <= 0.5):
        error_Max_Y = 1.9
        error_Max_Y = 2.3
    vel_Max_Y = 1.4
    error_Y = Statics.YErr
    kp_Y = float(vel_Max_Y) / float(
        error_Max_Y)  # units don't match, but that's okay
    vel_Y = kp_Y * error_Y

    # Account for angle of robot
    vel_X_Body_Frame = math.cos(Statics.theta) * vel_X + math.sin(
        Statics.theta) * vel_Y
    vel_Y_Body_Frame = (math.cos(Statics.theta) * float(vel_Y) -
                        math.sin(Statics.theta) * float(vel_X))

    # Send Commands to Wheels
    if (not Statics.inColideState):
        v.goVel(vel_X_Body_Frame, vel_Y_Body_Frame, 0.0)

    # Print Data
    if (Statics.debug and Statics.samples == Statics.maxSamples):
        Statics.samples = 0
        print "error in X %f" % error_X
        print "current_X_pos %f" % Statics.robotX
        print "vel X %f" % vel_X
        print "error in Y %f" % error_Y
        print "current_Y_pos %f" % Statics.robotY
        print "vel Y %f" % vel_Y

        print "vel x body frame %f" % vel_X_Body_Frame
        print "vel y body frame %f" % vel_Y_Body_Frame
Ejemplo n.º 5
def defendGoal():
    # Code for Proportional Controller
    error_Max_X = .5
    vel_Max_X = 1.0
    error_X = Statics.XErr
    kp_X = float(vel_Max_X) / float(
        error_Max_X)  # units don't match, but that's okay
    vel_X = kp_X * error_X

    # Code for Proportional Controller
    error_Max_Y = .5
    vel_Max_Y = 1.0
    error_Y = Statics.YErr
    kp_Y = float(vel_Max_Y) / float(
        error_Max_Y)  # units don't match, but that's okay
    vel_Y = kp_Y * error_Y

    # Account for angle of the robot
    vel_X_Body_Frame = math.cos(Statics.theta) * vel_X + math.sin(
        Statics.theta) * vel_Y
    vel_Y_Body_Frame = (math.cos(Statics.theta) * vel_Y -
                        math.sin(Statics.theta) * vel_X)

    # Send Commands to wheels
    v.goVel(vel_X_Body_Frame, vel_Y_Body_Frame, 0.0)

    # Print Data
    if (Statics.debug and Statics.samples == Statics.maxSamples):
        Statics.samples = 0
        print "error in X %f" % error_X
        print "current_X_pos %f" % Statics.robotX
        print "vel X %f" % vel_X
        print "current_Y_pos %f" % Statics.robotY
        print "error in Y %f" % error_Y
        print "vel Y %f" % vel_Y
        print "vel x body frame %f" % vel_X_Body_Frame
        print "vel y body frame %f" % vel_Y_Body_Frame
Ejemplo n.º 6
def correctAngle():
    # Code for Proportional Controller for Angle
    error_Max_Ang = 3.14  #in radians
    if (abs(Statics.AngleErr) <= 0.5):
        vel_Max_Ang = 1.5
        vel_Max_Ang = 3.14
    if (abs(Statics.theta - Statics.oldAngle) < 0.1):
        vel_Max_Ang = 4.0
    error_Ang = Statics.AngleErr
    kp_Ang = float(vel_Max_Ang) / float(
        error_Max_Ang)  # units don't match, but that's okay
    vel_Ang = kp_Ang * error_Ang

    # Send commands to the wheels
    v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, vel_Ang)

    # Print Data
    if (Statics.debug):
        print "commanded_Ang_pos is %f" % Statics.commanded_Ang_pos
        print "error in angle %f" % error_Ang
        print "current Angle %f" % Statics.theta
        print "angle vel %f" % vel_Ang
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def correctAngle(self):
        # Define where the enemy goal lies
        if (self.sideOfField == "Away"):
            enemyGoalCenterX = -1.4
            enemyGoalCenterX = 1.29
        enemyGoalCenterY = 0
        deltaX = enemyGoalCenterX - self.robotX
        deltaY = enemyGoalCenterY - self.robotY
        commanded_Ang_pos = float(math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX))
        if (commanded_Ang_pos < 0):
            commanded_Ang_pos += (math.pi * 2)

        # Calculate the Error in the angle position from the desired
        AngleErr = commanded_Ang_pos - self.theta

        #check for smallest angle to commanded ang
        if (AngleErr > math.pi):
            AngleErr = AngleErr - math.pi * 2
        elif (AngleErr < -math.pi):
            AngleErr = AngleErr + math.pi * 2

        # Code for Proportional Controller for Angle
        error_Max_Ang = 3.14  #in radians
        vel_Max_Ang = 2.9
        error_Ang = AngleErr
        kp_Ang = float(vel_Max_Ang) / float(
            error_Max_Ang)  # units don't match, but that's okay
        vel_Ang = kp_Ang * error_Ang

        # Send commands to the wheels
        v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, vel_Ang)

        # If Error is small, then the robot is facing the goal, so transition to attack
        if (abs(AngleErr) <= 0.25):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def selectState():
    """ Case 1: we are in Go To Goal """
    if (Statics.state == "goToGoal"):
        # If the ball is far enough from our goal then we can stop defending and get back to rushing the ball
        if ((Statics.sideOfField == "Away" and Statics.ballX < 0.70)
                or (Statics.sideOfField == "Home" and Statics.ballX > -0.70)):
            Statics.state = "rushBall"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering rush ball"

        commanded_Y_pos = 0.0
        if (Statics.sideOfField == "Away"):
            commanded_X_pos = float(1.25)
            commanded_X_pos = float(-1.35)

        # Calculate Error from desired positions
        Statics.XErr = commanded_X_pos - Statics.robotX
        Statics.YErr = commanded_Y_pos - Statics.robotY

        # Check for collision
        if (checkIfColidesWithEnemy(commanded_X_pos, commanded_Y_pos)):
            # if first enemy robot is to the right of the point, move left to avoid it
            if (Statics.enemy1Y > commanded_Y_pos
                    or (Statics.enemy2Y != 0.0
                        and Statics.enemy2Y > commanded_Y_pos)):
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos - 0.5
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos + 0.5

        # If Error is small, then we are at the goal, transition to defend
        if (abs(Statics.XErr) <= 0.2 and abs(Statics.YErr) <= 0.2):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            Statics.state = "defendGoal"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering Defend Goal"

    """ Case 2: we are in Defend Goal """
    if (Statics.state == "defendGoal"):
        # Analyze current Status of the robot
        if (Statics.sideOfField == "Away"):
            commanded_X_pos = 1.25
            commanded_X_pos = -1.36

        if (Statics.ballY > .25):
            commanded_Y_pos = .25
        elif (Statics.ballY < -.25):
            commanded_Y_pos = -.25
            commanded_Y_pos = Statics.ballY

        # Calculate the Error from Desired Position
        Statics.XErr = commanded_X_pos - Statics.robotX
        Statics.YErr = commanded_Y_pos - Statics.robotY

        # If the ball is far from the goal, rush it
        if ((Statics.sideOfField == "Away" and Statics.ballX < 0.60)
                or (Statics.sideOfField == "Home" and Statics.ballX > -0.60)):
            Statics.state = "rushBall"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering rush ball"

        # If the ball is really close to the robot, also rush it
        if (abs(Statics.ballX - Statics.robotX) < 0.2):
            Statics.state = "rushBall"
            Statics.suspendDefense = 1
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering rush ball"
        # If the robot has reached where it is supposed to, stop it temporarily in that position
        if (abs(Statics.XErr) < 0.2):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    """ Case 3: we are in attack Enemy """
    if (Statics.state == "attackEnemy"):
        # Analyze current status of robot
        if (Statics.sideOfField == "Away"):
            commanded_X_pos = -1.6
            commanded_X_pos = 1.49
        commanded_Y_pos = float(0)

        # If the ball is far from the robot, go back to rushing it
        BotBallDisX = abs(Statics.robotX - Statics.ballX)
        BotBallDisY = abs(Statics.robotY - Statics.ballY)
        if (Statics.debug):
            print "BotBallDist X is %f" % BotBallDisX
            print "BotBallDist Y is %f" % BotBallDisY

        if (BotBallDisX > 0.4 or BotBallDisY > 0.4):
            Statics.state = "rushBall"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering rush ball"

        # Calculate the Error from the desired position
        Statics.XErr = commanded_X_pos - Statics.robotX
        Statics.YErr = commanded_Y_pos - Statics.robotY

        # Check for collision
        if (checkIfColidesWithEnemy(commanded_X_pos, commanded_Y_pos)):
            # if first enemy robot is to the right of the point, move left to avoid it
            if (Statics.enemy1Y > commanded_Y_pos
                    or (Statics.enemy2Y != 0.0
                        and Statics.enemy2Y > commanded_Y_pos)):
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos - 0.5
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos + 0.5

        Statics.xSamples = Statics.xSamples + 1
        if (Statics.xSamples == 5):
            Statics.xSamples = 0
            Statics.oldX = Statics.robotX

        Statics.ySamples = Statics.ySamples + 1
        if (Statics.ySamples == 5):
            Statics.ySamples = 0
            Statics.oldY = Statics.robotY

        # If Error is small, then that means we scored a goal, transition back to rush ball
        if (abs(Statics.XErr) <= 0.15 and abs(Statics.YErr) <= 0.1):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            Statics.state = "rushBall"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering rushball"

    """ Case 4: we are in rush ball """
    if (Statics.state == "rushBall"):
        #print "In Rush ball Prel"
        # If the ball is close to our goal, go back to defend it quickly
        if (not Statics.suspendDefense and
            (Statics.sideOfField == "Away" and Statics.ballX > 0.8)
                or (Statics.sideOfField == "Home" and Statics.ballX < -0.8)):
            Statics.state = "goToGoal"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering Go To GOAL"

        # If the robot surpasses the defense threshold, unsuspend the defense
        if ((Statics.sideOfField == "Away" and Statics.robotX < 0.6)
                or (Statics.sideOfField == "Home" and Statics.robotX > -0.6)):
            Statics.suspendDefense = 0

        # Calculate a position that is about 0.2m behind the ball and go there
        deltaX = Statics.enemyGoalCenterX - Statics.ballX
        deltaY = Statics.enemyGoalCenterY - Statics.ballY
        commanded_X_pos = Statics.ballX + (
            (-0.2) * deltaX / math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY))
        commanded_Y_pos = Statics.ballY + (
            (-0.2) * deltaY / math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY))

        # Check for collision
        if (checkIfColidesWithEnemy(commanded_X_pos, commanded_Y_pos)):
            # if first enemy robot is to the right of the point, move left to avoid it
            if (Statics.enemy1Y > commanded_Y_pos
                    or (Statics.enemy2Y != 0.0
                        and Statics.enemy2Y > commanded_Y_pos)):
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos - 0.5
                commanded_Y_pos = commanded_Y_pos + 0.5

        # Check if the robot is currently behind the ball
        if (Statics.sideOfField == "Home"
                and (Statics.ballX - Statics.robotX) >= 0.0):
            robotBehindBall = 1
        elif (Statics.sideOfField == "Away"
              and (Statics.ballX - Statics.robotX) < 0.0):
            robotBehindBall = 1

            robotBehindBall = 0

        if (Statics.debug):
            print "ballX is %f and robot X is %f" % (Statics.ballX,

        # Calculate Error from desired
        Statics.XErr = commanded_X_pos - Statics.robotX
        Statics.YErr = commanded_Y_pos - Statics.robotY
        if (Statics.debug):
            print "error X is %f" % Statics.XErr
            print "error Y is %f" % Statics.YErr

        Statics.xSamples = Statics.xSamples + 1
        if (Statics.xSamples == 5):
            Statics.xSamples = 0
            Statics.oldX = Statics.robotX

        Statics.ySamples = Statics.ySamples + 1
        if (Statics.ySamples == 5):
            Statics.ySamples = 0
            Statics.oldY = Statics.robotY

        if (Statics.printRushBall and Statics.samples == Statics.maxSamples):
            print "robot X = %f and robot Y = %f" % (Statics.robotX,
            print "Cmndd X = %f and Cmndd Y = %f" % (commanded_X_pos,
        # If Error is small, then the robot is right behind the ball, so now correct angle
        if (abs(Statics.XErr) <= 0.1 and abs(Statics.YErr) <= 0.1
                and robotBehindBall):  # and abs(Statics.AngleErr) <= 0.5):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            #Statics.state = "DoNothing"
            Statics.state = "correctAngle"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering correct Angle"

    """ Case 5: we are in Correct Angle """
    if (Statics.state == "correctAngle"):
        Statics.angleSamples = Statics.angleSamples + 1
        if (Statics.angleSamples == 5):
            Statics.angleSamples = 0
            Statics.oldAngle = Statics.theta

        # If Error is small, then the robot is facing the goal, so transition to attack
        if (abs(Statics.AngleErr) <= 0.25):
            v.goVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            # Kicker
            Statics.state = "attackEnemy"
            if (Statics.showTransitions):
                print "Entering attack Enemy"