Ejemplo n.º 1
def testGradientOfSimulateOfLookup2():
    from venture.lite.sp_registry import builtInSPs
    sp = builtInSPs()["lookup"]
    args = [vv.VentureArrayUnboxed([0, 0], t.Number), vv.VentureNumber(1)]
    grad = sp.outputPSP.gradientOfSimulate(MockArgs(args, sp.constructSPAux()),
    assert grad[0].lookup(vv.VentureNumber(0)) == vv.VentureNumber(0)
    assert grad[0].lookup(vv.VentureNumber(1)) == vv.VentureNumber(1)
    assert grad[1] == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testForeignDeterminismSmoke():
  get_ripl() # Build the SP registry (TODO !?)
  lite_normal_sp = builtInSPs()["normal"]
  def doit(seed):
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    r.bind_foreign_sp("my_normal", lite_normal_sp)
    r.assume("x", "(my_normal 0 1)")
    r.infer("(default_markov_chain 3)")
    return r.sample("x")
  ans = doit(1)
  assert isinstance(ans, numbers.Number)
  eq_(ans, doit(1))
  assert ans != doit(2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testInvWishartAssess():
  psi = 3 # Parameterization from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-Wishart_distribution
  dof = 5
  n = 3000
  low = 0.00001
  high = 500
  get_ripl() # Make sure the SP registry is built (!)
  inv_wishart_sp = builtInSPs()["inv_wishart"]
  scale_matrix = [[psi]]
  def inv_wishart(x):
    return logDensity(inv_wishart_sp, no_wrapper=True)([[x]], [scale_matrix, dof])
  inv_wisharts = np.vectorize(inv_wishart)(np.linspace(low, high, n))
  inv_gamma = scipy.stats.invgamma(dof*0.5, scale=psi*0.5).logpdf
  inv_gammas = np.vectorize(inv_gamma)(np.linspace(low, high, n))
  cum_w = math.exp(logsumexp(inv_wisharts)) * (high - low) / n
  cum_g = math.exp(logsumexp(inv_gammas)) * (high - low) / n
  np.testing.assert_allclose([1, 1], [cum_w, cum_g], rtol=1e-2)
  np.testing.assert_allclose(inv_wisharts, inv_gammas)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def testVectorArrayExample():
    from venture.lite.sp_registry import builtInSPs
    from venture.lite.value import VentureArray
    propRiplAgreesWithDeterministicSimulate([[VentureArray([])]], "is_vector",