Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_create_edge_label(self) -> None:
        g = Graph()
        v1 = g.add_vertex(1)
        v2 = g.add_vertex(2)
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            v1, v1, is_directed=g.is_directed()) == "(1, 1)"
                ), "loop edge label should be (1, 1)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            v1, v2, is_directed=g.is_directed()) == "(1, 2)"
                ), "edge label should be (1, 2)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            v2, v1, is_directed=g.is_directed()) == "(1, 2)"
                ), "edge label should be (1, 2)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            5, 9, is_directed=g.is_directed()) == "(5, 9)"
                ), "edge label should be (5, 9)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            "t", "s", is_directed=g.is_directed()) == "(s, t)"
                ), "edge label should be (s, t)"

        g2 = DiGraph()
        v3 = g2.add_vertex(3)
        v4 = g2.add_vertex(4)
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            v3, v4, is_directed=g2.is_directed()) == "(3, 4)"
                ), "edge label should be (3, 4)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            v4, v3, is_directed=g2.is_directed()) == "(4, 3)"
                ), "edge label should be (4, 3)"
        assert (edge_module.create_edge_label(
            "t", "s", is_directed=g2.is_directed()) == "(t, s)"
                ), "edge label should be (t, s)"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _remove_duplicate_undirected_edges(
        source_vertex_label: str, edge_tuples: List[T],
        edge_label_to_source: Dict[str, str]) -> List[T]:
    """For undirected graphs, adjacency lists generally repeat edge entries for each endpoint.
    For example, edges (1, 2), (1, 3) would appear as:

    1   2   3
    2   1
    3   1

    This function removes duplicates, where a duplicate is defined as an edge with the same
    edge label (as defined by the function :func:`create_label
    <vertizee.classes.edge.create_label>`) that maps to a different source vertex. Source
    vertices are defined by the first column of an adjacency list file.
    cnt: Counter[Any] = collections.Counter()
    for t in edge_tuples:
        cnt[t] += 1

    unique_edge_tuples = []
    for t in cnt:
        edge_label = edge_module.create_edge_label(t[0],
        if edge_label not in edge_label_to_source:
            edge_label_to_source[edge_label] = source_vertex_label

        if edge_label_to_source[edge_label] == source_vertex_label:
            for _ in range(cnt[t]):

    return unique_edge_tuples
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def has_edge(self, vertex1: VertexType, vertex2: VertexType) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the tree contains the edge.

        Instead of using this method, it is also possible to use the ``in`` operator:

            >>> if ("s", "t") in tree:

        or with objects:

            >>> edge_st = graph.add_edge("s", "t")
            >>> if edge_st in tree:

            vertex1: The first endpoint of the edge.
            vertex2: The second endpoint of the edge.

            bool: True if there is a matching edge in the tree, otherwise False.

        See Also:
            :mod:`VertexType <vertizee.classes.vertex>`
        label = edge_module.create_edge_label(vertex1, vertex2,
        return label in self._edges
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_edge(self, vertex1: "VertexType", vertex2: "VertexType") -> E_co:
        """Returns the :term:`edge` specified by the vertices, or None if no such edge exists.

            vertex1: The first vertex (the :term:`tail` in :term:`directed graphs
                <directed graph>`).
            vertex2: The second vertex (the :term:`head` in directed graphs).

            EdgeBase[V]: The specified edge.

            KeyError: If the tree does not contain an edge with the specified vertex endpoints.
        edge_label = edge_module.create_edge_label(vertex1, vertex2,
        return self._edges[edge_label]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bfs_labeled_edge_traversal(
    graph: GraphBase[V_co, E_co],
    source: Optional[VertexType] = None,
    depth_limit: Optional[float] = None,
    reverse_graph: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[Tuple[V_co, V_co, str, str, float]]:
    """Iterates over the labeled :term:`edges <edge>` of a breadth-first search traversal.

    Running time: :math:`O(m + n)`

        If ``source`` is specified, then the traversal only includes the graph
        :term:`component <connected component>` containing the ``source`` vertex.

    For :term:`directed graphs <digraph>`, setting ``reverse_graph`` to True will generate
    vertices as if the graph were :term:`reversed <reverse>`.

        graph: The graph to search.
        source: The source vertex from which to discover reachable vertices.
        depth_limit: Optional; The depth limit of the search. Defaults to None (no limit).
        reverse_graph: Optional; For directed graphs, setting to True will yield a traversal
            as if the graph were reversed (i.e. the :term:`reverse graph <reverse>`). Defaults
            to False.

        Tuple[Vertex, Vertex, str, str, int]: An iterator over tuples of the form
        ``(parent, child, label, search_direction, depth)`` where ``(parent, child)`` is the edge
        being explored in the breadth-first search.

        The ``label`` is one of the strings:

            1. "tree_root" - :math:`(u, u)`, where :math:`u` is the root vertex of a BFS tree.
            2. "tree_edge" - edge :math:`(u, v)` is a tree edge if :math:`v` was first discovered by
               exploring edge :math:`(u, v)`.
            3. "back_edge" - back edge :math:`(u, v)` connects vertex :math:`u` to ancestor
               :math:`v` in a breadth-first tree. Per *Introduction to Algorithms*, self loops are
               considered back edges. :cite:`2009:clrs`
            4. "forward_edge" - non-tree edges :math:`(u, v)` connecting a vertex :math:`u` to a
               descendant :math:`v` in a breadth-first tree.
            5. "cross_edge" - All other edges, which may go between vertices in the same
               breadth-first tree as long as one vertex is not an ancestor of the other, or they go
               between vertices in different breadth-first trees.

        The ``search_direction`` is the direction of traversal and is one of the strings:

            1. "preorder" - the traversal discovered new vertex `child` in the BFS.
            2. "postorder" - the traversal finished visiting vertex `child` in the BFS.
            3. "already_discovered" - the traversal found a non-tree edge connecting to a vertex
               that was already discovered.

        The ``depth`` is the count of edges between ``child`` and the root vertex in its
        breadth-first search tree. If  the edge :math:`(parent, child)` is not a tree edge (or the
        tree root), the ``depth`` defaults to infinity.

        The labels reveal the complete transcript of the breadth-first search algorithm.

        >>> from pprint import pprint
        >>> import vertizee as vz
        >>> from vertizee.algorithms import search
        >>> g = vz.DiGraph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)])
        >>> pprint(list(search.bfs_labeled_edge_traversal(g, source=0)))
        [(0, 0, 'tree_root', 'preorder', 0),
         (0, 1, 'tree_edge', 'preorder', 1),
         (0, 0, 'tree_root', 'postorder', 0),
         (1, 2, 'tree_edge', 'preorder', 2),
         (0, 1, 'tree_edge', 'postorder', 1),
         (2, 1, 'back_edge', 'already_discovered', inf),
         (1, 2, 'tree_edge', 'postorder', 2)]

    See Also:
        * :class:`Direction <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.Direction>`
        * :class:`Label <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.Label>`
        * :class:`SearchResults <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.SearchResults>`

        This function uses ideas from the NetworkX function:

        The NetworkX function was in turn adapted from David Eppstein's breadth-first search
        function in `PADS`. :cite:`2015:eppstein`

        The edge labeling of this function is based on the treatment in *Introduction to
        Algorithms*. :cite:`2009:clrs`

        The feature to allow depth limits is based on Korf. :cite:`1985:korf`
    if len(graph) == 0:
        raise exception.Unfeasible("search is undefined for an empty graph")

    classified_edges: Set[str] = set()
    """The set of edges that have been classified so far by the breadth-first search into one of:
    tree edge, back edge, cross edge, or forward edge."""

    predecessor: Dict[V_co,
                      Optional[V_co]] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
    """The predecessor is the parent vertex in the BFS tree. Root vertices have predecessor None.
    In addition, if a source vertex is specified, unreachable vertices also have predecessor None.

    search_trees: UnionFind[V_co] = UnionFind()
    """UnionFind data structure, where each disjoint set contains the vertices from a breadth-first
    search tree."""

    seen: Set[V_co] = set()
    """A set of the vertices discovered so far during a breadth-first search."""

    vertex_depth: Dict[V_co, float] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: INFINITY)

    vertices: Union[ValuesView[V_co], Set[V_co]]
    if source is None:
        vertices = graph.vertices()
        vertices = {graph[source]}
    if depth_limit is None:
        depth_limit = INFINITY

    for vertex in vertices:
        if vertex in seen:

        depth_now = 0
        search_trees.make_set(vertex)  # New BFS tree root.
        vertex_depth[vertex] = depth_now

        children = get_adjacent_to_child(child=vertex,
        queue: Deque[VertexSearchState[V_co]] = collections.deque()
        queue.append(VertexSearchState(vertex, children, depth_now))

        yield vertex, vertex, Label.TREE_ROOT, Direction.PREORDER, depth_now

        # Explore the bread-first search tree rooted at `vertex`.
        while queue:
            parent_state: VertexSearchState[V_co] = queue.popleft()
            parent = parent_state.parent

            for child in parent_state.children:
                edge_label = edge_module.create_edge_label(
                    parent, child, graph.is_directed())

                if child not in seen:  # Discovered new vertex?
                    if parent_state.depth is not None:
                        depth_now = parent_state.depth + 1
                    vertex_depth[child] = depth_now
                    predecessor[child] = parent
                    search_trees.union(parent, child)

                    yield parent, child, Label.TREE_EDGE, Direction.PREORDER, depth_now

                    grandchildren = get_adjacent_to_child(
                    if depth_now < (depth_limit - 1):
                            VertexSearchState(child, grandchildren, depth_now))
                elif edge_label not in classified_edges:
                    classification = _classify_edge(parent, child,
                                                    vertex_depth, search_trees)
                    yield parent, child, classification, Direction.ALREADY_DISCOVERED, INFINITY

            if predecessor[parent]:
                yield (
                    cast(V_co, predecessor[parent]),
                yield parent, parent, Label.TREE_ROOT, Direction.POSTORDER, vertex_depth[
Ejemplo n.º 6
def dfs_labeled_edge_traversal(
    graph: GraphBase[V_co, E_co],
    source: Optional[VertexType] = None,
    depth_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    reverse_graph: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[Tuple[V_co, V_co, str, str]]:
    """Iterates over the labeled edges of a depth-first search traversal.

    Running time: :math:`O(m + n)`

        If ``source`` is specified, then the traversal only includes the graph
        :term:`component <connected component>` containing the ``source`` vertex.

        graph: The graph to search.
        source: Optional; The source vertex from which to begin the search. When ``source`` is
            specified, only the component reachable from the source is searched. Defaults to None.
        depth_limit: Optional; The depth limit of the search. Defaults to None (no limit).
        reverse_graph: Optional; For directed graphs, setting to True will yield a traversal
            as if the graph were reversed (i.e. the :term:`reverse graph <reverse>`). Defaults
            to False.

        Tuple[Vertex, Vertex, str, str]: An iterator over tuples of the form
        ``(parent, child, label, search_direction)`` where ``(parent, child)`` is the edge being
        explored in the depth-first search. The ``child`` vertex is found by iterating over the
        parent's adjacency list.

        The ``label`` is one of the strings:

            1. "tree_root" - :math:`(u, u)`, where :math:`u` is the root vertex of a DFS tree.
            2. "tree_edge" - edge :math:`(u, v)` is a tree edge if :math:`v` was first discovered by
               exploring edge :math:`(u, v)`.
            3. "back_edge" - back edge :math:`(u, v)` connects vertex :math:`u` to ancestor
               :math:`v` in a depth-first tree. Per *Introduction to Algorithms* :cite:`2009:clrs`,
               :term:`self loops <loop>` are considered back edges.
            4. "forward_edge" - non-tree edges :math:`(u, v)` connecting a vertex :math:`u` to a
               descendant :math:`v` in a depth-first tree.
            5. "cross_edge" - All other edges, which may go between vertices in the same depth-first
               tree as long as one vertex is not an ancestor of the other, or they go between
               vertices in different depth-first trees.

        In an undirected graph, every edge is either a tree edge or a back edge.

        The ``search_direction`` is the direction of traversal and is one of the strings:

            1. "preorder" - the traversal discovered new vertex `child` in the DFS.
            2. "postorder" - the traversal finished visiting vertex `child` in the DFS.
            3. "already_discovered" - the traversal found a non-tree edge connecting to a vertex
               that was already discovered.

        The labels reveal the complete transcript of the depth-first search algorithm.

        >>> from pprint import pprint
        >>> import vertizee as vz
        >>> from vertizee.algorithms import dfs_labeled_edge_traversal
        >>> g = vz.DiGraph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)])
        >>> pprint(list(dfs_labeled_edge_traversal(g, source=0)))
        [(0, 0, 'tree_root', 'preorder'),
         (0, 1, 'tree_edge', 'preorder'),
         (1, 2, 'tree_edge', 'preorder'),
         (2, 1, 'back_edge', 'already_discovered'),
         (1, 2, 'tree_edge', 'postorder'),
         (0, 1, 'tree_edge', 'postorder'),
         (0, 0, 'tree_root', 'postorder')]

    See Also:
        * :class:`Direction <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.Direction>`
        * :class:`Label <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.Label>`
        * :class:`SearchResults <vertizee.algorithms.algo_utils.search_utils.SearchResults>`

        This function is adapted from the NetworkX function:

        The NetworkX function was in turn adapted from David Eppstein's depth-first search function
        in `PADS`. :cite:`2015:eppstein`

        The edge labeling of this function is based on the treatment in *Introduction to
        Algorithms*. :cite:`2009:clrs`

        The feature to allow depth limits is based on Korf. :cite:`1985:korf`
    if len(graph) == 0:
        raise exception.Unfeasible("search is undefined for an empty graph")

    classified_edges: Set[str] = set()
    """The set of edges that have been classified so far by the depth-first search into one of:
    tree edge, back edge, cross edge, or forward edge."""

    vertex_color: VertexDict[str] = VertexDict()
    """A mapping from vertices to their color (white, gray, black) indicating the status of each
    vertex in the search process (i.e. undiscovered, in the process of being visited, or visit

    vertex_discovery_order: VertexDict[int] = VertexDict()
    """A mapping from vertices to the order in which they were discovered by the depth-first

    for vertex in graph.vertices():
        vertex_color[vertex] = WHITE

    if source is None:
        vertices: Union[ValuesView[V_co], Set[Any]] = graph.vertices()
        s: V_co = graph[source]
        vertices = {s}

    for vertex in vertices:
        vertex = cast(
            vertex)  # Without cast, Pylance assumes type Union[V_co, Any]
        if vertex_color[vertex] != WHITE:  # Already discovered?

        vertex_color[vertex] = GRAY  # Mark discovered.
        vertex_discovery_order[vertex] = len(vertex_discovery_order)

        children = get_adjacent_to_child(child=vertex,
        stack = [VertexSearchState(vertex, children, depth_limit)]

        yield vertex, vertex, Label.TREE_ROOT, Direction.PREORDER

        # Explore the depth-first search tree rooted at `vertex`.
        while stack:
            parent = stack[-1].parent
            children = stack[-1].children
            depth_now = stack[-1].depth

                child = next(children)
            except StopIteration:
                stack_frame = stack.pop()
                child = stack_frame.parent
                vertex_color[child] = BLACK  # Finished visiting child.
                if stack:
                    parent = stack[-1].parent
                    yield parent, child, Label.TREE_EDGE, Direction.POSTORDER
                    yield child, child, Label.TREE_ROOT, Direction.POSTORDER

            edge_label = edge_module.create_edge_label(parent, child,
            if vertex_color[child] == WHITE:  # Discovered new vertex?
                    child] = GRAY  # Mark discovered and in the process of being visited.
                vertex_discovery_order[child] = len(vertex_discovery_order)
                yield parent, child, Label.TREE_EDGE, Direction.PREORDER

                grandchildren = get_adjacent_to_child(
                    child=child, parent=parent, reverse_graph=reverse_graph)
                if depth_now is None:
                        VertexSearchState(child, grandchildren, depth_now))
                elif depth_now > 1:
                        VertexSearchState(child, grandchildren, depth_now - 1))
            elif vertex_color[
                    child] == GRAY:  # In the process of being visited?
                if edge_label not in classified_edges:
                    yield parent, child, Label.BACK_EDGE, Direction.ALREADY_DISCOVERED
            elif vertex_color[child] == BLACK:  # Finished being visited?
                if edge_label not in classified_edges:
                    if vertex_discovery_order[parent] < vertex_discovery_order[
                        yield parent, child, Label.FORWARD_EDGE, Direction.ALREADY_DISCOVERED
                        yield parent, child, Label.CROSS_EDGE, Direction.ALREADY_DISCOVERED
                raise exception.AlgorithmError(
                    f"vertex color '{vertex_color[child]}' of vertex '{child}' not recognized"