def plot(name, data): filename = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, "{name}_{type}.csv".format(name=name, type=get_datapoint_type())) headers = list(data.keys()) amount_of_rows = max(map(len, data.values())) rows = [None] * amount_of_rows for rownr in range(amount_of_rows): rows[rownr] = {daynr: get_datapoint(data, daynr, rownr) for daynr in headers} csvfp = csv.DictWriter(open(filename, "w"), fieldnames=headers) csvfp.writeheader() csvfp.writerows(rows) if __name__ == '__main__': type = get_datapoint_type() if type == DAS: aggregator = aggregate_das elif type == GAP: aggregator = aggregate_gap elif type == CTIME: aggregator = aggregate_ctime else: assert False, "Not possible :)" analyse(chain(*relational.BROTHERS.items()), aggregator=aggregator, plotter=plot, plot_threaded=True)
median, stderr = bootstrapped[day] except KeyError: # This bird didn't have this day yield "" else: yield "{median}±{stderr}".format(**locals()) def plot(*veugel_tuples): all_veugels = list(itertools.chain(*veugel_tuples)) # Determine all available days all_days = set() for (name, bootstrapped) in all_veugels: for daynr in bootstrapped.keys(): all_days.add(daynr) all_days = list(sorted(all_days)) # Open CSV file filename = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, "bootstrapped.csv") file = open(filename, "w") csvfp = csv.writer(file) csvfp.writerow(["name"] + all_days) for name, bootstrapped in all_veugels: csvfp.writerow([name] + list(get_row(bootstrapped, all_days))) if __name__ == '__main__': analyse(relational.BROTHERS.items(), aggregator=aggregate, plotter=plot, plot_threaded=False)
# peaks: een dictionary van bucket (int) -> count (int) # buckets: een dictionary van bucket (int) -> count(int) # Return an ordered dict of buckets, and their peaks return buckets, peaks def aggregate(veugel): # @LINDA: Kies je dagen die je wil berekenen in de onderstaande constructie! days = veugel.days # FILTER DUS HIER aggregated = [(day.daynr, day_aggregate(day.rows["duration_of_state"])) for day in days] aggregated = OrderedDict(aggregated) # HACK: als we hier een enkel item teruggeven gaat analyse() over de zeik :<. We geven # dus een lijst met een enkel item terug, wat vervolgens weer goed gaat in plot(). return [aggregated] def plot(aggregated): pyplot.figure() for day, (buckets, peaks) in aggregated.items(): print(day) pyplot.plot(list(buckets.keys()), list(buckets.values())) pyplot.plot(list(peaks.keys()), list(peaks.values()), 'x') if __name__ == "__main__": analyse([list(BROTHERS.keys())[0]], aggregator=aggregate, plotter=plot, plot_threaded=True)
#print(sorted(Counter(choose_day(iso.days, daynr).rows["duration_of_state"]).items())) #print(sorted(Counter(choose_day(self.days, daynr).rows["duration_of_state"]).items())) iso_das = choose_day(iso.days, daynr).rows["duration_of_state"] self_das = choose_day(self.days, daynr).rows["duration_of_state"] yield stats.ks_2samp(iso_das, self_das) def _aggregate(iso, self): yield yield yield get_hist_data(iso) yield get_hist_data(self) yield list(get_ks(iso, self)) def aggregate(iso, self): return list(_aggregate(iso, self)) def plot(iso_name, self_name, iso_hist, self_hist, ks): print("{} <-> {}".format(iso_name, self_name)) for day, res in zip(BUCKETS, ks): print("{}: {}".format(day, res)) if __name__ == '__main__': analyse(list(relational.BROTHERS.items())[:1], plot, aggregate, plot_threaded=True)
from veugel import relational from veugel.analyse import analyse def plot_avg_das(means): pyplot.plot(list(means.keys()), list(means.values()), marker='x') def plot(iso_name, iso_avgs, self_name, self_avgs): pyplot.figure() pyplot.gca().set_color_cycle(['red', 'blue']) plot_avg_das(iso_avgs) plot_avg_das(self_avgs) pyplot.ylabel('Mean DAS') pyplot.xlabel('DPH') pyplot.ylim(0, 150) pyplot.legend([iso_name, self_name], loc=0) pyplot.savefig("das_{iso_name}_{self_name}.png".format(**locals()), bbox_inches='tight') def get_das_mapping(veugel): return OrderedDict((day.daynr, day.get_das_mean()) for day in veugel.days) def aggregate(iso, self): return [, get_das_mapping(iso),, get_das_mapping(self)] if __name__ == '__main__': analyse(relational.BROTHERS.items(), plot, aggregate, plot_threaded=True)