Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _drawPlotLine( self, painter, xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata,
                       cliprect ):
        """Draw the line connecting the points."""

        pts = self._getLinePoints(xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata)
        if len(pts) < 2:
        s = self.settings

        if not s.FillBelow.hide:
            # construct polygon to draw filled region
            polypts = qt4.QPolygonF([qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[3])])
            polypts += pts
            polypts.append(qt4.QPointF(pts[len(pts)-1].x(), posn[3]))

            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillBelow, cliprect, polypts)

        if not s.FillAbove.hide:
            polypts = qt4.QPolygonF([qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[1])])
            polypts += pts
            polypts.append(qt4.QPointF(pts[len(pts)-1].x(), posn[1]))

            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillAbove, cliprect, polypts)

        # draw line between points
        if not s.PlotLine.hide:
            painter.setPen( s.PlotLine.makeQPen(painter) )
            utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _drawPlotLine(self, painter, xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata,
        """Draw the line connecting the points."""

        pts = self._getLinePoints(xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata)
        if len(pts) < 2:
        s = self.settings

        if not s.FillBelow.hide:
            # construct polygon to draw filled region
            polypts = qt4.QPolygonF([qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[3])])
            polypts += pts
            polypts.append(qt4.QPointF(pts[len(pts) - 1].x(), posn[3]))

            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillBelow, cliprect, polypts)

        if not s.FillAbove.hide:
            polypts = qt4.QPolygonF([qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[1])])
            polypts += pts
            polypts.append(qt4.QPointF(pts[len(pts) - 1].x(), posn[1]))

            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillAbove, cliprect, polypts)

        # draw line between points
        if not s.PlotLine.hide:
            utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _drawPlotLine( self, painter, xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata,
                       cliprect ):
        """Draw the line connecting the points."""

        pts = self._getLinePoints(xvals, yvals, posn, xdata, ydata)
        if len(pts) < 2:
        s = self.settings

        for fill in (s.FillBelow, s.FillAbove):
            if not fill.hide:
                polypts = qt4.QPolygonF([{
                    'bottom': qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[3]),
                    'top':    qt4.QPointF(pts[0].x(), posn[1]),
                    'left':   qt4.QPointF(posn[0], pts[0].y()),
                    'right':  qt4.QPointF(posn[2], pts[0].y()),
                polypts += pts
                    'bottom': qt4.QPointF(pts[-1].x(), posn[3]),
                    'top':    qt4.QPointF(pts[-1].x(), posn[1]),
                    'left':   qt4.QPointF(posn[0], pts[-1].y()),
                    'right':  qt4.QPointF(posn[2], pts[-1].y()),
                utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, fill, cliprect, polypts)

        # draw line between points
        if not s.PlotLine.hide:
            painter.setPen( s.PlotLine.makeQPen(painter) )
            utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _errorBarsFilled(style, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xplotter, yplotter,
                     s, painter, clip):
    """Draw filled region as error region."""

    ptsabove = qt4.QPolygonF()
    ptsbelow = qt4.QPolygonF()

    for orientation, edges, plotpts, minpts, maxpts, hideline in (
            ('vert', ('top', 'bottom'), xplotter, ymin, ymax, s.ErrorBarLine.hideVert),
            ('horz', ('left', 'right'), yplotter, xmin, xmax, s.ErrorBarLine.hideHorz) ):
        if ( (orientation in style) and not hideline and
                (minpts is not None) and (maxpts is not None) ):
            utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsbelow, plotpts, minpts)
            utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsabove, plotpts, maxpts)
            if 'fill' in style:
                retnpts = qt4.QPolygonF()
                fillpts = {
                    'top':    ptsabove,
                    'left':   ptsabove,
                    'bottom': ptsbelow,
                    'right':  ptsbelow }
                                         xplotter[::-1], yplotter[::-1])
                # See note in addSettings about names of FillAbove and
                # FillBelow
                for fill in (s.FillAbove, s.FillBelow):
                    # polygons consist of lines joining the points and
                    # continuing back along the plot line (retnpts)
                    if not fill.hideerror:
                        utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, fill, clip,
            utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsabove)
            utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsbelow)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def drawFillPts(self, painter, brushext, cliprect, ptsx, ptsy):
        '''Draw points for plotting a fill.'''
        pts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, ptsx, ptsy)

        filltype = brushext.filltype
        # this is broken: FIXME
        if filltype == 'left':
            dyend = ptsy[-1]-self._box[1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[-1]-dyend*tan30, self._box[1]) )
            dystart = ptsy[0]-self._box[1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[0]-dystart*tan30, self._box[1]) )
        elif filltype == 'right':
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(self._box[2], ptsy[-1]) )
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(self._box[2], ptsy[0]) )
        elif filltype == 'bottom':
            dyend = self._box[3]-ptsy[-1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[-1]-dyend*tan30, self._box[3]) )
            dystart = self._box[3]-ptsy[0]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[0]-dystart*tan30, self._box[3]) )
        elif filltype == 'polygon':
            pts = None

        if pts is not None:
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, brushext, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def drawFillPts(self, painter, brushext, cliprect, ptsx, ptsy):
        '''Draw points for plotting a fill.'''
        pts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, ptsx, ptsy)

        filltype = brushext.filltype
        # this is broken: FIXME
        if filltype == 'left':
            dyend = ptsy[-1]-self._box[1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[-1]-dyend*tan30, self._box[1]) )
            dystart = ptsy[0]-self._box[1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[0]-dystart*tan30, self._box[1]) )
        elif filltype == 'right':
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(self._box[2], ptsy[-1]) )
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(self._box[2], ptsy[0]) )
        elif filltype == 'bottom':
            dyend = self._box[3]-ptsy[-1]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[-1]-dyend*tan30, self._box[3]) )
            dystart = self._box[3]-ptsy[0]
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(ptsx[0]-dystart*tan30, self._box[3]) )
        elif filltype == 'polygon':
            pts = None

        if pts is not None:
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, brushext, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _errorBarsFilled(style, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xplotter, yplotter, s,
                     painter, clip):
    """Draw filled region as error region."""

    ptsabove = qt4.QPolygonF()
    ptsbelow = qt4.QPolygonF()

    hidevert = True  # keep track of what's shown
    hidehorz = True
    if ('vert' in style and (ymin is not None and ymax is not None)
            and not s.ErrorBarLine.hideVert):
        hidevert = False
        # lines above/below points
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsbelow, xplotter, ymin)
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsabove, xplotter, ymax)

    elif ('horz' in style and (xmin is not None and xmax is not None)
          and not s.ErrorBarLine.hideHorz):
        hidehorz = False
        # lines left/right points
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsbelow, xmin, yplotter)
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsabove, xmax, yplotter)

    # draw filled regions above/left and below/right
    if 'fill' in style and not (hidehorz and hidevert):
        # construct points for error bar regions
        retnpts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(retnpts, xplotter[::-1], yplotter[::-1])

        # polygons consist of lines joining the points and continuing
        # back along the plot line (retnpts)
        if not s.FillBelow.hideerror:
                                      ptsbelow + retnpts,
        if not s.FillAbove.hideerror:
                                      ptsabove + retnpts,

    # draw optional line (on top of fill)
    utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsabove)
    utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsbelow)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def drawFillPts(self, painter, extfill, cliprect, ptsx, ptsy):
        '''Draw points for plotting a fill.'''
        pts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, ptsx, ptsy)

        filltype = extfill.filltype
        if filltype == 'center':
            pts.append(qt4.QPointF(self._xc, self._yc))
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, extfill, cliprect, pts)
        elif filltype == 'outside':
            pp = qt4.QPainterPath()
            pp.moveTo(self._xc, self._yc)
            pp.arcTo(cliprect, 0, 360)
            utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, extfill, pp)
        elif filltype == 'polygon':
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, extfill, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def drawFillPts(self, painter, extfill, cliprect,
                    ptsx, ptsy):
        '''Draw points for plotting a fill.'''
        pts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(pts, ptsx, ptsy)

        filltype = extfill.filltype
        if filltype == 'center':
            pts.append( qt4.QPointF(self._xc, self._yc) )
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, extfill, cliprect, pts)
        elif filltype == 'outside':
            pp = qt4.QPainterPath()
            pp.moveTo(self._xc, self._yc)
            pp.arcTo(cliprect, 0, 360)
            utils.brushExtFillPath(painter, extfill, pp)
        elif filltype == 'polygon':
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, extfill, cliprect, pts)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _errorBarsFilled(style, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xplotter, yplotter,
                     s, painter, clip):
    """Draw filled region as error region."""

    ptsabove = qt4.QPolygonF()
    ptsbelow = qt4.QPolygonF()

    hidevert = True  # keep track of what's shown
    hidehorz = True
    if ( 'vert' in style and
         (ymin is not None and ymax is not None) and
         not s.ErrorBarLine.hideVert ):
        hidevert = False
        # lines above/below points
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsbelow, xplotter, ymin)
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsabove, xplotter, ymax)

    elif ( 'horz' in style and
           (xmin is not None and xmax is not None) and
           not s.ErrorBarLine.hideHorz ):
        hidehorz = False
        # lines left/right points
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsbelow, xmin, yplotter)
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(ptsabove, xmax, yplotter)

    # draw filled regions above/left and below/right
    if 'fill' in style and not (hidehorz and hidevert):
        # construct points for error bar regions
        retnpts = qt4.QPolygonF()
        utils.addNumpyToPolygonF(retnpts, xplotter[::-1], yplotter[::-1])

        # polygons consist of lines joining the points and continuing
        # back along the plot line (retnpts)
        if not s.FillBelow.hideerror:
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillBelow, clip,
                                      ptsbelow+retnpts, ignorehide=True)
        if not s.FillAbove.hideerror:
            utils.brushExtFillPolygon(painter, s.FillAbove, clip,
                                      ptsabove+retnpts, ignorehide=True)

    # draw optional line (on top of fill)
    utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsabove)
    utils.plotClippedPolyline(painter, clip, ptsbelow)