Ejemplo n.º 1
 def measure_single_tail(self, frame, tail):
     """ do line scans along the measurement segments of the tails """
     l = self.params['measurement/line_scan_width']
     w = self.params['measurement/line_scan_step'] #< width of each individual line scan
     result = []
     for line in self.get_measurement_lines(tail):
         ps = curves.make_curve_equidistant(line, spacing=2*w)
         profile = []
         for pp, p, pn in itertools.izip(ps[:-2], ps[1:-1], ps[2:]):
             # slope
             dx, dy = pn - pp
             dlen = math.hypot(dx, dy)
             dx /= dlen; dy /= dlen
             # get end points of line scan
             p1 = (p[0] + l*dy, p[1] - l*dx)
             p2 = (p[0] - l*dy, p[1] + l*dx)
             lscan = image.line_scan(frame, p1, p2, half_width=w)
             self.output.add_points([p1, p2], 1, 'w')
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _get_cage_boundary(self, ground_point, frame, direction='left'):
        """ determines the cage boundary starting from a ground_point
        going in the given direction """

        # check whether we have to calculate anything
        if not self.params['cage/determine_boundaries']:
            if direction == 'left':
                return (0, ground_point[1])
            elif direction == 'right':
                return (frame.shape[1] - 1, ground_point[1])
                raise ValueError('Unknown direction `%s`' % direction)
        # extend the ground line toward the left edge of the cage
        if direction == 'left':
            border_point = (0, ground_point[1])
        elif direction == 'right':
            image_width = frame.shape[1] - 1
            border_point = (image_width, ground_point[1])
            raise ValueError('Unknown direction `%s`' % direction)
        # do the line scan
        profile = image.line_scan(frame, border_point, ground_point,
        # smooth the profile slightly
        profile = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(profile,
        # add extra points to make determining the extrema reliable
        profile = np.r_[0, profile, 255]

        # determine first maximum and first minimum after that
        maxima = signal.argrelextrema(profile, comparator=np.greater_equal)
        pos_max = maxima[0][0]
        minima = signal.argrelextrema(profile[pos_max:],
        pos_min = minima[0][0] + pos_max
        # we have to use argrelextrema instead of argrelmax and argrelmin,
        # because the latter don't capture wide maxima like [0, 1, 1, 0]
        if pos_min - pos_max >= 2:
            # get steepest point in this interval
            pos_edge = np.argmin(np.diff(profile[pos_max:pos_min + 1])) + pos_max
            # get steepest point in complete profile
            pos_edge = np.argmin(np.diff(profile))

        if direction == 'right':
            pos_edge = image_width - pos_edge
        return (pos_edge, ground_point[1])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def refine_ground(self, frame):
        """ adapts a points profile given as points to a given frame.
        Here, we fit a ridge profile in the vicinity of every point of the curve.
        The only fitting parameter is the distance by which a single points moves
        in the direction perpendicular to the curve. """
        # make sure the curve has equidistant points
        spacing = int(self.params['ground/point_spacing'])

        # consider all points that are far away from the borders        
        frame_margin = int(self.params['ground/frame_margin'])
        x_max = frame.shape[1] - frame_margin
        points = [point for point in self.ground.points
                  if frame_margin < point[0] < x_max]
        points = np.array(np.round(points),  np.int32)

        # iterate over all but the boundary points
        curvature_energy_factor = self.params['ground/curvature_energy_factor']
        if 'ground/energy_factor_last' in self._cache:
            # load the energy factor for the next iteration
            snake_energy_max = self.params['ground/snake_energy_max']
            energy_factor_last = self._cache['energy_factor_last']
            # initialize values such that the energy factor is calculated
            # for the next iteration
            snake_energy_max = np.inf
            energy_factor_last = 1

        # parameters of the line scan            
        ray_len = int(self.params['ground/linescan_length']/2)
        profile_width = self.params['ground/point_spacing']/2
        ridge_width = self.params['ground/ridge_width']
        len_ratio = ray_len/ridge_width
        model_std = math.sqrt(1 - math.tanh(len_ratio)/len_ratio)
        assert 0.5 < model_std < 1
        # iterate through all points in random order and correct profile
        energies_image = []
        num_points = len(points) - 2 #< disregard the boundary points
        candidate_points = [None]*num_points
        for k in np.random.permutation(num_points):
            # get local points and slopes
            p_p, p, p_n =  points[k], points[k+1], points[k+2]
            dx, dy = p_n - p_p
            dist = math.hypot(dx, dy)
            if dist == 0: #< something went wrong 
                continue #< skip this point
            dx /= dist; dy /= dist

            # do the line scan perpendicular to the ground line         
            p_a = (p[0] - ray_len*dy, p[1] + ray_len*dx)
            p_b = (p[0] + ray_len*dy, p[1] - ray_len*dx)
            profile = image.line_scan(frame, p_a, p_b, half_width=profile_width)
            # scale profile to -1, 1
            profile -= profile.mean()
                profile /= profile.std()
            except RuntimeWarning:
                # this can happen in strange cases where the profile is flat

            plen = len(profile)
            xs = np.linspace(-plen/2 + 0.5, plen/2 - 0.5, plen)
            def energy_image((pos, model_mean, model_std)):
                """ part of the energy related to the line scan """
                # get image part
                model = np.tanh(-(xs - pos)/ridge_width)
                img_diff = profile - model_std*model - model_mean
                squared_diff = np.sum(img_diff**2)
                return energy_factor_last*squared_diff
                # energy_image has units of color^2
            def energy_curvature(pos):
                """ part of the energy related to the curvature of the ground line """
                # get curvature part: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menger_curvature
                p_c = (p[0] + pos*dy, p[1] - pos*dx)
                a = curves.point_distance(p_p, p_c)
                b = curves.point_distance(p_c, p_n)
                c = curves.point_distance(p_n, p_p)
                # determine curvature of circle through the three points
                A = regions.triangle_area(a, b, c)
                curvature = 4*A/(a*b*c)*spacing
                # We don't scale by with the arc length a + b, because this 
                # would increase the curvature weight in situations where
                # fitting is complicated (close to burrow entries)
                return curvature_energy_factor*curvature

            def energy_snake(data):
                """ energy function of this part of the ground line """
                return energy_image(data) + energy_curvature(data[0])
            # fit the simple model to the line scan profile
            fit_bounds = ((-spacing, spacing), (None, None), (None, None))
                #res = optimize.fmin_powell(energy_snake, [0, 0, model_std], disp=False)
                res, snake_energy, _ = \
                    optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(energy_snake, approx_grad=True,
                                           x0=np.array([0, 0, model_std]),
            except RuntimeError:
                continue #< skip this point

            # use this point, if it is good enough            
            if snake_energy < snake_energy_max:
                # save final energy for determining the energy scale later

                pos, _, model_std = res
                p_x, p_y = p[0] + pos*dy, p[1] - pos*dx
                candidate_points[k] = (int(p_x), int(p_y))

        # filter points, where the fit did not work
        # FIXME: fix overhanging ridge detection (changed sign of comparison Oct. 27)
        points = []
        for candidate in candidate_points:
            if candidate is None:
            # check for overhanging ridge
            if len(points) == 0 or candidate[0] > points[-1][0]:
            # there is an overhanging part, since candidate[0] <= points[-1][0]:
            elif candidate[1] < points[-1][1]:
                # current point is above previous point
                # => replace the previous candidate point
                points[-1] = candidate
                # current point is below previous point
                # => do not add the current candidate point
        # save the energy factor for the next iteration
        energy_factor_last /= np.mean(energies_image)
        self._cache['ground/energy_factor_last'] = energy_factor_last

        if len(points) < 0.5*num_points:
            # refinement failed for too many points => return original ground
            self.logger.debug('%d: Ground profile shortened too much.',
            return self.ground

        # extend the ground line toward the left edge of the cage
        edge_point = self._get_cage_boundary(points[0], frame, 'left')
        if edge_point is not None:
            points.insert(0, edge_point)
        # extend the ground line toward the right edge of the cage
        edge_point = self._get_cage_boundary(points[-1], frame, 'right')
        if edge_point is not None:
        self.ground = GroundProfile(points)
        return self.ground