Ejemplo n.º 1
def view(request):

    # collect subscriptions
    result_array = []
    for sub in Subscription.objects.all().order_by("plan"):
        if sub.plan != settings.DEFAULT_PLAN[
                "id"] and sub.user.username not in helpers.company_accounts:
                helpers.userlink(sub.user), sub.plan, sub.managed_by, sub.notes
    headers = ["User", "Plan", "Payment Method", "Notes"]
    result = helpers.table(result_array, headers)

    result += helpers.header("Plans")

    # collect Plans
    def renderplan(plan):
        features = ""
        for key, value in plan.iteritems():
            if "feature" in key:
                feature = key.replace("feature_", "")
                if value:
                    feature = feature
                    feature = "<span style='color:lightgray'>" + feature + "</span>"
                features += feature + "  "

        result = [
            "<b>" + plan["name"] + "</b><br />" + plan["id"],
            humanize.intcomma(plan["price_usd"] / 100),
            humanize.intcomma(plan["price_eur"] / 100),
            humanize.intcomma(plan["price_gbp"] / 100),
            plan['payment_interval'], features,
            "x" if plan["subscribable"] else "",
            "x" if plan["listable"] else "",
        return result

    array = []
    for plan in settings.PLANS_SORTED:
    result += helpers.table(array, [
        "Name", "USD", "EUR", "GBP", "Interval", "Features", "Subs.",
        "Listable", "No. Users"

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "Subscriptions and Plans",
        "insight_content": result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def view(request):
    result = ""

    # Most views
    result += helpers.header("Users with the most views on their videos")

    count = viewsets.all_videos().values('team__owner__username').annotate(
    max_rows = 25
    result_array = []
    for entry in count:
        max_rows -= 1
        if max_rows == 10: break
    result += helpers.table(result_array, ["username", "plays"])

    # Seen in last 30 days
    enddate = date.today() - timedelta(days=30)
    daily_data = viewsets.user_activity_daily().filter(day__gt=enddate)

    userlist = {}
    for data in daily_data:
        if data.day == data.user.date_joined.date():
        username = data.user.username
        if not username in userlist:
            userlist[username] = [username, 0]
        userlist[username][1] += 1

    userlist = userlist.values()
    userlist.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
    userlist = map(lambda x: [helpers.userlink(x[0]),
                              str(x[1]) + " days"], userlist)

    result += helpers.header("Users seen in last 30 days")
    result += "Users seen on the same day as they signed up are stripped out<br /> <br />"
    result += helpers.table(userlist)

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "User statistics",
        "insight_content": result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def listview(request):
    result = ""
    users = []
    for u in User.objects.all():
        videos = Video.objects.filter_for_user.filter(archived=False).count()

        # published
        videos_published = u.videos.filter(published=Video.PUBLIC,
        demo_videos = Video.objects.filter(
            video__team__owner=u, service_identifier="2rtGFAnyf-s").count()

        if videos == 0:
            color = "red"
        elif videos > 0 and videos_published == 0 or demo_videos == videos:
            color = "darkorange"
            color = "green"

        user = [
            "<span style = 'color:" + color + "'>" + helpers.userlink(u) +
            "</span>", "<b>" + str(videos) + "</b> videos",
            "<b>" + str(videos_published) + "</b> published",
            "<b>" + str(demo_videos) + "</b> demos"
    result += helpers.table(users)

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "All Users",
        "insight_content": result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def build_overall_section():
	result = helpers.header("Overall")
	result += helpers.table([
			['Users', viewsets.all_users().count()],
			['Videos (incl. deleted)', viewsets.all_videos().count()],
			['Published Videos', viewsets.published_videos().count()],
			['Shared Videos', viewsets.shared_videos().count()],
			['Upgraded', viewsets.upgraded_users().count()]
	return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def listview_sales(request):

    result = ""
    users = []

    for u in User.objects.extra(
            'SELECT name FROM users_usercampaigndata WHERE users_usercampaigndata.user_id = auth_user.id',
            'SELECT country FROM users_usercampaigndata WHERE users_usercampaigndata.user_id = auth_user.id',
            'SELECT referrer FROM users_usercampaigndata WHERE users_usercampaigndata.user_id = auth_user.id',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos_video JOIN users_team  ON (videos_video.team_id = users_team.id) WHERE users_team.owner_id = auth_user.id AND videos_video.archived != True',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos_video JOIN users_team  ON (videos_video.team_id = users_team.id) WHERE users_team.owner_id = auth_user.id AND videos_video.archived != True AND videos_video.published = 1',
        user = [
            "<span>" + helpers.userlink(u) + "</span>",
            "" + str(u.country if u.country else '') + "",
            "" + str(u.campaign_name if u.campaign_name else '') + "",
            "<b>" + str(u.num_videos) + "</b> v",
            "<b>" + str(u.num_videos_published) + "</b> p",
            "<b>" + str(u.date_joined.date()) + "</b>",

    result += helpers.table(users)

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "All Users (Sales List)",
        "insight_content": result
Ejemplo n.º 6
def view(request):

    # General Query Building blocks
    SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos_video as v JOIN videos_videorevision as vr ON(v.current_revision_id = vr.id) JOIN users_team as t ON (t.id = v.team_id) JOIN auth_user as u ON (u.id = t.owner_id) "
    SELECT_PUBLISHED_MARKERS = SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + " JOIN videos_marker vm ON (vm.video_revision_id = vr.id)"
    SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS = SELECT_PUBLISHED_MARKERS + " JOIN videos_markercontent vmc ON (vmc.marker_id = vm.id)"
    SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES = SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + " JOIN videos_source as s ON (vr.source_id = s.id)"

    result = "Staff videos are not included in these statistics. <br />Only published videos are counted."

    # Overall stats
    result += helpers.header("Overall Stats (Published)")

    num_videos = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS)
    num_markers = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_MARKERS)
    num_blocks = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS)

    table = []
    table.append(["Published Videos", num_videos])
    table.append(["Published Markers", num_markers])
    table.append(["Published Content Blocks", num_blocks])
    table.append(["Markers per publ. Video", num_markers / num_videos])
    table.append(["Content Blocks per publ. Video", num_blocks / num_videos])
    table.append(["Content Blocks per publ. Marker", num_blocks / num_markers])
    result += helpers.table(table, ["Feature", "All", "Upgraded"])

    # Import Source Stats
    result += helpers.header("Import Source Stats (Published)")

    num_uploaded = get_result(SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES +
                              " WHERE s.service like 'videopath'")

    num_youtube = get_result(SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES +
                             " WHERE s.service like 'youtube'")
    num_vimeo = get_result(SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES +
                           " WHERE s.service like 'vimeo'")
    num_wistia = get_result(SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES +
                            " WHERE s.service like 'wistia'")
    num_brightcove = get_result(SELECT_VIDEO_SOURCES +
                                " WHERE s.service like 'brightcove'")

    table = [["Import Source", 'Videos']]
    table.append(["Uploaded Files", num_uploaded])
    table.append(["Youtube Hosting", num_youtube])
    table.append(["Vimeo Hosting", num_vimeo])
    table.append(["Wistia Hosting", num_wistia])
    table.append(["Brightcove Hosting", num_brightcove])
    result += helpers.chart(table, 'column')

    # Video Feature Stats
    result += helpers.header("Video Feature Stats (Published)")

    num_custom_colors = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS +
                                   " WHERE vr.ui_color_1 != '#424242'")
    num_continuous_playback = get_result(
        SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + " WHERE vr.continuous_playback = true")
    num_equal_marker_lengths = get_result(
        SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + "WHERE vr.ui_equal_marker_lengths = true")
    num_custom_thumbnail = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS +
                                      " WHERE vr.custom_thumbnail_id != 0")
    num_disable_share_buttons = get_result(
        " WHERE vr.ui_disable_share_buttons = true")
    num_fit_video = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS +
                               " WHERE vr.ui_fit_video = true")
    num_custom_tracking_code = get_result(
        SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + " WHERE vr.custom_tracking_code != ''")
    num_password = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS +
                              " WHERE vr.password !=''")
    # num_iphone_enabled = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_REVISIONS + " WHERE vr.iphone_images > 20")

    table = [['Feature', 'Videos']]
    table.append(["Custom Colors", num_custom_colors])
    table.append(["Custom Thumbnail", num_custom_thumbnail])
    table.append(["Disabled Share Buttons", num_disable_share_buttons])
    table.append(["Equal Marker Lengths", num_equal_marker_lengths])
    table.append(["Fit Video", num_fit_video])
    table.append(["Custom Tracking Code", num_custom_tracking_code])
    table.append(["Password Protection", num_password])
    table.append(["Continuous Playback", num_continuous_playback])
    # table.append(["Iphone enabled", num_iphone_enabled])
    result += helpers.chart(table, 'column')

    # Content Block Stats
    result += helpers.header("Content Block Stats (Published)")

    num_text_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                " WHERE vmc.type = 'text'")
    num_image_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                 " WHERE vmc.type = 'image'")
    num_social_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                  " WHERE vmc.type = 'social'")
    num_media_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                 " WHERE vmc.type = 'media'")
    num_website_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                   " WHERE vmc.type = 'website'")
    num_maps_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                " WHERE vmc.type = 'maps'")
    num_button_block = get_result(SELECT_PUBLISHED_CONTENT_BLOCKS +
                                  " WHERE vmc.type = 'simple_button'")

    table = [["Type", "Amount"]]
    table.append(["Text ", num_text_block])
    table.append(["Image ", num_image_block])
    table.append(["Social ", num_social_block])
    table.append(["Media ", num_media_block])
    table.append(["Website ", num_website_block])
    table.append(["Button ", num_button_block])
    table.append(["Maps ", num_maps_block])
    result += helpers.chart(table, 'pie')

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "Features",
        "insight_content": result
Ejemplo n.º 7
def listview(request):

    # video plays
    result = helpers.header("Plays of videos by user in the last 7 days")
    last_day = date.today()
    first_day = last_day - timedelta(days=7)
    count = DailyAnalyticsData.objects.filter(

    rows = 0
    result_array = []
    for entry in count:
        rows += 1
        if rows >= 10: break
    result += helpers.table(result_array, ["username", "plays"])

    # Popular videos
    result += helpers.header("Most popular video the last 7 days")
    last_day = date.today()
    first_day = last_day - timedelta(days=7)
    count = DailyAnalyticsData.objects.filter(

    result_array = []
    max_rows = 25
    for entry in count:
        video = Video.objects.get(pk=entry["video_id"])
        link = helpers.videolink(video)
        if link:
        max_rows -= 1
        if max_rows == 0: break

    result += helpers.table(
        ["Title", "User", "Modified", "Plays all", "Plays last 7"])

    # published vids
    startdate = datetime.now()
    enddate = startdate - timedelta(days=30)
    result += helpers.header("Recently published videos")
    videos = Video.objects.filter(
        current_revision__modified__range=[enddate, startdate]).order_by(
    result += helpers.videolist(videos)

    return SimpleTemplateResponse("insights/base.html", {
        "title": "Videos",
        "insight_content": result