Ejemplo n.º 1
Created on Feb 28, 2014

@author: Will
from model.Graph import Graph
from view.Stats import Stats

stats = Stats()

class Input():
    # A function to execute the 
    # translated command and perform a query
    # on the graph to retrieve the statistics
    # and display them to the usuer.
    # @input command the command string
    # @input city used for the cityInfo command only
    def query(self,command,city=None):
        if (command == 'allcities'):      stats.allCities()
        if (command == 'city'):           stats.cityInfo(city)
        if (command == 'longestflight'):  print stats.longestFlight()
        if (command == 'shortestflight'): print stats.shortestFlight()
        if (command == 'biggestcity'):    print stats.biggestCity()
        if (command == 'smallestcity'):   print stats.smallestCity()
        if (command == 'averagesize'):    stats.averagePopulation()
        if (command == 'continents'):     stats.continentGrouping()
        if (command == 'hubcities'):      stats.hubCities()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     self.stats = Stats()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Input():

    stats = Stats()
    A function to execute the 
    translated command and perform a query
    on the graph to retrieve the statistics
    and display them to the usuer.
    @input command the command string
    @input city used for the cityInfo command only
    def query(self, command, city=None, citylist=None):

        if (command == 'allcities'):
            list = stats.all_cities()
            for city in list:
                print city
        elif (command == 'city'):
            data = stats.city_info(city)
            if (data == None): return
            for field in data:
                print field + " : " + str(data[field])
        elif (command == 'continents'):
            print stats.continent_grouping()
        elif (command == 'hubcities'):
            print stats.hub_cities()
        elif (command == 'longestflight'):
            print stats.longest_flight()
        elif (command == 'shortestflight'):
            print stats.shortest_flight()
        elif (command == 'biggestcity'):
            print stats.biggest_city()
        elif (command == 'smallestcity'):
            print stats.smallest_city()
        elif (command == 'averagesize'):
            print stats.average_population()
        elif (command == 'averagedist'):
            print stats.average_distance()
        elif (command == 'circlemap'):
        elif (command == 'pathinfo'):
            infostrings = self.stats.path_info(citylist)
            for info in infostrings:
                print info

    A function that will translate raw input
    into function commands in real time
    @input command the command to translate

    def translate(self, command):

    A function that translates
    the path info command and executes the query.
    @param command the input user command string

    def path_info(self, command, raw_input=raw_input):
        if ("check path" in command):
            pathlist = []
            while True:
                pathlist.append(raw_input("Enter a city name: "))
                cont = raw_input("Continue adding? (Type '\g' to finish.)")
                if (cont == "\g"):
                    self.query('pathinfo', None, pathlist)

    A helper function that will check the
    input command string for arguments that
    execute commands involving the editing of 
    the graph and its elements
    @param command the input string from the user

    def edit_commands(self, command):
        if ("-ac" in command):
            index = command.find("-ac") + 4
            location = command[index:]

        if ("-rc" in command):
            index = command.find("-rc") + 4
            cityname = command[index:]

        if ("remove" in command and "route" in command):

        if ("add" in command and "route" in command):

        if ("-edit" in command):
            index = command.find("-edit") + 6
            location = command[index:]

    A function that allows the user to edit the
    parameters of a given city through a series
    of raw_input user prompts
    @param raw_input used in debugging raw_input functions

    def edit_city(self, city, raw_input=raw_input):
        node = self.stats.graph.find_city('name', city)
        if (node == None): return

        data = node.get_data()
        edits = 5
        while (edits > 0):
            param = raw_input(
                "What parameter should we edit? (Type 'exit' to stop.)\n")
            if ('exit' in param):
            print "Value: " + str(data[param])
            print "New Value: "
            if (param == 'coordinates'):
                data[param] = {}
                longitude = raw_input("N or S? ")
                data[param][longitude] = int(raw_input("Degrees? "))
                latitude = raw_input("E or W? ")
                data[param][latitude] = int(raw_input("Degrees? "))
            elif (param == 'population' or param == 'region'
                  or param == 'timezone'):
                data[param] = int(raw_input(""))
                data[param] = raw_input("")

            edits -= 1

    Removes the given route from the graph
    Promptes the user several times for input
    about the names of the cities of the route
    @param raw_input used for debugging raw_input prompts

    def remove_route(self, raw_input=raw_input):
        city1 = raw_input("First city name? ")
        city2 = raw_input("Second city name? ")
        self.stats.graph.remove_route(city1, city2)

    Adds a route to the graph generated from 
    user input prompts
    @param raw_input used for debugging raw_input prompts

    def add_route(self, raw_input=raw_input):
        city1 = raw_input("First city name? ")
        city2 = raw_input("Second city name? ")
        weight = int(raw_input("Distance? "))
        source = self.stats.graph.find_city('name', city1)
        target = self.stats.graph.find_city('name', city2)
        self.stats.graph.add_edge(source, target, weight)

    Adds the given city to the graph.
    Prompts the user several times for input
    about information about the city.
    @param city the name of the city to add
    @param raw_input used for debugging raw_input prompts

    def add_city(self, city, raw_input=raw_input):
        city_data = {}
        city_data['name'] = city

        print "PLease input city info for " + city_data['name'] + "."

        city_data['code'] = raw_input("Code? ")
        city_data['country'] = raw_input("Country? ")
        city_data['continent'] = raw_input("Continent? ")
        city_data['timezone'] = int(eval(raw_input("Time zone? ")))

        print "Coordinates? "
        city_data['coordinates'] = {}

        longitude = raw_input("N or S? ")
        city_data['coordinates'][longitude] = int(raw_input("Degrees? "))

        latitude = raw_input("E or W? ")
        city_data['coordinates'][latitude] = int(raw_input("Degrees? "))

        city_data['population'] = int(raw_input("Population? "))
        city_data['region'] = int(raw_input("Region? "))


    A helper function that will check the 
    given command string for arguments that
    indicate the circle map command.
    @input command the input string of commands

    def display_command(self, command):
        if ('display' in command or 'visual' in command or 'map' in command):

    A helper function that parsese the
    command for those that need a
    grouping of the cities: hub cities,
    continent grouping, and listing all cities.
    @input command the input string of commands

    def grouping_commands(self, command):
        if ('hub' in command and 'cities' in command):
        if ('list all' in command or 'all cities' in command
                or 'list cities' in command):
        if (('sort' in command and 'continents' in command)
                or ('group' in command and 'continents' in command)):

    A helper function for translate that
    handles only the city information command.
    @input command the command to translate

    def city_info_command(self, command):
        if ('-c ' in command):
            index = command.find('-c ') + 3
            location = command[index:]
            self.query('city', location)

    A helper function for translate that deals 
    with the simple functions involving largest,
    smallest, longest, and largest values.
    There are "extremities".
    @input command the input string of commands

    def extremity_commands(self, command):
        if ('biggest' in command and 'city' in command):
        if ('smallest' in command and 'city' in command):
        if ('longest' in command and 'flight' in command):
        if ('smallest' in command and 'flight' in command):

    A helper function that parses the command
    for the commands that involve taking 
    averages: distance, and population.
    @input command the input string of commands

    def average_commands(self, command):
        if ('average' in command
                and ('population' in command or 'size' in command)):
        if ('average' in command
                and ('distance' in command or 'length' in command)):

    Another helper for translate that deals with
    applying the help file for confused users.
    It simply loads a text file from memory and displays it
    @input command the input string of commands

    def help_command(self, command):
        if (command[0] == 'h' and len(command) < 6 or 'help' in command):
            helpMe = open('../../input/help.txt', "r")
            print helpMe.read()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testShortestFlight(self):
     stats = Stats()
     shortest = stats.shortestFlight()
     self.assertEqual(shortest, 'New York to Washington (334)')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testLongestFlight(self):
     stats = Stats()
     longest = stats.longestFlight()
     self.assertEqual(longest, 'Sydney to Los Angeles (12051)')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testBiggestCity(self):
     stats = Stats()
     biggest = stats.biggestCity()
     self.assertEqual(biggest, 'Tokyo (34000000)')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testSmallestCity(self):
     stats = Stats()
     smallest = stats.smallestCity()
     self.assertEqual(smallest, 'Essen (589900)')