def view_test() -> bool: grid_world = grid.GridWorld(constants.GRID, rng) my_view = view.View(grid_world) my_view.open_window() my_view.display_and_wait() return True
def __init__(self): self.model = model.Model() self.view = view.View(self.model, self.viewCallback) self.view.draw() self.mouseButtons = [None,0,0,0,0,0] self.mouseLast = [None,0,0,0,0,0] self.loop()
def __init__(self, dir): self.model = model.Model(dir) self.model.setCWD() self.view = view.View(self) self.view.notify() = False self.key =""
def resetGraph(self, event=None): self.v=view.View() #self.updateAxes() self.rotate.delete('1.0', tk.END) self.zoom.delete('1.0', tk.END) self.statslabel.delete('1.0',tk.END)
def __init__(self): # test a connection with the database try: print("Trying to connect to the database : '{}".format( config.DATABASE)) self.database = mysql.connector.connect(user=config.USER, password=config.PASSWORD, host=config.HOST) print("\tConnection established") # if there is an error : except mysql.connector.Error as error: if error.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("user'sname or password is wrong") elif error.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print( "Connection with database failed: \n Detected error : \n%s" % error) else: print("creating cursor ...") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() print("cursors created !") # this variable access to api self.api_access = api.Api(self.cursor) # This variable access to self.db_access = database.Database(self.cursor) # This variable access to self.request_access = view.View(self.cursor, self.database)
def __init__(self): '''We initiate and set variables to call different modules.''' self.pygame = pygame self.x = view.View() self.view = View_pygame.View() self.model = Model.Model() self.running = True
def __init__(self, user=None, password=None, view_=None, model_=None, debug=False, threads=1): if view_ == None: self.view = view.View() else: self.view = view_ if model_ == None: self.model = model.Model() else: self.model = model_ self.debug = debug self.user = user self.password = password maxthreads = threads self.pool_sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=maxthreads) self.chomik = Chomik(self.view, self.model) if self.user == None: self.user = raw_input('Podaj nazwe uzytkownika:\n') if self.password == None: self.password = getpass.getpass('Podaj haslo:\r\n') self.view.print_('Logowanie') if not self.chomik.login(self.user, self.password): self.view.print_('Bledny login lub haslo') sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.year = self.index = - 1 self.view = view.View(self) self.model = model.Model(self) self.view.currentDay()
def __init__(self): """ Wczytywanie danych z plikow uploaded.txt i notuploaded.txt """ self.view = view.View() self.lock = threading.Lock() ##synchronizacja zmiany katalogow w chomiku self.chdirs_lock = threading.Lock() self.notuploaded_file_name = 'notdownloaded.txt' self.uploaded_file_name = 'downloaded.txt' self.uploaded = [] self.notuploaded = [] if not os.path.exists(self.uploaded_file_name): open(self.uploaded_file_name, 'w').close() f = open(self.uploaded_file_name, 'r') self.uploaded ='\n') self.uploaded = set([i.strip() for i in self.uploaded]) f.close() #TODO: tu stanowczo jakis test zrobic if not os.path.exists(self.notuploaded_file_name): open(self.notuploaded_file_name,"w").close() f = open(self.notuploaded_file_name,"r") files = [ i.strip() for i in f.readlines()] f.close() self.notuploaded_resume = [] self.notuploaded_normal = [] self.pending = [] for f in files: try: filepath, filename, folder_id, chomik_id, token, host, port, stamp = re.findall("([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)", f)[0] self.notuploaded_resume.append( (filepath, filename, folder_id, chomik_id, token, host, port, stamp) ) except IndexError, e: self.notuploaded_normal.append( f.strip() )
def run(self): # Instantiate the view # -------------------- self.view = view.View(self) print("View instantiated") # Detect existing HDDs/USBs # ------------------------- os.chdir("/dev/disk/by-id") try: for path in glob.glob("usb*"): # Try to automatically mount it device_path = os.path.realpath("/dev/disk/by-id/" + os.readlink(path)) mounts = open("/proc/mounts") for line in mounts: parts = line.split(' ') if parts[0] == device_path and parts[1].startswith( os.path.join('/media', getpass.getuser())): path = parts[1] self.backup_mediums[path] = model.BackupMedium(path) self.view.drive_inserted(self.backup_mediums[path]) mounts.close() except Exception as exception: print('Error while detecting existing HDDs/USBs {0}: {1}'.format( path, exception)) # Start main loop # --------------- print("Running main loop") Gtk.main()
def run_view(grid_start, agent1=ep2.RandomAgent, agent2=ep2.RandomAgent): """ Runs a game in the graphical mode """ tank = util.TANK_CAPACITY problem = util.USPber(grid=grid_start, multi_agent=True, tank_capacity=tank) pl1 = agent1(player_number=1, number_of_agents=2, tank_capacity=tank, max_depth=util.MAX_DEPTH) pl2 = agent2(player_number=2, number_of_agents=2, tank_capacity=tank, max_depth=util.MAX_DEPTH) if util.SHOW_INFO: print("********************") print(" Starting game ") print("********************") print("Initial board") for line in grid_start: print(line) ctrl = GameControlller(problem, pl1, pl2) game_view = view.View(controller=ctrl, gridboard=grid_start) game_view.root.mainloop()
def __init__(self,fuzzySystem, filename=""): self.__view = view.View(fuzzySystem) self.__system = fuzzySystem self.__inputs = [] self.__currentInput = -1 self.__filename = filename self.__readInputs()
def debug_fun(tb): """ tb = traceback """ v = view.View() st = traceback.format_tb(tb) stack = [] while tb: stack.append(tb.tb_frame) tb = tb.tb_next #traceback.print_exc() v.print_("-" * 10) v.print_(''.join(st)) v.print_("Locals by frame, innermost last") for frame in stack: v.print_() v.print_( "Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)) for key, value in frame.f_locals.items(): try: v.print_("\t%20s = " % key, value) except: v.print_("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE>") v.print_("-" * 10)
def blog_wsgi_app(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' # HTTP Status headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] # HTTP Headers start_response(status, headers) blog_post = view.View() path = environ['PATH_INFO'] #output = getOutput(URL_routing[path]) if path == '/create': output = blog_post.new_post(environ) elif path == '/display_post_links': #method = URL_routing[path] #output = blog_post.method output = blog_post.display_post_links() elif path.find('/id/') != -1: parsed_path = path.split("/") try: post_id = int( parsed_path[2] ) #obtain ID for clicked post, should be second item of path. if no error is thrown then it can be converted to an int and is therefore a string. output = blog_post.display_post(str(post_id)) except (ValueError): output = '404 Error' elif path == '/': output = blog_post.render_main(environ) else: output = '404 Error' return output
def __init__(self, playerX_is_ai, playerO_is_ai): if not Controller.__instance: self.model = model.Model() self.view = view.View("Quixo") if (playerX_is_ai == 'ai'): self.model.playerX.is_ai = True else: playerX_is_ai = False if (playerO_is_ai == 'ai'): self.model.playerO.is_ai = True else: playerO_is_ai = False for i in range(0, 5): for j in range(0, 5): self.view.matrixOfButton[i][j] = self.createButton(i, j) if (i != 0 and i != 4 and j != 0 and j != 4): view.disableButton(self.view.matrixOfButton[i][j]) self.view.matrixOfButton[i][j].grid(row=i, column=j) if (self.model.activePlayer.is_ai == True): self.model.aiPlay() self.setBoardFromSimplified(self.model.board) self.view.root.mainloop() else: self.getInstance()
def __init__(self, width, height): # create a tk object, which is the root window self.root = tk.Tk() # width and height of the window self.initDx = width self.initDy = height # set up the geometry for the window self.root.geometry("%dx%d+50+30" % (self.initDx, self.initDy)) # set the title of the window self.root.title("Tony's Data Dots") # set the maximum size of the window for resizing self.root.maxsize(1600, 900) # setup the menus self.buildMenus() # build the controls self.buildControls() # build the Canvas self.buildCanvas() # bring the window to the front self.root.lift() # - do idle events here to get actual canvas size self.root.update_idletasks() # now we can ask the size of the canvas print self.canvas.winfo_geometry() # set up the key bindings self.setBindings() # set up the application state self.objects = [ ] # list of data objects that will be drawn in the canvas = None # will hold the raw data someday. self.baseClick = None # used to keep track of mouse movement #------------------------------------#Project3, Task1 #task1.a self.view = v.View() #task1.b self.axesEndpoints = np.matrix([ [0, 0, 0, 1], #x_origin [1, 0, 0, 1], #x_endpoint [0, 0, 0, 1], #y_origin [0, 1, 0, 1], #y_endpoint [0, 0, 0, 1], #z_origin [0, 0, 1, 1] ]) #z_endpoint #task1.c self.axes = []
def __init__(self, user=None, password=None, view_=None, model_=None, debug=False): if view_ == None: self.view = view.View() else: self.view = view_ if model_ == None: self.model = model.Model() else: self.model = model_ self.debug = debug self.user = user self.password = password self.notuploaded_file = 'notuploaded.txt' self.uploaded_file = 'uploaded.txt' self.chomik = Chomik(self.view, self.model, debug=self.debug) if self.user == None: self.user = raw_input('Podaj nazwe uzytkownika:\n') if self.password == None: self.password = getpass.getpass('Podaj haslo:\r\n') self.view.print_('Logowanie') if not self.chomik.login(self.user, self.password): self.view.print_('Bledny login lub haslo') sys.exit(1)
def setup_views(self, requestedViews, results): self.requestedViews = requestedViews # Check for availability of CALMA data hasCalma = False try: for result in results['results']['bindings']: if len(result['calma']['value']) > 0: hasCalma = True except Exception as e: print(e) pass # Remove previous views on screen toRemove = self.main.searchForm.topLevelSearchLayout.takeAt(1) toRemove.widget().deleteLater() # Create new view self.view = view.View(self.main, self, requestedViews, results, hasCalma) # Add new view to layout self.main.searchForm.topLevelSearchLayout.addWidget( self.view.get_widget()) # Check span is still correct in top level layout self.main.searchForm.topLevelSearchLayout.setStretch(0, 2) self.main.searchForm.topLevelSearchLayout.setStretch(1, 8) # Set results to viewable if not already self.main.searchForm.leftSideWidget.setTabEnabled(1, True)
def factory(self, applet, iid): print applet print iid # homebrew MVC V = view.View() M = model.TogglModel() V.set_model(M.generate_liststore()) self.appwin.add(V.treeview) self.appwin.resize(400, 300) #self.appwin.add(gtk.Label('hi there')) im = gtk.Image() im.set_from_file("/home/up45/github/toggl-gnome-applet/logo-small.png") ebox = gtk.EventBox() ebox.add(im) ebox.connect('button-press-event', self.button_press) #applet.set_background_widget(applet) #applet.connect('button-press-event',button_press) applet.add(ebox) applet.show_all() print applet.window return gtk.TRUE
def handleResetButton(self): print('handling reset button') self.vobj = view.View().clone() self.updateAxes() self.updatePoints() self.updateLabels() self.updateFits()
def main(args): # TODO: command line argument to do this properly. # HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) HOST = args.server PORT = args.port username = args.username nickname = args.nickname # Start a thread to wait for messages coming back from host client = IRCClient(HOST, PORT, username, nickname) thread = threading.Thread( thread.start() logger.debug(f'[IRCClient] Client thread started')"Client object created") with view.View() as v:"Entered the context of a View object") client.set_view(v) logger.debug(f"Passed View object to IRC Client") v.add_subscriber(client) logger.debug(f"IRC Client is subscribed to the View (to receive user input)") async def inner_run(): await asyncio.gather(, return_exceptions=True, ) try: inner_run() ) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug(f"Signifies end of process") client.close('IRC Client object terminated')
def main(args): # Pass your arguments where necessary client = IRCClient(args[0])"Client object created") with view.View() as v:"Entered the context of a View object") client.set_view(v) logger.debug(f"Passed View object to IRC Client") v.add_subscriber(client) logger.debug( f"IRC Client is subscribed to the View (to receive user input)") async def inner_run(): await asyncio.gather(,, return_exceptions=True, ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.debug(f"Signifies end of process") client.close()
def main(args): # Pass your arguments where necessary client = IRCClient(args.nickname,, args.port)"Client object created") with view.View() as v:"Entered the context of a View object") client.set_view(v) client.add_msg_from_other( "info", "Type /connect <username> <serverhost> <serverport> <realname> to connect to a " "server!") logger.debug(f"Passed View object to IRC Client") v.add_subscriber(client) logger.debug( f"IRC Client is subscribed to the View (to receive user input)") async def inner_run(): await asyncio.gather(,, return_exceptions=True, ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.debug(f"Signifies end of process") client.close()
def __init__(self, width, height): # create a tk object, which is the root window self.root = tk.Tk() # width and height of the window self.initDx = width self.initDy = height # set up the geometry for the window self.root.geometry("%dx%d+50+30" % (self.initDx, self.initDy)) # set the title of the window self.root.title("Random Datapoints") # set the maximum size of the window for resizing self.root.maxsize(1600, 900) # setup the menus self.buildMenus() # build the controls self.buildControls() # build the Canvas self.buildCanvas() # bring the window to the front self.root.lift() # - do idle events here to get actual canvas size self.root.update_idletasks() # now we can ask the size of the canvas print self.canvas.winfo_geometry() # set up the key bindings self.setBindings() # set up the application state self.objects = [ ] # list of data objects that will be drawn in the canvas = None # will hold the raw data someday. self.baseClick = None # used to keep track of mouse movement #create new view object self.v = view.View() #created matrix of endpoints of x,y, and z axes self.axes = np.matrix([[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) #list to store the lines for the x, y, and z axes self.lines = [0, 0, 0] #calls buildAxes function self.buildAxes() #calls updateAxes function self.updateAxes()
def main(): #ed_user = User(Name='Bogdan', Email='LLLLLLLLS', N_sub=2225) #session.add(ed_user) #session.commit() c = cont.Controller(mod.Model(), view.View())
def __init__(self): self.fp = fp.FilePicker() self.v = view.View(self) self.v.init() self.bindEvents() self.v.displayProgram() self.v.afficherMenu() self.v.root.mainloop()
def setup_gui(): if GUI_ENABLED: root = tkinter.Tk() main_view = view.View(root, BOARDWIDTH, BOARDHEIGHT) else: root = None main_view = None return root, main_view
def main(): g = grid.grid(40,120) ml = Model(g) vw=view.View(ml,g) main_loop = urwid.MainLoop(vw.fill, vw.palette,unhandled_input=vw.unhandled_input) main_loop.set_alarm_in(1, vw.callback,user_data={"mod":ml,"vw":vw})
def __init__(self): self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.grid = grid.Grid(self.root, 10, 20) self.view = view.View(self.root, self.grid) self.view.bind('<Key>', self.handleKey) self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.handleClose) self.closed = False self.timer = Timer() self.scoreName = ''
def __init__(self, config): # should probably also look in $HOME self.config = config self.config.app_version = VERSION # configure logging module ############################# # first create db directory if it doesn't exist yet. if not os.path.exists(self.config.db_path): os.mkdir(self.config.db_path) log_filename = os.path.join(self.config.db_path, 'nvpy.log') # file will get nuked when it reaches 100kB lhandler = RotatingFileHandler(log_filename, maxBytes=100000, backupCount=1) lhandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) lhandler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) # we get the root logger and configure it logger = logging.getLogger() if self.config.debug == 1: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(lhandler) # this will go to the root logger logging.debug('nvpy logging initialized') logging.debug('config read from %s' % (str(self.config.files_read), )) if self.config.sn_username == '': self.config.simplenote_sync = 0 css = self.config.rest_css_path if css: if css.startswith("~/"): # On Mac, paths that start with '~/' aren't found by path.exists css = css.replace("~", os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser('~')), 1) self.config.rest_css_path = css if not os.path.exists(css): # Couldn't find the user-defined css file. Use docutils css instead. self.config.rest_css_path = None self.notes_list_model = NotesListModel() # create the interface self.view = view.View(self.config, self.notes_list_model) # read our database of notes into memory # and sync with simplenote. try: self.notes_db = NotesDB(self.config) except ReadError, e: emsg = "Please check nvpy.log.\n" + str(e) self.view.show_error('Sync error', emsg) exit(1)