Ejemplo n.º 1
def save_configuration(pageType, pagePart, language="en"):
    config = db.helpers.legacy_query_user_config(language=language, entity=pageType)
    if pageType == "my_patients":
        pageType = "hpo"
    for col in config[0][pagePart]["colNames"]:
        if col["key"] in request.form.getlist("colNames[]"):
            application.logger.debug(col["key"], True)
            col["default"] = True
            application.logger.debug(col["key"], False)
            col["default"] = False
    c = postgres_cursor()
            "UPDATE user_config SET config=%s WHERE user_name=%s AND language=%s AND page=%s",
            (json.dumps(config), session[USER], language, pageType),
    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
        return jsonify("save configuration failed"), 500
    return jsonify(success=""), 200
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_all_genes():
    with session_scope() as db_session:
            limit, offset = _get_pagination_parameters()
            if limit > MAX_PAGE_SIZE:
                return (
                    jsonify(message="The maximum page size for genes is {}".
            sqlq_end = sql.SQL("""
            and exists (
                select 1 from public.users_individuals ui
                join phenopolis.individual i on i.phenopolis_id = ui.internal_id
                join phenopolis.individual_gene ig on i.id = ig.individual_id and ig.gene_id = g.identifier
                where ui."user" = %(user)s)
            sqlq = sqlq_main + sqlq_end + sql.SQL("limit {} offset {}".format(
                limit, offset))
            with get_db() as conn:
                with conn.cursor() as cur:
                    cur.execute(sqlq, {
                        "user": session[USER],
                        "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY
                    genes = cursor2dict(cur)
            process_for_display(db_session, genes)
        except PhenopolisException as e:
            return jsonify(success=False, message=str(e)), e.http_status
    return jsonify(genes), 200
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _get_hpos(features: List[str]):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("select * from hpo.term t where t.name = any(%s);",
            res = cur.fetchall()
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _search_phenotypes(db_session: Session, query, limit):
    A user may search for things like 'Abnormality of body height' or for an HPO id as HP:1234567 (ie: HP:\d{7})
    or just a seq of numbers like '1234'
    if HPO_REGEX.match(query) or NUMERIC_REGEX.match(query):
        sqlq = sql.SQL("""
            select t.hpo_id, t."name" from hpo.term t where t.hpo_id ~ %(query)s order by t.id limit %(limit)s
        # TODO: search also over synonyms
        # TODO: return the distance so the frontend have greater flexibility
        # NOTE: order results by similarity and then by hpo_name (case insensitive)
        sqlq = sql.SQL("""
                t."name" ,
                t."name" <-> %(query)s as distance
                hpo.term t
                t."name" %% %(query)s
            order by
            limit %(limit)s
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sqlq, {"query": query, "limit": limit})
            phenotypes = cursor2dict(cur)
    return [f"hpo::{x.get('name')}::{x.get('hpo_id')}" for x in phenotypes]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def process_for_display(db_session: Session, data):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute('select ui.internal_id from public.users_individuals ui where ui."user" = %s', [session[USER]])
            my_patients = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]
    # TODO: avoid this transformation to dict and use the objects themselves
    for x2 in data:
        if "CHROM" in x2 and "POS" in x2 and "REF" in x2 and "ALT" in x2:
            variant_id = f'{x2["CHROM"]}-{x2["POS"]}-{x2["REF"]}-{x2["ALT"]}'
            x2["variant_id"] = [{"end_href": variant_id, "display": variant_id[:60]}]
        if "gene_symbol" in x2:
            x2["gene_symbol"] = [{"display": x3} for x3 in x2["gene_symbol"].split(",") if x3]
        if x2.get("HET"):
            x2["HET"] = [
                {"display": "my:" + x3, "end_href": x3}
                if x3 in my_patients
                else {}
                if session[USER] == DEMO_USER
                else {"display": x3, "end_href": x3}
                for x3 in x2["HET"]
        if x2.get("HOM"):
            x2["HOM"] = [
                {"display": "my:" + x3, "end_href": x3}
                if x3 in my_patients
                else {}
                if session[USER] == DEMO_USER
                else {"display": x3, "end_href": x3}
                for x3 in x2["HOM"]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _update_individual(consanguinity, gender: Sex, genes, hpos: List[tuple],
                       individual: Individual):
    Updates tables:
        phenopolis.individual:         col(gender)
        phenopolis.individual_feature: col(feature_id) # hpo_ids
        phenopolis.individual_gene:    col(gene_id) # maps hgnc_symbol -> gene.identifier
            given hgnc_symbol MUST exactly match hgnc_symbols in ensembl.gene table otherwise returns []
    individual.sex = gender
    individual.consanguinity = consanguinity
    hpo_ids = [h[0] for h in hpos]
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            delete from phenopolis.individual_feature where individual_id = %(id)s
            and "type" = any('{observed,simplified}');
            insert into phenopolis.individual_feature (individual_id, feature_id, type) select %(id)s as individual_id,
            unnest(%(hpo_ids)s::int[]) as feature_id, 'observed' as type;
            insert into phenopolis.individual_feature (individual_id, feature_id, type) select %(id)s as individual_id,
            unnest(%(hpo_ids)s::int[]) as feature_id, 'simplified' as type;
            delete from phenopolis.individual_gene where individual_id = %(id)s;
            insert into phenopolis.individual_gene (individual_id, gene_id) select %(id)s as individual_id,
            identifier from ensembl.gene where hgnc_symbol = any(%(genes)s::text[]) and assembly = %(hga)s;
                    "id": individual.id,
                    "hpo_ids": hpo_ids,
                    "genes": genes,
                    "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_all_hpos():
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        individuals = _get_authorized_individuals(db_session)
        sqlq_all_hpos = sql.SQL("""
            select distinct t.hpo_id, t."name" from phenopolis.individual_feature ife
            join hpo.term t on t.id = ife.feature_id
            where ife.individual_id = any(%s) and ife.type in ('observed')
            limit, offset = _get_pagination_parameters()
            if limit > MAX_PAGE_SIZE:
                return (
                    jsonify(message="The maximum page size for variants is {}".
            sqlq = sqlq_all_hpos + sql.SQL("limit {} offset {}".format(
                limit, offset))
            with get_db() as conn:
                with conn.cursor() as cur:
                    cur.execute(sqlq, [[x.id for x in individuals]])
                    hpos = cursor2dict(cur)
            process_for_display(db_session, hpos)
        except PhenopolisException as e:
            return jsonify(success=False, message=str(e)), e.http_status
    return jsonify(hpos), 200
Ejemplo n.º 8
def count_hpos(individuals: List[Individual]):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
                """select ife.type, count(distinct ife.feature_id) from phenopolis.individual_feature ife
                where ife.individual_id = any(%s) and ife.type in ('observed','unobserved') group by ife.type""",
                [[x.id for x in individuals]],
            res = dict(cur.fetchall())
    return res.get("observed", 0), res.get("unobserved", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _count_all_individuals_by_sex(sex: Sex) -> int:
    For admin users it counts all individuals and all users having access to them.
    But for other than admin it counts only individuals which this user has access, other users having access are
    not counted
    query = _query_all_individuals(sex)
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(query, (session[USER], sex.name))
    return cur.rowcount
Ejemplo n.º 10
def count_genes(individuals: List[Individual]):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
                select distinct gene_id from phenopolis.individual_gene ig
                join ensembl.gene g on g.identifier = ig.gene_id
                where g.assembly = %s and g.chromosome ~ '^X|^Y|^[0-9]{1,2}'
                and ig.individual_id = any(%s)
                [HG_ASSEMBLY, [x.id for x in individuals]],
    return cur.rowcount
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _insert_genes(individual, genes):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            insert into phenopolis.individual_gene (individual_id, gene_id) select %(id)s as individual_id,
            identifier from ensembl.gene where hgnc_symbol = any(%(genes)s::text[]) and assembly = %(hga)s;
                    "id": individual.id,
                    "genes": genes,
                    "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _insert_feats(individual, hpo_ids):
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            insert into phenopolis.individual_feature (individual_id, feature_id, type)
            select %(id)s as individual_id, t.id as feature_id, unnest('{observed,simplified}'::text[]) as type
            from hpo.term t where t.hpo_id = any(%(hpo_ids)s::text[]) order by type, feature_id;
                    "id": individual.id,
                    "hpo_ids": hpo_ids
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _fetch_all_individuals(db_session: Session, offset, limit) -> List[Dict]:
    For admin user it returns all individuals and all users having access to them.
    But for others than admin it returns only individuals which this user has access,
    other users having access are not returned
    query = _query_all_individuals() + sql.SQL("limit {} offset {}".format(
        limit, offset))
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(query, [session[USER]])
            individuals = sorted(cursor2dict(cur), key=lambda i: i["id"])
    if session[USER] != ADMIN_USER:
        for dd in individuals:
            dd["users"] = [session[USER]]
    return individuals
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _get_gene(db_session: Session, gene_id):
    g_id = gene_id.upper()
    sqlq_end = sql.SQL(
        "and (g.ensembl_gene_id = %(g_id)s or upper(g.hgnc_symbol) = %(g_id)s)"
    sqlq = sqlq_main + sqlq_end
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sqlq, {"g_id": g_id, "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY})
            gene = cursor2dict(cur)
            if not gene:
                application.logger.info("Using gene_synonym")
                sqlq_end = sql.SQL("and upper(gs.external_synonym) = %(g_id)s")
                sqlq = sqlq_main + sqlq_end
                cur.execute(sqlq, {"g_id": g_id, "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY})
                gene = cursor2dict(cur)
    return gene
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _get_genes_for_individual(
        individual: Union[Individual, dict]) -> List[Tuple[str]]:
    """returns e.g. [('TTLL5',)]"""
    if isinstance(individual, Individual):
        ind_id = individual.id
    elif isinstance(individual, dict):
        ind_id = individual.get("id")
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            select distinct g.hgnc_symbol from phenopolis.individual i
            join phenopolis.individual_gene ig on i.id = ig.individual_id
            join ensembl.gene g on g.identifier = ig.gene_id
            and i.id = %s""",
            genes = cur.fetchall()
    return genes
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_all_variants():
    with session_scope() as db_session:
            limit, offset = _get_pagination_parameters()
            if limit > MAX_PAGE_SIZE:
                return (
                    jsonify(message="The maximum page size for variants is {}".
            sqlq = sqlq_all_variants + sql.SQL("limit {} offset {}".format(
                limit, offset))
            with get_db() as conn:
                with conn.cursor() as cur:
                    cur.execute(sqlq, [session[USER]])
                    variants = cursor2dict(cur)
            process_for_display(db_session, variants)
        except PhenopolisException as e:
            return jsonify(success=False, message=str(e)), e.http_status
    return jsonify(variants), 200
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _individual_preview(config, individual: Individual):
    sql_zig = """select iv.zygosity,count(*) from phenopolis.variant v
        join phenopolis.individual_variant iv on iv.variant_id = v.id
        where iv.individual_id = %s
        group by iv.zygosity"""
    sql_comp = """select sum(c)::int as total from(
        select count(v.*) as c
        from phenopolis.variant_gene vg
        join phenopolis.individual_variant iv on iv.variant_id = vg.variant_id
        join phenopolis.variant v on v.id = iv.variant_id
        where iv.individual_id = %s and iv.zygosity = 'HET'
        group by vg.gene_id having count(v.*) > 1
        ) as com"""
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sql_zig, [individual.id])
            hh = dict(cur.fetchall())
            cur.execute(sql_comp, [individual.id])
            hc = cur.fetchone()[0] or 0

    hom_count = hh.get("HOM", 0)
    het_count = hh.get("HET", 0)
    comp_het_count = hc
    external_id = individual.external_id
    if session[USER] == DEMO_USER:
        external_id = "_demo_"
    # TODO: make a dict of this and not a list of lists
    config[0]["preview"] = [
        ["External_id", external_id],
        ["Sex", individual.sex.name],
        ["Genes", [g[0] for g in _get_genes_for_individual(individual)]],
        ["Features", [f[1] for f in _get_feature_for_individual(individual)]],
        ["Number of hom variants", hom_count],
        ["Number of compound hets", comp_het_count],
        ["Number of het variants", het_count],
    return config
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _get_feature_for_individual(
        individual: Union[Individual, dict],
        atype: str = "simplified") -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
    returns observed_features for a given individual
    options are: simplified (default), observed, unobserved
    e.g. [('HP:0000007', 'Autosomal recessive inheritance'), ('HP:0000505', 'Visual impairment')]
    if isinstance(individual, Individual):
        ind_id = individual.id
    elif isinstance(individual, dict):
        ind_id = individual.get("id")
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
                select distinct t.hpo_id, t."name" from phenopolis.individual i
                join phenopolis.individual_feature if2 on (i.id = if2.individual_id)
                join hpo.term t on (t.id = if2.feature_id) and if2."type" = %s
                and i.id = %s""",
                (atype, ind_id),
            res = cur.fetchall()
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _search_genes(db_session: Session, query, limit):
    Either search for:
    - a gene id like 'ENSG000...'
    - a transcript id like 'ENST000...' not only canonical
    - a protein id like 'ENSP000...' not only canonical
    - a numeric id without any qualifier like '12345'
    - a gene name like 'TTLL...'
    - a gene synonym like 'asd...'

    The order of results is sorted by gene identifier for the 3 searches by identifier; and it is sorted by similarity
    for gene name and gene synonym searches
    is_identifier_query = (ENSEMBL_GENE_REGEX.match(query)
                           or ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_REGEX.match(query)
                           or NUMERIC_REGEX.match(query)
                           or ENSEMBL_PROTEIN_REGEX.match(query))
    if is_identifier_query:
        query = remove_version_from_id(query)
        sqlq = sql.SQL("""
            select distinct g.hgnc_symbol, g.ensembl_gene_id
            from ensembl.gene g
            left outer join ensembl.transcript t on g.ensembl_gene_id = t.ensembl_gene_id
            where g.assembly = %(hga)s
            and g.chromosome ~ '^X|^Y|^[0-9]{1,2}'
            and (
                g.ensembl_gene_id ~* %(query)s or
                t.ensembl_transcript_id ~* %(query)s or
                t.ensembl_peptide_id ~* %(query)s
            order by g.ensembl_gene_id
            limit %(limit)s
        sqlq = sql.SQL("""
                g.ensembl_gene_id ,
                g.hgnc_symbol <-> %(query)s as distance
                ensembl.gene g
            where g.assembly = %(hga)s
            and g.chromosome ~ '^X|^Y|^[0-9]{1,2}'
            and g.hgnc_symbol %% %(query)s
            order by
            limit %(limit)s
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sqlq, {
                "query": query,
                "limit": limit,
                "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY
            genes = cursor2dict(cur)
            if not genes:
                sqlq = sql.SQL("""
                        g.ensembl_gene_id ,
                        gs.external_synonym <-> %(query)s as distance
                        ensembl.gene g
                    join ensembl.gene_synonym gs on gs.gene = g.identifier
                    where g.assembly = %(hga)s
                    and g.chromosome ~ '^X|^Y|^[0-9]{1,2}'
                    and gs.external_synonym %% %(query)s
                    order by
                    limit %(limit)s
                cur.execute(sqlq, {
                    "query": query,
                    "limit": limit,
                    "hga": HG_ASSEMBLY
                genes = cursor2dict(cur)

    return [
        for x in genes
Ejemplo n.º 20
def _get_variants(target: str):
    """Returns a list of dict variants
        target (str):
            * variant_id (e.g '14-76156575-A-G') - and it will return the variant(s) dict for it
                '12-7241974-C-T', e.g., returns 2 dicts because of 'phenopolis.individual_variant'
            * gene_id (e.g. 'ENSG00000144285') - and it will return all variants linked to that gene
            * phenopolis_id (e.g. 'PH00008256') - and it will return all variants linked to that patient
        input 'target' must obey its respective string format.
        List[dict variant]: empty ([]), one or more variants depending on input target
    if CHROMOSOME_POS_REF_ALT_REGEX.match(target):
        c, p, r, a = target.split("-")
        filter = sql.SQL(
            f"""where v.chrom = '{c}' and v.pos = {p} and v."ref" = '{r}' and v.alt = '{a}'"""
    elif ENSEMBL_GENE_REGEX.match(target):
        filter = sql.SQL(f"where vg.gene_id = '{target}'")
    elif PATIENT_REGEX.match(target):
        filter = sql.SQL(f"where i2.phenopolis_id = '{target}'")
        return []

    sqlq_main = sql.SQL("""
            array_agg(distinct iv.zygosity order by iv.zygosity) as zigosity,
            array_agg(distinct concat(g.hgnc_symbol,'@',g.ensembl_gene_id)) as genes, -- to split
            v.chrom as "CHROM", v.pos as "POS", v."ref" as "REF", v.alt as "ALT", v.cadd_phred, v.dann,
            v.fathmm_score, v.revel, -- new added
            -- removed: v.id
            vg.most_severe_consequence, string_agg(distinct vg.hgvs_c,',' order by vg.hgvs_c) as hgvsc,
            string_agg(distinct vg.hgvs_p,',' order by vg.hgvs_p) as hgvsp, -- via variant_gene
            iv.dp as "DP", iv."fs" as "FS", iv.mq as "MQ", iv."filter" as "FILTER", -- via individual_variant
            select array_agg(i.phenopolis_id order by i.id)
            from phenopolis.individual i
            join phenopolis.individual_variant iv2 on iv2.individual_id = i.id and iv2.zygosity = 'HOM'
            where v.id = iv2.variant_id
        ) as "HOM",
            select array_agg(i.phenopolis_id order by i.id)
            from phenopolis.individual i
            join phenopolis.individual_variant iv2 on iv2.individual_id = i.id and iv2.zygosity = 'HET'
            where v.id = iv2.variant_id
        ) as "HET",
            select distinct on (ah.chrom,ah.pos,ah."ref",ah.alt) ah.af from kaviar.annotation_hg19 ah
            where ah.chrom = v.chrom and ah.pos = v.pos and ah."ref" = v."ref" and ah.alt = v.alt
            order by ah.chrom,ah.pos,ah."ref",ah.alt,ah.ac desc
        ) as af_kaviar,
        av.af as af_gnomad_genomes -- gnomad # NOTE: missing strand?
        -- deprecated: MLEAF, MLEAC
        -- need to be added (by Daniele): af_converge, af_hgvd, af_jirdc, af_krgdb, af_tommo,
        from phenopolis.variant v
        join phenopolis.individual_variant iv on iv.variant_id = v.id
        join phenopolis.individual i2 on i2.id = iv.individual_id
        left outer join phenopolis.variant_gene vg on vg.variant_id = v.id -- variant_gene not complete?
        left outer join ensembl.gene g on vg.gene_id = g.ensembl_gene_id
            and g.assembly = %(hga)s and g.chromosome ~ '^X|^Y|^[0-9]{1,2}'
        left outer join gnomad.annotation_v3 av
            on av.chrom = v.chrom and av.pos = v.pos and av."ref" = v."ref" and av.alt = v.alt
        --where v.chrom = '12' and v.pos = 7241974 and v."ref" = 'C' and v.alt = 'T' -- 2 rows
        --where v.chrom = '7' and v.pos = 2303057 and v."ref" = 'G' and v.alt = 'A' -- 1 row
        --where i2.phenopolis_id = 'PH00008256'
        --where vg.gene_id = 'ENSG00000144285'

    sqlq_end = sql.SQL("""
        group by "CHROM","POS","REF","ALT",cadd_phred,dann,fathmm_score,revel,most_severe_consequence,
            "DP","FS","MQ","FILTER", -- need for array_agg but disambiguates depending on individual_variant
        order by
            substring(v.chrom FROM '([0-9]+)')::int,
            v.pos, v."ref", v.alt, iv.dp desc

    sqlq = sqlq_main + filter + sqlq_end
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sqlq, {"hga": HG_ASSEMBLY})
            variants = cursor2dict(cur)
    for v in variants:
        gs, gi = zip(*[x.split("@") for x in sorted(v["genes"])])
        v["gene_symbol"] = ",".join([x for x in gs if x])
        v["gene_id"] = ",".join([x for x in gi if x])
        if not v["HET"]:
            v["HET"] = []
        if not v["HOM"]:
            v["HOM"] = []
        v["HET_COUNT"] = len(v["HET"])
        v["HOM_COUNT"] = len(v["HOM"])
        v["AC"] = v["HET_COUNT"] + 2 * v["HOM_COUNT"]
        v["AN"] = (v["HET_COUNT"] + v["HOM_COUNT"]) * 2
        v["AF"] = v["AC"] / v["AN"]
        v["af_hgvd"] = "TBA"  # to be added
        v["af_converge"] = "TBA"  # to be added
        v["af_jirdc"] = "TBA"  # to be added
        v["af_krgdb"] = "TBA"  # to be added
        v["af_tommo"] = "TBA"  # to be added
        # -------
        v["ID"] = "TBR"  # to be removed
        v["MLEAC"] = "TBR"  # to be removed
        v["MLEAF"] = "TBR"  # to be removed
        for x, y in v.items():
            if y is None:
                v[x] = "NA"

    return variants
Ejemplo n.º 21
def count_variants():
    with get_db() as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(sqlq_all_variants, [session[USER]])
    return cur.rowcount
Ejemplo n.º 22
def hpo(hpo_id="HP:0000001", subset="all", language="en"):

    with session_scope() as db_session:
        config = query_user_config(db_session=db_session,
        field = "hpo_id"
        if not hpo_id.startswith("HP:"):
            field = "name"
        sql_query = sql.SQL(rf"""
                t.id, t.hpo_id, t.name
                hpo.term t
                t.id in (
                    regexp_split_to_table(path::text, '\.')::int as ancestor
                    hpo.is_a_path tpath
                join hpo.term ht on
                    tpath.term_id = ht.id
                    ht.{field} = %s )
            order by
        sqlq = sql_query
        with get_db() as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cur:
                if subset == "preview":
                    ni = _preview(cur, session[USER], hpo_id)
                    config[0]["preview"] = [["Number of Individuals", ni]]
                    return jsonify([{subset: y["preview"]} for y in config])

                cur.execute(sqlq, [hpo_id])
                res = cursor2dict(cur)
        data = [x for x in res if x[field] == hpo_id]
        if not data:
            response = jsonify(message="HPO not found")
            response.status_code = 404
            return response
        d_hpo = data[0]
        h_id = d_hpo["id"]
        hpo_id = d_hpo["hpo_id"]
        hpo_name = d_hpo["name"]
        parent_phenotypes = [{
            "display": i,
            "end_href": j
        } for j, i in [(h, n) for _i, h, n in [ii.values() for ii in res]]]
        # query to give the ancestors for a given hpo for a given user for all patients this user has access
        sqlq = sql.SQL("""
            select distinct i.id, i.external_id, i.phenopolis_id, i.sex, i.consanguinity,
            (select array_agg(distinct g.hgnc_symbol order by g.hgnc_symbol)
                    from phenopolis.individual_gene ig
                    join ensembl.gene g on g.identifier = ig.gene_id
                    where ig.individual_id = i.id
            ) AS genes,
                    select array_agg(distinct concat(t.hpo_id,'@', t."name"))
                    from hpo.term t
                    join phenopolis.individual_feature if2 on t.id = if2.feature_id
                    where i.id = if2.individual_id
                    and if2."type" ='observed'
            ) AS simplified_observed_features_names
            from phenopolis.individual i
            join public.users_individuals ui on ui.internal_id = i.phenopolis_id
            join phenopolis.individual_feature if3 on i.id = if3.individual_id and if3."type" = 'observed'
            join hpo.term t2 on t2.id = if3.feature_id
            join hpo.is_a_path p on p.term_id = t2.id
            where ui."user" = %s
            and p.path ~ %s
            order by i.id
        with get_db() as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cur:
                cur.execute(sqlq, (session[USER], f"*.{h_id}.*"))

                individuals = cursor2dict(cur)

                if hpo_id != "HP:0000001":
                    cur.execute("select * from phenogenon where hpo_id=%s",
                    config[0]["phenogenon_recessive"]["data"] = [{
                        "gene_id": [{
                            "display": gene_id,
                            "end_href": gene_id
                    } for gene_id, hpo_id, hgf, moi_score, in cur.fetchall()]
                    # NOTE: redundant line below commented
                    # cur.execute("select * from phenogenon where hpo_id=%s", [hpo_id])
                    config[0]["phenogenon_dominant"]["data"] = config[0][
                    # Chr,Start,End,HPO,Symbol,ENSEMBL,FisherPvalue,SKATO,variants,CompoundHetPvalue,HWEp,min_depth,nb_alleles_cases,case_maf,nb_ctrl_homs,nb_case_homs,MaxMissRate,nb_alleles_ctrls,nb_snps,nb_cases,minCadd,MeanCallRateCtrls,MeanCallRateCases,OddsRatio,MinSNPs,nb_ctrl_hets,total_maf,MaxCtrlMAF,ctrl_maf,nb_ctrls,nb_case_hets,maxExac
                        "select Symbol,FisherPvalue,SKATO,OddsRatio,variants from skat where HPO= %s",
                    config[0]["skat"]["data"] = [{
                        "gene_id": [{
                            "display": gene_id,
                            "end_href": gene_id
                        "variants": [],
                    } for gene_id, fisher_p_value, skato, odds_ratio, _variants
                                                 in cur.fetchall()[:100]]
        config[0]["preview"] = [["Number of Individuals", len(individuals)]]
        for ind in individuals[:]:
            ind["internal_id"] = [{"display": ind["phenopolis_id"]}]
            if ind["genes"]:
                ind["genes"] = [{"display": i} for i in ind["genes"]]
                ind["genes"] = []
            ind["simplified_observed_features_names"] = [{
                "display": j,
                "end_href": i
            } for i, j, in [
                for x in sorted(ind["simplified_observed_features_names"],
                                key=lambda x: x.split("@")[1])
        config[0]["individuals"]["data"] = individuals
        config[0]["metadata"]["data"] = [{
            "name": hpo_name,
            "id": hpo_id,
            "count": len(individuals),
            "parent_phenotypes": parent_phenotypes
        process_for_display(db_session, config[0]["metadata"]["data"])
    if subset == "all":
        return jsonify(config)
        return jsonify([{subset: y[subset]} for y in config])