Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _equal(self, a, b):
        """Equality testing with secret shared result.
        This is the probabilistic method based on quadratic
        reciprocity described in: "Constant-Round Multiparty
        Computation for Interval Test, Equality Test, and Comparison"
        by Takashi Nishide and Kazuo Ohta, and fails with probability
        1/(2**k) where k is the security parameter of the runtime.
        Zp = a.field
        yield declareReturn(self, Zp)

        d = a - b  # We will check if d == 0
        k = self.options.security_parameter
        x = [None] * k
        i = 0
        while i < k:
            z = self.random_bit(Zp)
            r = self.random(Zp)
            rp = self.random(Zp)
            # If 1 - 2z == 1, c will always be a square modulo p if d == 0
            # and with probability 1/2 otherwise (except if rp == 0).
            # If 1 - 2z == -1 it will be non-square.
            c = yield self.open(d * r + (1 - 2 * z) * rp * rp)
            if c == 0: continue
            x[i] = 1 - z if legendre(c.value, Zp.modulus) == 1 else z
            i += 1

        e = self.prod(x)
        e = yield e
        #e = yield e
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def sum(self, x):
     """Sum of all elements in x.
     Communication cost: none."""
     yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field)
     x = yield x
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def neg(self, a):
        """Negation of a.

        Communication cost: none.
        yield declareReturn(self, a.field)
        a = yield a
Ejemplo n.º 4
def random_derangement_2(n):
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp, n)
    a = random_permutation(n)
    t = tv.prod([a[i]-i if (1-a[int(str(a[0].result)[1:-1])]-i) else 0 for i in xrange(n)])
    if (yield tv.equal_zero_public(t)):
Ejemplo n.º 5
def random_derangement_3(n):
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp, n)
    a = random_permutation(n)
    good_derangements = get_no_two_cycle_derangements(n)
    for good_derangement in good_derangements:
        if(yield 1-tv.sum([a[i] - good_derangement[i] for i in range(n)])):
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run(runtime):
    yield declareVcReturn(runtime)
    val = VcShare.constant(runtime, 3)
    t = eqz(runtime, pre(runtime, val, 1))+1
    print "Result =", t
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def bin_comb(self, x):
        """Binary combination: dot product of powers of 2 and shared x."""

        yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field)
        x = yield x
        s = 0
        for i in xrange(len(x) - 1, -1, -1):
            s = s * 2 + x[i]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def random_derangement(n):
    #basic derangement, not strictly related to an actual array -> jasper
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp, n)
    a = random_permutation(n)
    #print("WASNIO", int(str(a[0].result)[1]))
    t = tv.prod([a[i]-i for i in xrange(n)])                                                                    #
    if (yield tv.equal_zero_public(t)): #if self-loop get another derangement                                   #
        returnValue(random_derangement(n))                                                                      # expected value(?)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def lin_comb(self, a, x):
        """Linear combination: dot product of public a and shared x.

        Communication cost: none. Saves the construction of unnecessary shares
        compared to using add() and mul()."""

        yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field)
        x = yield x
        if isinstance(a, Share):
            a = yield a
        returnValue(sum(imap(operator.mul, a, x)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def scalar_mul(self, a, x):
        """Scalar multiplication of scalar a with vector x.

        Communication cost: n Shamir sharings.
        yield declareReturn(self, a.field, len(x))
        a, x = yield a, x
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
            x[i] = self.__share_recombine(a * x[i])
        #x = yield x
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def schur_prod(self, x, y):
        """Entrywise multiplication of vectors x and y

        Communication cost: n Shamir sharings.
        yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field, len(x))

        x, y = yield x, y
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
            x[i] = self.__share_recombine(x[i] * y[i])
        #x = yield x
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def lsb(self, a):
        """ Least Significant Bit Gate [ST06] """
        Zp = a.field
        yield declareReturn(self, Zp)

        l = self.options.bit_length
        k = self.options.security_parameter
        b = self.random_bit(Zp)
        r = self.random_max(Zp, 2**(l + k))
        a, b, r = yield a, b, r
        c = yield self.open(Share(self, Zp, a + b + 2 * r))
        returnValue(c.bit(0) + b - 2 * c.bit(0) * b)  #xor
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def equal_zero_public(self, a):
        """Public zero test.

        Communication cost: 1 opening (ie. each player sends a share)."""
        field = a.field
        yield declareReturn(self, field)
        r = self.random(field)
        a, r = yield a, r
        field = type(a)
        c = yield self.open(Share(self, field, a * r), None,
                            2 * self.threshold)
        returnValue(c == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def gauss(self, A, d, b, c):
        """Gaussian elimination A:= A d - b c
        Communication cost: m * n Shamir sharings.

        yield declareReturn(self, A[0][0].field, len(A), len(A[0]))
        A, d, b, c = yield A, d, b, c
        for i in xrange(len(A)):
            for j in xrange(len(A[0])):
                A[i][j] = self.__share_recombine(A[i][j] * d - b[i] * c[j])
        #A = yield A
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def invert(self, a):
        """Multiplicative inverse of a, assuming a!=0.
         Communication cost: 1 opening (ie. each player sends a share).
        field = a.field
        yield declareReturn(self, field)
        r = self.random(field)
        a, r = yield a, r
        ar = yield self.open(Share(self, field, a * r), None,
                             2 * self.threshold)
        if ar == 0: returnValue(self.invert(a))
        returnValue(~ar * r)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def prod(self, x):
     """Product of all elements in x.
     Communication cost: n Shamir sharings in log_2 n rounds."""
     yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field)
     x = yield x
     while len(x) > 1:
         h = []
         while len(x) > 1:
             h.append(self.__share_recombine(x.pop() * x.pop()))
         h = yield h
         x = h
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def sub(self, a, b):
        """Subtraction of a and b.

        Communication cost: none.
        if not isinstance(a, Share):
            a = Share(self, b.field, a)
        if not isinstance(b, Share):
            b = Share(self, a.field, b)

        yield declareReturn(self, a.field)

        a, b = yield a, b
        returnValue(a - b)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def add(self, a, b):
        """Addition of a to b.

        Communication cost: none.

        yield declareReturn(self, a.field)

        if not isinstance(b, Share):
            a = yield a
            returnValue(a + b)

        a, b = yield a, b
        returnValue(a + b)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def in_prod(self, x, y):
        """Computing dot product of x and y
        using only one round of communication."""

        yield declareReturn(self, x[0].field)
        if x is y:
            x = yield x
            s = sum(imap(lambda a: a * a, x))
            x, y = yield x, y
            s = sum(imap(operator.mul, x, y))
        s = self.__share_recombine(s)
        s = yield s
        #        s = yield s
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def matrix_prod(self, A, B):
        """Computing matrix product of A with transposed B
        using only one round of communication."""

        yield declareReturn(self, A[0][0].field, len(A), len(B))

        A, B = yield A, B
        C = [None] * len(A)
        for ia in xrange(len(A)):
            C[ia] = [None] * len(B)
            for ib in xrange(len(B)):
                s = sum(imap(operator.mul, A[ia], B[ib]))
                C[ia][ib] = self.__share_recombine(s)
        #C = yield C
Ejemplo n.º 21
def run(runtime):
    yield declareVcReturn(runtime)

    print "Welcome"

    vcs1 = vc_input_predist(runtime, "input11")
    sq1 = (vcs1[0] + vcs1[1]) * (vcs1[0] + vcs1[1])

    vcs2 = vc_input_predist(runtime, "input12")
    sq2 = (vcs2[0] + vcs2[1]) * (vcs2[0] + vcs2[1])

    ret = calc1(runtime, sq1, sq2)

    print "Done"

Ejemplo n.º 22
    def mul(self, a, b):
        """Multiplication of a and b.
         Communication cost: 1 Shamir sharing.
        yield declareReturn(self, a.field)

        if not isinstance(b, Share):
            a = yield a
            returnValue(a * b)

        a, b = yield a, b
        c = self.__share_recombine(a * b)
        c = yield c
        #c = yield c
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def eqz_int(rt, x, k=-1): # need int, otherwise vc_certificate and localversion also apply to subfunction
        yield declareReturn(rt, rt.Zp)
        if k==1: viff.inlinecb.returnValue(x)
        if k==2: viff.inlinecb.returnValue(1-(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)*(~x.field(-6)))
        if k==-1: k = rt.options.bit_length
        r_bits = [rt.prss_share_random(x.field, True) for _ in xrange(k)]
        r_divl = rt.prss_share_random_max(x.field, 2**rt.options.security_parameter)

        c = yield rt.open(x + sum([(2**i)*r_bits[i] for i in xrange(k)]) + (2**(k))*r_divl)
        c_bits = [x.field(c.bit(i)) for i in xrange(k)]
        d = sum([c_bits[i]+r_bits[i]-2*c_bits[i]*r_bits[i] for i in xrange(k)])
        rec = yield eqz_int(rt, d, k.bit_length())    
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def random_bit(self, field):
        """Generate shares of a uniformly random bit over the field given.

        Communication cost: 1 open.
        yield declareReturn(self, field)

        prss_key = self.prss_key()
        prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(field.modulus)
        a = prss(len(self.players), self.id, field, prfs, prss_key)
        # Open the square and compute a square-root
        a2 = yield self.open(Share(self, field, a**2), None,
                             2 * self.threshold)
        if a2 == 0:
            returnValue((a / a2.sqrt() + 1) / 2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def id3(T, R):
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp)
    sizes = [tv.in_prod(T, v) for v in S[C]]
    max, i = int_max(sizes)
    sizeT = tv.sum(sizes)
    stop = (sizeT <= int(0.05*len(T))) + (max == sizeT)
    if len(R) == 0 or not(yield tv.equal_zero_public(stop)):
        i = (yield tv.open(i)).value
        print "Leaf node label ", i
        T_R = [[tv.schur_prod(T, v) for v in S[A]] for A in R]
        gains = [GI(tv.matrix_prod(T_A, S[C])) for T_A in T_R]
        k = (yield tv.open(frac_max(gains))).value
        A = list(R)[k]
        print "Attribute node ", A
        trees = yield [id3(t, R.difference([A])) for t in T_R[k]]
        returnValue((A, trees))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def open(self, a, receivers=None, threshold=None):
        """Open a secret sharing.

        The *receivers* are the players that will eventually obtain the 
        opened result. The default is to let everybody know the result. 
        Communication cost: every player sends one share to each
        receiving player.
        assert isinstance(a, Share)
        yield declareReturn(self, a.field)

        # all players receive result by default
        if receivers is None:
            receivers = self.players.keys()
        if threshold is None:
            threshold = self.threshold

        a = yield a
        # Send share to all receivers.
        for peer_id in receivers:
            if peer_id != self.id:
                self._send_share(peer_id, a)
        # Receive and recombine shares if this player is a receiver.
        if self.id in receivers:
            shares = []
            for peer_id in self.players:
                field = type(a)
                if peer_id == self.id:
                    s = Share(self, field, (field(peer_id), a))
                    s = self._expect_share(peer_id, field)
                    s.addCallback(lambda s, peer_id: (field(peer_id), s),
#                    s.df.addCallback(lambda s, peer_id: (field(peer_id), s), peer_id)
            shares = yield shares[:threshold +
                                  1]  #ToDo wait for t+1 shares only.
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def sgn(self, a, EQ=False, GE=False):
        Zp = a.field
        yield declareReturn(self, Zp)

        l = self.options.bit_length
        k = self.options.security_parameter
        r_bits = [self.random_bit(Zp) for _ in xrange(l)]
        r_modl = self.bin_comb(r_bits)
        r_divl = self.random_max(Zp, 2**k)
        a_rmodl = a + 2**l + r_modl
        c = yield self.open(a_rmodl + 2**l * r_divl)

        xors = [r_bits[i] ^ c.bit(i) for i in xrange(l)]
        if not EQ:
            s_bit = self.random_bit(Zp)
            s_sign = 1 - 2 * s_bit
            # mask: uniformly random -- should be non-zero, failure prob. 1/2^(k+l)
            mask = self.random(Zp)
            #BS mask = mask * mask + 1, assuming -1 is in NQR.

            E = [mask]
            sumXors = 0
            for i in xrange(l - 1, -1, -1):
                E.append(s_sign + r_bits[i] - c.bit(i) + 3 * sumXors)
                sumXors += xors[i]
            E.append(s_sign - 1 + 3 * sumXors)

            f = yield self.open(self.prod(E))
            UF = (f != 0) ^ s_bit
            z = (a_rmodl - (c.value % 2**l + UF * 2**l)) * ~Zp(2**l)
        if not GE:
            h = self.prod([1 - b for b in xors])
            if EQ:
                z = h
                z = (1 - h) * (2 * z - 1)
        z = yield z
        #z = yield z
Ejemplo n.º 28
def random_unit_vector(n):
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp, n)
    if n==1: returnValue([Zp(1)]) #base step
    b = tv.random_bit(Zp) #                                                         1 SHARE
    x = random_unit_vector((n+1)/2)
    if n%2==0:
        y = tv.scalar_mul(b, x) # scalar-vector product b_scalar, x_vector --       N SHAMIR SHARING
        superPrint(["######EVEN - RECURSION DEPTH",n], b, x, y, ["SUB-VALUE:",  map(operator.sub, x, y)])
        returnValue(y + map(operator.sub, x, y)) #with list the + symbol is concat  0 SHARMIR
    elif (yield tv.equal_zero_public(b * x[0] - 1)): #a==0 just if b=0 and x[0]=0   1 OPENING - if B PALAYERS B SHARINGS
        superPrint(["######AGAIN - RECURSION DEPTH", n], tv.equal_zero_public(b * x[0] - 1))
        returnValue(random_unit_vector(n))                                          #rinizia da  capo
        y = tv.scalar_mul(b, x[1:]) # scalar-vector product b_scalar, x_vector --   N SHAMIR SHARING
        superPrint(["######OTHER - RECURSION DEPTH", n], b, x, y, ["LENGTH:", len(y), len(map(operator.sub, x[1:], y)), len(x[:1]), len(y + map(operator.sub, x[1:], y) + x[:1])])
        returnValue(y + map(operator.sub, x[1:], y) + x[:1]) #                      0 SHAMIR
Ejemplo n.º 29
def eqz_local(rt, x, k=-1):
    yield declareReturn(rt, rt.Zp)
    xval = yield x
    returnValue(Share(rt, x.field, x.field(0 if xval==0 else 1)))