Ejemplo n.º 1
def read(path: str) -> Style:
    """Read style from styles file.

        path: Name of the styles file to read
    _logger.debug("Reading style from file '%s'", path)
    parser = external_configparser.get_parser()
    read_log_exception(parser, _logger, path)
    # Retrieve the STYLE section
        section = parser["STYLE"]
    except KeyError:
        _crash_read(path, "Style files must start with the [STYLE] header")
    # Retrieve base colors
        colors = [section.pop(f"base{i:02x}") for i in range(16)]
    except KeyError as e:
        _crash_read(path, f"Style is missing requred base color {e}")
    # Create style class with possibly user-defined font
        style = Style(*colors, font=section.pop("font", DEFAULT_FONT))
    except ValueError as e:
        _crash_read(path, str(e))
    # Override additional options
    for option, value in parser["STYLE"].items():
        _logger.debug("Overriding '%s' with '%s'", option, value)
            style[option] = value
        except ValueError as e:
                "Error parsing style option '%s' = '%s':\n%s", option, value, e
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read(path: str) -> None:
    """Read config from path into settings."""
    parser = external_configparser.get_parser()
    read_log_exception(parser, _logger, path)
    # Try to update every single setting
    for name, _ in api.settings.items():
        _update_setting(name, parser)
    # Read additional statusbar formatters
    if "STATUSBAR" in parser:
    # Read aliases
    if "ALIASES" in parser:
    # Read plugins
    if "PLUGINS" in parser:
    # Read metadata sets
    if "METADATA" in parser:
    _logger.debug("Read configuration from '%s'", path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parser():
    yield external_configparser.get_parser()