Ejemplo n.º 1
def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    file=open(fullfilename, 'r')

    first_run = 1

    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break
        words = line.split()
        nat = int(words[0])

        comment = file.readline()

        if first_run:
            first_run = 0

        for i in range(nat):
            line = file.readline()
            atno = sym2no[sym]
            xyz = array(map(float,words[1:4]))
            material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz, sym, sym+str(i)))
    return material
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    material = Material(fileprefix)
    file = open(fullfilename, 'r')

    first_run = True

    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break
        words = line.split()
        nat = int(words[0])

        comment = file.readline()
        ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz = [
            float(i) for i in comment.split()
        cell = Cell((ax, ay, az), (bx, by, bz), (cx, cy, cz))

        if first_run:
            first_run = False


        for i in range(nat):
            line = file.readline()
            words = line.split()
            sym = cleansym(words[0])
            atno = sym2no[sym]
            xyz = array(map(float, words[1:4]))
            material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz, sym, sym + str(i)))
    return material
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    material = Material(fileprefix)
    file = open(fullfilename, 'r')
    nwchem_options = {}

    geo_pat = re.compile("\s*No\.\s*Tag\s*Charge")
    molchg_pat = re.compile("\s*Charge\s*:\s*")
    multip_pat = re.compile("\s*Spin multiplicity:\s*")

    geos = []
    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break
        if geo_pat.search(line):
            geo = get_geo(file)
        elif molchg_pat.search(line):
            words = string.split(line)
            nwchem_options['molchg'] = int(words[2])
        elif multip_pat.search(line):
            words = string.split(line)
            nwchem_options['multip'] = int(words[2])
    # end of main infinite loop

    print "Loading %d geometries" % len(geos)
    for igeo in range(len(geos)):
        if igeo: material.new_geo()
        for (atno, xyz) in geos[igeo]:
            material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz))
    if len(material.geo.atoms) < 200: material.bonds_from_distance()
    material.nwchem_options = nwchem_options
    return material
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    file=open(fullfilename, 'r')

    first_run = 1

    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break
        if not geostart.search(line): continue
        if first_run:
            first_run = 0
        i = 1
        while 1:
            line = file.readline()
            if geoend.search(line): break
            match = atpat.match(line)
            sym = match.group(1)
            x = float(match.group(2))
            y = float(match.group(3))
            z = float(match.group(4))
            atno = sym2no[sym]
            xyz = array((x,y,z))
            material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz, sym, sym+str(i)))
            i += 1
    return material
Ejemplo n.º 5
def load(fullfilename):
    #TODO move this splitting to within Material so the extension can
    #automatically be the default prefix...then move it into structure
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    from vimm.Material import Material
    from vimm.Atom import Atom
    from vimm.Cell import Cell
    material = Material(fileprefix)
    material.format = fileext

    pkl_file = open(fullfilename, 'rb')
    structure = pickle.load(pkl_file)

    first_run = 1

    if first_run:
        first_run = 0

    for structureAtom in structure:
        material.add_atom(Atom(structureAtom.Z, structureAtom.xyz_cartn))
    aVec, bVec, cVec = structure.lattice.base
    cell = Cell(aVec, bVec, cVec)
    return material
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load(fullfilename):
    gstep = 0
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    file=open(fullfilename, 'r')
    # Initialize atom data
    material = Material(fileprefix)
    opts = {}
    material.seqquest_options = opts

    dconv = 1. # default to Angstroms, which don't need conversion
    cell = None

    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break
        line = line.strip()
        if line == '@=KEYCHAR':
            continue # ignore other keychars for now
        elif line == '@DISTANCE UNIT':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            if line == 'ANGSTROM':
            elif line == 'BOHR':
                dconv = bohr2ang
                print "Warning: unknown distance unit ",line
        elif line == '@DIMENSION':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            opts['ndim'] = int(line)
        elif line == '@NUMBER OF ATOMS':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            opts['nat'] = int(line)
            opts['attypes'] = []
            nread = int(ceil(opts['nat']/20.))
            for i in range(nread):
                line = file.readline().strip()
            assert len(opts['attypes']) == opts['nat']
        elif line == '@TYPES':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            opts['ntyp'] = int(line)
            opts['types'] = []
            for i in range(opts['ntyp']):
                line = file.readline().strip()
        elif line == '@CELL VECTORS':
            line = file.readline()
            axyz = map(float,line.split())
            line = file.readline()
            bxyz = map(float,line.split())
            line = file.readline()
            cxyz = map(float,line.split())
            if abs(dconv-1) > 1e-4: # careful when comparing floats
                axyz = axyz[0]*dconv,axyz[1]*dconv,axyz[2]*dconv
                bxyz = bxyz[0]*dconv,bxyz[1]*dconv,bxyz[2]*dconv
                cxyz = cxyz[0]*dconv,cxyz[1]*dconv,cxyz[2]*dconv
            cell = Cell(axyz,bxyz,cxyz)
        elif line == '@GSTEP':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            gstep = int(line)
        elif line == '@COORDINATES':
            atoms = []
            for i in range(opts['nat']):
                line = file.readline()
                xyz = map(float,line.split())
                if abs(dconv-1) > 1e-4: # careful when comparing floats
                    xyz = xyz[0]*dconv,xyz[1]*dconv,xyz[2]*dconv
                isym = opts['attypes'][i]
                sym = opts['types'][isym-1]
            if gstep > 1: material.new_geo()
            for i in range(opts['nat']):
                sym,xyz = atoms[i]
                atno = sym2no[sym]
                xyz = array(xyz)
            if cell: material.set_cell(cell)
        elif line == '@ESCF':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            escf = float(line)
            # Consider saving these for plotting
        elif line == '@FORCES':
            forces = []
            for i in range(opts['nat']):
                line = file.readline()
        elif line == '@FMAX':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            fmax = float(line)
        elif line == '@FRMS':
            line = file.readline().strip()
            frms = float(line)
            print "Unknown line ",line
    return material

def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    material = Material(fileprefix)

    from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile
    file = NetCDFFile(fullfilename, 'r')
    allDimNames = file.dimensions.keys()
    print 'allDimNames', allDimNames
    vars = file.variables.keys()
    print 'vars', vars

    if file.variables.has_key('dsf'):
        sf = file.variables['dsf'].getValue()  #numpy array
        zLabel = 'S(Q,Omega) (a.u.)'
    elif file.variables.has_key('sf'):
        sf = file.variables['sf'].getValue()  #numpy array
        zLabel = 'F(Q,t) (a.u.)'
    print sf

    q = file.variables['q'].getValue()
    print 'q', q

    if file.variables.has_key('frequency'):
        timeOrFreq = file.variables['frequency'].getValue()  #numpy array
        yLabel = 'Omega (1/ps)'
    elif file.variables.has_key('time'):
        timeOrFreq = file.variables['time'].getValue()  #numpy array
        yLabel = 'Time (ps)'
    print 'timeOrFreq', timeOrFreq

    #triangulate and plot the surface
    #from vimm.Shapes import Triangles
    triangleCoords = []  #Triangles((1.,0.,1.))
    #start across the first axis as x
    xLen, yLen = sf.shape
    #    for i in range(xLen):
    #        for j in range(yLen):
    #            triangleCoords.append((q[i],timeOrFreq[j],sf[i,j]))
    for i in range(xLen - 1):
        for j in [0, 1]:  #range(yLen-1):
            #use the spacing given in the q and timeOrFrequency
            #triangulate each of the squares in the grid
            #lower triangle
            #| \
            triangleCoords.append(((q[i], timeOrFreq[j], sf[i, j]),
                                   (q[i + 1], timeOrFreq[j], sf[i + 1, j]),
                                   (q[i], timeOrFreq[j + 1], sf[i, j + 1])))
            #upper triangle
            # \ |
            #  \1
                ((q[i + 1], timeOrFreq[j], sf[i + 1, j]),
                 (q[i + 1], timeOrFreq[j + 1],
                  sf[i + 1, j + 1]), (q[i], timeOrFreq[j + 1], sf[i, j + 1])))
    material.geo.surface = triangleCoords
    #add the axes to the plot--assume orthogonal for now
    aLen = q[-1] - q[0]
    bLen = timeOrFreq[-1] - timeOrFreq[0]
    cLen = sf.max() - sf.min()
    a = (aLen, 0, 0)
    b = (0, bLen, 0)
    c = (0, 0, cLen)
    # scale the axes so they are roughly equal
    scaleA = 1 / aLen
    scaleB = 1 / bLen
    scaleC = 2 / cLen  #C axis is half as large
    from vimm.Cell import Cell
    cell = Cell(a, b, c, scaleA=scaleA, scaleB=scaleB, scaleC=scaleC)
    cell.aLabel = 'Q (1/Ang)'
    cell.bLabel = yLabel
    cell.cLabel = zLabel
    # add tick mark labels /data point labels to the plot
    cell.tickmarks = {
        'A': [(qPoint, 0, 0) for qPoint in q],
        'B': [(0, timeOrFreqPoint, 0) for timeOrFreqPoint in timeOrFreq]
    return material
def load(fullfilename):
    filedir, fileprefix, fileext = path_split(fullfilename)
    file = open(fullfilename, 'r')

    # Initialize atom data
    material = Material(fileprefix)
    element = []  # Initialize element variable to be appended
    timestamp = 1
    nat = None
    cell = None
    lattice_coords = False
    scale = 1.
    scalez = 1.
    conv_to_ang = True

    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if not line: break

        if p_atomtype.search(line):
            # From the headerfile get the number of atom types
            line = file.readline()
            numberoftypes = int(line)

        elif p_coord_type.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            line = line.strip().lower()
            if line == 'lattice':
                lattice_coords = True
        elif p_to_lattice.search(line):
            raise "Quest to_lattice flags not currently supported"

        elif p_scale.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            scale = float(line.strip())

        elif p_scalez.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            scalez = float(line.strip())

        # Using the atom type number, set the atom names
        elif p_atomfile.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            words = string.split(line)
            atomname = cleansym(words[0]).capitalize()
            #atomname,atomext = path.splitext(words[0])
            #atomname = string.capitalize(atomname) # Captitalize the
            element.append(atomname)  # first letter

        elif p_nat.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            words = string.split(line)
            nat = int(words[0])

        # Read in the initial geometry data
        elif p_geometry.search(line):
            for i in range(nat):
                line = file.readline()
                words = string.split(line)
                num = int(words[0])
                    type = element[int(words[1]) - 1]  #Set the type
                    atno = sym2no[type]
                    # Fallback for when atoms are specified with symbols
                    atno = sym2no[words[1]]
                x, y, z = [float(i) for i in words[2:5]]
                #print x,y,z
                if lattice_coords:
                    converter = cell.lat2cart_factory()
                    x, y, z = converter(x, y, z)
                    #print x,y,z
                elif conv_to_ang:
                    x, y, z = [bohr2ang * i for i in [x, y, z]]
                    #print x,y,z
                xyz = array((x, y, z))
                material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz))
            if cell: material.set_cell(cell)

        elif p_newgeo.search(line):
            comment = file.readline()
            for i in range(nat):
                line = file.readline()
                words = string.split(line)
                num = int(words[0])
                    type = element[int(words[1]) - 1]  #Set the type
                    atno = sym2no[type]
                    # Fallback for when atoms are specified with symbols
                    atno = sym2no[words[1]]
                x, y, z = [float(i) for i in words[2:5]]
                #print x,y,z
                if lattice_coords:
                    converter = cell.lat2cart_factory()
                    x, y, z = converter(x, y, z)
                    #print x,y,z
                elif conv_to_ang:
                    x, y, z = [bohr2ang * i for i in [x, y, z]]
                    #print x,y,z
                xyz = array((x, y, z))
                material.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyz))
            if cell: material.set_cell(cell)
        elif p_cell.search(line):
            line = file.readline()
            words = string.split(line)
            ax, ay, az = [float(i) for i in words[:3]]
            if conv_to_ang:
                ax, ay, az = [bohr2ang * i for i in [ax, ay, az]]
            line = file.readline()
            words = string.split(line)
            bx, by, bz = [float(i) for i in words[:3]]
            if conv_to_ang:
                bx, by, bz = [bohr2ang * i for i in [bx, by, bz]]
            line = file.readline()
            words = string.split(line)
            cx, cy, cz = [float(i) for i in words[:3]]
            if conv_to_ang:
                cx, cy, cz = [bohr2ang * i for i in [cx, cy, cz]]
            cell = Cell((ax, ay, az), (bx, by, bz), (cx, cy, cz),
    return material