def test_add_subtract(self): '''Test add and subtract on some subclasses''' bar = vincent.Bar() area = vincent.Area() area + ({ 'value': 'basis' }, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'enter', 'interpolate') bar + ('red', 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'hover', 'fill', 'value') assert area.marks[0]['properties']['enter'].has_key('interpolate') assert bar.marks[0]['properties']['hover']['fill']['value'] == 'red' bar - ('domain', 'scales', 1) bar -= ('name', 'scales', 1) area - ('scale', 'axes', 0) area -= ('type', 'axes', 1) assert bar.scales[1] == {'nice': True, 'range': 'height'} assert area.axes == [{'type': 'x'}, {'scale': 'y'}]
def api_score_timeline(player_id): score_series = common.scores.get_score_timeline( player_id, int(time.time()) - SECONDS_IN_3_WEEKS) vis = vincent.Area() vis.tabular_data(score_series, axis_time='day') vis += ({'labels': {'angle': {'value': 25}}}, 'axes', 0, 'properties') vis += ({'value': 22}, 'axes', 0, 'properties', 'labels', 'dx') vis.update_vis(padding={'bottom': 50, 'left': 60, 'right': 40, 'top': 10}) vis.update_vis(width=700) # here we go.. # determine the bottom limit - pad below by a bit, and truncate to mult of 10 domain_min = round((score_series.min() - 10) / 10.0) * 10 vis += (False, 'scales', 1, 'zero') vis += (domain_min, 'scales', 1, 'domainMin') vis += (domain_min, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'enter', 'y2', 'value') # colors.. # remove the hover color change, it is stupid vis -= ('hover', 'marks', 0, 'properties') # and change the main color to red because I wanna vis += ({'value': '#c1251f'}, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'update', 'fill') return json.dumps(vis.vega)
def __email_summary(self): email_interval = self.__config['email']['interval'] email_subject = '服务器监控数据' while True: time.sleep(email_interval) now ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') stat_data = { 'cpu_stat': { 'used_percent': [], 'created_at': [] }, 'mem_stat': { 'used_percent': [], 'created_at': [] } } for table_name in stat_data.keys(): for_select = 'SELECT used_percent, created_at FROM %s WHERE created_at < "%s" ORDER BY created_at' \ % (table_name, now) for row in self.__db.query(for_select): stat_data[table_name]['used_percent'].append(row[0]) stat_data[table_name]['created_at'].append(row[1]) for_delete = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE created_at < "%s"' % ( table_name, now) self.__db.execute(for_delete) # cpu cpu_stat_data = self.__data_preprocess(stat_data['cpu_stat']) # memory mem_stat_data = self.__data_preprocess(stat_data['mem_stat']) cpu_data_count = len(cpu_stat_data['created_at']) mem_data_count = len(mem_stat_data['created_at']) if self.__config['email_type'] == 'advanced': # 生成绘图JSON数据的细节还得仔细研究研究 for index in xrange(cpu_data_count): cpu_stat_data['created_at'][index] = datetime.strptime( cpu_stat_data['created_at'][index], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') series = pandas.Series(cpu_stat_data['used_percent'], index=cpu_stat_data['created_at']) cpu_graph = vincent.Area(series) cpu_graph.axis_titles(x=u'Time', y=u'Usage (%)') ax = AxisProperties(labels=PropertySet(angle=ValueRef( value=-30))) cpu_graph.axes[0].properties = ax cpu_graph_json = cpu_graph.to_json() for index in xrange(mem_data_count): mem_stat_data['created_at'][index] = datetime.strptime( mem_stat_data['created_at'][index], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') series = pandas.Series(mem_stat_data['used_percent'], index=mem_stat_data['created_at']) mem_graph = vincent.Area(series) mem_graph.axis_titles(x=u'Time', y=u'Usage (%)') ax = AxisProperties(labels=PropertySet(angle=ValueRef( value=-30))) mem_graph.axes[0].properties = ax mem_graph_json = mem_graph.to_json() email_content = self.__render_content( template_name='templates/monitor_stat.html', data={ 'cpu_stat': { 'data': cpu_graph_json, 'target_file_name': 'cpu_graph.png' }, 'mem_stat': { 'data': mem_graph_json, 'target_file_name': 'mem_graph.png' } }) if email_content is None: print u'模板渲染失败!' break print self.__email_it(subject=email_subject, content=email_content, attach_files=[{ 'file_name': 'cpu_graph.png', 'file_id': 'cpu_stat' }, { 'file_name': 'mem_graph.png', 'file_id': 'mem_stat' }]) else: # 娶最大的5个 max_n = 5 cpu_data_tuples = [(cpu_stat_data['created_at'][index], cpu_stat_data['used_percent'][index]) for index in xrange(cpu_data_count)] cpu_data_sorted = sorted(cpu_data_tuples, key=lambda item: item[1]) cpu_sorted_max = [] if cpu_data_count >= max_n: cpu_sorted_max.extend(cpu_data_sorted[0 - max_n:]) mem_data_tuples = [(mem_stat_data['created_at'][index], mem_stat_data['used_percent'][index]) for index in xrange(mem_data_count)] mem_data_sorted = sorted(mem_data_tuples, key=lambda item: item[1]) mem_sorted_max = [] if mem_data_count >= max_n: mem_sorted_max.extend(mem_data_sorted[0 - max_n:]) email_content = self.__render_content( template_name='templates/monitor_stat.html', data={ 'max_n': max_n, 'cpu_stat': { 'max_n_data': cpu_sorted_max }, 'mem_stat': { 'max_n_data': mem_sorted_max } }) if email_content is None: print u'模板渲染失败!' break print self.__email_it(subject=email_subject, content=email_content)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Builds a Vega grammar specification from vincent.Area() ''' import vincent import random vis = vincent.Area() vis.tabular_data([random.randint(10, 100) for x in range(0, 16, 1)]) #Generate both the Vega JSON and a data JSON. path = r'/vega.json' vis.to_json(path, split_data=True, html=True) #Lets add a data interpolation parameter and resave the JSON vis + ({'value': 'basis'}, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'enter', 'interpolate') vis.to_json(path, split_data=True, html=True)
import pandas as p import vincent from pandas.tseries.resample import TimeGrouper from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset tweets = p.read_csv('./tweets.csv') tweets['created_at'] = p.to_datetime(p.Series(tweets['created_at'])) # set index to 'created_at' tweets.set_index('created_at', drop=False, inplace=True) tweets.index = tweets.index.tz_localize('GMT').tz_convert('EST') # convert to 12 hour format tweets.index = tweets.index - DateOffset(hours=12) # created_at index is formatted to per minute tweets_pm = tweets['created_at'].resample('1t', how='count') # create time series graph via Vincent vincent.core.initialize_notebook() area = vincent.Area(tweets_pm) area.colors(brew='Spectral') area.display()
# <codecell> price['YHOO'] # <codecell> line = vincent.Line(price[['FB', 'YHOO']]) line.axis_titles(x='Date', y='Price') line.legend(title='FB vs YHOO') line.width = 600 line.height = 400 line.display() # <codecell> area = vincent.Area(list_data) area.width = 600 area.height = 400 area.display() # <codecell> stacked = vincent.StackedArea(multi_iter1, iter_idx='index') stacked.axis_titles(x='Index', y='Value') stacked.legend(title='Categories') stacked.height = 300 stacked.width = 600 stacked.display() # <codecell>
#Daily data dates = pd.date_range('4/1/2013 00:00:00', periods=1441, freq='T') data = [random.randint(20, 100) for x in range(len(dates))] series = pd.Series(data, index=dates) vis = vincent.Line() vis.tabular_data(series, axis_time='day') vis += ({'value': 'basis'}, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'enter', 'interpolate') vis.update_vis(width=800) vis.axis_label(x_label='Time', y_label='Data') vis.to_json(path, html=True) #Resample to hourly, which can take a lambda function in addition to the #standard mean, max, min, etc. half_day = series['4/1/2013 00:00:00':'4/1/2013 12:00:00'] hourly = half_day.resample('H', how=lambda x: x.mean() + random.randint(-30, 40)) area = vincent.Area() area.tabular_data(hourly, axis_time='hour') area += ({'value': 'basis'}, 'marks', 0, 'properties', 'enter', 'interpolate') area.update_vis(width=800) area.axis_label(x_label='Time (Hourly)', y_label='Data') area.to_json(path, html=True) #Subset of minute data half_hour = series['4/1/2013 00:00:00':'4/1/2013 00:30:00'] vis.tabular_data(half_hour, axis_time='minute') vis.axis_label(x_label='Time (Minutes)', title='Data vs. Time') vis.to_json(path, html=True)
tweets.set_index('created_at', drop=False, inplace=True) tweets.index = tweets.index.tz_localize('GMT').tz_convert('Europe/Athens') tweets.index = tweets.index - DateOffset(hours = 24) tweets.index #created_at timeseries in a per minute minute format tweets1m = tweets['created_at'].resample('1t').count() #average tweets per minute avg = tweets1m.mean() #plot tweets timeseries import vincent vincent.core.initialize_notebook() area = vincent.Area(tweets1m) area.colors(brew='Spectral') area.axis_titles(x='time', y='tweets') area.display() #find most frequent tokens with NLTK #remove english stopwords import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk import FreqDist #added "greek" file at ../nltk_data/corpora/stopwords #Combined the following files: #file source #1 #file source #2
#NOAA 46401 Wave Period vis1 = vincent.Line(width=600) vis1.tabular_data(NOAA_46041, columns=['dominant_wave_period (s)'], axis_time='day') vis1.axis_label(x_label='Time', y_label='Dominant Wave Period (s)') vis1.to_json('vis1.json') #NOAA 46050 Binned Wind Speed vis2 = vincent.Bar(width=600) vis2.tabular_data(ws_binned) vis2.axis_label(x_label='Wind Speed (m/s)', y_label='# of Obs') vis2.to_json('vis2.json') #NOAA 46243 Wave Height vis3 = vincent.Area(width=600) vis3.tabular_data(NOAA_46243, columns=['significant_wave_height (m)'], axis_time='day') vis3.axis_label(x_label='Time', y_label='Significant Wave Height (m)') vis3.to_json('vis3.json') #Map all buoys buoy_map = folium.Map(location=[46.3014, -123.7390], zoom_start=7, tiles='Stamen Terrain') buoy_map.polygon_marker(location=[47.3489, -124.708], fill_color='#43d9de', radius=12, popup=(vis1, 'vis1.json')) buoy_map.polygon_marker(location=[44.639, -124.5339], fill_color='#43d9de', radius=12, popup=(vis2, 'vis2.json')) buoy_map.polygon_marker(location=[46.216, -124.1280], fill_color='#43d9de', radius=12, popup=(vis3, 'vis3.json')) buoy_map.create_map(path='NOAA_buoys.html')
# NOAA 46401 Wave Period. vis1 = vincent.Line(NOAA_46041['dominant_wave_period (s)'], width=400, height=200) vis1.axis_titles(x='Time', y='Dominant Wave Period (s)') vis1.to_json('vis1.json') # NOAA 46050 Binned Wind Speed. vis2 = vincent.Bar(ws_binned, width=400, height=200) vis2.axis_titles(x='Wind Speed (m/s)', y='# of Obs') vis2.to_json('vis2.json') # NOAA 46243 Wave Height. vis3 = vincent.Area(NOAA_46243['significant_wave_height (m)'], width=400, height=200) vis3.axis_titles(x='Time', y='Significant Wave Height (m)') vis3.to_json('vis3.json') # Map all buoys. buoy_map = folium.Map(location=[46.3014, -123.7390], zoom_start=7, tiles='Stamen Terrain') buoy_map.polygon_marker(location=[47.3489, -124.708], fill_color='#43d9de', radius=12, popup=(vis1, 'vis1.json')) buoy_map.polygon_marker(location=[44.639, -124.5339], fill_color='#43d9de', radius=12,