Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_byte_array_copier(destination, source):
    if not isinstance(source.typ, (ByteArrayType, NullType)):
        raise TypeMismatchException("Can only set a byte array to another byte array")
    if isinstance(source.typ, ByteArrayType) and source.typ.maxlen > destination.typ.maxlen:
        raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot cast from greater max-length %d to shorter max-length %d" % (source.typ.maxlen, destination.typ.maxlen))
    # Special case: memory to memory
    if source.location == "memory" and destination.location == "memory":
        gas_calculation = opcodes.GIDENTITYBASE + \
            opcodes.GIDENTITYWORD * (ceil32(source.typ.maxlen) // 32)
        o = LLLnode.from_list(
            ['with', '_source', source,
                ['with', '_sz', ['add', 32, ['mload', '_source']],
                    ['assert', ['call', ['add', 18, ['div', '_sz', 10]], 4, 0, '_source', '_sz', destination, '_sz']]]], typ=None, add_gas_estimate=gas_calculation)
        return o

    pos_node = LLLnode.from_list('_pos', typ=source.typ, location=source.location)
    # Get the length
    if isinstance(source.typ, NullType):
        length = 1
    elif source.location == "memory":
        length = ['add', ['mload', '_pos'], 32]
    elif source.location == "storage":
        length = ['add', ['sload', '_pos'], 32]
        pos_node = LLLnode.from_list(['sha3_32', pos_node], typ=source.typ, location=source.location)
        raise Exception("Unsupported location:" + source.location)
    if destination.location == "storage":
        destination = LLLnode.from_list(['sha3_32', destination], typ=destination.typ, location=destination.location)
    # Maximum theoretical length
    max_length = 32 if isinstance(source.typ, NullType) else source.typ.maxlen + 32
    return LLLnode.from_list(['with', '_pos', 0 if isinstance(source.typ, NullType) else source,
                                make_byte_slice_copier(destination, pos_node, length, max_length)], typ=None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pack_logging_data(expected_data, args, context):
    # Checks to see if there's any data
    if not args:
        return ['seq'], 0, None, 0
    holder = ['seq']
    maxlen = len(args) * 32  # total size of all packed args (upper limit)
    dynamic_offset_counter = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32))
    dynamic_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32))

    # Populate static placeholders.
    placeholder_map = {}
    for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)):
        typ = data.typ
        placeholder = context.new_placeholder(BaseType(32))
        placeholder_map[i] = placeholder
        if not isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType):
            holder, maxlen = pack_args_by_32(holder, maxlen, arg, typ, context,

    # Dynamic position starts right after the static args.
    holder.append(LLLnode.from_list(['mstore', dynamic_offset_counter,

    # Calculate maximum dynamic offset placeholders, used for gas estimation.
    for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)):
        typ = data.typ
        if isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType):
            maxlen += 32 + ceil32(typ.maxlen)

    # Obtain the start of the arg section.
    if isinstance(expected_data[0].typ, ListType):
        datamem_start = holder[1].to_list()[1][0]
        datamem_start = dynamic_placeholder + 32

    # Copy necessary data into allocated dynamic section.
    for i, (arg, data) in enumerate(zip(args, expected_data)):
        typ = data.typ

    return holder, maxlen, dynamic_offset_counter, datamem_start
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, value, args=None, typ=None, location=None, pos=None, annotation='', mutable=True, add_gas_estimate=0):
        if args is None:
            args = []

        self.value = value
        self.args = args
        self.typ = typ
        assert isinstance(self.typ, NodeType) or self.typ is None, repr(self.typ)
        self.location = location
        self.pos = pos
        self.annotation = annotation
        self.mutable = mutable
        self.add_gas_estimate = add_gas_estimate
        # Determine this node's valency (1 if it pushes a value on the stack,
        # 0 otherwise) and checks to make sure the number and valencies of
        # children are correct. Also, find an upper bound on gas consumption
        # Numbers
        if isinstance(self.value, int):
            self.valency = 1
            self.gas = 5
        elif isinstance(self.value, str):
            # Opcodes and pseudo-opcodes (eg. clamp)
            if self.value.upper() in comb_opcodes:
                _, ins, outs, gas = comb_opcodes[self.value.upper()]
                self.valency = outs
                if len(self.args) != ins:
                    raise Exception("Number of arguments mismatched: %r %r" % (self.value, self.args))
                # We add 2 per stack height at push time and take it back
                # at pop time; this makes `break` easier to handle
                self.gas = gas + 2 * (outs - ins)
                for arg in self.args:
                    if arg.valency == 0:
                        raise Exception("Can't have a zerovalent argument to an opcode or a pseudo-opcode! %r" % arg)
                    self.gas += arg.gas
                # Dynamic gas cost: 8 gas for each byte of logging data
                if self.value.upper()[0:3] == 'LOG' and isinstance(self.args[1].value, int):
                    self.gas += self.args[1].value * 8
                # Dynamic gas cost: non-zero-valued call
                if self.value.upper() == 'CALL' and self.args[2].value != 0:
                    self.gas += 34000
                # Dynamic gas cost: filling sstore (ie. not clearing)
                elif self.value.upper() == 'SSTORE' and self.args[1].value != 0:
                    self.gas += 15000
                # Dynamic gas cost: calldatacopy
                elif self.value.upper() in ('CALLDATACOPY', 'CODECOPY'):
                    size = 34000
                    if isinstance(self.args[2].value, int):
                        size = self.args[2].value
                    elif isinstance(self.args[2], LLLnode) and len(self.args[2].args) > 0:
                        size = self.args[2].args / [-1].value
                    self.gas += ceil32(size) // 32 * 3
                # Gas limits in call
                if self.value.upper() == 'CALL' and isinstance(self.args[0].value, int):
                    self.gas += self.args[0].value
            # If statements
            elif self.value == 'if':
                if len(self.args) == 3:
                    self.gas = self.args[0].gas + max(self.args[1].gas, self.args[2].gas) + 3
                    if self.args[1].valency != self.args[2].valency:
                        raise Exception("Valency mismatch between then and else clause: %r %r" % (self.args[1], self.args[2]))
                if len(self.args) == 2:
                    self.gas = self.args[0].gas + self.args[1].gas + 17
                    if self.args[1].valency:
                        raise Exception("2-clause if statement must have a zerovalent body: %r" % self.args[1])
                if not self.args[0].valency:
                    raise Exception("Can't have a zerovalent argument as a test to an if statement! %r" % self.args[0])
                if len(self.args) not in (2, 3):
                    raise Exception("If can only have 2 or 3 arguments")
                self.valency = self.args[1].valency
            # With statements: with <var> <initial> <statement>
            elif self.value == 'with':
                if len(self.args) != 3:
                    raise Exception("With statement must have 3 arguments")
                if len(self.args[0].args) or not isinstance(self.args[0].value, str):
                    raise Exception("First argument to with statement must be a variable")
                if not self.args[1].valency:
                    raise Exception("Second argument to with statement (initial value) cannot be zerovalent: %r" % self.args[1])
                self.valency = self.args[2].valency
                self.gas = sum([arg.gas for arg in self.args]) + 5
            # Repeat statements: repeat <index_memloc> <startval> <rounds> <body>
            elif self.value == 'repeat':
                if len(self.args[2].args) or not isinstance(self.args[2].value, int) or self.args[2].value <= 0:
                    raise Exception("Number of times repeated must be a constant nonzero positive integer: %r" % self.args[2])
                if not self.args[0].valency:
                    raise Exception("First argument to repeat (memory location) cannot be zerovalent: %r" % self.args[0])
                if not self.args[1].valency:
                    raise Exception("Second argument to repeat (start value) cannot be zerovalent: %r" % self.args[1])
                if self.args[3].valency:
                    raise Exception("Third argument to repeat (clause to be repeated) must be zerovalent: %r" % self.args[3])
                self.valency = 0
                if self.args[1].value == 'mload' or self.args[1].value == 'sload':
                    rounds = self.args[2].value
                    rounds = abs(self.args[2].value - self.args[1].value)
                self.gas = rounds * (self.args[3].gas + 50) + 30
            # Seq statements: seq <statement> <statement> ...
            elif self.value == 'seq':
                self.valency = self.args[-1].valency if self.args else 0
                self.gas = sum([arg.gas for arg in self.args]) + 30
            # Multi statements: multi <expr> <expr> ...
            elif self.value == 'multi':
                for arg in self.args:
                    if not arg.valency:
                        raise Exception("Multi expects all children to not be zerovalent: %r" % arg)
                self.valency = sum([arg.valency for arg in self.args])
                self.gas = sum([arg.gas for arg in self.args])
            # LLL brackets (don't bother gas counting)
            elif self.value == 'lll':
                self.valency = 1
                self.gas = NullAttractor()
            # Stack variables
                self.valency = 1
                self.gas = 5
        elif self.value is None and isinstance(self.typ, NullType):
            self.valency = 1
            self.gas = 5
            raise Exception("Invalid value for LLL AST node: %r" % self.value)
        assert isinstance(self.args, list)

        self.gas += self.add_gas_estimate
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_variable_offset(parent, key):
    typ, location = parent.typ, parent.location
    if isinstance(typ, (StructType, TupleType)):
        if isinstance(typ, StructType):
            if not isinstance(key, str):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting a member variable access; cannot access element %r" % key)
            if key not in typ.members:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Object does not have member variable %s" % key)
            subtype = typ.members[key]
            attrs = sorted(typ.members.keys())

            if key not in attrs:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Member %s not found. Only the following available: %s" % (key, " ".join(attrs)))
            index = attrs.index(key)
            annotation = key
            if not isinstance(key, int):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting a static index; cannot access element %r" % key)
            attrs = list(range(len(typ.members)))
            index = key
            annotation = None
        if location == 'storage':
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['sha3_32', parent], LLLnode.from_list(index, annotation=annotation)],
        elif location == 'storage_prehashed':
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', parent, LLLnode.from_list(index, annotation=annotation)],
        elif location == 'memory':
            offset = 0
            for i in range(index):
                offset += 32 * get_size_of_type(typ.members[attrs[i]])
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', offset, parent],
            raise TypeMismatchException("Not expecting a member variable access")
    elif isinstance(typ, (ListType, MappingType)):
        if isinstance(typ, ListType):
            subtype = typ.subtype
            sub = ['uclamplt', base_type_conversion(key, key.typ, BaseType('num')), typ.count]
        elif isinstance(typ, MappingType) and isinstance(key.typ, ByteArrayType):
            if not isinstance(typ.keytype, ByteArrayType) or (typ.keytype.maxlen < key.typ.maxlen):
                raise TypeMismatchException('Mapping keys of bytes cannot be cast, use exact same bytes type of: %s', str(typ.keytype))
            subtype = typ.valuetype
            if len(key.args[0].args) == 3:  # handle bytes literal.
                sub = LLLnode.from_list([
                    ['sha3', ['add', key.args[0].args[-1], 32], ceil32(key.typ.maxlen)]
                sub = LLLnode.from_list(['sha3', ['add', key.args[0].value, 32], ceil32(key.typ.maxlen)])
            subtype = typ.valuetype
            sub = base_type_conversion(key, key.typ, typ.keytype)
        if location == 'storage':
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['sha3_32', parent], sub],
        elif location == 'storage_prehashed':
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', parent, sub],
        elif location == 'memory':
            if isinstance(typ, MappingType):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Can only have fixed-side arrays in memory, not mappings")
            offset = 32 * get_size_of_type(subtype)
            return LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['mul', offset, sub], parent],
            raise TypeMismatchException("Not expecting an array access ")
        raise TypeMismatchException("Cannot access the child of a constant variable! %r" % typ)