Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test xdmf")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument('file', nargs="?", default=None)
    args = vutil.common_argparse(parser)

    # f3d = readers.load_file(_viscid_root + '/../../sample/sample.3df.xdmf')
    # b3d = f3d['b']
    # bx, by, bz = b3d.component_fields()  # pylint: disable=W0612

    if args.file is None:
        args.file = "/Users/kmaynard/dev/work/cen4000/cen4000.3d.xdmf"
    f3d = readers.load_file(args.file)

    bx = f3d["bx"]
    by = f3d["by"]
    bz = f3d["bz"]
    B = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([bx, by, bz], name="B_cc",

    t0 = time()
    lines_single, topo = trace_cython(B, nr_procs=1)
    t1 = time()
    topo_single = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="CyTopo1")
    print("single proc:", t1 - t0, "s")

    nr_procs_list = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    # nr_procs_list = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
    times = np.empty_like(nr_procs_list, dtype="float")

    print("always parallel overhead now...")
    for i, nr_procs in enumerate(nr_procs_list):
        t0 = time()
        lines, topo = trace_cython(B, nr_procs=nr_procs, force_subprocess=True)
        t1 = time()
        fld = vol.wrap_field(topo, name="CyTopo")
        same_topo = (fld.data == topo_single.data).all()
        same_lines = True
        for j, line in enumerate(lines):
            same_lines = same_lines and (line == lines_single[j]).all()
        print("nr_procs:", nr_procs, "time:", t1 - t0, "s",
              "same topo:", same_topo, "same lines:", same_lines)
        times[i] = t1 - t0

    plt.plot(nr_procs_list, times, 'k^')
    plt.plot(nr_procs_list, times[0] / nr_procs_list, 'b--')

    if False:
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('spectral')
        levels = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17]
        norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, cmap.N)
        mpl.plot(topo_flds[-1], "y=0", cmap=cmap, norm=norm, show=False)
        #mpl.plot_streamlines2d(lines[::5], "y", topology=topo[::5], show=False)
        #mpl.plot_streamlines(lines, topology=topo, show=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test xdmf")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true")
    args = vutil.common_argparse(parser)

    # setup a simple force free field
    x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 20)
    y = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 25)
    z = np.linspace(-3, 3, 30)
    psi = viscid.empty([x, y, z], name="psi", center="node")
    b = viscid.empty([x, y, z], nr_comps=3, name="b", center="cell", layout="interlaced")

    X, Y, Z = psi.get_crds_nc("xyz", shaped=True)
    Xcc, Ycc, Zcc = psi.get_crds_cc("xyz", shaped=True)
    psi[:, :, :] = 0.5 * (X ** 2 + Y ** 2 - Z ** 2)
    b["x"] = Xcc
    b["y"] = Ycc
    b["z"] = -Zcc

    # save an hdf5 file with companion xdmf file
    h5_fname = sample_dir + "/test.h5"
    viscid.save_fields(h5_fname, [psi, b])

    # load the companion xdmf file
    xdmf_fname = h5_fname[:-3] + ".xdmf"
    f = viscid.load_file(xdmf_fname)
    mpl.plot(f["psi"], "y=0")
    mpl.plot(f["b"].component_fields()[0], "y=0")
    mpl.plot(f["b"].component_fields()[2], "y=0")

    if args.show:

    if not args.keep:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test xdmf")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true")
    args = vutil.common_argparse(parser)

    # setup a simple force free field
    x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 20)
    y = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 25)
    z = np.linspace(-3, 3, 30)
    psi = viscid.empty([x, y, z], name='psi', center='node')
    b = viscid.empty([x, y, z], nr_comps=3, name='b', center='cell',

    X, Y, Z = psi.get_crds_nc("xyz", shaped=True)
    Xcc, Ycc, Zcc = psi.get_crds_cc("xyz", shaped=True)
    psi[:, :, :] = 0.5 * (X**2 + Y**2 - Z**2)
    b['x'] = Xcc
    b['y'] = Ycc
    b['z'] = -Zcc

    fname = sample_dir + '/test.npz'
    viscid.save_fields(fname, [psi, b])

    f = viscid.load_file(fname)
    mpl.plot(f['psi'], "y=0")
    mpl.plot(f['b'].component_fields()[0], "y=0")
    mpl.plot(f['b'].component_fields()[2], "y=0")

    if args.show:

    if not args.keep:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    xl, xh, nx = -1.0, 1.0, 41
    yl, yh, ny = -1.5, 1.5, 41
    zl, zh, nz = -2.0, 2.0, 41
    x = np.linspace(xl, xh, nx)
    y = np.linspace(yl, yh, ny)
    z = np.linspace(zl, zh, nz)
    crds = coordinate.wrap_crds("nonuniform_cartesian",
                                [('z', z), ('y', y), ('x', x)])
    bx = field.empty(crds, name="$B_x$", center="Node")
    by = field.empty(crds, name="$B_y$", center="Node")
    bz = field.empty(crds, name="$B_z$", center="Node")
    fld = field.empty(crds, name="B", nr_comps=3, center="Node",
    X, Y, Z = crds.get_crds(shaped=True)

    x01, y01, z01 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
    x02, y02, z02 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
    x03, y03, z03 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5

    bx[:] = 0.0 + 1.0 * (X - x01) + 1.0 * (Y - y01) + 1.0 * (Z - z01) + \
              1.0 * (X - x01) * (Y - y01) + 1.0 * (Y - y01) * (Z - z01) + \
              1.0 * (X - x01) * (Y - y01) * (Z - z01)
    by[:] = 0.0 + 1.0 * (X - x02) - 1.0 * (Y - y02) + 1.0 * (Z - z02) + \
              1.0 * (X - x02) * (Y - y02) + 1.0 * (Y - y02) * (Z - z02) - \
              1.0 * (X - x02) * (Y - y02) * (Z - z02)
    bz[:] = 0.0 + 1.0 * (X - x03) + 1.0 * (Y - y03) - 1.0 * (Z - z03) + \
              1.0 * (X - x03) * (Y - y03) + 1.0 * (Y - y03) * (Z - z03) + \
              1.0 * (X - x03) * (Y - y03) * (Z - z03)
    fld[..., 0] = bx
    fld[..., 1] = by
    fld[..., 2] = bz

    fig = mlab.figure(size=(1150, 850),
                      bgcolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
                      fgcolor=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    f1_src = mvi.add_field(bx)
    f2_src = mvi.add_field(by)
    f3_src = mvi.add_field(bz)
    mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(f1_src, contours=[0.0],
                              opacity=1.0, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(f2_src, contours=[0.0],
                              opacity=1.0, color=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(f3_src, contours=[0.0],
                              opacity=1.0, color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))

    nullpt = cycalc.interp_trilin(fld, [(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])
    print("f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5):", nullpt)

    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0, 0))
    all_roots = []
    positive_roots = []
    ix = iy = iz = 0

    for di, d in enumerate([0, -1]):
        #### XY face
        a1 = bx[iz + d, iy, ix]
        b1 = bx[iz + d, iy, ix - 1] - a1
        c1 = bx[iz + d, iy - 1, ix] - a1
        d1 = bx[iz + d, iy - 1, ix - 1] - c1 - b1 - a1

        a2 = by[iz + d, iy, ix]
        b2 = by[iz + d, iy, ix - 1] - a2
        c2 = by[iz + d, iy - 1, ix] - a2
        d2 = by[iz + d, iy - 1, ix - 1] - c2 - b2 - a2

        a3 = bz[iz + d, iy, ix]
        b3 = bz[iz + d, iy, ix - 1] - a3
        c3 = bz[iz + d, iy - 1, ix] - a3
        d3 = bz[iz + d, iy - 1, ix - 1] - c3 - b3 - a3

        roots1, roots2 = find_roots_face(a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2)

        # for rt1, rt2 in zip(roots1, roots2):
        #     print("=")
        #     print("fx", a1 + b1 * rt1 + c1 * rt2 + d1 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("fy", a2 + b2 * rt1 + c2 * rt2 + d2 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("=")

        # find f3 at the root points
        f3 = np.empty_like(roots1)
        markers = [None] * len(f3)
        for i, rt1, rt2 in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            f3[i] = a3 + b3 * rt1 + c3 * rt2 + d3 * rt1 * rt2
            all_roots.append((rt1, rt2, d))  # switch order here
            if f3[i] >= 0.0:
                markers[i] = 'k^'
                positive_roots.append((rt1, rt2, d))  # switch order here
                markers[i] = 'w^'

        # rescale the roots to the original domain
        roots1 = (xh - xl) * roots1 + xl
        roots2 = (yh - yl) * roots2 + yl

        xp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nx)

        # plt.subplot(121)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0 + 2 * di, 0), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['x'], "z={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(xl, xh, yl, yh))
        y1 = - (a1 + b1 * xp) / (c1 + d1 * xp)
        plt.plot(x, (yh - yl) * y1 + yl, 'k')
        for i, xrt, yrt in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(xrt, yrt, markers[i])

        # plt.subplot(122)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1 + 2 * di, 0), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['y'], "z={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(xl, xh, yl, yh))
        y2 = - (a2 + b2 * xp) / (c2 + d2 * xp)
        plt.plot(x, (yh - yl) * y2 + yl, 'k')
        for xrt, yrt in zip(roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(xrt, yrt, markers[i])

        #### YZ face
        a1 = bx[iz, iy, ix + d]
        b1 = bx[iz, iy - 1, ix + d] - a1
        c1 = bx[iz - 1, iy, ix + d] - a1
        d1 = bx[iz - 1, iy - 1, ix + d] - c1 - b1 - a1

        a2 = by[iz, iy, ix + d]
        b2 = by[iz, iy - 1, ix + d] - a2
        c2 = by[iz - 1, iy, ix + d] - a2
        d2 = by[iz - 1, iy - 1, ix + d] - c2 - b2 - a2

        a3 = bz[iz, iy, ix + d]
        b3 = bz[iz, iy - 1, ix + d] - a3
        c3 = bz[iz - 1, iy, ix + d] - a3
        d3 = bz[iz - 1, iy - 1, ix + d] - c3 - b3 - a3

        roots1, roots2 = find_roots_face(a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2)

        # for rt1, rt2 in zip(roots1, roots2):
        #     print("=")
        #     print("fx", a1 + b1 * rt1 + c1 * rt2 + d1 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("fy", a2 + b2 * rt1 + c2 * rt2 + d2 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("=")

        # find f3 at the root points
        f3 = np.empty_like(roots1)
        markers = [None] * len(f3)
        for i, rt1, rt2 in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            f3[i] = a3 + b3 * rt1 + c3 * rt2 + d3 * rt1 * rt2
            all_roots.append((d, rt1, rt2))  # switch order here
            if f3[i] >= 0.0:
                markers[i] = 'k^'
                positive_roots.append((d, rt1, rt2))  # switch order here
                markers[i] = 'w^'

        # rescale the roots to the original domain
        roots1 = (yh - yl) * roots1 + yl
        roots2 = (zh - zl) * roots2 + zl

        yp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, ny)

        # plt.subplot(121)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0 + 2 * di, 1), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['x'], "x={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(yl, yh, zl, zh))
        z1 = - (a1 + b1 * yp) / (c1 + d1 * yp)
        plt.plot(y, (zh - zl) * z1 + zl, 'k')
        for i, yrt, zrt in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(yrt, zrt, markers[i])

        # plt.subplot(122)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1 + 2 * di, 1), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['y'], "x={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(yl, yh, zl, zh))
        z1 = - (a2 + b2 * yp) / (c2 + d2 * yp)
        plt.plot(y, (zh - zl) * z1 + zl, 'k')
        for i, yrt, zrt in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(yrt, zrt, markers[i])

        #### ZX face
        a1 = bx[iz, iy + d, ix]
        b1 = bx[iz - 1, iy + d, ix] - a1
        c1 = bx[iz, iy + d, ix - 1] - a1
        d1 = bx[iz - 1, iy + d, ix - 1] - c1 - b1 - a1

        a2 = by[iz, iy + d, ix]
        b2 = by[iz - 1, iy + d, ix] - a2
        c2 = by[iz, iy + d, ix - 1] - a2
        d2 = by[iz - 1, iy + d, ix - 1] - c2 - b2 - a2

        a3 = bz[iz, iy + d, ix]
        b3 = bz[iz - 1, iy + d, ix] - a3
        c3 = bz[iz, iy + d, ix - 1] - a3
        d3 = bz[iz - 1, iy + d, ix - 1] - c3 - b3 - a3

        roots1, roots2 = find_roots_face(a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2)

        # for rt1, rt2 in zip(roots1, roots2):
        #     print("=")
        #     print("fx", a1 + b1 * rt1 + c1 * rt2 + d1 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("fy", a2 + b2 * rt1 + c2 * rt2 + d2 * rt1 * rt2)
        #     print("=")

        # find f3 at the root points
        f3 = np.empty_like(roots1)
        markers = [None] * len(f3)
        for i, rt1, rt2 in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            f3[i] = a3 + b3 * rt1 + c3 * rt2 + d3 * rt1 * rt2
            all_roots.append((rt2, d, rt1))  # switch order here
            if f3[i] >= 0.0:
                markers[i] = 'k^'
                positive_roots.append((rt2, d, rt1))  # switch order here
                markers[i] = 'w^'

        # rescale the roots to the original domain
        roots1 = (zh - zl) * roots1 + zl
        roots2 = (xh - xl) * roots2 + xl

        zp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nz)

        # plt.subplot(121)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0 + 2 * di, 2), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['x'], "y={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(xl, xh, zl, zh))
        x1 = - (a1 + b1 * zp) / (c1 + d1 * zp)
        plt.plot(z, (xh - xl) * x1 + xl, 'k')
        for i, zrt, xrt in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(xrt, zrt, markers[i])

        # plt.subplot(121)
        plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1 + 2 * di, 2), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        mpl.plot(fld['y'], "y={0}i".format(d),
                 plot_opts="x={0}_{1},y={2}_{3},lin_-10_10".format(xl, xh, zl, zh))
        x1 = - (a2 + b2 * zp) / (c2 + d2 * zp)
        plt.plot(z, (xh - xl) * x1 + xl, 'k')
        for i, zrt, xrt in zip(count(), roots1, roots2):
            plt.plot(xrt, zrt, markers[i])

    print("all:", len(all_roots), "positive:", len(positive_roots))
    if len(all_roots) % 2 == 1:
        print("something is fishy, there are an odd number of root points "
              "on the surface of your cube, there is probably a degenerate "
              "line or surface of nulls")
    print("Null Point?", (len(positive_roots) % 2 == 1))

Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Streamline a PSC file")
    parser.add_argument("-t", default="2000",
                        help="which time to plot (finds closest)")
    parser.add_argument('infile', nargs=1, help='input file')
    args = vutil.common_argparse(parser)

    # f = readers.load_file("pfd.020000.xdmf")
    # ... or ...
    # using this way of loading files, one probably wants just to give
    # pfd.xdmf to the command line
    f = readers.load_file(args.infile[0])

    jz = f["jz"]
    # recreate hx as a field of 0 to keep streamlines from moving in
    # that direction
    hx = field.zeros_like(jz, name="hx")
    h1 = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([hx, f["hy"], f["hz"]], name="H",
    e = field.scalar_fields_to_vector([f["ex"], f["ey"], f["ez"]], name="E",

    # plot magnetic fields, just a sanity check
    # ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
    # mpl.plot(f["hy"], flip_plot=True)
    # ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
    # mpl.plot(f["hz"], flip_plot=True)
    # mpl.mplshow()

    # make a line of 30 seeds straight along the z axis (x, y, z ordered)
    seeds1 = seed.Line((0.0, 0.0, 2.0), (1022.0, 0.0, 0.0), 60)
    # set outer boundary limits for streamlines
    ds = 0.005  # spatial step along the stream line curve
    obound0 = np.array([1, -128, -1000], dtype=h1.dtype)
    obound1 = np.array([1023, 128, 1000], dtype=h1.dtype)
    # calc the streamlines
    lines1, topo1 = streamline.streamlines(h1, seeds1, ds0=ds, maxit=200000,
                                           obound0=obound0, obound1=obound1,
    # run with -v to see this
    logger.info("Topology flags: {0}".format(topo1))

    # rotate plot puts the z axis along the horizontal
    flip_plot = True
    mpl.plot(jz, flip_plot=flip_plot, plot_opts="lin_-.05_.05")
    # mpl.plot_streamlines2d(lines1, "x", flip_plot=flip_plot, color='k')
    plt.xlim([0, 1024])
    plt.ylim([-128, 128])

    # interpolate e onto each point of the first field line of lines1
    e1 = cycalc.interp_trilin(e, seed.Point(lines1[0]))
    print(e1.shape, lines1[0].shape)
    plt.plot(np.linspace(0, ds * e1.shape[0], e1.shape[0]), e1[:, 0])
    plt.xlabel("length along field line")

    return 0