Ejemplo n.º 1
def draw(name,zshift_tol = 0.25, path = None):
    # Set the work_dir
    if path == None:
        work_dir = os.getcwd()
    if path != None:
        work_dir = os.chdir(path)
        work_dir = os.getcwd()

    grid_file = visual.get("BOUT.inp","grid") # Import grid file

    eigs = collect("t_array") # Import Eigen values
    var = collect(name) # Import variable
    nx,ny,nz = visual.dimd(name) # Set the shape of the variable
    #Import the R,Z values from the grid file
    r = visual.nc_var(grid_file,'Rxy') # R
    z = visual.nc_var(grid_file,'Zxy') # Z
    zshift = visual.nc_var(grid_file, 'zShift') # zShift
    z_tol = visual.z_shift_tol(nx,ny,zshift,zshift_tol) # set the z_tolerance value
    #Interpolate r, z, zshift values

    r2, ny2 = visual.zshift_interp2d(nx,ny,zshift,z_tol,r)
    z2, ny2 = visual.zshift_interp2d(nx,ny,zshift,z_tol,z)
    zshift2, ny2 = visual.zshift_interp2d(nx,ny,zshift,z_tol,zshift)
    pts2 = visual.elm(r2,z2,zshift2,nx,ny2,nz) # Write the vtk points
    # Plot eigen values and write the associated vtk file
    plot_eigenvals(eigs, nx, ny, nz ,zshift, z_tol, ny2, name, pts2, var)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def onclick(event):
        # Check if user clicked inside the plot
        if event.xdata is None:
        # Find closest data point, but stretch axes so 
        # real and imaginary components are weighted equally
        dist = ((eigs_r - event.xdata)/range_r)**2 + ((eigs_i - event.ydata)/range_i)**2
        ind = argmin(dist)
        # Update the highlight plot
        overplot.set_data([eigs_r[ind]], [eigs_i[ind]])
        print("Eigenvalue number: %d (%e,%e)" % (ind, eigs_r[ind], eigs_i[ind]))
        if data is not None:
            #       Draw the vtk file
            #    Set the variables up
            var_r = data[2*ind,:]
            var_i = data[2*ind+1,:]
            nx,ny,nz = visual.dimd(name)

            # Interpolate the variables
            var_r2,ny3 = visual.zshift_interp3d(nx,ny,nz,zshift,z_tol,var_r)
            var_i2,ny3 = visual.zshift_interp3d(nx,ny,nz,zshift,z_tol,var_i)
            #c reate the vtk variables
            vrbl_r = visual.vtk_var(var_r2,nx,ny2,nz)
            vrbl_i = visual.vtk_var(var_i2,nx,ny2,nz)
            #W rite the vtk file
            vtk_path = visual.write_vtk_2(name,pts,vrbl_r,vrbl_i,ind)
            print "Eigenvalue %d written to vtk" % ind