Ejemplo n.º 1
 def handle_raw_stereo(self, msg):
     size = (msg.left_info.width, msg.left_info.height)
     if self.vo == None:
       cam = camera.StereoCamera(msg.right_info)
       self.fd = FeatureDetectorFast(300)
       self.ds = DescriptorSchemeCalonder()
       self.vo = VisualOdometer(cam, scavenge = False,
                           inlier_error_threshold = 3.0, sba = None,
                           inlier_thresh = 100,
                           position_keypoint_thresh = 0.2, angle_keypoint_thresh = 0.15)
       self.vo.num_frames = self.startframe
     pair = [Image.fromstring("L", size, i.uint8_data.data) for i in [ msg.left_image, msg.right_image ]]
     af = SparseStereoFrame(pair[0], pair[1], feature_detector = self.fd, descriptor_scheme = self.ds)
     self.frame_timestamps[af.id] = msg.header.stamp
     if self.skel.add(self.vo.keyframe):
       print "====>", self.vo.keyframe.id, self.frame_timestamps[self.vo.keyframe.id]
       #print self.tf.getFrameStrings()
       #assert self.tf.frameExists("wide_stereo_optical_frame")
       #assert self.tf.frameExists("odom_combined")
       N = sorted(self.skel.nodes)
       for a,b in zip(N, N[1:]):
         if (a,b) in self.skel.edges:
           t0 = self.frame_timestamps[a]
           t1 = self.frame_timestamps[b]
           if self.tf.canTransformFull("wide_stereo_optical_frame", t0, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t1, "odom_combined"):
             t,r = self.tf.lookupTransformFull("wide_stereo_optical_frame", t0, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t1, "odom_combined")
             relpose = Pose()
             self.wheel_odom_edges.add((a, b, relpose, 1.0))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def move_forward(i, prev):
     """ Forward 1 meter, turn around, Back 1 meter """
     if i == 0:
         return Pose(rotation(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0))
     elif i < 10:
         return prev * Pose(rotation(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, .1))
     elif i < 40:
         return prev * Pose(rotation(math.pi / 30, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0))
     elif i < 50:
         return prev * Pose(rotation(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, .1))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def PE(self, af0, af1):
   pairs = [ (a,b) for (a,b,_) in self.ds.match0(self.node_kp[af1], self.node_descriptors[af1], self.node_kp[af0], self.node_descriptors[af0],True) ]
   inl,R,T = self.pe.estimateC(self.cam, self.node_kp[af0], self.cam, self.node_kp[af1], pairs)
   if inl == 0:
     return (0, None)
     r33 = numpy.mat(numpy.array(R).reshape(3,3))
     return (inl, Pose(r33, numpy.array(T)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def newpose(self, id):
     xyz,euler = self.pg.vertex(id)
     p = from_xyz_euler(xyz, euler)
     print "Failed to get vertex", id
     p = Pose()
   return p
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getImage(i):
    theta = (i / 400.0) * math.pi * 2
    wobble = 0.05 * (sin(theta * 9.5) + sin(theta * 3.5))
    r = 4.0 + wobble
    desired_pose = Pose(rotation(theta, 0, 1, 0),
                        (4.0 - r * math.cos(theta), 0, r * math.sin(theta)))
    if not os.access("/tmp/out%06d.png" % i, os.R_OK):
        cam = ray_camera(desired_pose, stereo_cam)

        imL = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imR = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imD = [
            Image.new("F", (640, 480)),
            Image.new("F", (640, 480)),
            Image.new("F", (640, 480))

        def is_visible(p, pt):
            camx, camy, camz = (~p).xform(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)
            if camz <= 0:
                return False
            if abs(camx / camz) > 2.0:
                return False
            if abs(camy / camz) > 2.0:
                return False
            return True

        scene = [
            object(sphere(center, 0.3), shadeLitCloud, {'scale': 10})
            for center in blobs if is_visible(desired_pose, center)
        scene += [
            object(isphere(vec3(0, 0, 0), 1000), shadeLitCloud,
                   {'scale': 0.001})
        render_stereo_scene(imL, imR, imD, cam, scene, i * 0.033)
        imL = imL.convert("L")
        imR = imR.convert("L")
        im = Image.merge("RGB", (imL, imR, imR))
        im.save("/tmp/out%06d.png" % i)
        imD[0].save("/tmp/out%06d-x.tiff" % i)
        imD[1].save("/tmp/out%06d-y.tiff" % i)
        imD[2].save("/tmp/out%06d-z.tiff" % i)
        im = Image.open("/tmp/out%06d.png" % i)
        imL, imR, _ = im.split()
    return (desired_pose, imL, imR)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_pe(self):
     cloud = [(4 * (random.random() - 0.5), 4 * (random.random() - 0.5),
               4 * (random.random() - 0.5)) for i in range(20)]
     vo = VisualOdometer(
             (389.0, 389.0, 89.23 * 1e-3, 323.42, 323.42, 274.95)))
     stereo_cam = {}
     af = {}
     fd = FeatureDetectorStar(300)
     ds = DescriptorSchemeSAD()
     for i in range(5):
         stereo_cam[i] = camera.Camera(
             (389.0, 389.0, .080 + .010 * i, 323.42, 323.42, 274.95))
         desired_pose = Pose()
         cam = ray_camera(desired_pose, stereo_cam[i])
         imL = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
         imR = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
         scene = []
         scene += [
             object(isphere(vec3(0, 0, 0), 1000), shadeLitCloud,
                    {'scale': 0.001})
         scene += [
             object(isphere(vec3(x, y, z + 6), 0.3), shadeLitCloud,
                    {'scale': 3}) for (x, y, z) in cloud
         imL, imR = [im.convert("L") for im in [imL, imR]]
         render_stereo_scene(imL, imR, None, cam, scene, 0)
         af[i] = SparseStereoFrame(imL,
     pe = PoseEstimator()
     for i1 in range(5):
         for i0 in range(5):
             pairs = vo.temporal_match(af[i1], af[i0])
             res = pe.estimateC(stereo_cam[i0], af[i0].features(),
                                stereo_cam[i1], af[i1].features(), pairs,
             x, y, z = res[2]
             self.assertAlmostEqual(x, 0, 0)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(y, 0, 0)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(z, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def handleFrame(self):
    r = False

    (w,h,li,ri) = self.source.getImage()

    self.f = SparseStereoFrame(li, ri,
                               disparity_range = 96,
                               feature_detector = self.fd,
                               descriptor_scheme = self.ds)

    print self.vo.inl
    self.inlier_history = self.inlier_history[-20:] + [self.vo.inl]
    # If the VO inlier count falls below 20, we're not well-connected for this link
    if self.vo.inl < 20:
      self.connected = False
      self.f.pose = Pose()
      self.snail_trail = []

    # Add a frame to graph if:
    #   Frame zero, or
    #   There have been N successful preceding frames, and either
    #   Not connected,
    #   or if connected, the distance from the youngest graph frame to this frame is > thresh

    add_to_graph = None
    if self.vo.keyframe.id == 0 and len(self.skel.nodes) == 0:
      add_to_graph = "Zero keyframe"
    elif min(self.inlier_history) > 20:
      if not self.connected:
        add_to_graph = "Unconnected - but now recovering good poses"
        # This is a new graph, so generate a new label
        self.label += 1
        relpose = ~self.last_added_pose * self.f.pose
        if relpose.distance() > self.skel_dist_thresh:
          add_to_graph = "Connected and distance thresh passed"

    if add_to_graph:
      self.skel.add(self.vo.keyframe, self.connected)
      print "ADD %d %s" % (self.f.id, add_to_graph)
      self.connected = True
      self.last_added_pose = self.f.pose
      self.snail_trail = []
#      self.ioptimize(10)


    # Render the camera view using OpenCV, then load it into an OpenGL texture
    if True:
      if not self.cvim:
        self.cvim = cv.CreateImage((w,h/2), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)

      im = cv.CreateImage((w,h), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
      im2 = cv.CreateImage((w/2,h/2), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
      for i,src in enumerate([li, ri]):
        cv.SetData(im, str(src.tostring()), w)
        cv.Resize(im, im2)
        cv.SetImageROI(self.cvim, (i * w / 2, 0, w / 2, h / 2))
        cv.CvtColor(im2, self.cvim, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR)


      def annotate(cvim):
        green = cv.RGB(0,255,0)
        red = cv.RGB(0,0,255)
        def half(p):
          return (p[0] / 2, p[1] / 2)
        for (x,y,d) in self.f.features():
          cv.Circle(cvim, half((x, y)), 2, green)
          d = int(d)
          cv.Line(cvim, ((w+x-d)/2, y/2 - 2), ((w+x-d)/2, y/2 + 2), green)
        a_features = self.vo.keyframe.features()
        b_features = self.f.features()
        inliers = set([ (b,a) for (a,b) in self.vo.pe.inl])
        outliers = set(self.vo.pairs) - inliers
        for (a,b) in inliers:
          cv.Line(cvim, half(b_features[b]), half(a_features[a]), green)
        for (a,b) in outliers:
          cv.Line(cvim, half(b_features[b]), half(a_features[a]), red)

      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, demo.textures[2])
      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, 640, 240, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, self.cvim.tostring())

    if self.camera_preview:
      cv.ShowImage("Camera", self.cvim)
      if cv.WaitKey(10) == 27:
        r = True

    return r
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def send_map(self, stamp):

        if len(self.skel.nodes) < 4:

        TG = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        for i in self.skel.nodes:
        for (a,b,p,c) in self.skel.every_edge + list(self.wheel_odom_edges):
            TG.add_edge(a, b, (p, c))
        here = max(self.skel.nodes)

        # TG is the total graph, G is the local subgraph

        uTG = TG.to_undirected()
        print "uTG", uTG.nodes(), uTG.edges()
        close = set([here])
        for i in range(self.optimization_distance):
            close |= set(nx.node_boundary(uTG, close))
        print "close", close

        G = TG.subgraph(close)
        uG = uTG.subgraph(close)
        pg = TreeOptimizer3()

        def mk_covar(xyz, rp, yaw):
            return (1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz),1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz), 1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz), 1.0 / math.sqrt(rp), 1.0 / math.sqrt(rp), 1.0 / math.sqrt(yaw))
        weak = mk_covar(9e10,3,3)
        strong = mk_covar(0.0001, 0.000002, 0.00002)

        def pgadd(p, n, data):
            relpose, strength = data
            if strength == 0.0:
                cov = weak
                cov = strong
            pg.addIncrementalEdge(p, n, relpose.xform(0,0,0), relpose.euler(), cov)

        Gedges = G.edges(data = True)
        revmap = {}
        map = {}
        for n in nx.dfs_preorder(uG, here):
            revmap[len(map)] = n
            map[n] = len(map)
            priors = [p for p in uG.neighbors(n) if p in map]
            if priors == []:
                print "START NODE", n, "as", map[n]
                print "NEXT NODE", n
                p = priors[0]
                if not G.has_edge(p, n):
                  n,p = p,n
                data = G.get_edge_data(p, n)[0]
                Gedges.remove((p, n, data))
                pgadd(map[p], map[n], data)
        for (p,n,d) in Gedges:
          pgadd(map[p], map[n], d)
        start_error = pg.error()
        for i in range(10):
        print "Error from", start_error, "to", pg.error()

        print self.tf.getFrameStrings()
        target_frame = "base_link"
        t = self.tf.getLatestCommonTime("wide_stereo_optical_frame", target_frame)
        trans,rot = self.tf.lookupTransform(target_frame, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t)
        xp = Pose()

        roadmap_nodes = dict([ (n, (30,0,0)) for n in TG.nodes() ])
        nl = sorted(roadmap_nodes.keys())
        print "nl", nl
        for i in sorted(map.values()):
            xyz,euler = pg.vertex(i)
            p = from_xyz_euler(xyz, euler)
            pose_in_target = xp * p
            x,y,z = pose_in_target.xform(0,0,0)
            euler = pose_in_target.euler()
            print x,y,z, euler
            roadmap_nodes[revmap[i]] = (x, y, euler[2])

        roadmap_edges = []
        for (p,n) in set(TG.edges()):
            print p,n
            best_length = max([ (confidence, pose.distance()) for (pose, confidence) in TG.get_edge_data(p, n).values()])[1]
            roadmap_edges.append((p, n, best_length))

        msg = vslam.msg.Roadmap()
        msg.header.stamp = stamp
        msg.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        msg.nodes = [vslam.msg.Node(*roadmap_nodes[n]) for n in nl]
        print "(p,n)", [ (p,n) for (p,n,l) in roadmap_edges ]
        msg.edges = [vslam.msg.Edge(nl.index(p), nl.index(n), l) for (p, n, l) in roadmap_edges]
        msg.localization = nl.index(here)

        if 1:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
            pos = nx.spring_layout(TG, iterations=1000)
            nx.draw(TG, pos,node_color='#A0CBE2')
            nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, with_labels=False, edge_color='r', alpha=0.5, width=25.0, arrows = False)
            nx.draw(G, pos = dict([(n, roadmap_nodes[n][:2]) for n in G.nodes()]))
            plt.savefig("/tmp/map_%d.png" % here)
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def add(self, this, connected = 1):
    """ add frame *this* to skeleton, *connected* 1 means good link to
    previous, 0 means no link to previous - use fill data, -1 means no
    link to previous force weak link.
    if len(self.nodes) == 0:
      self.node_labels[this.id] = self.label
      r = True
    elif not(this.id in self.nodes):
      previd = max(self.nodes)

      # Ignore the node if there are less than node_vist frames since the previous node
      # Treat fill data like regular links
      if (connected != -1) and (this.id - previd) < self.node_vdist:
        return False

      if (connected == 1) and self.prev_pose:
        print "Strong link from %d to %d" % (previd, this.id)
        relpose = ~self.prev_pose * this.pose
        inf = strong
        print "LINK: Strong from obs", relpose.xform(0,0,0)
        self.every_edge.append((previd, this.id, relpose, 1.0))
        if self.fills and (connected == 0):
          print "Strong link from %d to %d" % (previd, this.id)
          relpose = self.gt(self.prev_id, this.id)
          self.every_edge.append((previd, this.id, relpose, 1.0))
          inf = strong
          print "LINK: Strong from fill", relpose.xform(0,0,0)
          self.weak_edges.append((previd, this.id))
          print "Weak link from %d to %d" % (previd, this.id)
          relpose = Pose(numpy.identity(3), [ 0, 0, 0 ])
          self.every_edge.append((previd, this.id, relpose, 0.0))
          inf = weak
          print "LINK: Weak"

      self.node_labels[this.id] = self.label
      self.edges.add( (previd, this.id) )
      self.timer['toro add'].start()
      vtop = self.pg.addIncrementalEdge(previd, this.id, relpose.xform(0,0,0), relpose.euler(), inf)
#      print self.vset
      print "ADDED VO CONSTRAINT", previd, this.id, inf
      self.timer['toro add'].stop()
      #print "added node at", this.pose.xform(0,0,0), "in graph as", self.newpose(this.id).xform(0,0,0)


      far = [ id for id in self.place_find(this.descriptors()) if (not id in [this.id, previd])]
      self.add_links(this.id, far)

      r = True
      r = False
    if r:
      self.prev_pose = this.pose
      self.prev_id = this.id
      #self.prev_frame = this

    return r
Ejemplo n.º 10
  def gt(self, i0, i1):
    assert i0 <= i1
    r = ~self.fills[i0] * self.fills[i1]
    return r

    p = Pose()
    p.M[0,0] =  r.M[0,0]
    p.M[0,1] =  r.M[0,2]
    p.M[0,2] = -r.M[0,1]
    p.M[0,3] =  r.M[0,3]

    p.M[1,0] = -r.M[2,1]
    p.M[1,1] =  r.M[2,2]
    p.M[1,2] = -r.M[2,0]
    p.M[1,3] = -r.M[2,3]

    p.M[2,0] = -r.M[1,0]
    p.M[2,1] =  r.M[1,2]
    p.M[2,2] =  r.M[1,1]
    p.M[2,3] =  r.M[1,3]
    return p
    cam90 = Pose(numpy.array([[ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ]]), numpy.array([0, 0, 0]))
    return cam90 * r * ~cam90
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def fill(self, filename):

    startframe = None

    if len(self.nodes) != 0:
      my_start = max(self.nodes) + 1
      my_start = 0

    from tf import transformations

    self.fills = {}
    for l in open(filename):
      f = l.split()

      if len(f) == 11:

        if not startframe:
          startframe = int(f[1])

        assert f[4] == 'pose:'
        X = float(f[5])
        Y = float(f[6])
        Z = float(f[7])
        if 0:
          roll = math.pi * float(f[8]) / 180.0 
          pitch = math.pi * float(f[9]) / 180.0
          yaw = math.pi * float(f[10]) / 180.0

          sa = math.sin(yaw);
          sb = math.sin(pitch);
          sg = math.sin(roll);

          ca = math.cos(yaw);
          cb = math.cos(pitch);
          cg = math.cos(roll);

          P = numpy.array(
            [ [ ca*cb , -sa*cg + ca*sb*sg , sa*sg + ca*sb*cg  ],
              [ sa*cb , ca*cg + sa*sb*sg  , -ca*sg + sa*sb*cg ],
              [ -sb   , cb*sg             , cb*cg             ]]).T
          euler = [ float(c) * math.pi / 180 for c in f[8:11] ]

          sa = math.sin(euler[2]);
          sb = math.sin(euler[1]);
          sg = math.sin(euler[0]);

          ca = math.cos(euler[2]);
          cb = math.cos(euler[1]);
          cg = math.cos(euler[0]);

          P = numpy.zeros((3,3))
          P[0,0] = ca*cb;
          P[0,1] = -sa*cg + ca*sb*sg;
          P[0,2] = sa*sg + ca*sb*cg;

          P[1,0] = sa*cb;
          P[1,1] = ca*cg + sa*sb*sg;
          P[1,2] = -ca*sg + sa*sb*cg;

          P[2,0] = -sb;
          P[2,1] = cb*sg;
          P[2,2] = cb*cg;

        cam90 = Pose(numpy.array([[ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ]]), numpy.array([0, 0, 0]))
        veh_t = Pose(P, numpy.array([X, Y, Z]))
        Tc2v = Pose(
            [0.010546  , -0.006048, 0.999926 ],
            [-0.999650 , 0.024210 , 0.010689 ],
            [-0.024273 ,-0.999689 ,-0.005791 ]]),
            [ 1.783353 , 0.265480 , -0.041039 ]))
        self.fills[my_start + int(f[1])-startframe] = (~Tc2v * veh_t) * Tc2v

    if 0:
      import pylab, sys
      po = [ self.fills[x].xform(0,0,0) for x in sorted(self.fills.keys()) ]
      pylab.scatter([x for (x,y,z) in po], [y for (x,y,z) in po], c = 'r')

      print self.fills[0].M

      po = [ self.gt(0, x).xform(0,0,0) for x in sorted(self.fills.keys()) ]
      pylab.scatter([x for (x,y,z) in po], [z for (x,y,z) in po], c = 'g')
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def ground_truth(p, q):
     return Pose(
             [q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])[:3, :3], [p.x, p.y, p.z])