Ejemplo n.º 1
def show_ctvolume(vol,
                  clim=(0, 2500),
    """ Different ways to visualize the CT volume as reference
    For '2D' clim (-550,500) often good range
    import visvis as vv

    colormap = {
        'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
        'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
        'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
        'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]
    if axis is None:
        axis = vv.gca()
    if showVol == 'MIP':
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim, renderStyle='mip')
    elif showVol == 'ISO':
        if removeStent == True:
            vol = remove_stent_from_volume(
                vol, graph, stripSize=stripSize,
                stripSizeZ=stripSizeZ)  # rings are removed for vis.
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim, renderStyle='iso')
        t.isoThreshold = isoTh
        t.colormap = colormap
    elif showVol == '2D':
        t = vv.volshow2(vol)
        t.clim = clim
    # bind ClimEditor to figure
    if climEditor:
        if showVol == 'ISO':
            c = _utils_GUI.IsoThEditor(axis)
            c = vv.ClimEditor(axis)
        c.position = (10, 50)
        # bind for show hide
        fig = vv.gcf()
            lambda event: _utils_GUI.ShowHideSlider(event, c))
        print('Use "s" to show/hide slider')

    return t
Ejemplo n.º 2
def visualize(im, vol, sz=0.25, thr=0.99):
    im, vol = im.numpy(), vol.numpy()
    print("Image shape:", im.shape)
    print("Volume shape:", vol.shape)

    # overlap with 3d representation + BGR->RGB
    im = im.transpose(1, 2, 0)  # H,W,C
    im = im[:, :, ::-1]
    im = cv2.resize(im, (128, 128))

    t = vv.imshow(im)
    t.interpolate = True  # interpolate pixels

    # volshow will use volshow3 and rendering the isosurface if OpenGL version is >= 2.0
    # Otherwise, it will show slices with bars that you can move (much less useful).
    im = (im * 128 + 128).astype(np.uint8)
    # im = np.ones_like(im)

    volRGB = np.stack(((vol >= thr) * im[:, :, 0], (vol >= thr) * im[:, :, 1],
                       (vol >= thr) * im[:, :, 2]),

    v = vv.volshow(volRGB, renderStyle='iso')
    v.transformations[1].sz = sz  # Z rescaling

    l0 = vv.gca()
    l0.light0.ambient = 0.9  # 0.2 is default for light 0
    l0.light0.diffuse = 1.0  # 1.0 is default

    a = vv.gca()
    a.axis.visible = 0
    a.camera.fov = 0  # orthographic
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: vis.py Proyecto: jupito/dwilib
def plot(image):
    # ax = vv.gca()
    # ms = vv.Mesh(ax)
    logging.warning([image.shape, image.spacing])
    vol = image[:, :, :, 0]
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = util.normalize(vol, 'ADCm')
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = vv.Aarray(vol, image.spacing)

    cmap = None
    # cmap = vv.CM_VIRIDIS
    render_style = 'mip'
    # render_style = 'iso'
    # render_style = 'ray'
    # render_style = 'edgeray'
    # render_style = 'litray'

    vv.xlabel('x axis')
    vv.ylabel('y axis')
    vv.zlabel('z axis')

    a1 = vv.subplot(111)
    t1 = vv.volshow(vol, cm=cmap, renderStyle=render_style)
    t1.isoThreshold = 0.7

    # a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def Draw(self, nodesNr=0, drawTex=True, fignr=101, **kwargs):
        # Init visualization
        if fignr is not None:
            f = vv.figure(fignr)
            a = vv.gca()
            a = vv.gca()
        a.cameraType = '3d'
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        a.daspectAuto = False
        # f.position = -769.00, 342.00,  571.00, 798.00
        #f.position = 269.00, 342.00,  571.00, 798.00

        # Draw texture?
        if drawTex:
            self._tex1 = vv.volshow(self._vol)

        # Draw nodes?
        nodes = {
            0: None,
            1: self._nodes1,
            2: self._nodes2,
            3: self._nodes3
        if nodes is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def plot(image):
    # ax = vv.gca()
    # ms = vv.Mesh(ax)
    logging.warning([image.shape, image.spacing])
    vol = image[:, :, :, 0]
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = util.normalize(vol, 'ADCm')
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = vv.Aarray(vol, image.spacing)

    cmap = None
    # cmap = vv.CM_VIRIDIS
    render_style = 'mip'
    # render_style = 'iso'
    # render_style = 'ray'
    # render_style = 'edgeray'
    # render_style = 'litray'

    vv.xlabel('x axis')
    vv.ylabel('y axis')
    vv.zlabel('z axis')

    a1 = vv.subplot(111)
    t1 = vv.volshow(vol, cm=cmap, renderStyle=render_style)
    t1.isoThreshold = 0.7

    # a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera
Ejemplo n.º 6
def visVol(volData):
    """ This example demonstrates rendering a color volume.
    We demonstrate two renderers capable of rendering color data:
    the colormip and coloriso renderer.

    import visvis as vv

    app = vv.use()

    # Load volume
    vol = volData

    # set labels
    vv.xlabel("x axis")
    vv.ylabel("y axis")
    vv.zlabel("z axis")

    #    # Create figure and make subplots with different renderers
    #    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    #    RS = ['mip', 'iso', 'edgeray', 'ray', 'litray']
    #    a0 = None
    #    tt = []
    #    for i in range(5):
    #        a = vv.subplot(3,2,i+2)
    #        t = vv.volshow(vol)
    #        vv.title('Renderstyle ' + RS[i])
    #        t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT
    #        t.renderStyle = RS[i]
    #        t.isoThreshold = 200  # Only used in iso render style
    #        tt.append(t)
    #        if a0 is None:
    #            a0 = a
    #        else:
    #            a.camera = a0.camera
    t = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle="edgeray")
    t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT

    # Get axes and set camera to orthographic mode (with a field of view of 70)
    a = vv.gca()
    a.camera.fov = 45

    # Create colormap editor wibject.

    # Create colormap editor in first axes
    # cme = vv.ColormapEditor(vv.gcf(), t)

    # Run app
    # app.Create()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_progress(plots, sampler_info):

    settings = requests.get(sampler_info['settings']).json()
    lower = settings['lower']
    upper = settings['upper']

    subplt = vv.subplot(*(plots['shape'] + (1 + plots['count'], )))
    plots['count'] += 1

    # Request the training data
    training_data = requests.get(sampler_info['training_data_uri']).json()

    xres = 30
    yres = 30
    xeva, yeva = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(lower[0], upper[0], xres),
                             np.linspace(lower[1], upper[1], yres))
    Xquery = np.array([xeva.flatten(), yeva.flatten()]).T

    #Request the predictions from the server
    r = requests.get(sampler_info['pred_uri'], json=Xquery.tolist())
    pred = r.json()
    pred_mean = np.array(pred['predictive_mean'])
    id_matrix = np.reshape(
        np.arange(Xquery.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis], xeva.shape)
    n, n_outputs = pred_mean.shape

    # Plot the training data and the predictions
    vol = np.zeros((n_outputs, xeva.shape[0], xeva.shape[1]))
    for x in range(xres):
        for y in range(yres):
            vol[:, x, y] = pred_mean[id_matrix[x, y]]
    plt = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle='mip', clim=(-0.5, 1))
    plt.colormap = vv.CM_JET
    subplt.axis.xLabel = 'input 1'
    subplt.axis.yLabel = 'input 2'
    subplt.axis.zLabel = 'model output'
    a = ((np.asarray(training_data['X']) - np.array([np.min(xeva),
          np.min(yeva)])[np.newaxis, :]) / np.array([np.max(xeva) -
          np.min(xeva), np.max(yeva)-np.min(yeva)])[np.newaxis, :])  \
          * np.array(xeva.shape)  # NOQA
    n = a.shape[0]
    a = np.hstack((a, (n_outputs + 0.01) * np.ones((n, 1))))
    pp = vv.Pointset(a)
    vv.plot(pp, ms='.', mc='w', mw='9', ls='')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def show_vox(self, vfunc):
        Displays a 3-D rendering of a voxelized property.
        :param vfunc: function accepting this MasonView instance and
            returning a 3-D np.array of some voxelized property
        app = vv.use()
        vv.xlabel('Eastings (units)')
        vv.ylabel('Northings (units)')
        vv.zlabel('Depth (units)')
        a = vv.gca()
        a.camera.fov = 70
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        vox = vfunc(self)
        t = vv.volshow(vox, cm=vv.CM_JET, renderStyle='ray')

Ejemplo n.º 9
def psf_volume(stack, xyz_ratio, filepath):

    app = vv.use()
    # Init a figure with two axes
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    vv.title('PSF Volume')
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    vv.title('PSF XYZ Cross Sections')
    # show
    t1 = vv.volshow(stack, axes=a1)  # volume
    t2 = vv.volshow2(stack, axes=a2)  # cross-section interactive
    # set labels for both axes
    vv.xlabel('Pixel X', axes=a1)
    vv.ylabel('Pixel Y', axes=a1)
    vv.zlabel('Z-Slice', axes=a1)
    vv.xlabel('Pixel X', axes=a2)
    vv.ylabel('Pixel Y', axes=a2)
    vv.zlabel('Z-Slice', axes=a2)
    # set colormaps
    t1.colormap = vv.CM_JET
    t2.colormap = vv.CM_JET

    # set correct aspect ration corresponding to voxel size    
    a1.daspect = 1, 1, xyz_ratio
    a2.daspect = 1, 1, xyz_ratio
    # show grid
    a1.axis.showGrid = 1
    a2.axis.showGrid = 1    
    # run visvis and show results

    # save screenshot
    if filepath != 'nosave':
        print 'Saving PSF volume.'
        savename = filepath[:-4] + '_PSF_3D.png'
        # sf: scale factor
        vv.screenshot(savename, sf=1, bg='w')
Ejemplo n.º 10
vol2 = s1.vol90

# Visualize and compare
colormap = {
    'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
    'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
    'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
    'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]

import visvis as vv
fig = vv.figure(1)
fig.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
a1 = vv.subplot(121)
t1 = vv.volshow(vol1, clim=(0, 3000), renderStyle='iso')  # iso or mip
t1.isoThreshold = 400
t1.colormap = colormap
a1b = vv.volshow2(vol1, clim=(-550, 500))
vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
# vv.title('One volume at %i procent of cardiac cycle' % phase )

a2 = vv.subplot(122)
a2.daspect = 1, 1, -1
t2 = vv.volshow(vol2, clim=(0, 3000), renderStyle='iso')  # iso or mip
t2.isoThreshold = 400
t2.colormap = colormap
a2b = vv.volshow2(vol2, clim=(-550, 500))
vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
# vv.title('One volume at %i procent of cardiac cycle' % phase )
Ejemplo n.º 11
import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
app = vv.use()

# create volume
vol = vv.aVolume(size=64)

# set labels
vv.xlabel('x axis')
vv.ylabel('y axis')
vv.zlabel('z axis')

# show
t = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle='mip')
# try the differtent render styles, for examample 
# "t.renderStyle='iso'" or "t.renderStyle='ray'"
# If the drawing hangs, your video drived decided to render in software mode.
# This is unfortunately (as far as I know) not possible to detect. 
# It might help if your data is shaped a power of 2.

# Get axes and set camera to orthographic mode (with a field of view of 70)
a = vv.gca()
a.camera.fov = 45

# Create colormap editor wibject.

# Start app
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, ptcode, ctcode, basedir):
        ## Perform image registration

        import os, time

        import numpy as np
        import visvis as vv
        import pirt.reg  # Python Image Registration Toolkit
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol
        import scipy
        from scipy import ndimage

        # Select dataset to register
        cropname = 'prox'
        what = 'phases'

        # Load volumes
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)

        vols = []
        phases = []
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('vol'):
                # create vol with zoom in z-direction
                zscale = (s[key].sampling[0] / s[key].sampling[1])  # z / y
                # resample vol using spline interpolation, 3rd order piecewise polynomial
                vol_zoom = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
                    s[key], [zscale, 1, 1], 'float32')
                s[key].sampling = [
                    s[key].sampling[1], s[key].sampling[1], s[key].sampling[2]

                # set scale and origin
                vol_zoom_type = vv.Aarray(vol_zoom, s[key].sampling,
                vol = vol_zoom_type


        t0 = time.time()

        # Initialize registration object
        reg = pirt.reg.GravityRegistration(*vols)

        reg.params.mass_transforms = 2  # 2nd order (Laplacian) triggers more at lines
        reg.params.speed_factor = 1.0
        reg.params.deform_wise = 'groupwise'  # groupwise!
        reg.params.mapping = 'backward'
        reg.params.deform_limit = 1.0
        reg.params.final_scale = 1.0  # We might set this a wee bit lower than 1 (but slower!)
        reg.params.scale_sampling = 16
        reg.params.final_grid_sampling = 20
        reg.params.grid_sampling_factor = 0.5

        # Go!

        t1 = time.time()
        print('Registration completed, which took %1.2f min.' %
              ((t1 - t0) / 60))

        # Store registration result

        from visvis import ssdf

        # Create struct

        s2 = vv.ssdf.new()
        N = len(vols)
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('meta'):
                s2[key] = s[key]
        s2.origin = s.origin
        s2.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s2.croprange = s.croprange

        # Obtain deform fields
        for i in range(N):
            fields = [field for field in reg.get_deform(i).as_backward()]
            phase = phases[i][3:]
            s2['deform%s' % phase] = fields
        s2.sampling = s2['deform%s' %
                         phase][0].sampling  # Sampling of deform is different!
        s2.originDeforms = s2['deform%s' %
                              phase][0].origin  # But origin is zero
        s2.params = reg.params

        # Save
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
        ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
        print("deforms saved to disk.")

        # Store averaged volume, where the volumes are registered

        #from visvis import ssdf

        # Create average volume from *all* volumes deformed to the "center"
        N = len(reg._ims)
        mean_vol = np.zeros(reg._ims[0].shape, 'float64')
        for i in range(N):
            vol, deform = reg._ims[i], reg.get_deform(i)
            mean_vol += deform.as_backward().apply_deformation(vol)
        mean_vol *= 1.0 / N

        # Create struct
        s_avg = ssdf.new()
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('meta'):
                s_avg[key] = s[key]
        s_avg.sampling = s.vol0.sampling  # z, y, x after interpolation
        s_avg.origin = s.origin
        s_avg.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s_avg.croprange = s.croprange
        s_avg.vol = mean_vol.astype('float32')
        s_avg.params = s2.params

        fig1 = vv.figure(1)
        fig1.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
        a1 = vv.subplot(111)
        a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        renderstyle = 'mip'
        a1b = vv.volshow(s_avg.vol, clim=(0, 2000), renderStyle=renderstyle)
        #a1b.isoThreshold = 600
        vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
        vv.title('Average volume of %s phases (%s) (resized data)' %
                 (len(phases), renderstyle))

        # Save
        avg = 'avgreg'
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, avg)
        ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s_avg)
        print("avgreg saved to disk.")

        t1 = time.time()
        print('Registration completed, which took %1.2f min.' %
              ((t1 - t0) / 60))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def plot_3d_diameter_map(name,
                         camera_loc=(67.0, 81.6, 45.2),
    """Renders orientation data in 3D with RGB angular color-coding.

    name : str
        Indicates the name of the output png file.

    data : 3D array
        Indicates the 3D array containing diameter at every point of the skeleton.

    unit_scale : float
        Indicates the scale factor of the data values.

    measure_quantity : str
        Indicates the name of measure of the values.

    radius_structure_elem : integer
        Indicates the size of the structure element of the dilation process to
        thicken the skeleton.

    output_dir : str
        Indicates the path to the output folder where the image will be stored.

    camera_azth : float
        Indicates the azimuth angle of the camera.

    width : int
        Indicates the width of the visualization window.

    height : int
        Indicates the width of the visualization window.

    camera_elev : float
        Indicates the latitude / elevation angle of the camera.

    camera_roll : float
        Indicates the roll angle of the camera.

    camera_fov : float
        Indicates the field of view of the camera.

    camera_zoom : float
        Indicates the zoom level of the camera.

    camera_loc : tuple
        Indicates the camera location.

    xlabel : str
        Indicates the label along the x-axis.

    ylabel : str
        Indicates the label along the y-axis.

    zlabel : str
        Indicates the label along the z-axis.

    axis_color : str
        Indicates the color of axes.

    background_color : str
        Indicates the background color of the figure.

    cb_x_offset : int
        Indicates the offset of the colorbar from the right window side.
    if not visvis_available:
            'The visvis package is not found. The visualization cannot be done.'

    rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax, zmin, zmax = _bbox_3D(data)
    dmtr = data[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax, zmin:zmax] * unit_scale
    skel = np.zeros_like(dmtr, dtype=np.uint8)
    skel[dmtr.nonzero()] = 1

    dmtr = ndi.grey_dilation(dmtr,
    skel = ndi.binary_dilation(
    skel[skel.nonzero()] = 1.

    dmtr = dmtr * skel

    app = vv.use()

    fig = vv.figure()
    fig._currentAxes = None
    fig.relativeFontSize = 2.
    fig.position.w = width
    fig.position.h = height

    t = vv.volshow(dmtr[:, :, :], renderStyle='iso')
    t.isoThreshold = 0.5
    t.colormap = vv.CM_JET

    a = vv.gca()
    a.camera.azimuth = camera_azth
    a.camera.elevation = camera_elev
    a.camera.roll = camera_roll
    a.camera.fov = camera_fov
    a.camera.zoom = camera_zoom
    a.camera.loc = camera_loc

    a.bgcolor = background_color
    a.axis.axisColor = axis_color
    a.axis.xLabel = xlabel
    a.axis.yLabel = ylabel
    a.axis.zLabel = zlabel

    cb = vv.colorbar()
    cb.SetLabel(f'Diameter, [{measure_quantity}]')
    cb._label.position.x += cb_x_offset

    if output_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        vv.screenshot(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{name}_3d_diameter.png'),
Ejemplo n.º 14
# sd._nodes2.Unpack(ssdf.load('/home/almar/tmp.ssdf'))

# Create a mesh object for visualization (argument is strut tickness)
if hasattr(sd._nodes3, 'CreateMesh'):
    bm = sd._nodes3.CreateMesh(0.6)  # old
    bm = create_mesh(sd._nodes3, 0.6) # new

# Create figue
vv.figure(2); vv.clf()

# Show volume and segmented stent as a graph
a1 = vv.subplot(131)
t = vv.volshow(vol)
t.clim = 0, 3000
#sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='g', mw = 6)    # draw seeded nodes
#sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='g')            # draw seeded and MCP connected nodes

# Show cleaned up
a2 = vv.subplot(132)
sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='g', lc='b')

# Show the mesh
a3 = vv.subplot(133)
a3.daspect = 1,-1,1
m = vv.mesh(bm)
m.faceColor = 'g'

# Use same camera
Ejemplo n.º 15
def showVolPhases(basedir, vols=None, ptcode=None, ctcode=None, cropname=None, 
    showVol='iso', mipIsocolor=False, isoTh=310,
            slider=False, clim=(0,3000), clim2D=(-550, 500), fname=None):
    """ Show vol phases in motion container
    showVol= mip or iso or 2D; Provide either vols or location
    if vols is None:
        # Load volumes
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'phases', fname=fname)
        vols = []
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('vol'):
    # Start vis
    f = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    f.position = 9.00, 38.00,  992.00, 944.00
    a = vv.gca()
    a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
    a.axis.visible = False
    a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
    if showVol=='mip':
        if not ptcode is None and not ctcode is None:
            vv.title('Maximum intensity projection cine-loop of the original ECG-gated CT volumes of patient %s at %s ' % (ptcode[8:], ctcode))
            vv.title('Maximum intensity projection cine-loop of the original ECG-gated CT volumes ')
        if not ptcode is None and not ctcode is None:
            vv.title('ECG-gated CT scan cine-loop of the original ECG-gated CT volumes of patient %s at %s ' % (ptcode[8:], ctcode))
            vv.title('ECG-gated CT scan cine-loop of the original ECG-gated CT volumes ')
    # Setup data container
    container = vv.MotionDataContainer(a)
    for vol in vols:
        if showVol == '2D':
            t = vv.volshow2(vol, clim=clim2D) # -750, 1000
            t.parent = container
            t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim, renderStyle = showVol)
            t.parent = container
            if showVol == 'iso':
                t.isoThreshold = isoTh    # iso or mip work well 
                t.colormap = {'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
                            'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
                            'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
                            'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]}
            if mipIsocolor:
                t.colormap = {'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
                            'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
                            'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
                            'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]}
    # bind ClimEditor to figure
    if slider:
        if showVol=='mip':
            c = vv.ClimEditor(vv.gcf())
            c.position = (10, 50)
            f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ShowHideSlider(event, c) )
        if showVol=='iso':
            c = IsoThEditor(vv.gcf())
            c.position = (10, 50)
            f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ShowHideSlider(event, c) )
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a]) )
    print('Use keys 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for preset anatomic views')
    print('Use v for a default zoomed view')
    print('Use x to show and hide axis')
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self,ptcode,ctcode,allcenterlines,basedir):
        Script to show the stent plus centerline model and select points on 
        centerlines for motion analysis 
        import os, time
        import pirt
        import visvis as vv
        import numpy as np
        import math
        import itertools
        import xlsxwriter
        from datetime import datetime

        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from stentseg.utils.new_pointset import PointSet
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.motion.vis import create_mesh_with_abs_displacement
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from pirt.utils.deformvis import DeformableTexture3D, DeformableMesh
        from stentseg.utils import PointSet
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
        from visvis import Pointset # for meshes
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from visvis.processing import lineToMesh, combineMeshes
        from visvis import ssdf
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d
            from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui # PyQt5
        except ImportError:
            from PySide import QtCore, QtGui # PySide2
        from stentseg.apps.ui_dialog import MyDialog
        from stentseg.utils.centerline import dist_over_centerline # added for Mirthe 
        import copy
        cropname = 'prox'
        exceldir = os.path.join(basedir,ptcode)
        # Load deformations and avg ct (forward for mesh)
        # centerlines combined in 1 model
        m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname = 'centerline_total_modelavgreg_deforms') 
        model = m.model
        # centerlines separated in a model for each centerline
        # m_sep = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname = 'centerline_modelavgreg_deforms')
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg')
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s.vol)
        s.vol.sampling = [vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]]
        s.sampling = s.vol.sampling
        vol = s.vol
        # Start visualization and GUI
        fig = vv.figure(30); vv.clf()
        fig.position = 0.00, 30.00,  944.00, 1002.00
        a = vv.gca()
        a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
        a.axis.visible = True
        a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        lim = 2500
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=(0, lim), renderStyle='mip')
        pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        b = model.Draw(mc='b', mw = 0, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
        # Add clickable nodes
        t0 = time.time()
        node_points = []
        for i, node in enumerate(sorted(model.nodes())):
            node_point = vv.solidSphere(translation = (node), scaling = (0.6,0.6,0.6))
            node_point.faceColor = 'b'
            node_point.alpha = 0.5
            node_point.visible = True
            node_point.node = node
            node_point.nr = i
        t1 = time.time()
        print('Clickable nodes created, which took %1.2f min.' % ((t1-t0)/60))
        # list of correctly clicked nodes
        selected_nodes_sum = set()
        # Initialize labels
        t0 = vv.Label(a, '\b{Node nr|location}: ', fontSize=11, color='w')
        t0.position = 0.1, 25, 0.5, 20  # x (frac w), y, w (frac), h
        t0.bgcolor = None
        t0.visible = True
        t1 = vv.Label(a, '\b{Nodepair}: ', fontSize=11, color='w')
        t1.position = 0.1, 45, 0.5, 20
        t1.bgcolor = None
        t1.visible = True
        # Initialize output variable to store pulsatility analysis
        storeOutput = list()
        def on_key(event): 
            if event.key == vv.KEY_ENTER:
                # mogenlijkheden aantal nodes 
                    # 1 voor relative beweging vanuit avg punt
                    # 2 voor onderlinge beweging tussen twee punten
                    # 3 voor hoek in punt 2 van punt 1 naar punt 3
                if len(selected_nodes) == 1:
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    output = point_pulsatility(selectn1, n1Deforms)
                    output['NodesIndex'] = [n1index]
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Node}: %i' % (n1index)
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 1 node stored')

                if len(selected_nodes) == 2:
                    # get nodes
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
                    # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
                    nindex = [n1index, n2index]
                    # get deforms of nodes
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
                    # get pulsatility
                    cl_merged = append_centerlines(allcenterlines) 
                    output = point_to_point_pulsatility(cl_merged, selectn1, 
                                        n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, type='euclidian')
                    output['NodesIndex'] = nindex
                    # get distance_centerline
                    #dist_cl = dist_over_centerline(cl_merged, selectn1, selectn2, type='euclidian') # toegevoegd Mirthe
                    #dist_cl = dist_centerline_total(cl_merged, selectn1, 
                    #                    n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, type='euclidian')
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Node pair}: %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1])
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 2 nodes stored')
                if len(selected_nodes) == 3:
                    # get nodes
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
                    selectn3 = selected_nodes[2].node
                    # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
                    n3index = selected_nodes[2].nr
                    nindex = [n1index, n2index, n3index]
                    # get deforms of nodes
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
                    n3Deforms = model.node[selectn3]['deforms']
                    # get angulation
                    output = line_line_angulation(selectn1, 
                                        n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, selectn3, n3Deforms)
                    output['NodesIndex'] = nindex
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Nodes}: %i - %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1], nindex[2])
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 3 nodes stored')
                if len(selected_nodes) > 3:
                    for node in selected_nodes:
                        node.faceColor = 'b'
                    print('to many nodes selected, select 1,2 or 3 nodes')
                if len(selected_nodes) < 1:
                    for node in selected_nodes:
                        node.faceColor = 'b'
                    print('to few nodes selected, select 1,2 or 3 nodes')                
                # Visualize analyzed nodes and deselect
                for node in selected_nodes:

                for node in selected_nodes_sum:
                    node.faceColor = 'g'  # make green when analyzed
            if event.key == vv.KEY_ESCAPE:
                # FINISH MODEL, STORE TO EXCEL
                # Store to EXCEL
                storeOutputToExcel(storeOutput, exceldir)
                print('output stored to excel')
        selected_nodes = list()
        def select_node(event):
            """ select and deselect nodes by Double Click
            if event.owner not in selected_nodes:
                event.owner.faceColor = 'r'
            elif event.owner in selected_nodes:
                event.owner.faceColor = 'b'
        def pick_node(event):
            nodenr = event.owner.nr
            node = event.owner.node
            t0.text = '\b{Node nr|location}: %i | x=%1.3f y=%1.3f z=%1.3f' % (nodenr,node[0],node[1],node[2])
        def unpick_node(event):
            t0.text = '\b{Node nr|location}: '
        def point_pulsatility(point1, point1Deforms):
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            pos_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(point1Deforms)),2))
            distances = []
            for i in pos_combinations:
                v = point1Deforms[i[0]] - point1Deforms[i[1]]
                distances.append(((v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2)**0.5 ))
            distances = np.array(distances)
            # get max distance between phases
            point_phase_max = distances.max()
            point_phase_max = [point_phase_max, [x*10 for x in (pos_combinations[list(distances).index(point_phase_max)])]]
            # get min distance between phases
            point_phase_min = distances.min()
            point_phase_min = [point_phase_min, [x*10 for x in (pos_combinations[list(distances).index(point_phase_min)])]]
            return {'point_phase_min':point_phase_min,'point_phase_max': point_phase_max, 'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms]}

        def point_to_point_pulsatility(cl, point1, point1Deforms, 
                                            point2, point2Deforms,type='euclidian'):
            import numpy as np
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            # define vector between nodes
            v = n1Indices - n2Indices
            distances = ( (v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2 + v[:,2]**2)**0.5 ).reshape(-1,1)
            # get min and max distance
            point_to_pointMax = distances.max()
            point_to_pointMin = distances.min()
            # add phase in cardiac cycle where min and max where found (5th = 50%)
            point_to_pointMax = [point_to_pointMax, (list(distances).index(point_to_pointMax) )*10]
            point_to_pointMin = [point_to_pointMin, (list(distances).index(point_to_pointMin) )*10]
            # get median of distances
            point_to_pointMedian = np.percentile(distances, 50) # Q2
            # median of the lower half, Q1 and upper half, Q3
            point_to_pointQ1 = np.percentile(distances, 25)
            point_to_pointQ3 = np.percentile(distances, 75)
            # Pulsatility min max distance point to point
            point_to_pointP = point_to_pointMax[0] - point_to_pointMin[0]
            # add % change to pulsatility
            point_to_pointP = [point_to_pointP, (point_to_pointP/point_to_pointMin[0])*100 ]
            # find index of point on cll and calculate length change cll ???
            if isinstance(cl, PointSet):
                cl = np.asarray(cl).reshape((len(cl),3))
            indpoint1 = np.where( np.all(cl == point1, axis=-1) )[0] # -1 counts from last to the first axis
            indpoint2 = np.where( np.all(cl == point2, axis=-1) )[0] # renal point
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            clDeforms = []
            clpart_deformed = []
            vectors = []
            clpart = []
            d = []
            dist_cl = []   
            clpartDeforms = []
            clpart_deformed_test = []
            for i in range(len(cl)):
                clDeforms1 = model.node[cl[i,0], cl[i,1], cl[i,2]]['deforms']
                clpart_deformed1 = cl[i] + clDeforms1
            # clpart = cl[min(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0]):max(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0])+1]
            clpart = clpart_deformed[min(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0]):max(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0])+1]
            # for i in range(len(clpart)):
            #     clpartDeforms1 = model.node[clpart[i,0], clpart[i,1], clpart[i,2]]['deforms']
            #     clpartDeforms.append(clpartDeforms1)
            #     clpart_deformed1_test = cl[i] + clpartDeforms1
            #     clpart_deformed_test.append(clpart_deformed1_test)
            # for k in range(len(n1Indices)):
            #     vectors_phases = np.vstack([clpart_deformed_test[i+1][k]-clpart_deformed_test[i][k] for i in range(len(clpart)-1)])
            #     vectors.append(vectors_phases)
            for k in range(len(n1Indices)):
                vectors_phases = np.vstack([clpart[i+1][k]-clpart[i][k] for i in range(len(clpart)-1)])
            for i in range(len(vectors)):
                if type == 'euclidian':
                    d1 = (vectors[i][:,0]**2 + vectors[i][:,1]**2 + vectors[i][:,2]**2)**0.5  # 3Dvector length in mm
                elif type == 'z':
                    d = abs(vectors[i][:,2])  # x,y,z ; 1Dvector length in mm
            for i in range(len(d)):
                dist = d[i].sum()
            #if indpoint2 > indpoint1: # stent point proximal to renal on centerline: positive
            cl_min_index1 = np.argmin(dist_cl)   
            cl_min_index = cl_min_index1*10
            cl_min = min(dist_cl)
            cl_max_index1 = np.argmax(dist_cl)   
            cl_max_index = cl_max_index1*10
            cl_max = max(dist_cl)
            print ([dist_cl])
            print ([point1, point2])
            return {'point_to_pointMin': point_to_pointMin, 
            'point_to_pointQ1': point_to_pointQ1, 
            'point_to_pointMedian': point_to_pointMedian, 
            'point_to_pointQ3': point_to_pointQ3, 
            'point_to_pointMax': point_to_pointMax, 
            'point_to_pointP': point_to_pointP, 
            'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms], 
            'Node2': [point2, point2Deforms], 'distances': distances, 
            'dist_cl': dist_cl, 'cl_min_index': cl_min_index, 
            'cl_max_index': cl_max_index, 'cl_min': cl_min, 'cl_max': cl_max}
        def line_line_angulation(point1, point1Deforms, point2, point2Deforms, point3, point3Deforms):
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            n3Indices = point3 + point3Deforms
            # get vectors
            v1 = n1Indices - n2Indices
            v2 = n3Indices - n2Indices
            # get angles
            angles = []
            for i in range(len(v1)):
            angles = np.array(angles)
            # get all angle differences of all phases
            pos_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(v1)),2))
            angle_diff = []
            for i in pos_combinations:
                v = point1Deforms[i[0]] - point1Deforms[i[1]]
                angle_diff.append(abs(angles[i[0]] - angles[i[1]]))
            angle_diff = np.array(angle_diff)
            # get max angle differences
            point_angle_diff_max = angle_diff.max()
            point_angle_diff_max = [point_angle_diff_max, [x*10 for x in
            # get min angle differences
            point_angle_diff_min = angle_diff.min()
            point_angle_diff_min = [point_angle_diff_min, [x*10 for x in 
            return {'point_angle_diff_min':point_angle_diff_min,
            'point_angle_diff_max': point_angle_diff_max, 'angles': angles, 
            'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms], 'Node2': [point2, point2Deforms], 
            'Node3': [point3, point1Deforms]}
        def append_centerlines(allcenterlines):
            """ Merge seperated PointSet centerlines into one PointSet
            # cl_merged = allcenterlines[0]
            cl_merged = PointSet(3)
            for i in range(0,len(allcenterlines)):
                for point in allcenterlines[i]:
            return cl_merged
        def get_index_name():
                # Gui for input name
                app = QtGui.QApplication([])
                m = MyDialog()
                dialog_output = m.edit.text()
                return dialog_output  
        def storeOutputToExcel(storeOutput, exceldir):
            """Create file and add a worksheet or overwrite existing
            # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/XlsxWriter
            workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(os.path.join(exceldir,'storeOutput.xlsx'))
            worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('General')
            # set column width
            worksheet.set_column('A:A', 35)
            worksheet.set_column('B:B', 30)
            # add a bold format to highlight cells
            bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
            # write title and general tab
            worksheet.write('A1', 'Output ChEVAS dynamic CT, 10 Phases', bold)
            analysisID = '%s_%s_%s' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname)
            worksheet.write('A2', 'Filename:', bold)
            worksheet.write('B2', analysisID)
            worksheet.write('A3', 'Date and Time:', bold)
            date_time = datetime.now() #strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            date_format_str = 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm'
            date_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': date_format_str,
                                      'align': 'left'})
            worksheet.write_datetime('B3', date_time, date_format)
            # write 'storeOutput'
            sort_index = []
            for i in range(len(storeOutput)):
                type = len(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])
                sort_index.append([i, type])
            sort_index = np.array(sort_index)
            sort_index = sort_index[sort_index[:,1].argsort()]
            for i, n in sort_index:
                worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(storeOutput[i]['Name'])
                worksheet.set_column('A:A', 35)
                worksheet.set_column('B:B', 20)
                worksheet.write('A1', 'Name:', bold)
                worksheet.write('B1', storeOutput[i]['Name'])
                if n == 1:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '1 Node')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum translation (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_phase_min'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C3', list(storeOutput[i]['point_phase_min'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Maximum translation (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_phase_max'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C4', list(storeOutput[i]['point_phase_max'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Avg node position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B5', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C5', [str(x)for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B6', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])) 
                elif n == 2:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '2 Nodes')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum distance (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMin'][0])
                    worksheet.write('C3', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMin'][1])
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Q1 distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointQ1'])

                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Median distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B5', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMedian'])
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Q3 distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B6', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointQ3'])
                    worksheet.write('A7', 'Maximum distance (mm, phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B7', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMax'][0])
                    worksheet.write('C7', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMax'][1])
                    worksheet.write('A8', 'Maximum distance difference (mm)', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B8', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointP'][0])
                    worksheet.write('A9', 'Distances for each phase', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B9', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['distances'])])
                    worksheet.write('A10', 'Avg node1 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B10', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C10', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A11', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B11', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C11', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A12', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B12', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])) 
                    worksheet.write('A13', 'Length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B13', str(list(storeOutput[i]['dist_cl']))) 
                    worksheet.write('A14', 'Minimum length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B14', storeOutput[i]['cl_min']) 
                    worksheet.write('C14', storeOutput[i]['cl_min_index']) 
                    worksheet.write('A15', 'Maximum length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B15', storeOutput[i]['cl_max'])  
                    worksheet.write('C15', storeOutput[i]['cl_max_index']) 
                elif n == 3:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '3 Nodes')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum angle difference (degrees, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_min'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C3', list(storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_min'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Maximum angle difference (degrees, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_max'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C4', list(storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_max'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Angles for each phase (degrees)',bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B5', list(storeOutput[i]['angles']))
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Avg node1 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B6', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C6', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A7', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B7', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C7', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A8', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B8', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node3'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C8', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node3'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A9', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B9', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex']))   
        # Bind event handlers
        for node_point in node_points:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def demo(restore_path):
    Trains a convolutional neural network to locate multiple spheres in a simulated artificial lateral line experiment.
    Currently, this implementation is a port from the original Theano implementation, which is why it still misses some
    functionality that is mentioned in the current version of the paper.
    :param config:  Experiment config generated from command line input.

    # Create TensorFlow session
    sess = tf.Session()

    # Read the data from storage
    test_x, test_y, _, _ = read_data(config)
    print("Finished reading data")

    # Set up two data batchers that provide a straightforward interface for moving through data batches
    excitation0, excitation1, out = create_model(config,

    # Initialize the graph variables

    # Create a saver
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    saver.restore(sess, restore_path)

    out_numeric = sess.run(out,
                               excitation0: test_x[0:1, 0, :, :],
                               excitation1: test_x[0:1, 1, :, :]
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    # plt.ion()
    # plt.show()

    ex_cfg = DataConfig
    ex_cfg.resolution = 128
    ex_cfg.n_sensors = 128
    s, target_mesh, x_mesh2d, x_mesh3d, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d = get_meshes()

    x_slice = x_mesh3d[:, :, 0]
    column_indices, row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1, row_indices1_mod = get_index_arrays(
        ex_cfg, x_slice, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d)
    ax_objs = None

    counter = 0
    n_angles = 360
    print("Running animation")
    for i in range(test_x.shape[0]):
        out_numeric = sess.run(out,
                                   excitation0: test_x[i:i + 1, 0, :, :],
                                   excitation1: test_x[i:i + 1, 1, :, :]
        out_numeric = np.transpose(out_numeric[0])

        halfway = out_numeric.shape[0] // 2

        multis = get_3d_density(column_indices, ex_cfg.resolution,
                                row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1,
                                row_indices1_mod, out_numeric[:halfway, :],
                                out_numeric[halfway:, :])
        target = get_3d_density(column_indices, ex_cfg.resolution,
                                row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1,
                                row_indices1_mod, test_y[i, 0].T, test_y[i,
        target3d = np.asarray(target)
        density3d = np.asarray(multis)

        # def display():
        #     contour3d(x_mesh3d, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d, density3d, contours=[0.8], transparent=True)
        # display()

        vv.volshow(density3d, cm=vv.CM_JET, axes=a1)
        vv.volshow(target3d, cm=vv.CM_JET, axes=a2)

        if density3d.max() > args.level:
            mesh = vv.isosurface(density3d, args.level)
            m = vv.mesh(mesh, axes=a1)
            m.faceColor = (1, 1, 1)

        if target3d.max() > args.level:
            mesh = vv.isosurface(target3d, args.level)
            m = vv.mesh(mesh, axes=a2)
            m.faceColor = (1, 1, 1)

        a1.daspect = (3, 3, 2)
        a1.axis.xLabel = 'x'
        a1.axis.yLabel = 'y'
        a1.axis.zLabel = 'z'
        vv.title('Prediction reconstruction', axes=a1)

        a2.daspect = (3, 3, 2)
        a2.axis.xLabel = 'x'
        a2.axis.yLabel = 'y'
        a2.axis.zLabel = 'z'
        vv.title('Target reconstruction', axes=a2)

        for i in range(5):
            a1.camera.azimuth = counter % 360
            counter += 3

            if i < 4:
Ejemplo n.º 18
""" This example demonstrates rendering a color volume.
This example demonstrates two render styles. Note that
all render styles are capable of rendering color data.

import numpy as np
import visvis as vv
app = vv.use()

# Use vv.aVolume to create random bars for each color plane
N = 64
vol = np.empty((N,N,N,3), dtype='float32')
for i in range(3):
    vol[:,:,:,i] = vv.aVolume(10,N)

# Show
a1 = vv.subplot(121); 
t1 = vv.volshow(vol[:,:,:,:], renderStyle = 'mip')
vv.title('color MIP render')
a2 = vv.subplot(122); 
t2 = vv.volshow(vol[:,:,:,:], renderStyle = 'iso')
t2.isoThreshold = 0.5
vv.title('color ISO-surface render')

# Share cameras
a1.camera = a2.camera

# Run app
Ejemplo n.º 19
def save_3D_gradient_images(save_path, data, name):
    """ Makes an avi of the volume rendered gradient specified by the name
        parameter using visvis
    #load all of the volumes into memory
    vols = []
    #setup the visvis setup to capture all of the images
    f = vv.clf()
    a = vv.gca()
    m = vv.MotionDataContainer(a, interval = 500)
    #loop over all the times
    times = data.get_times()
    mn = 1000000000000
    mx = -1
    #get the min and max range over which to scale the image set
    for i in range(0, len(times)):
        #load the volume
        vol = data.get_gradient_at_time(times[i], name).C
        #get the min and max of these to save
        mx = max(np.max(vol), mx)
        mn = min(np.min(vol), mn)
        #delete the loaded volume for memory issues
        del vol
    #now take screen shots of these images
    for i in range(0, len(times)):
        #load the volume
        vol = data.get_gradient_at_time(times[i], name).C
        #draw it
        t = vv.volshow(vol)
        t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT
        t.renderstyle = 'iso'
        t.parent = m
        #set the camera filed of view
        a.camera.fov = 60
        a.camera.elevation = 30
        a.camera.zoom = 0.01
        #set the limits to the min and max
        t.clim = (mn, mx)
        #Force the axis to draw now
        #get the zero padded time
        s = ZeroPad(times[-1], times[i])
        #create the save file path
        file_path = save_path + name + "_" + s + ".jpeg"
        #Now get the screenshot
        #load this image using PIL, append a color bar showing the min and max
        ss = Image.open(file_path)
        w, h = ss.size
        #make a new font
        font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 24)
        color_bar = draw_color_bar(mn, mx, 50, int(.99*h), font)
        #get the colorbar dimension
        w1, h1 = color_bar.size
        #make a new image
        ht = max(h, h1)
        im_final = Image.new("RGB", (w + w1 + 10, ht), "white")
        #paste the other images on to this
        im_final.paste(color_bar, (w + 10, 0))
        im_final.paste(ss, (0, 0))
        #Now finally draw the time and the text on top of this
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_final)
        #get the text to draw
        txt = "Species: " + name + "    Time: " + repr(times[i])
        #gte the position
        pos = (25, 20)
        draw.text(pos, txt, font = font, fill = (0,0,0))
        #save the final file
    #close all the figures
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self,
        self.nr_of_stents = nr_of_stents
        self.f = vv.gcf()
        self.vol = vol

        # Create empty list of endpoints
        self.endpoints = []
        self.endpoints = ['xx,yy,zz'] * nr_of_stents * 2
        self.endpointsindex = 0

        # Create text objects
        self._labelcurrent = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelx = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelxslice = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labely = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelyslice = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelz = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelzslice = vv.Label(a_text)
        self._labelcurrent.position = -250, 10
        self._labelx.position = -250, 35
        self._labelxslice.position = -200, 35
        self._labely.position = -250, 55
        self._labelyslice.position = -200, 55
        self._labelz.position = -250, 75
        self._labelzslice.position = -200, 75

        self._labelendpointstext = []
        self._labelendpointstext[0].position = 100, -5
        self._labelendpointstext[1].position = 230, -5
        for i in range(2, self.nr_of_stents + 2):
            self._labelendpointstext[i].position = 40, 15 + (20 * (i - 2))

        self._labelendpoints = []
        for i in range(0, self.nr_of_stents * 2, 2):
            self._labelendpoints[i].position = 100, 15 + (20 * (i / 2)), 50, 20
            self._labelendpoints[i + 1].position = 230, 15 + (20 *
                                                              (i / 2)), 50, 20

        # Create Select button
        self._select = False
        self._butselect = vv.PushButton(a_text)
        self._butselect.position = -110, 150
        self._butselect.text = 'Select'

        # Create Back button
        self._back = False
        self._butback = vv.PushButton(a_text)
        self._butback.position = 10, 150
        self._butback.text = 'Back'

        # Create Close button
        self._finished = False
        self._butclose = vv.PushButton(a_text)
        self._butclose.position = -50, 180
        self._butclose.text = 'Finish'

        # Get short name for sampling
        if isinstance(vol, Aarray):
            self._sam = sam = vol.sampling
            self._sam = None
            sam = (1, 1, 1)

        # Display the slices and 3D MIP
        self.b1 = VolViewer(vol, 0, axes=a_transversal, clim=clim)
        self.b2 = VolViewer(vol, 1, axes=a_coronal, clim=clim)
        self.b3 = VolViewer(vol, 2, axes=a_sagittal, clim=clim)

        renderstyle = 'mip'
        a_MIP.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        self.b4 = vv.volshow(vol,
                             clim=(0, 2500),
        c = vv.ClimEditor(a_MIP)
        c.position = (10, 50)

        # set axis settings
        for a in [a_transversal, a_coronal, a_sagittal, a_MIP]:
            a.bgcolor = [0, 0, 0]
            a.axis.visible = False
            a.showAxis = True

        # get current slice number
        Zslice = self.b1.GetCurrentSlice()
        Yslice = self.b2.GetCurrentSlice()
        Xslice = self.b3.GetCurrentSlice()
        size = vol.shape

        # create lines for position of x,y and z slices
        origin = vol.origin
        Zrange = (origin[0], (size[0] * sam[0]) + origin[0])
        Xrange = (origin[1], (size[1] * sam[1]) + origin[1])
        Yrange = (origin[2], (size[2] * sam[2]) + origin[2])

        self.l11 = vv.Line(a_transversal, [(Yslice, Xrange[0]),
                                           (Yslice, Xrange[1])])
        self.l12 = vv.Line(a_transversal, [(Yrange[0], Xslice),
                                           (Yrange[1], Xslice)])

        self.l21 = vv.Line(a_coronal, [(Zslice, Zrange[0]),
                                       (Zslice, Zrange[1])])
        self.l22 = vv.Line(a_coronal, [(Yrange[0], Xslice),
                                       (Yrange[1], Xslice)])

        self.l31 = vv.Line(a_sagittal, [(Zslice, Zrange[0]),
                                        (Zslice, Zrange[1])])
        self.l32 = vv.Line(a_sagittal, [(Xrange[0], Yslice),
                                        (Xrange[1], Yslice)])

        # change color of the lines
        for i in [self.l11, self.l12, self.l21, self.l22, self.l31, self.l32]:
            i.lc = 'g'

        # create a point in the MIP figure for the current position
        self.mippoint = vv.Line(a_MIP, [(Zslice, Xslice, Yslice)])
        self.mippoint.ms = 'o'
        self.mippoint.mw = 5
        self.mippoint.mc = 'g'
        self.mippoint.alpha = 0.9

        # Get list of all range wobjects
        self._volviewers = [self.b1, self.b2, self.b3]

        # Bind events
        fig = a_text.GetFigure()

        for r in self._volviewers:
        for s in range(len(self._labelendpoints)):

        # Almost done
Ejemplo n.º 21
# The appearance of the line objects can be set in their
# constructor, or by using their properties
line1.lc, line1.mc = 'g', 'b'
line2.lc, line2.mc = 'y', 'r'

# Display a legend
a1.legend = "Astronaut's face", "Astronaut's helmet"

# Create second axes (with a black background)
a2 = vv.subplot(122)
a2.bgcolor = 'k'
a2.axis.axisColor = 'w'

# Display a texture
vol = vv.aVolume(2)  # returns a test volume as a numpy array
texture3d = vv.volshow(vol)

# Display a mesh using one of the "solid" functions
mesh = vv.solidTeapot((32, 32, 80), scaling=(50, 50, 50))
mesh.faceColor = 0.4, 1, 0.4
mesh.specular = 'r'

# Set orthographic projection
a2.camera.fov = 45

# Create labels for the axis
a2.axis.xLabel = 'x-axis'
a2.axis.yLabel = 'y-axis'
a2.axis.zLabel = 'z-axis'

# Enter main loop
Ejemplo n.º 22
# constructor, or by using their properties
line1.lc, line1.mc = 'g', 'b'
line2.lc, line2.mc = 'y', 'r'

# Display a legend
a1.legend = "Lena's face", "Lena's shoulder"

# Create second axes (with a black background)
a2 = vv.subplot(122)
a2.bgcolor = 'k'
a2.axis.axisColor = 'w'

# Display a texture 
vol = vv.aVolume(2) # returns a test volume as a numpy array
texture3d = vv.volshow(vol)

# Display a mesh using one of the "solid" functions
mesh = vv.solidTeapot((32,32,80), scaling=(50,50,50))
mesh.faceColor = 0.4, 1, 0.4
mesh.specular = 'r'

# Set orthographic projection
a2.camera.fov = 45

# Create labels for the axis
a2.axis.xLabel = 'x-axis'
a2.axis.yLabel = 'y-axis'
a2.axis.zLabel = 'z-axis'

# Enter main loop
Ejemplo n.º 23
a = vv.gca()
a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
a.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
a.axis.visible = True
a.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
    'Maximum intensity projection cine-loop of the original ECG-gated CT volumes of patient %s'
    % ptcode[8:])

# Setup data container
container = vv.MotionDataContainer(a)
showVol = 'mip'
for vol in vols:
    #     t = vv.volshow2(vol, clim=(-550, 500)) # -750, 1000
    t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=(0, 2500), renderStyle=showVol)
    t.isoThreshold = 350  # iso or mip work well
    t.parent = container
    if showVol == 'iso':
        t.colormap = {
            'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.33636364, 1.0)],
            'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.49545455, 1.0)],
            'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
            'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.22272727, 1.0)]

    lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event, [a], axishandling=False))
f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a]))

foo = recordMovie(frameRate=7)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def on_key(event):
    global node_points 
    if event.key == vv.KEY_DOWN:
        # hide nodes and labels
        t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = False, False, False
        t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = False, False, False
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False
    if event.key == vv.KEY_UP:
        # show nodes and labels
        t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
        t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = True
    if event.text == 'n':
        # add clickable point: point on graph closest to picked point (SHIFT+R-click )
        view = a.GetView()
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False
        snapOut = _utils_GUI.snap_picked_point_to_graph(model, vol, label) # x,y,z
        pickedOnGraph = snapOut[0]
        n1, n2 = snapOut[1]
        pickedOnGraphIndex = snapOut[2]
        pickedOnGraphDeforms = model.edge[n1][n2]['pathdeforms'][pickedOnGraphIndex]
        model.add_node(pickedOnGraph, deforms=pickedOnGraphDeforms)
        node_points = _utils_GUI.interactive_node_points(model, scale=0.7)
        _utils_GUI.node_points_callbacks(node_points, selected_nodes, t0=t0)
        # visualize
        # pickedOnGraph_sphere = vv.solidSphere(translation = (pickedOnGraph), scaling = (scale,scale,scale))
        point = vv.plot(pickedOnGraph[0], pickedOnGraph[1], pickedOnGraph[2], 
                        mc = 'y', ms = 'o', mw = 9, alpha=0.5)
    if event.key == vv.KEY_ENTER:
        assert len(selected_nodes) == 2 or 3 or 4
        # Node_to_node analysis
        if len(selected_nodes) == 2:
            # get nodes
            selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
            selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
            # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
            n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
            n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
            nindex = [n1index, n2index]
            # get deforms of nodes
            n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
            n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
            # get pulsatility
            output = point_to_point_pulsatility(selectn1, n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms)
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pair}: %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1])
            t2.text = 'Node-to-node Min: %1.2f mm' % output[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Node-to-node Max: %1.2f mm' % output[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Node-to-node Median: %1.2f mm' % output[2]
            t5.text = 'Node-to-node Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output[1], output[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Node-to-node Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output[5][0] )
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including index/nr of nodes
            output.insert(0, [n1index]) # at the start
            output.insert(1, [n2index])
            output[8].insert(0, [n1index])
            output[9].insert(0, [n2index])
            if output not in storeOutput:
        # Midpoint_to_node analysis
        if len(selected_nodes)== 3:
            # find the edge selected to get midpoint
            selected_nodes2 = selected_nodes.copy()
            for node1 in selected_nodes:
                selected_nodes2.remove(node1) # check combination once and not to self
                for node2 in selected_nodes2:
                    if model.has_edge(node1.node, node2.node):
                        # get midpoint of edge and its deforms
                        output = get_midpoint_deforms_edge(model, node1.node, node2.node)
                        break  # edge found, to first for loop
            # get index of nodepair and midpoint and its deforms
            nodepair1 = output[0]
            midpoint1IndexPath = output[1]
            midpoint1 = output[2]
            midpoint1Deforms = output[3]
            # get node
            for i, node in enumerate(selected_nodes):
                if node.nr not in nodepair1:
                    n3 = node
            # get deforms for node
            n3Deforms = model.node[n3.node]['deforms']
            # get pulsatility
            # first selected first in output
            if i > 0: # single node was not selected first
                output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(midpoint1, 
                            midpoint1Deforms, n3.node, n3Deforms)
                output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(n3.node, n3Deforms,
                            midpoint1, midpoint1Deforms)
            # visualize midpoint
            view = a.GetView()
            point = vv.plot(midpoint1[0], midpoint1[1], midpoint1[2], 
                            mc = 'm', ms = 'o', mw = 8, alpha=0.5)
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pairs}: (%i %i) - (%i)' % (nodepair1[0],nodepair1[1],n3.nr)
            t2.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Min: %1.2f mm' % output2[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Max: %1.2f mm' % output2[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Median: %1.2f mm' % output2[2]
            t5.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output2[1], output2[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Midpoint-to-node Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output2[5][0])
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including index nodes
            if i > 0:
                output2.insert(0, nodepair1) # at the start
                output2.insert(1, [n3.nr])
                output2[8].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
                output2[9].insert(0, [n3.nr])
                output2.insert(0, [n3.nr]) # at the start
                output2.insert(1, nodepair1)
                output2[8].insert(0, [n3.nr])
                output2[9].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
            if output2 not in storeOutput:
        # Midpoint_to_midpoint analysis
        if len(selected_nodes) == 4:
            outputs = list()
            # get midpoints for the two edges
            # get nodepairs from order selected
            for i in (0,2):
                n1 = selected_nodes[i].node
                n2 = selected_nodes[i+1].node
                assert model.has_edge(n1, n2)
                # get midpoint of edge and its deforms
                output = get_midpoint_deforms_edge(model, n1, n2)
                midpoint = output[2]
                # store for both edges
                # visualize midpoint
                view = a.GetView()
                point = vv.plot(midpoint[0], midpoint[1], midpoint[2], 
                                mc = 'm', ms = 'o', mw = 8, alpha=0.5)
            assert len(outputs) == 2 # two midpoints should be found
            # get midpoints and deforms
            nodepair1 = outputs[0][0]
            midpoint1IndexPath = outputs[0][1]
            midpoint1 = outputs[0][2]
            midpoint1Deforms = outputs[0][3]
            nodepair2 = outputs[1][0]
            midpoint2IndexPath = outputs[1][1]
            midpoint2 = outputs[1][2]
            midpoint2Deforms = outputs[1][3]
            # get pulsatility midp to midp
            output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(midpoint1, 
                                midpoint1Deforms, midpoint2, midpoint2Deforms)
            # # get max pulsatility between points on the paths
            # outputmaxP.append(edge_to_edge_max_pulsatility(model, nodepair1, nodepair2))
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pairs}: (%i %i) - (%i %i)' % (nodepair1[0], nodepair1[1],
                                                            nodepair2[0], nodepair2[1])
            t2.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Min: %1.2f mm' % output2[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Max: %1.2f mm' % output2[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Median: %1.2f mm' % output2[2]
            t5.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output2[1], output2[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Midpoint-to-midpoint Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output2[5][0])
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including nodepairs of the midpoints
            output2.insert(0, nodepair1) # indices at the start
            output2.insert(1, nodepair2)
            output2[8].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
            output2[9].insert(0, midpoint2IndexPath)
            if output2 not in storeOutput:
        # Visualize analyzed nodes and deselect
        for node in selected_nodes:
            node.faceColor = (0,1,0,0.8) #  # make green when analyzed
    if event.key == vv.KEY_ESCAPE:
        # visualize
        view = a.GetView()
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim, renderStyle='mip')
        # show mesh of model without deform coloring
        modelmesh = create_mesh(model, 0.4)  # Param is thickness
        m = vv.mesh(modelmesh)
        m.faceColor = (0,1,0,1) # green
        # Store to EXCEL
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False # show that store is ready
Ejemplo n.º 25
#!/usr/bin/env python

app = vv.use()

# set labels
vv.xlabel('x axis')
vv.ylabel('y axis')
vv.zlabel('z axis')

# show
print np.sum(data) 
t = vv.volshow(data,renderStyle='iso',axesAdjust=True)
#t.isoThreshold = 0.5
# try the differtent render styles, for examample 
# "t.renderStyle='iso'" or "t.renderStyle='ray'"
# If the drawing hangs, your video drived decided to render in software mode.
# This is unfortunately (as far as I know) not possible to detect. 
# It might help if your data is shaped a power of 2.

# Get axes and set camera to orthographic mode (with a field of view of 70)
a = vv.gcf()
f = vv.gca()#fqwang

#a.camera.fov = 45

# Create colormap editor wibject.
Ejemplo n.º 26
# create multiple instances of the same volume (simulate motion)
vols = [vv.aVolume()]
for i in range(9):
    vol = vols[i].copy()
    vol[2:] = vol[:-2]
    vol[:2] = 0

# create figure, axes, and data container object
f = vv.clf()
a = vv.gca()
m = vv.MotionDataContainer(a)

# create volumes, loading them into opengl memory, and insert into container.
for vol in vols:
    t = vv.volshow(vol)
    t.parent = m
    t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT
    # Remove comments to use iso-surface rendering
    #t.renderStyle = 'iso'
    #t.isoThreshold = 0.2    

# set some settings
a.daspect = 1,1,-1
a.xLabel = 'x'
a.yLabel = 'y'
a.zLabel = 'z'

# Enter main loop
app = vv.use()
            vv.imshow(imTr, clim=clim)
            vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
            a2.daspect = 1, 1, -1

            a3 = vv.subplot(223)
            vv.imshow(imTr, clim=clim)
            vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
                'Im2:Original transformed (DataDressedInterpolated u_\magnitude {})'
            a3.daspect = 1, 1, -1
            clim = (-400, 1500)
            a1 = vv.subplot(221)
            vv.volshow(volOr, clim=clim)
            vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
            vv.title('Im1:Original (DataDressed)')
            a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1

            a2 = vv.subplot(222)
            vv.volshow(volOr, clim=clim)
            vv.volshow(volTr, clim=clim)
            vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
            a2.daspect = 1, 1, -1

            a3 = vv.subplot(223)
            vv.volshow(volTr, clim=clim)
            vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
Ejemplo n.º 28
""" This example demonstrates rendering a color volume.
This example demonstrates two render styles. Note that
all render styles are capable of rendering color data.

import numpy as np
import visvis as vv
app = vv.use()

# Use vv.aVolume to create random bars for each color plane
N = 64
vol = np.empty((N, N, N, 3), dtype='float32')
for i in range(3):
    vol[:, :, :, i] = vv.aVolume(10, N)

# Show
a1 = vv.subplot(121)
t1 = vv.volshow(vol[:, :, :, :], renderStyle='mip')
vv.title('color MIP render')
a2 = vv.subplot(122)
t2 = vv.volshow(vol[:, :, :, :], renderStyle='iso')
t2.isoThreshold = 0.5
vv.title('color ISO-surface render')

# Share cameras
a1.camera = a2.camera

# Run app
Ejemplo n.º 29
def dicom2ssdf(dicom_basedir,
    """ read dicom volumes and store as ssdf format
    #Step A
    vols2 = [vol2 for vol2 in imageio.get_reader(dicom_basedir, 'DICOM', 'V')]
        for i, vol in enumerate(vols2):
        for i, vol in enumerate(vols2):
        for i, vol in enumerate(vols2):
            assert vol.shape == vols2[0].shape
            assert vol.meta.SeriesTime == vols2[0].meta.SeriesTime
    except AttributeError:
        print('Some meta information is not available')

    # check order of phases
    vols = vols2.copy()
        for i, vol in enumerate(vols):
            assert str(i * 10) in vol.meta.SeriesDescription  # 0% , 10% etc.
    except AttributeError:  # meta info is missing
        print('vol.meta.SeriesDescription meta information is not available')
    except AssertionError:  # not correct order, fix
        vols = [None] * len(vols2)
        for i, vol in enumerate(vols2):
            phase = int(vol.meta.SeriesDescription[:1])
            # use phase to fix order of phases
            vols[phase] = vol

    # Step B: Crop and Save SSDF
    # Load and show first volume: crop with a margin of at least ~25 mm
    print('Crop with margins ~25 mm around ROI for the registration algorithm')
    stenttype = None  # deprecate, not needed
    for cropname in cropnames:
        savecropvols(vols, basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, stenttype)
        # Step C: average diastolic phases
        if savedistolicavg:
            phases = 50, 10  # use 7 phases from 50% to 10%
            saveaveraged(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, phases)

    # Visualize 1 phase
    import visvis as vv
    if visvol:
        vol1 = vols[1]
        colormap = {
            'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
            'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
            'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
            'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]

        fig = vv.figure(2)
        fig.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
        a1 = vv.subplot(111)
        a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        renderStyle = 'mip'
        t1 = vv.volshow(vol1, clim=(0, 3000),
                        renderStyle=renderStyle)  # iso or mip
        if renderStyle == 'iso':
            t1.isoThreshold = 300
            t1.colormap = colormap
        a1 = vv.volshow2(vol1, clim=(-500, 500), renderStyle=renderStyle)
        vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
        vv.title('One volume at 10\% procent of cardiac cycle')

    if visdynamic:
        from lspeas.utils.vis import showVolPhases
        showVol = 'mip'
        t = showVolPhases(basedir,
                          clim=(60, 3000),

    return vols
Ejemplo n.º 30
def plot_3d_orientation_map(name,
                            camera_loc=(67.0, 81.6, 45.2),
    """Renders orientation data in 3D with RGB angular color-coding.

    name : str
        Indicates the name of the output png file.

    lat_data : 3D array
        Indicates the 3D array containing latitude / elevation angle at every point of
        the skeleton in radians.

    azth_data : 3D array
        Indicates the 3D array containing azimuth angle at every point of the skeleton
        in radians.

    radius_structure_elem : integer
        Indicates the size of the structure element of the dilation process to
        thicken the skeleton.

    output_dir : str
        Indicates the path to the output folder where the image will be stored.

    width : int
        Indicates the width of the visualization window.

    height : int
        Indicates the width of the visualization window.

    camera_azth : float
        Indicates the azimuth angle of the camera.

    camera_elev : float
        Indicates the latitude / elevation angle of the camera.

    camera_roll : float
        Indicates the roll angle of the camera.

    camera_fov : float
        Indicates the field of view of the camera.

    camera_zoom : float
        Indicates the zoom level of the camera.

    camera_loc : tuple
        Indicates the camera location.

    xlabel : str
        Indicates the label along the x-axis.

    ylabel : str
        Indicates the label along the y-axis.

    zlabel : str
        Indicates the label along the z-axis.

    axis_color : str
        Indicates the color of axes.

    background_color : str
        Indicates the background color of the figure.
    if not visvis_available:
            'The visvis package is not found. The visualization cannot be done.'

    rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax, zmin, zmax = _bbox_3D(azth_data)

    azth, lat = azth_data[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax, zmin:zmax], \
                np.abs(lat_data[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax, zmin:zmax])

    skel = azth.copy().astype(np.float32)
    skel[skel.nonzero()] = 1.

    azth = ndi.grey_dilation(azth,
    lat = ndi.grey_dilation(lat,
    skel = ndi.binary_dilation(
        skel, structure=morphology.ball(radius_structure_elem))

    Z, Y, X = skel.nonzero()
    vol_orient = np.zeros(skel.shape + (3, ), dtype=np.float32)

    print(vol_orient.size, vol_orient[skel.nonzero()].size)

    for z, y, x in zip(Z, Y, X):
        vol_orient[z, y, x] = geo2rgb(lat[z, y, x], azth[z, y, x])

    app = vv.use()

    fig = vv.figure()
    fig._currentAxes = None
    fig.relativeFontSize = 2.
    fig.position.w = width
    fig.position.h = height

    t = vv.volshow(vol_orient[:, :, :], renderStyle='iso')
    t.isoThreshold = 0.5

    a = vv.gca()
    a.camera.azimuth = camera_azth
    a.camera.elevation = camera_elev
    a.camera.roll = camera_roll
    a.camera.fov = camera_fov
    a.camera.zoom = camera_zoom
    a.camera.loc = camera_loc

    a.bgcolor = background_color
    a.axis.axisColor = axis_color
    a.axis.xLabel = xlabel
    a.axis.yLabel = ylabel
    a.axis.zLabel = zlabel

    # def mouseUp(event):
    #     print 'mouseUp!!'
    #     a = vv.gca()
    #     print a.camera.GetViewParams()
    # a.eventMouseUp.Bind(mouseUp)
    # fig.eventMouseUp.Bind(mouseUp)
    # a.Draw()
    # fig.DrawNow()

    if output_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        vv.screenshot(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{name}_3d_orientation.png'),
Ejemplo n.º 31
model = s2.model
model2 = model.copy()

# Load static CT image to add as reference
s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'avgreg')
vol = s.vol

## Visualize 
f = vv.figure(2); vv.clf()
f.position = 968.00, 30.00,  944.00, 1002.00
a = vv.gca()
a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
a.axis.visible = False
a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=(0, 2500), renderStyle='mip')
model.Draw(mc='b', mw = 10, lc='g')
#model_hooks.Draw(mc='r', mw = 10, lc='r')
#model_struts.Draw(mc='m', mw = 10, lc='m')
#model_top.Draw(mc='y', mw = 10, lc='y')
#model_2nd.Draw(mc='c', mw = 10, lc='c')

vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
# viewringcrop = 
# a.SetView(viewringcrop)

## Get hooks in vessel wall

def add_nodes_edge_to_newmodel(modelnew, model,n,neighbour):
    """ Get edge and nodes with attributes from model and add to newmodel
Ejemplo n.º 32
                    help="Show textured mesh NOT YET IMPLEMENTED")

args = parser.parse_args()

vol = np.fromfile(args.volume, dtype=np.int8)
# vol = vol.reshape((200, 192, 192))

im = vv.imread(args.image)

t = vv.imshow(im)
t.interpolate = True  # interpolate pixels

# volshow will use volshow3 and rendering the isosurface if OpenGL
# version is >= 2.0. Otherwise, it will show slices with bars that you
# can move (much less useful).
volRGB = np.stack(((vol > 1) * im[:, :, 0], (vol > 1) * im[:, :, 1],
                   (vol > 1) * im[:, :, 2]),

v = vv.volshow(volRGB, renderStyle='iso')
v.transformations[1].sz = 0.5  # Z was twice as deep during training

l0 = vv.gca()
l0.light0.ambient = 0.9  # 0.2 is default for light 0
l0.light0.diffuse = 1.0  # 1.0 is default

a = vv.gca()
a.camera.fov = 0  # orthographic

Ejemplo n.º 33
# Step B: Crop and Save SSDF
vols = [vol]
for cropname in cropnames:
    savecropvols(vols, ssdf_basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, stenttype)

## Visualize result

s1 = loadvol(ssdf_basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropnames[0], what ='phase')
vol = s1.vol

# Visualize and compare
colormap = {'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
 'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
 'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
 'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]}
import visvis as vv
fig = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
fig.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
a = vv.gca()
a.daspect = 1,1,-1
t1 = vv.volshow(vol, clim=(0, 2500), renderStyle='iso') # iso or mip
t1.isoThreshold = 400
t1.colormap = colormap
t2 = vv.volshow2(vol, clim=(-550, 500))
vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
# vv.title('One volume at %i procent of cardiac cycle' % phase )
vv.title('Static CT Volume' )
Ejemplo n.º 34
        The size of the volume (for each dimension).

    # Create volume
    vol = np.zeros((size, size, size), dtype=np.float32)

    # Make bars
    for iter in range(N):
        # x
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[b.i - b.w1:b.i + b.w1, b.j - b.w2:b.j + b.w2,
            b.k1:-b.k2] += b.value
        # y
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[b.i - b.w1:b.i + b.w1, b.k1:-b.k2,
            b.j - b.w2:b.j + b.w2] += b.value
        # z
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[b.k1:-b.k2, b.i - b.w1:b.i + b.w1,
            b.j - b.w2:b.j + b.w2] += b.value

    # Clip and return
    vol[vol > 1.0] = 1.0
    return vol

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = vv.volshow(aVolume())
Ejemplo n.º 35
    N : int
        The number of bars for each dimension.
    size : int
        The size of the volume (for each dimension).
    # Create volume
    vol = np.zeros((size,size,size), dtype=np.float32)

    # Make bars
    for iter in range(N):
        # x
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[ b.i-b.w1:b.i+b.w1, b.j-b.w2:b.j+b.w2, b.k1:-b.k2 ] += b.value
        # y
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[ b.i-b.w1:b.i+b.w1, b.k1:-b.k2, b.j-b.w2:b.j+b.w2 ] += b.value
        # z
        b = BarDescription(size)
        vol[ b.k1:-b.k2, b.i-b.w1:b.i+b.w1, b.j-b.w2:b.j+b.w2 ] += b.value

    # Clip and return
    return vol

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 36
import argparse
import visvis as vv

app = vv.use()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Plot the disparity space image (DSI) using 3D slices')
        help='path to the NPY file containing the DSI (default: dsi.npy)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    a = vv.gca()
    a.daspect = 1, -1, 1
    a.daspectAuto = True
    vol = np.load(args.input)

    # Reorder axis so that the Z axis points forward instead of up
    vol = np.swapaxes(vol, 0, 1)
    vol = np.flip(vol, axis=0)

    t = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle='mip')
    t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT

Ejemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self,
                 clim2=(0, 2)):
        Script to show the stent model. [ nellix]

        import os
        import pirt
        import visvis as vv

        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from pirt.utils.deformvis import DeformableTexture3D, DeformableMesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from stentseg.motion.vis import create_mesh_with_abs_displacement
        import copy
        from stentseg.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges
        from lspeas.utils.ecgslider import runEcgSlider
        from stentseg.utils import _utils_GUI

        import numpy as np

        cropname = 'prox'
        # params
        nr = 1
        # motion = 'amplitude'  # amplitude or sum
        dimension = 'xyz'
        showVol = showVol  # MIP or ISO or 2D or None
        clim0 = (0, 2000)
        # clim2 = (0,2)
        motionPlay = 9, 1  # each x ms, a step of x %

        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='deforms')
        m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
        v = loadmodel(basedir,
        s2 = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg')
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s2.vol)
        s2.vol.sampling = [
            vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]
        s2.sampling = s2.vol.sampling
        vol = s2.vol

        # merge models into one for dynamic visualization
        model_total = stentgraph.StentGraph()
        for key in dir(m):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                    m[key].nodes(data=True))  # also attributes
        for key in dir(v):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                    v[key].nodes(data=True))  # also attributes

        # Load deformations (forward for mesh)
        deformkeys = []
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('deform'):
        deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
        deforms = [[field[::2, ::2, ::2] for field in fields]
                   for fields in deforms]

        # These deforms are forward mapping. Turn into DeformationFields.
        # Also get the backwards mapping variants (i.e. the inverse deforms).
        # The forward mapping deforms should be used to deform meshes (since
        # the information is used to displace vertices). The backward mapping
        # deforms should be used to deform textures (since they are used in
        # interpolating the texture data).
        deforms_f = [pirt.DeformationFieldForward(*f) for f in deforms]
        deforms_b = [f.as_backward() for f in deforms_f]

        # Create mesh
        if meshWithColors:
                modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total,
            except KeyError:
                print('Centerline model has no pathdeforms so we create them')
                # use unsampled deforms
                deforms2 = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
                # deforms as backward for model
                deformsB = [
                    for fields in deforms2
                # set sampling to original
                # for i in range(len(deformsB)):
                #         deformsB[i]._field_sampling = tuple(s.sampling)
                # not needed because we use unsampled deforms
                # Combine ...
                incorporate_motion_nodes(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin)
                incorporate_motion_edges(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin)
                modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total,
            modelmesh = create_mesh(model_total, 0.7, fullPaths=True)

        ## Start vis
        f = vv.figure(nr)
        if nr == 1:
            f.position = 8.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00
            f.position = 968.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00
        a = vv.gca()
        a.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
        a.axis.visible = False
        a.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim0, renderStyle=showVol, axes=a)
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
        vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
        vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        if meshWithColors:
            if dimension == 'xyz':
                dim = '3D'
                'Model for chEVAS %s  (color-coded %s of movement in %s in mm)'
                % (ptcode[8:], motion, dim))
            vv.title('Model for chEVAS %s' % (ptcode[8:]))

        colorbar = True
        # Create deformable mesh
        dm = DeformableMesh(a, modelmesh)  # in x,y,z
                        for deform in deforms_f])  # from z,y,x to x,y,z
        if meshWithColors:
            dm.clim = clim2
            dm.colormap = vv.CM_JET  #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear (https://bids.github.io/colormap/)
            if colorbar:
            colorbar = False
            dm.faceColor = 'g'

        # Run mesh
        # a.SetView(viewringcrop)
                      motionPlay[1])  # (10, 0.2) = each 10 ms do a step of 20%
        dm.motionSplineType = 'B-spline'
        dm.motionAmplitude = 0.5

        ## run ecgslider
        ecg = runEcgSlider(dm, f, a, motionPlay)
vol = s2.vol

s3 = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'phases')
vol0ori = s3.vol0

# todo: backward/forward based on how deforms were obtained??
# deforms was obtained as backward, from original phases to mean volume avgreg
deform = pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(deforms[0])
# vol2 = pirt.interp.deform_backward(vol, deforms[0]) # te low level, gebruikt awarp niet
vol2 = deform.inverse().as_backward().apply_deformation(
    vol0ori)  # gebruikt pirt deformation.py

a1 = vv.subplot(131)
t1 = vv.volshow(vol)
a1.daspect = (1, 1, -1)
vv.title('vol average of cardiac cycle')
# vv.figure(2); vv.clf()
a2 = vv.subplot(132)
t2 = vv.volshow(vol2)
a2.daspect = (1, 1, -1)
vv.title('vol 0 deformed to avg volume')
# vv.figure(3); vv.clf()
a3 = vv.subplot(133)
t3 = vv.volshow2((vol2 - vol), clim=(-500, 500))
a3.daspect = (1, 1, -1)

a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera
t1.clim = t2.clim = 0, 2000
Ejemplo n.º 39
def select_stent(volnr, params=None):
    This functions calls the stent extration function. It contains seed points
    for each dataset

    if params is None:
        params = getDefaultParams()
    ssdf._stent_tracking_params = params

    if volnr == 1:
        #vol 1
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(1)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 110, 133)
        seed_points.Append(100, 75, 150)
        seed_points.Append(160, 70, 148)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 2:
        #vol 2
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(2)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 175, 155)
        seed_points.Append(100, 150, 170)
        seed_points.Append(165, 140, 167)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 3:
        #vol 3
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(3)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(47, 160, 140)
        seed_points.Append(80, 145, 130)
        seed_points.Append(130, 130, 128)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 4:
        #vol 4
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(4)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 160, 160)
        seed_points.Append(140, 145, 135)
        seed_points.Append(150, 150, 150)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 5:
        #vol 5
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(5)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(34, 150, 170)
        seed_points.Append(60, 135, 180)
        seed_points.Append(130, 140, 180)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 6:
        #vol 6
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(6)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 170, 175)
        seed_points.Append(70, 160, 180)
        seed_points.Append(140, 142, 168)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 7:
        #vol 7
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(7)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 180, 160)
        seed_points.Append(110, 160, 160)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 8:
        #vol 8
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(8)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 130, 190)
        seed_points.Append(80, 110, 180)
        seed_points.Append(120, 112, 140)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)

    elif volnr == 18:
        #vol 18
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(18)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(70, 170, 140)
        seed_points.Append(135, 150, 160)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
        raise ValueError('Invalid volnr')

    plot = True
    if plot:
        points = Pointset(3)
        for i in range(len(node_points_stent)):
            points.Append(node_points_stent[i][2], node_points_stent[i][1],

        points_2 = Pointset(3)
        for i in range(len(stent_points_stent)):
            points_2.Append(stent_points_stent[i][2], stent_points_stent[i][1],

        vv.plot(points_2, ls='', ms='.', mc='g', mw=4, alpha=0.5)
        vv.plot(points, ls='', ms='.', mc='b', mw=4, alpha=0.9)

    graph = from_nodes_to_graph(node_points_stent)

    return graph