def main():
    if not os.path.exists(OUT_DIR):

    data, experiment_config = run_experiment(start_locations=[[0.3, 0.3],
                                                              [0.5, 0.5]], )

    # extract data
    multibody_config = experiment_config['environment']['multibody']
    agents = {time: time_data['agents'] for time, time_data in data.items()}
    fields = {time: time_data['fields'] for time, time_data in data.items()}

    # agents plot
    agents_settings = {'agents_key': 'agents'}
    plot_agents_multigen(data, agents_settings, OUT_DIR, 'agents')

    # snapshot plot
    snapshot_data = {
        'agents': agents,
        'fields': fields,
        'config': multibody_config,
    snapshot_config = {
        'out_dir': OUT_DIR,
        'filename': 'agents_snapshots',
    plot_snapshots(snapshot_data, snapshot_config)

    # Colony Metrics Plot
    embedded_ts = timeseries_from_data(data)
    colony_metrics_ts = embedded_ts['colony_global']
    colony_metrics_ts['time'] = embedded_ts['time']
    path_ts = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(colony_metrics_ts)
    fig = plot_colony_metrics(path_ts)
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'colonies'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def plot_colony_metrics(self, data, out_dir):
     embedded_ts = timeseries_from_data(data)
     colony_metrics_ts = embedded_ts['colony_global']
     colony_metrics_ts['time'] = embedded_ts['time']
     path_ts = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(colony_metrics_ts)
     fig = plot_colony_metrics(path_ts)
     fig.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'colonies'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_flagella_metabolism(seed=1):

    # make the compartment and state
    compartment = FlagellaExpressionMetabolism({'divide': False})
    initial_state = get_flagella_metabolism_initial_state()
    name =
    # run simulation
    settings = {
        'total_time': 60,
        'emit_step': COMPARTMENT_TIMESTEP,
        'initial_state': initial_state,
    timeseries = simulate_compartment_in_experiment(compartment, settings)

    # remove non-numerical data for timeseries comparison, convert to path_timeseries
    del timeseries['chromosome']
    del timeseries['ribosomes']
    del timeseries['dimensions']
    del timeseries['boundary']['divide']
    del timeseries['fields']
    del timeseries['null']
    path_timeseries = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(timeseries)

    # # save reference timeseries
    # out_dir = os.path.join(COMPARTMENT_OUT_DIR, name)
    # if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
    #     os.makedirs(out_dir)
    # save_flat_timeseries(path_timeseries, out_dir)

    reference = load_timeseries(
        os.path.join(REFERENCE_DATA_DIR, name + '.csv'))
    assert_timeseries_close(path_timeseries, reference)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def format_data_for_colony_metrics(data):
     embedded_ts = timeseries_from_data(data)
     colony_metrics_ts = embedded_ts['colony_global']
     colony_metrics_ts['time'] = embedded_ts['time']
     path_ts = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(colony_metrics_ts)
     return path_ts
def plot_simulation_output(
    settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    Plot simulation output, with rows organized into separate columns.

        timeseries (dict): This can be obtained from simulation output with convert_to_timeseries()
        settings (dict): Accepts the following keys:

            * **column_width** (:py:class:`int`): the width (inches) of
              each column in the figure
            * **max_rows** (:py:class:`int`): ports with more states
              than this number of states get wrapped into a new column
            * **remove_zeros** (:py:class:`bool`): if True, timeseries
              with all zeros get removed
            * **remove_flat** (:py:class:`bool`): if True, timeseries
              with all the same value get removed
            * **remove_first_timestep** (:py:class:`bool`): if True,
              skips the first timestep
            * **skip_ports** (:py:class:`list`): entire ports that won't
              be plotted
            * **show_state** (:py:class:`list`): with
              ``[('port_id', 'state_id')]`` for all states that will be
              highlighted, even if they are otherwise to be removed
              TODO: Obsolete?
    int_or_float = (int, np.int32, np.int64, float, np.float32, np.float64)

    settings = settings or {}
    plot_fontsize = 8
    plt.rc('font', size=plot_fontsize)
    plt.rc('axes', titlesize=plot_fontsize)

    # get settings
    column_width = settings.get('column_width', 3)
    max_rows = settings.get('max_rows', 25)
    remove_zeros = settings.get('remove_zeros', True)
    remove_flat = settings.get('remove_flat', False)
    skip_ports = settings.get('skip_ports', [])
    remove_first_timestep = settings.get('remove_first_timestep', False)

    # make a flat 'path' timeseries, with keys being path
    top_level = list(timeseries_raw.keys())
    timeseries = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(timeseries_raw)
    time_vec = timeseries.pop('time')
    if remove_first_timestep:
        time_vec = time_vec[1:]

    # remove select states from timeseries
    removed_states = set()
    for path, series in timeseries.items():
        if path[0] in skip_ports:
        elif remove_flat:
            if series.count(series[0]) == len(series):
        elif remove_zeros:
            if all(v == 0 for v in series):
    for path in removed_states:
        del timeseries[path]

    # get figure columns
    # get length of each top-level port
    port_lengths = {}
    for path in timeseries.keys():
        if path[0] in top_level:
            if path[0] not in port_lengths:
                port_lengths[path[0]] = 0
            port_lengths[path[0]] += 1
    n_data = [length for port, length in port_lengths.items() if length > 0]
    columns = []
    for n_states in n_data:
        new_cols = n_states / max_rows
        if new_cols > 1:
            for col in range(int(new_cols)):
            mod_states = n_states % max_rows
            if mod_states > 0:

    # make figure and plot
    n_cols = len(columns)
    n_rows = max(columns)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * column_width,
                              n_rows * column_width / 3))
    grid = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols)
    row_idx = 0
    col_idx = 0
    for port in port_lengths.keys():

        # get this port's timeseries
        port_timeseries = {}
        for path, ts in timeseries.items():
            if path[0] is port:
                next_path = path[1:]
                if any(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in next_path):
                    next_path = tuple([
                        item[0] if isinstance(item, tuple) else item
                        for item in next_path
                port_timeseries[next_path] = ts

        for state_id, series in sorted(port_timeseries.items()):
            if remove_first_timestep:
                series = series[1:]
            # not enough data points -- this state likely did not exist throughout the entire simulation
            if len(series) != len(time_vec):

            ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[row_idx,
                                      col_idx])  # grid is (row, column)

            if not all(isinstance(state, int_or_float) for state in series):
                # check if series is a list of ints or floats
                    str(port) + ': ' + str(state_id) + ' (non numeric)')
                # plot line at zero if series crosses the zero line
                if any(x == 0.0
                       for x in series) or (any(x < 0.0 for x in series)
                                            and any(x > 0.0 for x in series)):
                    zero_line = [0 for t in time_vec]
                    ax.plot(time_vec, zero_line, 'k--')

                # plot the series
                ax.plot(time_vec, series)
                if isinstance(state_id, tuple):
                    # new line for each store
                    state_id = '\n'.join(state_id)
                ax.title.set_text(str(port) + '\n' + str(state_id))

            if row_idx == columns[col_idx] - 1:
                # if last row of column
                set_axes(ax, True)
                ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
                row_idx = 0
                col_idx += 1
                row_idx += 1
            ax.set_xlim([time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]])

    if out_dir:
        plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=column_width / 3, hspace=column_width / 3)
        _save_fig_to_dir(fig, filename, out_dir)
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_simulation_output(timeseries_raw, settings={}, out_dir='out', filename='simulation'):
    plot simulation output, with rows organized into separate columns.

        - timeseries (dict). This can be obtained from simulation output with convert_to_timeseries()
        - settings (dict) with:
            'max_rows': (int) ports with more states than this number of states get wrapped into a new column
            'remove_zeros': (bool) if True, timeseries with all zeros get removed
            'remove_flat': (bool) if True, timeseries with all the same value get removed
            'remove_first_timestep': (bool) if True, skips the first timestep
            'skip_ports': (list) entire ports that won't be plotted
            'show_state': (list) with [('port_id', 'state_id')]
                for all states that will be highlighted, even if they are otherwise to be removed

    plot_fontsize = 8
    plt.rc('font', size=plot_fontsize)
    plt.rc('axes', titlesize=plot_fontsize)

    skip_keys = ['time']

    # get settings
    max_rows = settings.get('max_rows', 25)
    remove_zeros = settings.get('remove_zeros', True)
    remove_flat = settings.get('remove_flat', False)
    skip_ports = settings.get('skip_ports', [])
    remove_first_timestep = settings.get('remove_first_timestep', False)

    # make a flat 'path' timeseries, with keys being path
    top_level = list(timeseries_raw.keys())
    timeseries = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(timeseries_raw)
    time_vec = timeseries.pop('time')
    if remove_first_timestep:
        time_vec = time_vec[1:]

    # remove select states from timeseries
    removed_states = set()
    for path, series in timeseries.items():
        if path[0] in skip_ports:
        elif remove_flat:
            if series.count(series[0]) == len(series):
        elif remove_zeros:
            if all(v == 0 for v in series):
    for path in removed_states:
        del timeseries[path]

    ## get figure columns
    # get length of each top-level port
    port_lengths = {}
    for path in timeseries.keys():
        if path[0] in top_level:
            if path[0] not in port_lengths:
                port_lengths[path[0]] = 0
            port_lengths[path[0]] += 1
    n_data = [length for port, length in port_lengths.items() if length > 0]
    columns = []
    for n_states in n_data:
        new_cols = n_states / max_rows
        if new_cols > 1:
            for col in range(int(new_cols)):
            mod_states = n_states % max_rows
            if mod_states > 0:

    # make figure and plot
    n_cols = len(columns)
    n_rows = max(columns)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 3, n_rows * 1))
    grid = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols)
    row_idx = 0
    col_idx = 0
    for port in port_lengths.keys():
        # get this port's states
        port_timeseries = {path[1:]: ts for path, ts in timeseries.items() if path[0] is port}
        for state_id, series in sorted(port_timeseries.items()):
            if remove_first_timestep:
                series = series[1:]
            # not enough data points -- this state likely did not exist throughout the entire simulation
            if len(series) != len(time_vec):

            ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[row_idx, col_idx])  # grid is (row, column)

            if not all(isinstance(state, (int, float, np.int64, np.int32)) for state in series):
                # check if series is a list of ints or floats
                ax.title.set_text(str(port) + ': ' + str(state_id) + ' (non numeric)')
                # plot line at zero if series crosses the zero line
                if any(x == 0.0 for x in series) or (any(x < 0.0 for x in series) and any(x > 0.0 for x in series)):
                    zero_line = [0 for t in time_vec]
                    ax.plot(time_vec, zero_line, 'k--')

                # plot the series
                ax.plot(time_vec, series)
                ax.title.set_text(str(port) + ': ' + str(state_id))

            if row_idx == columns[col_idx]-1:
                # if last row of column
                set_axes(ax, True)
                ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
                row_idx = 0
                col_idx += 1
                row_idx += 1
            ax.set_xlim([time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]])

    # save figure
    fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename)
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.8, hspace=1.0)
    plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight')