Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _cconv_test(self, caller, callee, argc, retn):
        # some setup and other fun things
        vw = self.i386_vw

        # Note: The function itself isn't important, we just need a real Symbolik emulator
        # instance that we can pass to setSymbolikArgs so that we can monkey with things
        # from there
        fva = 0x08051e10
        ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True)
        argv = [Var('arg%d' % i, 4) for i in range(argc)]
        emu = ctx.getFuncEmu(fva)
        callee.setSymbolikArgs(emu, argv)
        caller.setSymbolikArgs(emu, argv)
        emu.setSymVariable('eax', retn)

        self.assertEqual(caller.getSymbolikReturn(emu), retn)

        # if the callee cleans it up, the stack point is automatically assumed to be
        # delta'd by 20 bytes for bfastcall (argc == 7, 3 are registers, so 4 stack args
        # plus the return address makes 5 dwords to clean up for 20 bytes
        bytes_cleaned = (1 + callee.getNumStackArgs(emu, argc)) * 4
            callee.deallocateCallSpace(emu, argc).reduce(),
            Const(bytes_cleaned, 4))
        # if the caller cleans things up, the instructions after are going to do it
        # (since we're currently looking at things from a precall perspective), and so
        # the only thing that is going to get cleaned up is the return address
            caller.deallocateCallSpace(emu, argc).reduce(), Const(4, 4))
    def __init__(self, vw, parent=None):
        self.vw = vw
        self.fva = None
        self.vwgui = vw.getVivGui()

        self.symctx = viv_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)
        if self.symctx == None:
            raise Exception('No Symboliks For: %s (yet)' %

        self.symctx.consolve = True

        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
        self.setEnviNavName('Symboliks%d' % self.viewidx.next())

        self.exprtext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.pathview = VivSymbolikPathsView(vw, parent=self)
        self.memcanvas = e_q_memcanvas.VQMemoryCanvas(vw, syms=vw, parent=self)


        mainbox = VBox(self.exprtext, self.pathview, self.memcanvas)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, vw, parent=None):
        self.vw = vw
        self.fva = None
        self.vwgui = vw.getVivGui()

        self.symctx = viv_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)
        if self.symctx == None:
            raise Exception('No Symboliks For: %s (yet)' % vw.getMeta('Architecture'))

        self.symctx.consolve = True

        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
        self.setEnviNavName('Symboliks%d' % self.viewidx.next())

        self.exprtext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.pathview = VivSymbolikPathsView(vw, parent=self)
        self.memcanvas = e_q_memcanvas.VQMemoryCanvas(vw, syms=vw, parent=self)


        mainbox = VBox( self.exprtext, self.pathview, self.memcanvas )
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_constraints(self):
        fva = 0x080509e0
        vw = self.i386_vw
        ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True)
        g = ctx.getSymbolikGraph(fva)
        constraints = {
            0x080509e0: {
                0x8050a42: ConstrainPath(0x080509ef, Const(0x08050a42, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)),
                0x80509f1: ConstrainPath(0x080509ef, Const(0x080509f1, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))),

            0x8050a20: {
                0x8050a26: ConstrainPath(0x08050a24, Const(0x08050a26, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))),
                0x8050a42: ConstrainPath(0x08050a24, Const(0x08050a42, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)),
            0x8050a26: {
                0x8050a20: ConstrainPath(0x08050a3e, Const(0x08050a20, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))),
                0x8050a40: ConstrainPath(0x08050a3e, Const(0x08050a40, 4), cnot(cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4)))),

            0x80509f1: {
                0x8050a44: ConstrainPath(0x08050a0c, Const(0x08050a44, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)),
                0x8050a0e: ConstrainPath(0x08050a0c, Const(0x08050a0e, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4)))

        for eid, xfrom, xto, props in g.getEdges():
            if xfrom not in constraints:
                self.assertEqual(0, len(props))
            self.assertTrue('symbolik_constraints' in props)
            self.assertEqual(1, len(props['symbolik_constraints']))
            pcon = props['symbolik_constraints'][0]
            self.assertEqual(pcon, constraints[xfrom][xto])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_symbolik_paths_to(self):
        vw = self.i386_vw
        fva = 0x80569d0
        tova = 0x08056b14

        sctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=False)
        paths = [x for x in sctx.getSymbolikPathsTo(fva, tova)]
        self.assertEqual(6, len(paths))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def do_symboliks(self, line):
        Use the new symboliks subsystem. (NOTE: i386 only for a bit...)

        Usage: symboliks [ options ]

        -A  Run the emu and show the state of the machine for all found paths
            to the given address

        if not line:
            return self.do_help("symboliks")

        watchaddr = None

        argv = e_cli.splitargs(line)
            opts, argv = getopt(argv, 'A:')
        except Exception:
            return self.do_help('symboliks')

        for opt, optarg in opts:
            if opt == '-A':
                # TODO: USE THIS
                watchaddr = self.parseExpression(optarg)

        va = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
        fva = self.getFunction(va)

        import vivisect.symboliks as viv_symboliks
        import vivisect.symboliks.common as sym_common
        import vivisect.symboliks.effects as viv_sym_effects
        import vivisect.symboliks.analysis as vsym_analysis

        symctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(self)

        for emu, effects in symctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva):

            self.vprint('PATH %s' % ('=' * 60))

            for eff in effects:

                if eff.efftype in (EFFTYPE_CONSTRAIN, EFFTYPE_CALLFUNC):

            for addrsym, valsym in emu._sym_mem.values():
                addrsym = addrsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                valsym = valsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                if emu.isLocalMemory(addrsym):
                self.vprint('[ %s ] = %s' % (addrsym, valsym))
            self.vprint('RETURN  %r' % emu.getFunctionReturn().reduce())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, vw, parent=None):
        self.vw = vw
        self.fva = None
        self.vwgui = vw.getVivGui()

        self.curemu = None
        self.cureffects = None

        self.symctx = viv_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)
        self.symexpr = viv_sym_expression.SymbolikExpressionParser(

        if self.symctx == None:
            raise Exception('No Symboliks For: %s (yet)' %

        self.symctx.consolve = True

        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
        self.setEnviNavName('Symboliks%d' % self.viewidx.next())

        self.exprtext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.constraintext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.alleffs = QtGui.QCheckBox('all effects', parent=self)

        self.loop_count = QtGui.QSpinBox(parent=self)
        looplabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtCore.QString("Max Loops:"), parent=self)

        self.pathview = VivSymbolikPathsView(vw, parent=self)
        self.memcanvas = e_q_memcanvas.VQMemoryCanvas(vw, syms=vw, parent=self)


        fvalabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtCore.QString("Function VA:"), parent=self)
        inccblabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtCore.QString("Must Include VA:"),
        navbox = HBox(fvalabel, self.exprtext, inccblabel, self.constraintext,
                      looplabel, self.loop_count, self.alleffs)

        mainbox = VBox()
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_symbolik_outputs(self):
        vw = self.i386_vw
        fva = 0x804cda0  # a deliberately simple function

        sctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True)
        out = [
            (Var("eax", 4), []),  # literally just a ret
            (Arg(0, 4), [
                WriteMemory(0x0804cdae, Const(0x08061404, 4),
                            Const(0x00000004, 4), Arg(0, 4))
        for ret, effects in sctx.getSymbolikOutputs(fva):
                (ret, effects) in out,
                msg='(%s, %s) is not in the symbolik outputs' % (ret, effects))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_symbolik_paths(self):
        vw = self.i386_vw
        fva = 0x80569d0  # quote_n_options
        paths = [
            [0x80569d0, 0x8056b34],
            [0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056b39],
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a44,
                0x8056a51, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ad7, 0x8056ae3,
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a51,
                0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ad7, 0x8056ae3, 0x8056b20
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a44,
                0x8056a51, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ae3, 0x8056b20
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a51,
                0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ae3, 0x8056b20
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a44,
                0x8056a51, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056b20
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a07, 0x8056a13, 0x8056a51,
                0x8056a7b, 0x8056b20
            [0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056b20],
            [0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ae3, 0x8056b20],
                0x80569d0, 0x80569ea, 0x8056a7b, 0x8056ac0, 0x8056ad7,
                0x8056ae3, 0x8056b20
        cnt = 0
        sctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=False)
        for emu, effects in sctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva):
            cnt += 1
            blks = getPathFromOpcodes(vw, emu.getMeta('opcodes'))
            self.assertTrue(blks in paths)

        self.assertEqual(cnt, len(paths))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, vw, parent=None):
        self.vw = vw
        self.fva = None
        self.vwgui = vw.getVivGui()

        self.curemu = None
        self.cureffects = None

        self.symctx = viv_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)
        self.symexpr = viv_sym_expression.SymbolikExpressionParser(defwidth=vw.psize)

        if self.symctx is None:
            raise Exception('No Symboliks For: %s (yet)' % vw.getMeta('Architecture'))

        self.symctx.consolve = True

        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
        self.setEnviNavName('Symboliks%d' % next(self.viewidx))

        self.exprtext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.constraintext = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent=self)
        self.alleffs = QtGui.QCheckBox('all effects', parent=self)

        self.loop_count = QtGui.QSpinBox(parent=self)
        looplabel = QtGui.QLabel("Max Loops:", parent=self)

        self.pathview = VivSymbolikPathsView(vw, parent=self)
        self.memcanvas = e_q_memcanvas.VQMemoryCanvas(vw, syms=vw, parent=self)


        fvalabel = QtGui.QLabel("Function VA:", parent=self)
        inccblabel = QtGui.QLabel("Must Include VA:", parent=self)
        navbox = HBox(fvalabel, self.exprtext, inccblabel, self.constraintext, looplabel, self.loop_count, self.alleffs)

        mainbox = VBox()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_emulator(self):
        fva = 0x08051e10
        vw = self.i386_vw
        ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True)

        retn = [
            '((mem[(arg0 + 24):4](edx,mem[(arg0 + 8):4],mem[0xbfbfefec:4],mem[0xbfbfeff0:4]) * 8) + mem[arg0:4])',

        esps = [
            Const(0xbfbfeff4, 4),
            Const(0xbfbff004, 4),
        for emu, effects in ctx.walkSymbolikPaths(fva):
            self.assertTrue(str(emu.getFunctionReturn().reduce(foo=True)) in retn)
            esp = emu.getSymVariable('esp').reduce(foo=True)
            self.assertTrue(esp in esps)
            self.assertEqual(emu.getSymVariable('ecx'), Var('arg0', 4))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def walkTreeDoer(vw):
    sctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)

    count = 0
    for fva in vw.getFunctions():
        ctx = {'depth':0, 'count':0}
        count += 1
        #print "(%d) 0x%x done" % (count, fva)

        for spath in sctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva, maxpath=1):
            effs = spath[-1]
            if not len(effs):
            eff = effs[-1]

            #print "=====\n %r \n=====" % (eff)
            # this is ugly
            symast = getattr(eff, 'symobj', None)

            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'addrsym', None)

            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'cons', None)

            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'funcsym', None)
            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'argsyms', None)

            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'symaddr', None)
            if symast == None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'symval', None)

            if symast == None:
                #print "CRAP!  skipping"

            eff.walkTree(cb_astNodeCount, ctx); ctx
Ejemplo n.º 13
def walkTreeDoer(vw):
    sctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)

    count = 0
    for fva in vw.getFunctions():
        ctx = {'depth': 0, 'count': 0}
        count += 1
        #print "(%d) 0x%x done" % (count, fva)

        for spath in sctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva, maxpath=1):
            effs = spath[-1]
            if not len(effs):
            eff = effs[-1]

            # print("=====\n %r \n=====" % (eff))
            # this is ugly
            symast = getattr(eff, 'symobj', None)

            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'addrsym', None)

            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'cons', None)

            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'funcsym', None)
            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'argsyms', None)

            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'symaddr', None)
            if symast is None:
                symast = getattr(eff, 'symval', None)

            if symast == None:
                #print "CRAP!  skipping"

            eff.walkTree(cb_astNodeCount, ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def SKIPtest_symbolik_gcc_subchildren(self):
        So before intify in vivisect/symboliks/common.py, this would bomb out on int has no
        attribute "kids" because the dellocate callspace function wasn't properly marshalling
        argc dellocation as Const() (and instead as raw ints)

        This is here mostly for codification purposes, since actually running this consumes
        more RAM than CI can handle.
        vw = self.gcc_vw
        fva = 0x00406ad6
        sctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True)
        graph = sctx.getSymbolikGraph(fva)
        for path in v_t_graph.getLongPath(graph):
            for emu, effects in sctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva,

        calls = [x for x in effects if x.efftype == v_const.EFFTYPE_CALLFUNC]
        self.assertEqual(len(calls), 26)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class VivCli(e_cli.EnviCli, vivisect.VivWorkspace):

    def __init__(self):
        e_cli.EnviCli.__init__(self, self, symobj=self)
        self.canvas.addRenderer("bytes", e_render.ByteRend())
        self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_16", e_render.ShortRend())
        self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_32", e_render.LongRend())
        self.canvas.addRenderer("u_int_64", e_render.QuadRend())
        import vivisect.renderers as viv_rend
        self.canvas.addRenderer("viv", viv_rend.WorkspaceRenderer(self))
        self.prompt = "viv> "

    def getExpressionLocals(self):
        l = e_cli.EnviCli.getExpressionLocals(self)
        l['vw'] = self
        l['vprint'] = self.vprint
        l['vivisect'] = vivisect
        return l

    def do_report(self, line):
        Fire a report module by python path name.

        Usage: report <python.path.to.report.module>
        if not line:
            self.vprint("Report Modules")
            for descr,modname in viv_reports.listReportModules():
                self.vprint("%32s %s" % (modname, descr))

        mod = self.loadModule(line)
        cols, results = mod.report(self)
        for row in results:
            for i in range(len(cols)+1):
                val = row[i]
                if i == 0:
                    name = self.arch.pointerString(val)
                    self.canvas.addVaText(name, val)

                    self.canvas.addText(": %s" % val)

        for va, pri, info in mod.report(self):
            name = self.getName(va)
            if name == None:
                name = self.arch.pointerString(va)
            self.canvas.addVaText(name, va)
            self.canvas.addText(": %s\n" % info)

    def do_pathcount(self, line):
        Mostly for testing the graph stuff... this will likely be removed.

        (does not count paths with loops currently...)

        Usage: pathcount <func_expr>
        fva = self.parseExpression(line)
        if not self.isFunction(fva):
            self.vprint('Not a function!')

        g = v_t_graph.buildFunctionGraph(self, fva)
        # Lets find the "bottom" nodes...
        endblocks = []
        for nid,ninfo in g.getNodes():
            if len(g.getRefsFrom(nid)) == 0:

        for nid,ninfo in endblocks:
            paths = list(g.pathSearch(0, toid=nid))
            self.vprint('paths to 0x%.8x: %d' % (ninfo.get('cbva'), len(paths)))

    def do_symboliks(self, line):
        Use the new symboliks subsystem. (NOTE: i386 only for a bit...)

        Usage: symboliks [ options ]

        -A  Run the emu and show the state of the machine for all found paths
            to the given address


        watchaddr = None

        argv = e_cli.splitargs(line)
            opts,argv = getopt(argv, 'A:')
        except Exception, e:
            return self.do_help('symboliks')

        for opt,optarg in opts:
            if opt == '-A':
                watchaddr = self.parseExpression(optarg)

        va = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
        fva = self.getFunction(va)

        import vivisect.symboliks as viv_symboliks
        import vivisect.symboliks.common as sym_common
        import vivisect.symboliks.effects as viv_sym_effects
        import vivisect.symboliks.analysis as vsym_analysis

        symctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(self)

        for emu, effects in symctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva):

            self.vprint('PATH %s' % ('='*60))

            #esp = emu.solveExpression('esp', update=False)

            for eff in effects:

                if eff.efftype in (EFFTYPE_CONSTRAIN,EFFTYPE_CALLFUNC):

            #for reg in ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx','esi','edi','ebp','esp','eip']:
                #regobj = emu.getSymVariable(reg)
                #if regobj == None:
                #regobj = regobj.reduce()
                #regval = regobj.solve(emu=emu)
                #if regval == emu.solveExpression(reg, update=False):
                #self.vprint('%s: %s 0x%.8x' % (reg, regobj.reduce(), regobj.solve(emu)))

            for addrsym,valsym in emu._sym_mem.values():
                addrsym = addrsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                valsym = valsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                if emu.isLocalMemory(addrsym):
                self.vprint('[ %s ] = %s' % (addrsym, valsym))

            #print 'SPDELTA: %d' % (emu.solveExpression('esp')-esp)
            #print 'RETURN',emu.parseExpression('eax').reduce()
Ejemplo n.º 16
        Mem(Const(0x56560020, 4), Const(4, 4)) -
        (Var('arg0', 4) + Var('ecx', 4)) * (Var('ebx', 4) + Var('ebx', 4)) +
        Const(8888, 4),
        Mem(Const(0x56560020, 4), Const(4, 4)) -
        (Var('arg0', 4) + Var('ecx', 4)) * (Var('ebx', 4) + Var('ebx', 4)) +
        Const(0x56560020, 4),
        Mem(Const(0x56560020, 4), Const(4, 4)) -
        (Var('arg0', 4) + Var('ecx', 4)) * (Var('ebx', 4) + Var('ebx', 4)) +
        Const(0x56560040, 4),

    vw = vivisect.VivWorkspace()
    vw.addMemoryMap(0x56560000, 7, 'woot', 'A' * 8192)
    vw.setMeta('Architecture', 'i386')

    symctx = v_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)

    print('BASE: %s' % str(base))

    for i in xrange(len(eqs)):
        print('EQ%d: %s' % (i, str(eqs[i])))

    for i in xrange(len(nes)):
        print('NE%d: %s' % (i, str(nes[i])))

    base = wipeAstArch(symctx, [
    ], wipeva=True)[0]
    eqs = [
        wipeAstArch(symctx, [
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_basic(self):
        vw = viv.VivWorkspace()
        vw.addMemoryMap(0x56560000, 7, 'woot', b'A' * 8192)
        vw.setMeta('Architecture', 'i386')
        symctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)

        base = vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(
            4, 4)) - (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) * (
                vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4)
        eqs = [
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ecx', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('eax', 4) + vsc.Var('eax', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('edx', 4) + vsc.Var('arg0', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560056, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),

        nes = [
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('eax', 4) + vsc.Var('arg1', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('edx', 4) + vsc.Var('arg0', 4)) + vsc.Const(9999, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(8888, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4),
            vsc.Mem(vsc.Const(0x56560020, 4), vsc.Const(4, 4)) -
            (vsc.Var('arg0', 4) + vsc.Var('ecx', 4)) *
            (vsc.Var('ebx', 4) + vsc.Var('ebx', 4)) + vsc.Const(0x56560040, 4),

        post_eqs = [
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 0x0000270f)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((1indreg + 1indreg) * (0indreg + arg0))) + 0x0000270f)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 0x0000270f)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 0x0000270f)',

        post_nes = [
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (0indreg + 1indreg))) + 0x0000270f)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((1indreg + arg1) * (0indreg + arg0))) + 0x0000270f)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 0x000022b8)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 0archindva)',
            '((mem[0archindva:4] - ((arg0 + 0indreg) * (1indreg + 1indreg))) + 1archindva)',

        for i in range(len(post_eqs)):
            eq = vsym_archind.wipeAstArch(symctx, [eqs[i]], wipeva=True)[0]
            self.assertEqual(post_eqs[i], str(eq))

        for i in range(len(post_nes)):
            ne = vsym_archind.wipeAstArch(symctx, [nes[i]], wipeva=True)[0]
            self.assertEqual(post_nes[i], str(ne))

        base = vsym_archind.wipeAstArch(symctx, [
        ], wipeva=True)[0]
        baseval = base.solve(emu=None)
        for match in eqs:
            self.assertEqual(match.solve(emu=None), baseval)

        for nonmatch in nes:
            self.assertNotEqual(nonmatch.solve(emu=None), baseval)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        Mem(Const(0x56560056,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('arg0',4) + Var('ecx',4) ) * ( Var('ebx',4) + Var('ebx',4) ) + Const(9999,4),

    nes = [
        Mem(Const(0x56560020,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('arg0',4) + Var('ebx',4) ) * ( Var('ebx',4) + Var('ecx',4) ) + Const(9999,4) ,
        Mem(Const(0x56560020,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('eax',4) + Var('arg1',4) ) * ( Var('edx',4) + Var('arg0',4) ) + Const(9999,4) ,
        Mem(Const(0x56560020,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('arg0',4) + Var('ecx',4) ) * ( Var('ebx',4) + Var('ebx',4) ) + Const(8888,4) ,
        Mem(Const(0x56560020,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('arg0',4) + Var('ecx',4) ) * ( Var('ebx',4) + Var('ebx',4) ) + Const(0x56560020,4) ,
        Mem(Const(0x56560020,4),Const(4,4)) - ( Var('arg0',4) + Var('ecx',4) ) * ( Var('ebx',4) + Var('ebx',4) ) + Const(0x56560040,4) ,

    vw = vivisect.VivWorkspace()
    vw.addMemoryMap(0x56560000, 7, 'woot', 'A'*8192)

    symctx = v_sym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw)

    print(('BASE: %s' % str(base)))

    for i in range(len(eqs)):
        print(('EQ%d: %s' % (i,str(eqs[i]))))

    for i in range(len(nes)):
        print(('NE%d: %s' % (i,str(nes[i]))))

    base = wipeAstArch(symctx, [base,], wipeva=True)[0]
    eqs = [ wipeAstArch(symctx, [eqs[i],], wipeva=True)[0] for i in range(len(eqs)) ]
    nes = [ wipeAstArch(symctx, [nes[i],], wipeva=True)[0] for i in range(len(nes)) ]

Ejemplo n.º 19
    def do_symboliks(self, line):
        Use the new symboliks subsystem. (NOTE: i386 only for a bit...)

        Usage: symboliks [ options ]

        -A  Run the emu and show the state of the machine for all found paths
            to the given address


        watchaddr = None

        argv = e_cli.splitargs(line)
            opts,argv = getopt(argv, 'A:')
        except Exception as e:
            return self.do_help('symboliks')

        for opt,optarg in opts:
            if opt == '-A':
                watchaddr = self.parseExpression(optarg)

        va = self.parseExpression(argv[0])
        fva = self.getFunction(va)

        import vivisect.symboliks as viv_symboliks
        import vivisect.symboliks.common as sym_common
        import vivisect.symboliks.effects as viv_sym_effects
        import vivisect.symboliks.analysis as vsym_analysis
        import vivisect.symboliks.archs.i386 as viv_sym_i386

        symctx = vsym_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(self)

        #xlate = viv_sym_i386.i386SymbolikTranslator(self)
        #graph = viv_symboliks.getSymbolikGraph(self, fva, xlate)

        for emu, effects in symctx.getSymbolikPaths(fva):

            self.vprint('PATH %s' % ('='*60))

            #esp = emu.solveExpression('esp', update=False)

            for eff in effects:

                if eff.efftype in (EFFTYPE_CONSTRAIN,EFFTYPE_CALLFUNC):

            #for reg in ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx','esi','edi','ebp','esp','eip']:
                #regobj = emu.getSymVariable(reg)
                #if regobj == None:
                #regobj = regobj.reduce()
                #regval = regobj.solve(emu=emu)
                #if regval == emu.solveExpression(reg, update=False):
                #self.vprint('%s: %s 0x%.8x' % (reg, regobj.reduce(), regobj.solve(emu)))

            for addrsym,valsym in list(emu._sym_mem.values()):
                addrsym = addrsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                valsym = valsym.reduce(emu=emu)
                if emu.isLocalMemory(addrsym):
                self.vprint('[ %s ] = %s' % (addrsym, valsym))

            #print 'SPDELTA: %d' % (emu.solveExpression('esp')-esp)
            #print 'RETURN',emu.parseExpression('eax').reduce()