Ejemplo n.º 1
class Stream:

	def __init__(self, url):
		self.player = MediaPlayer(url)
		self.stream_url = url
		self._volume = 0
		self.timer = None

	def volume(self):
		return self._volume

	def volume(self, val):
		assert int(val) == val
		self._volume = int(val)

	def grad_change_vol(self, d_vol, time):
		mod = d_vol - self.volume
		if not mod == 0:
			one_step_mod = mod/abs(mod)
			for _ in range(abs(mod)):
				self.volume += one_step_mod

	def set_volume(self, vol):

	def set_sleep_timer(self, sleep_timer_class=My_Sleep_Timer):
		if self.timer != None:
		self.timer = sleep_timer_class(self)

	def quit(self):
Ejemplo n.º 2
class AudioPlayer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.current_audio = MediaPlayer()

    def play(self, audio_path):
        self.audio_path = audio_path
        self.current_audio = MediaPlayer('file://' + audio_path)

    def pause(self):

    def is_playing(self):
        return self.current_audio.is_playing()

    def resume(self):

    def set_volume(self, volume):
        volume = int(volume)

    def seek(self, target):

    def seek_information(self):
        return (self.current_audio.get_position(), 1.0)

    def remaining(self):
        ms_left = (self.current_audio.get_length() -
                   self.current_audio.get_time()) / 1000

        return '-' + str(int(ms_left / 60)) + ':' + str(int(
            ms_left % 60)).zfill(2)

    def replay(self):
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Song:
    """Represents a song in the library.

    ID3_COLUMNS = ("title", "artist", "album", "genre", "year")
    NON_ID3_COLUMNS = ("length", "date_modified")

    def __init__(self, file_path, title = None, artist = None, album = None, genre = None, year = None, override_id3 = True):
        """ Given an absolute file path, and data about the song a initialize a Song object. Parses ID3 tags for additional metadata if it exists. If
        the override_id3 is true, the given name and artist will override the name and artist contained in the ID3 tag.

        @param file_path: str
        @param title: str
        @param artist: str
        @param album: str
        @param genre: str
        @param year: int
        @param override_id3: bool
        self._file_path = file_path
        self._mp = None
        self._time = None # What time, in seconds, of the song playback to play at

        # Fill in column values, first by parsing ID3 tags and then manually
        self._columns = {}
        for tag_name, tag in zip(Song.ID3_COLUMNS, Song._get_ID3_tags(file_path)):
            self._columns[tag_name] = tag
        self._columns["length"] = int(MP3(file_path).info.length + 0.5) # Read length and round to nearest integer
        self._columns["date_modified"] = Song.get_date_modified(file_path)

        # If overriding, only do so for passed parameters
        if override_id3:
            self._columns["title"] = title if title is not None else self._columns["title"]
            self._columns["artist"] = artist if artist is not None else self._columns["artist"]
            self._columns["album"] = album if album is not None else self._columns["album"]
            self._columns["genre"] = genre if genre is not None else self._columns["genre"]
            self._columns["year"] = year if year is not None else self._columns["year"]

    def init(self):
        if self._mp is None: # Only initialize if not already initialized
            self._mp = MediaPlayer(self._file_path)

    def play(self, sleep_interval = 0.1):
        """ Plays this song.
        # Create the MediaPlayer on demand to save system resources (and prevent VLC from freaking out).
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")


        if self._time is not None:
            self._mp.set_time(int(self._time * 1000)) # Seconds to milliseconds
            self._time = None

        # Sleep a bit to allow VLC to play the song, so self.playing() returns properly

    def pause(self):
        """ Pauses this song, if it's playing.
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")


    def set_time(self, time):
        """ Sets the current play time of this song, so when the song is played (or if it's currently played)
        it will play from that time, or start playing from that time now if the song is currently playing. Given 
        time should be in seconds.

        @param time: int or float
        if time < 0:
            raise SongException("Can't jump to negative timestamp")

        if time < self._columns["length"]:
            self._time = time
            if self.playing():

    def get_current_time(self):
        """ Returns the current play time, in seconds, of this song, if it's playing.

        @return float
        if self.playing():
            return self._mp.get_time() / 1000

    def set_volume(self, percentage):
        """ Sets the volume to the given percentage (between 0 and 100).

        @param percentage: int
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")
        elif percentage < 0 or percentage > 100:
            raise SongException("Percentage out of range")

        if self.playing():

    def get_volume(self):
        """ Returns the current volume of the song, if it's playing.

        @return int
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")

        if self.playing():
            return self._mp.audio_get_volume()

    def mute(self):
        """ Mutes the song, if it's playing.
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")

        if self.playing():

    def unmute(self):
        """ Unmutes the song, if it's playing and is muted.
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")

        if self.playing():

    def playing(self):
        """ Returns if this song is playing or not (ie currently paused).

        @return: bool
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")
        return self._mp.is_playing()

    def reset(self):
        """ Resets the song to the beginning.
        if self._mp is None:
            raise SongException("Song not initialized")


    def stop(self):
        """ Terminates this song, freeing system resources and cleaning up.
        if self._mp is not None:
            self._mp = None

    def delete_from_disk(self):
        """ Deletes this song from the hard drive, returning if the deletion was successful.

        @return bool

    def set_ID3_tag(tag, value):
        """ Sets this song's ID3 tag to the given value, returning if the set operation succeeded.
        @param tag: str
        @param value: str
        @return bool
        if tag not in ID3_COLUMNS:
            return False

        tags = EasyID3(self.file_path)
        tags[tag] = value
        return True

    def _get_ID3_tags(file_path):
        """ Given a file path to an mp3 song, returns the ID3 tags for title, artist, album, genre, and year (in that order), or 
        empty tuple if no tags are found.

        @param filename: str

        @return: tuple of ID3 tags
        ret = [None for _ in range(len(Song.ID3_COLUMNS))]
            tags = EasyID3(file_path)
            for tag in Song.ID3_COLUMNS:
                if tag in tags:
        except ID3NoHeaderError:
        if not ret[Song.ID3_COLUMNS.index("title")]:
            ret[Song.ID3_COLUMNS.index("title")] = file_path.split("/")[-1][: -4] # Parse file name from absolute file path and delete file extension

        return tuple(ret)

    def get_date_modified(file_path):
        """ Gets the date modified of the file indicated by the given file path.

        @param file_path: str

        @return: datetime.datetime
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))

    def set_date_modified(file_path, date):
        Sets the "date modified" of a file.

        @param file_path: str
        @param date: datetime.datetime
        os.utime(file_path, (0, time.mktime(date.timetuple())))

    def __str__(self):
        ret = self["title"]

        if self["artist"] is not None:
            ret += " - " + self["artist"]

        return ret

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False

        for col in self._columns:
            if col != "date_modified" and self[col] != other[col]: # Don't check if 'date modified' columns match
                return False

        return True

    # Getters, setters below

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._columns[key]

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self._columns