Ejemplo n.º 1
def simple_usage():
    # Uncomment this line for debugging
    # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

    vncorenlp_file = 'D:\study\PlagismDetector\PlagismDetector/VnCoreNLP/VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar'
    sentences = 'VTV đồng ý chia sẻ bản quyền World Cup 2018 cho HTV để khai thác. ' \
                'Nhưng cả hai nhà đài đều phải chờ sự đồng ý của FIFA mới thực hiện được điều này.'

    # Use "with ... as" to close the server automatically
    with VnCoreNLP(vncorenlp_file) as vncorenlp:
        print('Tokenizing:', vncorenlp.tokenize(sentences))
        print('POS Tagging:', vncorenlp.pos_tag(sentences))
        print('Named-Entity Recognizing:', vncorenlp.ner(sentences))
        print('Dependency Parsing:', vncorenlp.dep_parse(sentences))
        print('Annotating:', vncorenlp.annotate(sentences))
        print('Language:', vncorenlp.detect_language(sentences))

    # In this way, you have to close the server manually by calling close function
    vncorenlp = VnCoreNLP(vncorenlp_file)

    print('Tokenizing:', vncorenlp.tokenize(sentences))
    print('POS Tagging:', vncorenlp.pos_tag(sentences))
    print('Named-Entity Recognizing:', vncorenlp.ner(sentences))
    print('Dependency Parsing:', vncorenlp.dep_parse(sentences))
    print('Annotating:', vncorenlp.annotate(sentences))
    print('Language:', vncorenlp.detect_language(sentences))

    # Do not forget to close the server
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Extractor:
    def __init__(self, jarfile='VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar'):
        print('Init VnCoreNLP Annotator...')
        self.annotator = VnCoreNLP(jarfile,

    def stop(self):

    def _pos_tagging(self, text):
        pos_tagged_text = self.annotator.pos_tag(text)
        return pos_tagged_text

    def _ner(self, text):
        ner_text = self.annotator.ner(text)
        return ner_text

    def _lemmatize(self, doc, allowed_postags=('N', 'Np', 'V')):
        sentences = []
        ignores = set()
        for sent in doc:
            new_sent = []
            for word, tag in sent:
                if tag not in allowed_postags:
        return sentences, ignores

    def _get_named_entities(self, text):
        endline = ('.', 'O')
        old_tag = ''
        entity_segments = []
        entities = []

        for sent in text:
            for word, tag in sent:
                # not a segment of a named entity
                if len(tag) < 3 or tag[-3:] not in NER_TAGS:
                    if entity_segments:
                        entity = ' '.join(entity_segments)
                        if (entity, old_tag) not in entities and not any(
                                p in entity.lower() for p in wrong_entity):
                            entities.append((entity, old_tag))
                        entity_segments = []
                        old_tag = ''

                # is a segment of a named entity
                tag = tag[-3:]
                if tag != old_tag:
                    if entity_segments:
                        entity = ' '.join(entity_segments)
                        if (entity, old_tag) not in entities and not any(
                                p in entity.lower() for p in wrong_entity):
                            entities.append((entity, old_tag))
                        entity_segments = []

                old_tag = tag

        return entities

    def extract(self, text):
        annotated_text = self.annotator.annotate(text)
        ner_text = [[(word['form'], word['nerLabel']) for word in sent]
                    for sent in annotated_text['sentences']]
        pos_tagged_text = [[(word['form'], word['posTag']) for word in sent]
                           for sent in annotated_text['sentences']]
        return self._get_named_entities(ner_text), self._lemmatize(

    def annotate(self, doc):
        annotated_doc = self.annotator.annotate(doc)
        return [[
            Token(word['form'], word['nerLabel'], word['posTag'])
            for word in sent
        ] for sent in annotated_doc['sentences']]

    def get_long_tokens(self,
                        pos_tags=('N', 'Ny', 'Np', 'Nc', 'Y', 'Z', 'A'),
        eos = Token('.', '.', '.')  # end of sentence
        long_tokens = []
        for sent in annotated_doc:
            for i, token in enumerate(sent):
                if token.posTag in pos_tags:
                    tokens = [token.form]
                    for next_token in sent[i + 1:]:
                        if next_token.posTag in pos_tags:
                            new_long_token = ' '.join(tokens).lower()
                            if len(tokens) >= min_word_number and len(
                                    tokens) <= max_word_count and not any(
                                        p in new_long_token.replace('_', ' ')
                                        for p in popular_phrase_part
                                    ) and not any(new_long_token in p
                                                  for p in long_tokens):
        return long_tokens

    def merge_name_entities(self, annotated_doc):
        remake_doc = [[(token.form, token.nerLabel) for token in sent]
                      for sent in annotated_doc]
        ners = self._get_named_entities(remake_doc)
        new_doc = []
        for sent in annotated_doc:
            raw_sent = ' '.join([token.form for token in sent]).lower()
            pos_tags = [token.posTag for token in sent]
            for ner, _ in ners:
                ner = ner.lower()
                i = raw_sent.find(ner)
                while i > -1 and ner.count(' ') > 0:
                    raw_sent = raw_sent.replace(ner, ner.replace(' ', '_'), 1)
                    i = raw_sent.count(' ', 0, i)
                    pos_tags[i:i + ner.count(' ') + 1] = ['N']
                    i = raw_sent.find(ner)

            new_sent = raw_sent.split(' ')
            if len(new_sent) != len(pos_tags):
                raise Exception('Wrong went merge NE')
            new_doc.append([(new_sent[i], pos_tags[i])
                            for i in range(len(new_sent))])
        return ners, new_doc

    def merge_noun_phrases(self, tokenized_doc, noun_phrases=()):
        new_doc = []
        for sent in tokenized_doc:
            raw_sent = ' '.join([word for word, tag in sent]).lower()
            pos_tags = [tag for word, tag in sent]
            for np in noun_phrases:
                i = raw_sent.replace('_', ' ').find(np.replace('_', ' '))
                while i > -1 and raw_sent[i:i + len(np)].count(' ') > 0:
                    j = raw_sent.count(' ', 0, i)
                    pos_tags[j:j + raw_sent[i:i + len(np)].count(' ') +
                             1] = ['N']
                    raw_sent = raw_sent[:i] + np.replace(
                        ' ', '_') + raw_sent[i + len(np):]
                    i = raw_sent.replace('_',
                                         ' ').find(np.replace('_', ' '), i + 1)

            new_sent = raw_sent.split()
            if len(new_sent) != len(pos_tags):
                raise Exception('Wrong went merge NE')
            new_doc.append([(new_sent[i], pos_tags[i])
                            for i in range(len(new_sent))])
        return new_doc

    def get_most_noun_phrases(self, noun_phrases, threshold=2):
        appearances = {}
        for np in noun_phrases:
            appearances[np] = appearances.get(np, 0) + 1
        return [np for np, app in appearances.items() if app >= threshold]

    def analyse_about(self, about):
        annotated_doc = self.annotate(about)
        noun_phrases = self.get_long_tokens(annotated_doc,
        phrases = self.get_long_tokens(annotated_doc,
                                       pos_tags=('N', 'Np', 'Nc', 'A', 'V'),
        named_entities, _ = self.merge_name_entities(annotated_doc)
        return noun_phrases, phrases, named_entities

    def analyse_content(self, doc, noun_phrases_in_about):
        annotated_doc = self.annotate(doc)
        named_entities, new_doc = self.merge_name_entities(annotated_doc)
        noun_phrases = self.get_long_tokens(annotated_doc,
        popular_entity_noun_phrases = [
            p for p in noun_phrases if any(
                for popular_prefix in popular_prefix_named_entity)
        most_noun_phrases = self.get_most_noun_phrases(noun_phrases)
        merged_doc = self.merge_noun_phrases(
            noun_phrases=popular_entity_noun_phrases + noun_phrases_in_about +
        while len(merged_doc) > 0 and not merged_doc[0]:
            del merged_doc[0]
        return self._lemmatize(merged_doc), noun_phrases, named_entities