def __init__(self, json_data): self.entityType = None #string audio album / audio single / internet / video self.title = None #string Title of the release self.type = None #string Release type. More specific than entityType = None #partial date Release date self.label = None #label The label of the release self.catalogNr = None #string Catalog number self.ean = None #string EAN code self.picture = None #picture Picture of the release art self.tributes = None #list of artist Tributed artists self.performances = None #list of performance Release tracks self.external_uri = None #Discogs self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): voluptuous.any(u"audio album", u"audio single", u"internet", u"video"), required("uri"):basestring, "title": unicode, "type": unicode, "date": isPartialDate, "label": coerce(ShsLabel), "catalogNr": unicode, "ean": _voluptuous_any_or_null(unicode), "picture": coerce(ShsPicture), "tributes": [coerce(ShsArtist)], "performances": [coerce(ShsPerformance)], "external_uri": [unicode], }, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
def __init__(self, json_data): self.entityType = None #string performance / recording (in case it is recorded) self.title = None #string title of the performance self.performer = None #performer performer = None #partial date Performance or recording date. NOT the release date (see releases) self.releases = None #list of release Releases on which the performance has been released = None #list of work Performed works. Usually just one work, except for medleys self.originals = None #list of work In case of a cover: original performances per work. Each work has an additional attribute 'original' referring to the original performance and an attribute 'isRootWork' (which is true if the work is not an adaptation) self.covers = None # list of performance In case of an original: list of covers self.derivedWorks = None # list of work In case of a cover: list of works derived from the work of the performance self.external_uri = None # youtube videos self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): voluptuous.any(u"performance", u"recording"), required("uri"):basestring, "title": unicode, "performer": coerce(ShsPerformer), "date": isPartialDate, "releases":[coerce(ShsRelease)], "works": [coerce(ShsWork)], "originals": [coerce(ShsWork)], "covers": [coerce(ShsPerformance)], "derivedWorks": [coerce(ShsWork)], "external_uri": [unicode]}, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
def __init__(self, json_data): self.entityType = None #string song / poem / film / proza self.title = None #string title of the work self.language = None #string language of the work self.credits = None #list of artist credited artists self.originalCredits = None #list of artist artists credits for the works on which this work is based self.original = None #performance original performance self.basedOn = None #list of work works on which this work is based self.derivedWorks = None #list of work works derived from this work self.versions = None #list of performance versions of this work self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): voluptuous.any(u"song", u"poem", u"film", u"proza"), required("uri"):basestring, "title": unicode, "language": _voluptuous_any_or_null(unicode), "credits": [coerce(ShsArtist)], "originalCredits": [coerce(ShsArtist)], "original": coerce(ShsPerformance), "basedOn": [coerce(ShsWork)], "derivedWorks": [coerce(ShsWork)], "versions": [coerce(ShsPerformance)]}, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
def __init__(self, json_data): = None #string Name of the label self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): "label", required("uri") : basestring, required("name"): unicode, "picture" : _voluptuous_any_or_null(coerce(ShsPicture)) }, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
def __init__(self, json_data): self.entityType = None #Always 'picture' self.title = None self.url = None self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): u"picture", "name": unicode, "url": unicode}, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
def __init__(self, json_data): self.entityType = None #string artist / joint-artist self.commonName = None #string The name by which the artist is mostly referred to self.picture = None #picture (artist only) Picture of the artist self.birthDate = None #partial date (artist only) Birth date of the artist self.deathDate = None #partial date (artist only) Death date of the artist self.homeCountry = None # string (artist only) Country mostly associated with the artist self.comments = None #string (artist only) Comments self.aliases = None #list of string List of other names used by this artist self.relations = None #list of relation (artist only) Related artists self.members = None #list of artist (joint artist only) Artists that are part of the joint artist self.performances_uri = None self.creditedWorks_uri = None self.releases_uri = None self._getter_factory_functions = dict() self._initialize_fields_from_json_data({required("entityType"): voluptuous.any(u"artist" , u"joint-artist"), required("uri"):basestring, "commonName": unicode, "picture": coerce(ShsPicture), "birthDate": isPartialDate, "deathDate": isPartialDate, "homeCountry": unicode, "comments": unicode, "aliases": [unicode], "relations": [coerce(ShsRelation)], "members": [coerce(ShsArtist)], }, json_data) self._initialize_url_fields({"performances": lambda xs: [ShsPerformance(x) for x in xs], "creditedWorks": lambda xs: [ShsWork(x) for x in xs], "releases": lambda xs: [ShsRelease(x) for x in xs]}, json_data) self.json_data = json_data
from voluptuous import Schema, required, Invalid from voluptuous import coerce as my_coerce from voluptuous import any as my_any from voluptuous import all as my_all from voluptuous import range as my_range cd = { required('title'): str, 'discs': int, 'matrix': [str], 'source': my_all(my_any('pro', 'aud')), 'producer': str, 'quality': my_all(my_any('perfect','excellent','average','poor')), 'generation': my_all(my_any('master','high','medium','low')), 'duration': my_all(my_coerce(float), float), 'tracklists': [[str]], 'date': { required('d'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1, max=31)), required('m'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1, max=12)), required('y'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1981, max=2050)) } } cd_schema = Schema(cd) #result = cd_schema({ # 'title': "My CD Title", # 'discs': 2, # 'matrix': ["cd1_code"], # 'source': 'pro', # 'producer': "The Godfather Records", # 'quality': "perfect",
import json import bottle from bottle import route, run, request, abort from pymongo import Connection from bson.objectid import ObjectId from voluptuous import Schema, required, all, range, match connection = Connection('localhost', 27017) db = connection.socialbearing ver = "v1" fullschema = Schema({ required('device_uuid'): match( r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' ), 'device_model': unicode, required('buoys'): [{ required('buoy_type'): unicode, 'buoy_id': unicode, required('bearings'): [{ required('timestamp'): all(long, range(min=0)), required('lat'): all(float, range(min=-180, max=180)),
from voluptuous import Schema, required, Invalid from voluptuous import coerce as my_coerce from voluptuous import any as my_any from voluptuous import all as my_all from voluptuous import range as my_range cd = { required('title'): str, 'discs': int, 'matrix': [str], 'source': my_all(my_any('pro', 'aud')), 'producer': str, 'quality': my_all(my_any('perfect', 'excellent', 'average', 'poor')), 'generation': my_all(my_any('master', 'high', 'medium', 'low')), 'duration': my_all(my_coerce(float), float), 'tracklists': [[str]], 'date': { required('d'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1, max=31)), required('m'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1, max=12)), required('y'): my_all(int, my_range(min=1981, max=2050)) } } cd_schema = Schema(cd) #result = cd_schema({ # 'title': "My CD Title", # 'discs': 2, # 'matrix': ["cd1_code"], # 'source': 'pro', # 'producer': "The Godfather Records", # 'quality': "perfect",