Ejemplo n.º 1
    def generate_map(self,cutoff,modelfile):
        """ cutoff is for vor.f90 """
        vor_instance = Vor()
        index = vor_instance.get_index()

        icofrac = []
        index = [index[i].strip().split() for i in range(0,len(index))]
        for i in range(0,len(index)):
            for j in range(0,len(index[i])):
                    index[i][j] = int(index[i][j])
                        index[i][j] = float(index[i][j])
            index[i] = index[i][6:11]
            icofrac.append(int( float(index[i][2])/float(sum(index[i]))*100 ))

        model = Model(modelfile)
        atoms = model.get_atoms()
        atoms = [atom.set_znum(icofrac[i]) for i,atom in enumerate(atoms)]
        #for atom in atoms:
        #    if atom.get_znum() == 0:
        #        atom.set_znum(1)
        nbins = 6
        del_bin = 100.0/nbins
        for atom in atoms:
            for i in range(1,nbins+1):
                if( atom.z <= i*del_bin):
                    atom.z = i

        atoms = [atom.convert_to_sym() for i,atom in enumerate(atoms)]

        print('{0} {1} {2}'.format(model.lx,model.ly,model.lz))
        for atom in atoms:
            print atom.vesta()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # sys.argv[1] should be the modelfile in the xyz format
    # sys.argv[2] should be the cutoff desired
    modelfile = sys.argv[1]
    cutoff = float(sys.argv[2])
    ag = AtomGraph(modelfile,cutoff)
    model = Model(modelfile)
    #submodelfile = sys.argv[3]

    #mixedmodel = Model('Mixed atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, [atom for atom in ag.model.atoms if atom.vp.type == 'Mixed'])
    #icolikemodel = Model('Ico-like atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, [atom for atom in ag.model.atoms if(atom.vp.type == 'Icosahedra-like' or atom.vp.type == 'Full-icosahedra')])
    #fullicomodel = Model('Full-icosahedra atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, [atom for atom in ag.model.atoms if atom.vp.type == 'Full-icosahedra'])
    #xtalmodel = Model('Xtal-like atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, [atom for atom in ag.model.atoms if atom.vp.type == 'Crystal-like'])
    #undefmodel = Model('Undef atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, [atom for atom in ag.model.atoms if atom.vp.type == 'Undef'])
    #icomixedmodel = Model('ico+mix atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, mixedmodel.atoms + icolikemodel.atoms)
    #vpcoloredmodel = Model('vp colored atoms',model.lx,model.ly,model.lz, ag.model.atoms)
    #for atom in vpcoloredmodel.atoms:
    #    if(atom.vp.type == 'Full-icosahedra'):
    #        atom.z = 1
    #    elif(atom.vp.type == 'Icosahedra-like'):
    #        atom.z = 2
    #    elif(atom.vp.type == 'Mixed'):
    #        atom.z = 3
    #    elif(atom.vp.type == 'Crystal-like'):
    #        atom.z = 4
    #    elif(atom.vp.type == 'Undef'):
    #        atom.z = 5
    #subvpcoloredmodel = Model(submodelfile)
    #for atom in subvpcoloredmodel.atoms:
    #    atom.z = vpcoloredmodel.atoms[ag.model.atoms.index(atom)].z

    golden = False

    #cluster_prefix = 'ico.t3.'
    #cluster_types = 'Icosahedra-like', 'Full-icosahedra' # Need this for final/further analysis

    #cluster_prefix = 'fi.t3.'
    #cluster_types = ['Full-icosahedra'] # Need this for final/further analysis

    cluster_prefix = 'xtal.t3.'
    cluster_types = 'Crystal-like' # Need this for final/further analysis

    #cluster_prefix = 'mix.t3'
    #cluster_types = ['Mixed'] # Need this for final/further analysis

    #cluster_prefix = 'undef.t3'
    #cluster_types = ['Undef'] # Need this for final/further analysis

    # Decide what time of clustering you want to do
    #clusters = ag.get_clusters_with_n_numneighs(cutoff,5,cluster_types) #Vertex
    #clusters = ag.get_vertex_sharing_clusters(cutoff,cluster_types) #Vertex
    #clusters = ag.get_edge_sharing_clusters(cutoff,cluster_types) #Edge
    #clusters = ag.get_face_sharing_clusters(cutoff,cluster_types) #Face
    #clusters = ag.get_interpenetrating_atoms(cutoff,cluster_types) #Interpenetrating
    #clusters = ag.get_interpenetrating_clusters_with_neighs(cutoff,cluster_types) #Interpenetrating+neighs
    #clusters = ag.get_connected_clusters_with_neighs(cutoff, cluster_types) #Connected (vertex) + neighs
    v,e,f,i = ag.vefi_sharing(cluster_types)
    print("V: {0}  E: {1}  F: {2}  I: {3}".format(int(v),int(e),int(f),int(i)))

    orig_clusters = clusters[:]
    # Print orig clusters
    j = 0
    for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        print("Orig cluster {0} contains {1} atoms.".format(i,len(cluster)))
            for atom in cluster:
                if(atom.vp.type in cluster_types):
                    atom.z = 0
        # Save cluster files
        cluster_model = Model("Orig cluster {0} contains {1} atoms.".format(i,len(cluster)),model.lx, model.ly, model.lz, cluster)

    allclusters = []
    for cluster in clusters:
        for atom in cluster:
            if(atom not in allclusters):
                #if(atom.vp.type in cluster_types): print('  {0}\t{1}'.format(atom,atom.vp.type))
    allclusters = Model("All clusters.",model.lx, model.ly, model.lz, allclusters)
    print("{0}allclusters.cif and {0}allclusters.xyz contain {1} atoms.".format(cluster_prefix, allclusters.natoms))

    if(not golden):
        x_cluster = []
        for i,atom in enumerate(model.atoms):
            if atom not in allclusters.atoms:
        x_cluster = Model("Opposite cluster of {0}".format(cluster_prefix),model.lx, model.ly, model.lz, x_cluster)
        print('{0}opposite.cif and {0}opposite.xyz contain {1} atoms.'.format(cluster_prefix, x_cluster.natoms))
    if(False): # Further analysis
        cn = 0.0
        for atom in model.atoms:
            cn += atom.cn
        cn /= model.natoms

        vpcn = 0.0
        count = 0
        for atom in ag.model.atoms:
            if( atom.vp.type in cluster_types ):
                vpcn += atom.cn
                count += 1
        vpcn /= count

        natomsinVPclusters = allclusters.natoms # Number of atoms in VP clusters
        nVPatoms = count # Number of VP atoms
        numsepVPatoms = nVPatoms * vpcn # Number of atoms in VP clusters if all clusters were separated
        maxnumatoms = model.natoms # Max number of atoms in VP clusters if all clusters were separated but still within the model size

        print('Average CN is {0}'.format(cn))
        print('Average CN of VP atoms is {0}'.format(vpcn))
        print('# atoms in all clusters: {0}. # VP atoms * vpcn: {1}. # VP atoms: {2}'.format(natomsinVPclusters,numsepVPatoms,nVPatoms))
        print('~ Number of VP that can fit in the model: {0}'.format(maxnumatoms/vpcn))
        print('Ratio of: (# atoms involved in VP clusters)/(# atoms involved in VP clusters if all clusters were completely separated):                          {0}%  <--- Therefore {1}% sharing.'.format(round(float(natomsinVPclusters)/(numsepVPatoms)*100.0,3),100.0-round(float(natomsinVPclusters)/(numsepVPatoms)*100.0,3)))
        print('Ratio of: (# atoms involved in VP clusters)/(# atoms involved in VP clusters if all clusters were separated as much as possible within the model): {0}%  <--- Therefore {1}% sharing.'.format(round(float(natomsinVPclusters)/min(numsepVPatoms,maxnumatoms)*100.0,3),100.0-round(float(natomsinVPclusters)/min(numsepVPatoms,maxnumatoms)*100.0,3) if numsepVPatoms < maxnumatoms else round(float(natomsinVPclusters)/min(numsepVPatoms,maxnumatoms)*100.0,3)))

        vor_instance = Vor()
        index = vor_instance.get_indexes()
        vp_dict = categorize_vor.load_param_file('/home/jjmaldonis/model_analysis/scripts/categorize_parameters_iso.txt')
        atom_dict = categorize_vor.generate_atom_dict(index,vp_dict)
        # Count the number of common neighbors in each of the VP
        vp_atoms = []
        for atom in model.atoms:
            if(atom.vp.type in cluster_types):
        common_neighs = 0.0
        atom_pairs = []
        for atomi in vp_atoms:
            for atomj in vp_atoms:
                if(atomi != atomj):
                    if(atomi in atomj.neighs and [atomi,atomj] not in atom_pairs and [atomj,atomi] not in atom_pairs):
                        common_neighs += 1
                    #if(atomj in atomi.neighs): common_neighs += 0.5
                    for n in atomi.neighs:
                        if(n in atomj.neighs and [n,atomj] not in atom_pairs and [atomj,n] not in atom_pairs):
                            common_neighs += 1
                    #for n in atomj.neighs:
                    #    if(n in atomi.neighs): common_neighs += 0.5
        # Now common_neighs is the number of shared atoms
        print('Percent shared based on common neighsbors: {0}'.format(100.0*common_neighs/natomsinVPclusters))