Ejemplo n.º 1
class Appearance(node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Appearance'
    material = field.newField('material', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    texture = field.newField('texture', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    textureTransform = field.newField('textureTransform', 'SFNode', 1,
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Text(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Text'
    length = field.newField('length', 'MFFloat', 1, list)
    fontStyle = field.newField('fontStyle', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    string = field.newField('string', 'MFString', 1, list)
    maxExtent = field.newField('maxExtent', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Cone(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Cone'
    bottom = field.newField('bottom', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    side = field.newField('side', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    bottomRadius = field.newField('bottomRadius', 'SFFloat', 0, 1.0)
    height = field.newField('height', 'SFFloat', 0, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def ScriptFieldDecl( self, table, buffer):
     """Field declaration for a script node"""
     (tag, left, right, (exposure, datatype, name, value)) = table
     datatype = getString( datatype, buffer )
         if value[0] == 'IS':
             mapName = self.IS( value, buffer )
             value = None
             fieldObject = field.newField(
                 getString(name, buffer),
                 getString( exposure, buffer ) == 'exposedField',
             mapName = None
             value = dispatch( self, value, buffer )
             fieldObject = field.newField(
                 getString(name, buffer),
                 getString( exposure, buffer ) == 'exposedField',
         return (fieldObject, mapName)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TextureTransform(node.Node):
    PROTO = 'TextureTransform'
    rotation = field.newField('rotation', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    scale = field.newField('scale', 'SFVec2f', 1, [1.0, 1.0])
    translation = field.newField('translation', 'SFVec2f', 1, [0.0, 0.0])
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec2f', 1, [0.0, 0.0])
Ejemplo n.º 6
class IntUniform(node.Node):
    """Uniform (variable) binding for a shader (integer form)
    PROTO = "IntUniform"
    name = field.newField('name', 'SFString', 1, '')
    # type values, 1i,2i,3i,4i
    value = field.newField('value', 'MFInt32', 1, list)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class VisualScene(scenegraph.SceneGraph):
    """A Visual-style scenegraph"""
    # background represents a SimpleBackground-style node...
    background = field.newField('background', 'SFColor', 1, (0, 0, 1))
    # ambient lighting
    ambient = field.newField("ambient", "SFFloat", 1, 0.2)
    # will have to be manually extracted from scenegraph
    lights = field.newField("lights", "MFVec3f", 1, [
        (2, 3, 2),
    # will have to be manually extracted from scenegraph
    objects = field.newField("objects", "MFNode", 1, list)

    def renderedChildren(self,
        """List of all children that are instances of given types

        Default scenegraph uses "children" while the VPython
        scenegraph uses "objects"...

        items = [child for child in self.objects if isinstance(child, types)]
        return items
Ejemplo n.º 8
class NurbsGroup(node.Node):
    """(Unused) holder for multiple nurbs objects"""
    PROTO = "NurbsGroup"
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    tessellationScale = field.newField('tessellationScale', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
Ejemplo n.º 9
class SimpleBackground(nodetypes.Background, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    """Solid-color Background node

    This Background node provides the simplest rendering
    algorithm, merely clearing the color buffer to the node's
    "color" value.

    It also clears the depth buffer.

    Attributes of note within the Box object:

        color -- r,g,b giving the clear color
        bound -- whether or not this Background is active

        glClearColor, glClear
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFColor', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    bound = field.newField('bound', 'SFBool', 1, 0)

    def Render(self, mode=None, clear=True):
        # should only do this on visible passes...
        if mode.passCount == 0:
            if self.bound and clear:
                r, g, b = self.color
                glClearColor(r, g, b, 1.0)
                glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class GLSLShader(node.Node):
    """GLSL-based shader node"""
    PROTO = "GLSLShader"
    url = field.newField('url', 'MFString', 1, list)
    source = field.newField('source', 'MFString', 1, list)
    imports = field.newField('imports', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    # type values, VERTEX or FRAGMENT
    type = field.newField('type', 'SFString', 1, 'VERTEX')
Ejemplo n.º 11
class DirectionalLight(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Light, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'DirectionalLight'
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFColor', 1, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    on = field.newField('on', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    intensity = field.newField('intensity', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    ambientIntensity = field.newField('ambientIntensity', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    direction = field.newField('direction', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, -1.0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Cylinder(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Cylinder'
    top = field.newField('top', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    bottom = field.newField('bottom', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    radius = field.newField('radius', 'SFFloat', 0, 1.0)
    side = field.newField('side', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    height = field.newField('height', 'SFFloat', 0, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class ColorInterpolator(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Interpolator, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'ColorInterpolator'
    keyValue = field.newField('keyValue', 'MFColor', 1, list)
    key = field.newField('key', 'MFFloat', 1, list)
    set_fraction = field.newEvent('set_fraction', 'SFFloat', 0)
    value_changed = field.newEvent('value_changed', 'SFColor', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Glyph3D(Glyph):
    """Storage for a 3D glyph's data"""
    PROTO = "Glyph3D"
    character = field.newField('character', 'SFString', 1, "")
    width = field.newField('width', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    height = field.newField('height', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    contours = field.newField('contours', 'MFVec2f', 1, list)
    outlines = field.newField('outlines', 'MFVec2f', 1, list)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class FontStyle3D(FontStyle):
    """FontStyle with ability to specify 3D extrusion properties"""
    PROTO = 'FontStyle3D'
    quality = field.newField('quality', 'SFInt32', 1, 3)
    renderFront = field.newField('renderFront', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    renderSides = field.newField('renderSides', 'SFBool', 1, 0)
    renderBack = field.newField('renderBack', 'SFBool', 1, 0)
    thickness = field.newField('thickness', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
class NurbsCurve2D(node.Node):
    """A 2D nurbs curve normally used for trimming surfaces"""
    PROTO = "NurbsCurve2D"
    knot = field.newField('knot', 'MFFloat32', 1, list)
    order = field.newField('order', 'SFInt32', 1, 3)
    controlPoint = field.newField('controlPoint', 'MFVec2f', 1, list)
    weight = field.newField('weight', 'MFFloat32', 1, list)
    tessellation = field.newField('tessellation', 'SFInt32', 1, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Shader(node.Node):
    """Shader is a programmable substitute for an Appearance node"""
    PROTO = 'Shader'
    material = field.newField('material', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    objects = field.newField('objects', 'MFNode', 1, list)

    implementation = field.newField('implementation', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Fog(nodetypes.Fog, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Fog'
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFColor', 1, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    visibilityRange = field.newField('visibilityRange', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    fogType = field.newField('fogType', 'SFString', 1, 'LINEAR')
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class GLSLObject(node.Node):
    """GLSL-based shader object (compiled set of shaders)"""
    PROTO = "GLSLObject"
    # role values, VISIBLE, DEPTH, SELECT
    role = field.newField('role', 'SFString', 1, 'VISIBLE')
    uniforms = field.newField('uniforms', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    shaders = field.newField('shaders', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    # textures is a set of texture uniforms...
    textures = field.newField('textures', 'MFNode', 1, list)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Group(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Grouping, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Group'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
class VisibilitySensor(nodetypes.Sensor, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'VisibilitySensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    size = field.newField('size', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    exitTime = field.newEvent('exitTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    enterTime = field.newEvent('enterTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 22
class SphereSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'SphereSensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    autoOffset = field.newField('autoOffset', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    offset = field.newField('offset', 'SFRotation', 1, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    rotation_changed = field.newEvent('rotation_changed', 'SFRotation', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    trackPoint_changed = field.newEvent('trackPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Billboard(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Transforming, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Billboard'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    axisOfRotation = field.newField('axisOfRotation', 'SFVec3f', 1,
                                    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Ejemplo n.º 24
class NurbsDomainDistanceSample(NurbsSampling):
    """Domain-distance parametric u and v coordinate sampling
    uStep = field.newField("uStep", "SFFloat", 1, 100.0)
    vStep = field.newField("vStep", "SFFloat", 1, 100.0)

    def properties(self, nurbObject):
        """Configure this sampling type"""
        gluNurbsProperty(nurbObject, GLU_SAMPLING_METHOD, GLU_DOMAIN_DISTANCE)
        gluNurbsProperty(nurbObject, GLU_U_STEP, self.uStep)
        gluNurbsProperty(nurbObject, GLU_V_STEP, self.vStep)
Ejemplo n.º 25
class FloatUniform(node.Node):
    """Uniform (variable) binding for a shader
    The FloatUniform is the base class for FloatUniforms,
    that is, there are FloatUniform1f, FloatUniform2f,
    FloatUniformm3x2, etceteras Node-types, but not a
    FloatUniform node-type.
    name = field.newField('name', 'SFString', 1, '')
    # type values, 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, m2, m3, m4, m2x3,m3x2,m2x4,m4x2,m3x4,m4x3
    value = field.newField('value', 'SFArray32', 1, list)
Ejemplo n.º 26
class IndexedLineSet(nodetypes.Geometry, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'IndexedLineSet'
    color = field.newField('color', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    colorPerVertex = field.newField('colorPerVertex', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    colorIndex = field.newField('colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    coord = field.newField('coord', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    coordIndex = field.newField('coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0, list)
    set_coordIndex = field.newEvent('set_coordIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
    set_colorIndex = field.newEvent('set_colorIndex', 'MFInt32', 0)
Ejemplo n.º 27
class Collision(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.Grouping, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Collision'
    bboxCenter = field.newField('bboxCenter', 'SFVec3f', 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    collide = field.newField('collide', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    proxy = field.newField('proxy', 'SFNode', 0, node.NULL)
    bboxSize = field.newField('bboxSize', 'SFVec3f', 0, [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    children = field.newField('children', 'MFNode', 1, list)
    removeChildren = field.newEvent('removeChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
    collideTime = field.newEvent('collideTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    addChildren = field.newEvent('addChildren', 'MFNode', 0)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class PlaneSensor(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.PointingSensor, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'PlaneSensor'
    maxPosition = field.newField('maxPosition', 'SFVec2f', 1, [-1.0, -1.0])
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    autoOffset = field.newField('autoOffset', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    minPosition = field.newField('minPosition', 'SFVec2f', 1, [0.0, 0.0])
    offset = field.newField('offset', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    translation_changed = field.newEvent('translation_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
    trackPoint_changed = field.newEvent('trackPoint_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 29
class NavigationInfo(nodetypes.Children, nodetypes.NavigationInfo, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'NavigationInfo'
    speed = field.newField('speed', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    avatarSize = field.newField('avatarSize', 'MFFloat', 1,
                                [0.25, 1.6000000000000001, 0.75])
    headlight = field.newField('headlight', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    type = field.newField('type', 'MFString', 1, ['WALK'])
    visibilityLimit = field.newField('visibilityLimit', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    set_bind = field.newEvent('set_bind', 'SFBool', 0)
    isBound = field.newEvent('isBound', 'SFBool', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 30
class ProximitySensor(nodetypes.Sensor, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'ProximitySensor'
    enabled = field.newField('enabled', 'SFBool', 1, 1)
    center = field.newField('center', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    size = field.newField('size', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    position_changed = field.newEvent('position_changed', 'SFVec3f', 1)
    enterTime = field.newEvent('enterTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    exitTime = field.newEvent('exitTime', 'SFTime', 1)
    orientation_changed = field.newEvent('orientation_changed', 'SFRotation',
    isActive = field.newEvent('isActive', 'SFBool', 1)
Ejemplo n.º 31
class Sound(nodetypes.Auditory, nodetypes.Children, node.Node):
    PROTO = 'Sound'
    priority = field.newField('priority', 'SFFloat', 1, 0.0)
    minFront = field.newField('minFront', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    intensity = field.newField('intensity', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    location = field.newField('location', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    source = field.newField('source', 'SFNode', 1, node.NULL)
    maxBack = field.newField('maxBack', 'SFFloat', 1, 10.0)
    minBack = field.newField('minBack', 'SFFloat', 1, 1.0)
    maxFront = field.newField('maxFront', 'SFFloat', 1, 10.0)
    spatialize = field.newField('spatialize', 'SFBool', 0, 1)
    direction = field.newField('direction', 'SFVec3f', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
Ejemplo n.º 32
def proxyField( *arguments, **named ):
    """Create a new proxied field"""
    base = field.newField( *arguments, **named )
    return Proxy( base )
##class Forwarder( object ):
##	"""Mechanism for forwarding a set to a given sub-object"""
##	def __get__( self, client = None ):
##		if client is None:
##			return self
##		else:
##			return self.__class__( self.definition, client )
##	def __init__( self, definition, client=None ):
##		self.definition = definition
##		self.client = client
##	def __call__( self, *arguments, **named ):
##		if self.client is None and arguments:
##			client = arguments[0]
##			arguments = arguments[1:]
##		elif self.client is None:
##			raise TypeError( """Unbound forwarder not passed a client object as first argument""" )
##		else:
##			client = self.client
##		for attribute in self.definition:
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def extFieldDecl(self, table, buffer):
     ''' An external field declaration, no default value '''
     (tag, start, stop, (exposure, datatype, name)) = table
     datatype = getString( datatype, buffer )
             getString(name, buffer),
             getString( exposure, buffer ) == 'exposedField',
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def fieldDecl( self, table, buffer):
     (tag, left, right, (exposure, datatype, name, value)) = table
     datatype = getString( datatype, buffer )
         value = dispatch( self, value, buffer )
                 getString(name, buffer),
                 getString( exposure, buffer ) == 'exposedField',