def __SetColor(self): red, green, blue = vs.ColorIndexToRGB(self.__fColor) vs.SetRField(self.__fTextureHand, 'NNAMaxon Plain Color', 'Color', vs.Num2Str(0, red)) vs.SetRField(self.__fTextureHand, 'NNAMaxon Plain Color', 'Color G', vs.Num2Str(0, green)) vs.SetRField(self.__fTextureHand, 'NNAMaxon Plain Color', 'Color B', vs.Num2Str(0, blue))
def set_parameter(self, name: str, value): """Sets the parameter to the given value, type depends on the plugin parameter. """ self.__parameters[name] = value value = str(value) if not isinstance(value, float) else vs.Num2Str( -2, value) vs.SetRField(ActivePlugin().handle, ActivePlugin().name, name, value)
def __SetCurtainStyle( self ): isSuccessful, objName, objHand, recHand, wallHand = vs.GetCustomObjectInfo() if isSuccessful: if vs.IsNewCustomObject( objName ): refNum = -1 else: refNum = vs.Name2Index( vs.GetRField( objHand, objName, "__CurtainTexture" ) ) textureObj = Texture( vs.GetPluginString( 4020 ), refNum, self.__fColor, self.__fOpacity ) textureIndex, textureName = textureObj.GetTexture() for pieceH in self.__fPiecesHandles: if pieceH: vs.SetTextureRef( pieceH, textureIndex, 0 ) vs.SetRField( objHand, objName, "__CurtainTexture", textureName )
def reset_event_handler(rename_handle): # Create the Image if vs.PWithImage: image_texture = vs.GetTextureRefN(rename_handle, 0, 0, True) if image_texture: image_prop = vs.CreateImageProp(vs.PPictureName, image_texture, vs.PImageHeight, vs.PImageWidth, False, False, False, False, False) if image_prop != 0: vs.Move3DObj(image_prop, 0, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PImagePosition, 0) existing_texture = vs.GetObject("{} Picture Texture".format(vs.GetName(rename_handle))) if existing_texture: set_name(existing_texture, "{} Previous Picture Texture".format(vs.GetName(rename_handle))) vs.SetName( vs.GetObject(vs.Index2Name(image_texture)), "{} Picture Texture".format(vs.GetName(rename_handle))) else: vs.SetRField(rename_handle, "Picture", "WithImage", "False") vs.DelObject(vs.GetObject(vs.Index2Name(image_texture))) vs.AlertCritical("Error creating Picture object", "Close/Open VectorWorks and retry the operation") # Create the Frame if vs.PWithFrame: vs.BeginPoly3D() vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -(vs.PFrameDepth / 2), -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -(vs.PFrameDepth / 2), -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -(vs.PFrameDepth / 2), vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -(vs.PFrameDepth / 2), vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -(vs.PFrameDepth / 2), -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.EndPoly3D() extrude_path = vs.LNewObj() extrude_path = vs.ConvertToNURBS(extrude_path, False) vs.Rect((-1 * vs.PFrameThickness, -1 * vs.PFrameDepth), (0, 0)) extrude_profile = vs.LNewObj() frame = vs.ExtrudeAlongPath(extrude_path, extrude_profile) vs.DelObject(extrude_path) vs.DelObject(extrude_profile) vs.SetClass(frame, vs.PFrameClass) vs.SetFPatByClass(frame) vs.SetFillColorByClass(frame) vs.SetLSByClass(frame) vs.SetLWByClass(frame) vs.SetMarkerByClass(frame) vs.SetOpacityByClass(frame) vs.SetPenColorByClass(frame) vs.SetTextStyleByClass(frame) vs.SetTextureRefN(frame, -1, 0, 0) vs.SetTexMapRealN(frame, 3, 0, 3, vs.PFrameTextureScale) vs.SetTexMapRealN(frame, 3, 0, 4, vs.Deg2Rad(vs.PFrameTextureRotation)) # Create the Matboard if vs.PWithMatboard: # vs.BeginPoly3D() # vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) # vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) # vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition, vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) # vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition, vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) # vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) # vs.EndPoly3D() # matboard = vs.LNewObj() vs.BeginMXtrd(0, 0.01) vs.Rect((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, vs.PFrameHeight / 2), (vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -vs.PFrameHeight / 2)) vs.Rect((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, vs.PFrameHeight / 2), (vs.PFrameWidth / 2, -vs.PFrameHeight / 2)) vs.EndMXtrd() matboard = vs.LNewObj() vs.BeginMXtrd(0, 0.01) vs.Rect((-vs.PWindowWidth / 2, vs.PWindowHeight / 2), (vs.PWindowWidth / 2, -vs.PWindowHeight / 2)) vs.Rect((-vs.PWindowWidth / 2, vs.PWindowHeight / 2), (vs.PWindowWidth / 2, -vs.PWindowHeight / 2)) vs.EndMXtrd() window = vs.LNewObj() result, new_object = vs.SubtractSolid(matboard, window) vs.Set3DRot(new_object, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) vs.Move3DObj(new_object, 0, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PMatboardPosition + 0.01, vs.PImageHeight / 2) vs.SetClass(new_object, vs.PMatboardClass) vs.SetFPatByClass(new_object) vs.SetFillColorByClass(new_object) vs.SetLSByClass(new_object) vs.SetLWByClass(new_object) vs.SetMarkerByClass(new_object) vs.SetOpacityByClass(new_object) vs.SetPenColorByClass(new_object) vs.SetTextStyleByClass(new_object) vs.SetTextureRefN(new_object, -1, 0, 0) vs.SetTexMapRealN(new_object, 3, 0, 3, vs.PMatboardTextureScale) vs.SetTexMapRealN(new_object, 3, 0, 4, vs.Deg2Rad(vs.PMatboardTextureRotat)) # Create the Glass if vs.PWithGlass: vs.BeginPoly3D() vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PGlassPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PGlassPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.Add3DPt((vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PGlassPosition, vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PGlassPosition, vs.PFrameHeight - ((vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2))) vs.Add3DPt((-vs.PFrameWidth / 2, (vs.PFrameDepth / 2) - vs.PGlassPosition, -(vs.PFrameHeight - vs.PImageHeight) / 2)) vs.EndPoly3D() glass = vs.LNewObj() vs.SetClass(glass, vs.PGlassClass) vs.SetFPatByClass(glass) vs.SetFillColorByClass(glass) vs.SetLSByClass(glass) vs.SetLWByClass(glass) vs.SetMarkerByClass(glass) vs.SetOpacityByClass(glass) vs.SetPenColorByClass(glass) vs.SetTextStyleByClass(glass) vs.SetTextureRefN(glass, -1, 0, 0)
def OnOK(): ##Must check!!! global windowWidth fraction, display, format, upi, name, squareName = vs.GetUnits() ####################################################### ok,val = vs.GetEditInteger(Constants.dialogId,kIDLabel) vs.SetRField(Constants.h, kPluginName, 'IDLabel', val.__str__()) ####################################################### ok,val= vs.GetEditReal(Constants.dialogId, kWidth, kEditRealDim) windowWidth = val vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName, 'Width', val.__str__()) ####################################################### ok,val = vs.GetEditReal(Constants.dialogId,kHeight,kEditRealDim) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName, 'Height', val.__str__()) ####################################################### ok,val = vs.GetEditReal(Constants.dialogId,kElevationInWall,kEditRealDim) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName, 'ElvInWall', val.__str__()) ####################################################### val = vs.GetBooleanItem(Constants.dialogId, kOpenTheWindow) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName, 'OpenTheWindow', val.__str__()) ####################################################### ok,val = vs.GetEditReal(Constants.dialogId,kOpeningAngle,kEditRealAng) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName, 'OpeningAngle', val.__str__()) ####################################################### index = vs.GetSelectedChoiceIndex(Constants.dialogId, kLeaf, 0) if(index == 0): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Leaf','None') elif(index == 1): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Leaf','1(no glass)') elif(index == 2): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Leaf','1(glass)') elif(index == 3): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Leaf','2(no glass)') else: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Leaf','2(glass)') ####################################################### val = vs.GetBooleanItem(Constants.dialogId,kHasCurtains) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'HasCurts',val.__str__()) ####################################################### index = vs.GetSelectedChoiceIndex(Constants.dialogId,kLedgeType,0) if(index == 0): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'LedgeType','Attach to wall') else: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'LedgeType','Attach to ceiling') ####################################################### index = vs.GetSelectedChoiceIndex(Constants.dialogId,kLedgeMaterial,0) if(index == 0): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'LedgeMaterial','Wood') elif(index == 1): vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'LedgeMaterial','Plastic') else: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'LedgeMaterial','Metal') ####################################################### val = vs.GetBooleanItem(Constants.dialogId,kDrawTheCurts) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'DrawTheCurts',val.__str__()) ####################################################### colorIndex = vs.GetColorChoice(Constants.dialogId, kCurtsColor) colorText = str(colorIndex) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'__CustomColor',colorIndex) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'__PrevCustomColor',colorIndex) ####################################################### if colorIndex == 256: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'CurtsColor','White') elif colorIndex == 257: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'CurtsColor','Black') else: vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'CurtsColor','Custom Color') ########################## ok,val = vs.GetEditInteger(Constants.dialogId,kPieces) ########### Check for correct set value of the pieces: min 4" #inches per unit = 1/upi #max width of one piece of curtain = 4 inhes inchesPerUnit = 1/upi windowWidth = windowWidth*inchesPerUnit maxPieces = windowWidth // kMaxWidthOfPiece if val > maxPieces: val = maxPieces vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Pieces',val.__str__()) ####################################################### val = vs.GetControlData(Constants.dialogId,kOpacitySlider) vs.SetRField(Constants.h,kPluginName,'Opacity',val.__str__())
def CheckValues(): #We check the values each time the user enters new data in the OIP global winWidth fraction, display, format, upi, name, squareName = vs.GetUnits() col = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'CurtsColor') if col == 'White': vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, '__CustomColor', 256) elif col == 'Black': vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, '__CustomColor', 257) elif col == 'Custom Color' and vs.P__PrevCustomColor != 0: vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, '__CustomColor', vs.P__PrevCustomColor) #################################### val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'IDLabel') val = vs.Str2Num(val) if val < 0: val = 0 vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'IDLabel', vs.Num2Str(0, val)) ################################################ val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Width') if (format == 2 or format == 3): inches = 0 index = val.find("'") if index > -1: splitVal = val.split("'") inches += vs.Str2Num(splitVal[0]) * 12.0 str = splitVal[1] index = str.find(name) if index > -1: str = str.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(str) inches += val else: index = val.find(name) if index > -1: val = val.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(val) inches += val if inches < 0: inches = 1 val = vs.Num2Str(2, inches) val = val + name else: val = CheckField(val, name) vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Width', val) val = val.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(val) winWidth = val ################################################ val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Height') if (format == 2 or format == 3): inches = 0 index = val.find("'") if index > -1: splitVal = val.split("'") inches += vs.Str2Num(splitVal[0]) * 12.0 str = splitVal[1] index = str.find(name) if index > -1: str = str.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(str) inches += val else: index = val.find(name) if index > -1: val = val.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(val) inches += val if inches < 0: inches = 1 val = vs.Num2Str(2, inches) val = val + name else: val = CheckField(val, name) vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Height', val) ################################################ val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'ElvInWall') if (format == 2 or format == 3): inches = 0 index = val.find("'") if index > -1: splitVal = val.split("'") inches += vs.Str2Num(splitVal[0]) * 12.0 str = splitVal[1] index = str.find(name) if index > -1: str = str.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(str) inches += val else: index = val.find(name) if index > -1: val = val.replace(name, "") val = vs.Str2Num(val) inches += val if inches < 0: inches = 1 val = vs.Num2Str(2, inches) val = val + name else: val = CheckField(val, name) vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'ElvInWall', val) ########################################################## val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'OpeningAngle') val = vs.Str2Num(val) if val < 0: val = 0 elif val > 90: val = 90 vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'OpeningAngle', vs.Num2Str(2, val)) ################################################ #In inches: maxPieces = winWidth(in inches) // (floor division) Max width of a pice inchesPerUnit = 1 / upi winWidth = inchesPerUnit * winWidth maxPieces = winWidth // Constants.kMaxWidthOfPieceInInches val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Pieces') val = vs.Str2Num(val) if val > maxPieces: val = maxPieces vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Pieces', vs.Num2Str(0, val)) ############################################################## val = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Opacity') val = vs.Str2Num(val) if val > 100: val = 100 elif val < 0: val = 0 vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Opacity', vs.Num2Str(0, val)) width = vs.PWidth height = vs.PHeight upi = vs.GetPrefReal(152) / 25.4 wallType = vs.GetTypeN(gWallHandle) if (wallType == 68 or wallType == 89): thickness = vs.WallWidth(gWallHandle) else: thickness = 100 * upi leafType = vs.GetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Leaf') if (leafType == 'None'): twoWings = False elif (leafType == '1(no glass)'): twoWings = False elif (leafType == '1(glass)'): twoWings = False elif (leafType == '2(no glass)'): twoWings = True elif (leafType == '2(glass)'): twoWings = True if (width / 3 <= thickness and twoWings == True): width = 3 * thickness + 10 * upi vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Width', width) if (thickness >= height / 2): height = 2 * thickness + 10 * upi vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Height', height) if (thickness >= width / 2): width = thickness * 2 + 10 * upi vs.SetRField(gObjHandle, gObjName, 'Width', width)
def __SetOpacity(self, recHand): vs.SetRField(self.__fTextureHand, 'NNAMaxon Plain Transparency', vs.GetFldName(recHand, 4), vs.Num2Str(4, self.__fTransparency))
def value(self, value: str): """:type value: str""" vs.SetRField(self.__object_handle, self.__record_name,, value)