Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
        self.binana = Binana()

        ### 3zp9 comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3zp9_protein = PDB()
        _3zp9_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3zp9_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3zp9_protein.load_from_files(_3zp9_protein_pdb, _3zp9_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3zp9_ligand = PDB()
        _3zp9_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3zp9_ligand.load_from_files(_3zp9_ligand_pdb, _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 3bwf comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3bwf_protein = PDB()
        _3bwf_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3bwf_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3bwf_protein.load_from_files(_3bwf_protein_pdb, _3bwf_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3bwf_ligand = PDB()
        _3bwf_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3bwf_ligand.load_from_files(_3bwf_ligand_pdb, _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt)

        self.test_cases = [("3bwf", _3bwf_protein, _3bwf_ligand),
                           ("3zp9", _3zp9_protein, _3zp9_ligand)]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def featurize_dude(dude_dir, target, pickle_dir, num_jobs):
    """Featurize DUD-E docked poses and write features to pickle_out.
  dude_dir: string
    Path to DUD-E directory
  target: string
    Name of DUD-E target.
  pickle_dir: string
    Path to directory to output pickles 
    target_dir = os.path.join(dude_dir, target)
    actives_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "actives")
    decoys_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "decoys")
    actives = [a for a in os.listdir(actives_dir)]
    decoys = [a for a in os.listdir(decoys_dir)]
    receptor = os.path.join(target_dir, "receptor.pdb")
    pickle_out = os.path.join(target_dir, "out.pkl.gz")
    # Just for debugging purposes
    actives = actives[:1]

    num_per_job = int(math.ceil(len(actives) / float(num_jobs)))
    print "Number per job: %d" % num_per_job
    protein_pdb_path = "/home/rbharath/DUD-E/aa2ar/receptor_hyd.pdb"
    protein_pdbqt_path = "/home/rbharath/DUD-E/aa2ar/receptor_hyd.pdbqt"

    print "About to load protein from input files"
    protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
    protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

    binana = Binana()
    feature_len = binana.num_features()
    feature_vectors = {}
    for compound in actives:
        compound_name = compound.split(".")[0]
        compound_pdbqt = compound_name + "_hyd_out.pdbqt"
        compound_pdbqt = os.path.join(actives_dir, compound_pdbqt)

        # Convert the pdbqt to pdb
        pdbqt_to_pdb(compound_pdbqt, actives_dir)
        compound_pdb = compound_name + "_hyd_out.pdb"
        compound_pdb = os.path.join(actives_dir, compound_pdb)

        structures = MultiStructure()
        structures.load_from_files(compound_pdb, compound_pdbqt)

        vectors = []
        for key in sorted(structures.molecules.keys()):
            structure = structures.molecules[key]
            print "type(structure)"
            print type(structure)
                binana.compute_input_vector(structure, protein_pdb_obj))
        feature_vectors[compound_name] = vectors

    with gzip.open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)

    decoys = decoys[:1]
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
    self.binana = Binana()

    ### 3zp9 comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3zp9_protein = PDB()
    _3zp9_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_protein.load_from_files(_3zp9_protein_pdb, _3zp9_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3zp9_ligand = PDB()
    _3zp9_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_ligand.load_from_files(_3zp9_ligand_pdb, _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3bwf comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3bwf_protein = PDB()
    _3bwf_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_protein.load_from_files(_3bwf_protein_pdb, _3bwf_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3bwf_ligand = PDB()
    _3bwf_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_ligand.load_from_files(_3bwf_ligand_pdb, _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt)

    self.test_cases = [("3bwf", _3bwf_protein, _3bwf_ligand),
                       ("3zp9", _3zp9_protein, _3zp9_ligand)]
def featurize_job(docked_compounds):
    """Featurize all docked structures."""
    # Instantiate copy of binana vector
    binana = Binana()
    feature_len = binana_num_features()
    feature_vectors = {}
    for count, compound in enumerate(docked_compounds):
        print "\nprocessing %d-th docked pdb %s" % (count, compound)
def featurize_fingerprint(pdb_directories, pickle_out):
  """Featurize all pdbs in provided directories."""
  # Instantiate copy of binana vector
  binana = Binana()
  # See features/tests/nnscore_test.py:TestBinana.testComputeInputVector
  # for derivation.
  feature_len = binana.num_features()
  feature_vectors = {}
  for count, pdb_dir in enumerate(pdb_directories):
    print "\nprocessing %d-th pdb %s" % (count, dir)

    print "About to extract ligand and protein input files"
    ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt = None, None
    protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt = None, None
    for f in os.listdir(pdb_dir):
      if re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdb$", f):
        ligand_pdb = f
      elif re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
        ligand_pdbqt = f
      elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdb$", f):
        protein_pdb = f
      elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
        protein_pdbqt = f

    print "Extracted Input Files:"
    print (ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt, protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt)
    if (not ligand_pdb or not ligand_pdbqt or not protein_pdb or not
        raise ValueError("Required files not present for %s" % pdb_dir)

    ligand_pdb_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, ligand_pdb)
    ligand_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, ligand_pdbqt)
    protein_pdb_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, protein_pdb)
    protein_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, protein_pdbqt)

    print "About to load ligand from input files"
    ligand_pdb_obj = PDB()
    ligand_pdb_obj.load_from_files(ligand_pdb_path, ligand_pdbqt_path)

    print "About to load protein from input files"
    protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
    protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

    print "About to generate feature vector."
    features = binana.compute_input_vector(ligand_pdb_obj,
    if len(features) != feature_len:
      raise ValueError("Feature length incorrect on %s" % pdb_dir)
    print "Feature vector generated correctly."

    print "About to compute ligand smiles string."
    ligand_mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(ligand_pdb_path)
    # TODO(rbharath): Why does this fail sometimes?
    if ligand_mol is None:
    smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(ligand_mol)

    print "About to compute sequence."
    protein = md.load(protein_pdb_path)
    seq = [r.name for r in protein.top.residues] 

    # Write the computed quantities
    feature_vectors[pdb_dir] = (features, smiles, seq)
  print "About to write pickle to " + pickle_out
  with open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def featurize_pdbbind(pdbbind_dir, pickle_out):
    """Featurize all entries in pdbbind_dir and write features to pickle_out

  pdbbind_dir should be a dir, with K subdirs, one for each protein-ligand
  complex to be featurized. The ligand and receptor should each have a pdb
  and pdbqt file. The ligand files should end in '_ligand_hyd.${FILETYPE}'
  while the receptor files should end in '_protein_hyd.${FILETYPE}'

  pdbbind_dir: string
    Path to pdbbind directory.
  pickle_out: string
    Path to write pickle output.
    assert os.path.isdir(pdbbind_dir)
    # Instantiate copy of binana vector
    binana = Binana()
    feature_vectors = {}

    # Extract the subdirectories in pdbbind_dir
    subdirs = [
        d for d in os.listdir(pdbbind_dir)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pdbbind_dir, d))
    # TODO(rbharath): ONLY FOR DEBUGGING!
    subdirs = subdirs[900:]

    num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
    # See features/tests/nnscore_test.py:TestBinana.testComputeInputVector
    # for derivation.
    feature_len = (3 * num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2 + num_atoms + 12 + 6 +
                   3 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1)
    for count, d in enumerate(subdirs):
        print "\nprocessing %d-th pdb %s" % (count, d)
        subdir = os.path.join(pdbbind_dir, d)

        print "About to extract ligand and protein input files"
        ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt = None, None
        protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt = None, None
        for f in os.listdir(subdir):
            if re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdb$", f):
                ligand_pdb = f
            elif re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
                ligand_pdbqt = f
            elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdb$", f):
                protein_pdb = f
            elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
                protein_pdbqt = f

        print "Extracted Input Files:"
        print(ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt, protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt)
        if (not ligand_pdb or not ligand_pdbqt or not protein_pdb
                or not protein_pdbqt):
            raise ValueError("Required files not present for %s" % d)
        ligand_pdb_path = os.path.join(subdir, ligand_pdb)
        ligand_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(subdir, ligand_pdbqt)
        protein_pdb_path = os.path.join(subdir, protein_pdb)
        protein_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(subdir, protein_pdbqt)

        print "About to load ligand from input files"
        ligand_pdb_obj = PDB()
        ligand_pdb_obj.load_from_files(ligand_pdb_path, ligand_pdbqt_path)

        print "About to load protein from input files"
        protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
        protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

        print "About to generate feature vector."
        vector = binana.compute_input_vector(ligand_pdb_obj, protein_pdb_obj)
        feature_vectors[d] = vector
        if len(vector) != feature_len:
            raise ValueError("Feature length incorrect on %s" % d)
        print "Feature vector generated correctly."

    with open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)
def featurize_pdbbind(pdbbind_dir, pickle_out):
  """Featurize all entries in pdbbind_dir and write features to pickle_out

  pdbbind_dir should be a dir, with K subdirs, one for each protein-ligand
  complex to be featurized. The ligand and receptor should each have a pdb
  and pdbqt file. The ligand files should end in '_ligand_hyd.${FILETYPE}'
  while the receptor files should end in '_protein_hyd.${FILETYPE}'

  pdbbind_dir: string
    Path to pdbbind directory.
  pickle_out: string
    Path to write pickle output.
  assert os.path.isdir(pdbbind_dir)
  # Instantiate copy of binana vector
  binana = Binana()
  feature_vectors = {}

  # Extract the subdirectories in pdbbind_dir
  subdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(pdbbind_dir) if
      os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pdbbind_dir, d))]
  subdirs = subdirs[900:]

  num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
  # See features/tests/nnscore_test.py:TestBinana.testComputeInputVector
  # for derivation.
  feature_len = (3*num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2 + num_atoms + 12 + 6 + 3 + 6 +
      3 + 6 + 3 + 1)
  for count, d in enumerate(subdirs):
    print "\nprocessing %d-th pdb %s" % (count, d)
    subdir = os.path.join(pdbbind_dir, d)

    print "About to extract ligand and protein input files"
    ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt = None, None
    protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt = None, None
    for f in os.listdir(subdir):
      if re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdb$", f):
        ligand_pdb = f
      elif re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
        ligand_pdbqt = f
      elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdb$", f):
        protein_pdb = f
      elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
        protein_pdbqt = f

    print "Extracted Input Files:"
    print (ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt, protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt)
    if (not ligand_pdb or not ligand_pdbqt or not protein_pdb or not
        raise ValueError("Required files not present for %s" % d)
    ligand_pdb_path = os.path.join(subdir, ligand_pdb)
    ligand_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(subdir, ligand_pdbqt)
    protein_pdb_path = os.path.join(subdir, protein_pdb)
    protein_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(subdir, protein_pdbqt)

    print "About to load ligand from input files"
    ligand_pdb_obj = PDB()
    ligand_pdb_obj.load_from_files(ligand_pdb_path, ligand_pdbqt_path)

    print "About to load protein from input files"
    protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
    protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

    print "About to generate feature vector."
    vector = binana.compute_input_vector(ligand_pdb_obj,
    feature_vectors[d] = vector
    if len(vector) != feature_len:
      raise ValueError("Feature length incorrect on %s" % d)
    print "Feature vector generated correctly."

  with open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
    self.binana = Binana()

    # TODO(rbharath): This load sequence is getting unwieldy. Refactor.

    #### PRGR is from the DUD-E collection
    #prgr_receptor = PDB()
    #prgr_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdb")
    #prgr_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdbqt")
    #prgr_receptor.load_from_files(prgr_pdb, prgr_pdbqt)
    ## This compound is CHEMBL1164248
    #prgr_active = PDB()
    #prgr_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdb")
    #prgr_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdbqt")
    #prgr_active.load_from_files(prgr_active_pdb, prgr_active_pdbqt)

    #### c-Abl is taken from the Autodock Vina examples
    #cabl_receptor = PDB()
    #cabl_receptor_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdb")
    #cabl_receptor_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdbqt")
    #    cabl_receptor_pdbqt)
    ## This compound is imatinib
    #cabl_active = PDB()
    #cabl_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdb")
    #cabl_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdbqt")
    #    cabl_active_pdbqt)

    #### 1zea comes from PDBBind-CN
    ## Python complains about variables starting with numbers, so put an
    ## underscore in front of everything.
    #_1zea_protein = PDB()
    #_1zea_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1zea_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1zea_protein.load_from_files(_1zea_protein_pdb, _1zea_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1zea_ligand = PDB()
    #_1zea_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1zea_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1zea_ligand.load_from_files(_1zea_ligand_pdb, _1zea_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1r5y comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1r5y_protein = PDB()
    #_1r5y_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1r5y_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1r5y_protein.load_from_files(_1r5y_protein_pdb, _1r5y_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1r5y_ligand = PDB()
    #_1r5y_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1r5y_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1r5y_ligand.load_from_files(_1r5y_ligand_pdb, _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3ao4 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3ao4_protein = PDB()
    #_3ao4_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3ao4_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3ao4_protein.load_from_files(_3ao4_protein_pdb, _3ao4_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3ao4_ligand = PDB()
    #_3ao4_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3ao4_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3ao4_ligand.load_from_files(_3ao4_ligand_pdb, _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2jdm comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2jdm_protein = PDB()
    #_2jdm_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2jdm_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2jdm_protein.load_from_files(_2jdm_protein_pdb, _2jdm_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2jdm_ligand = PDB()
    #_2jdm_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2jdm_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2jdm_ligand.load_from_files(_2jdm_ligand_pdb, _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3g5k comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3g5k_protein = PDB()
    #_3g5k_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3g5k_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3g5k_protein.load_from_files(_3g5k_protein_pdb, _3g5k_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3g5k_ligand = PDB()
    #_3g5k_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3g5k_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3g5k_ligand.load_from_files(_3g5k_ligand_pdb, _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3str comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3str_protein = PDB()
    #_3str_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3str_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3str_protein.load_from_files(_3str_protein_pdb, _3str_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3str_ligand = PDB()
    #_3str_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3str_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3str_ligand.load_from_files(_3str_ligand_pdb, _3str_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1nu3 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1nu3_protein = PDB()
    #_1nu3_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1nu3_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1nu3_protein.load_from_files(_1nu3_protein_pdb, _1nu3_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1nu3_ligand = PDB()
    #_1nu3_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1nu3_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1nu3_ligand.load_from_files(_1nu3_ligand_pdb, _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2rio comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2rio_protein = PDB()
    #_2rio_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2rio_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2rio_protein.load_from_files(_2rio_protein_pdb, _2rio_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2rio_ligand = PDB()
    #_2rio_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2rio_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2rio_ligand.load_from_files(_2rio_ligand_pdb, _2rio_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2y2h comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2y2h_protein = PDB()
    #_2y2h_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2y2h_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2y2h_protein.load_from_files(_2y2h_protein_pdb, _2y2h_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2y2h_ligand = PDB()
    #_2y2h_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2y2h_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2y2h_ligand.load_from_files(_2y2h_ligand_pdb, _2y2h_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1pi5 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1pi5_protein = PDB()
    #_1pi5_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1pi5_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1pi5_protein.load_from_files(_1pi5_protein_pdb, _1pi5_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1pi5_ligand = PDB()
    #_1pi5_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1pi5_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1pi5_ligand.load_from_files(_1pi5_ligand_pdb, _1pi5_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3fxz comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3fxz_protein = PDB()
    #_3fxz_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3fxz_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3fxz_protein.load_from_files(_3fxz_protein_pdb, _3fxz_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3fxz_ligand = PDB()
    #_3fxz_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3fxz_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3fxz_ligand.load_from_files(_3fxz_ligand_pdb, _3fxz_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 4i60 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_4i60_protein = PDB()
    #_4i60_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_4i60_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_4i60_protein.load_from_files(_4i60_protein_pdb, _4i60_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_4i60_ligand = PDB()
    #_4i60_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_4i60_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_4i60_ligand.load_from_files(_4i60_ligand_pdb, _4i60_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1hyv comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1hyv_protein = PDB()
    #_1hyv_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1hyv_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1hyv_protein.load_from_files(_1hyv_protein_pdb, _1hyv_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1hyv_ligand = PDB()
    #_1hyv_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1hyv_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1hyv_ligand.load_from_files(_1hyv_ligand_pdb, _1hyv_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3m1j comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3m1j_protein = PDB()
    #_3m1j_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3m1j_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3m1j_protein.load_from_files(_3m1j_protein_pdb, _3m1j_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3m1j_ligand = PDB()
    #_3m1j_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3m1j_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3m1j_ligand.load_from_files(_3m1j_ligand_pdb, _3m1j_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1y3g comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1y3g_protein = PDB()
    #_1y3g_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1y3g_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1y3g_protein.load_from_files(_1y3g_protein_pdb, _1y3g_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1y3g_ligand = PDB()
    #_1y3g_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1y3g_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1y3g_ligand.load_from_files(_1y3g_ligand_pdb, _1y3g_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 6rsa comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_6rsa_protein = PDB()
    #_6rsa_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_6rsa_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_6rsa_protein.load_from_files(_6rsa_protein_pdb, _6rsa_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_6rsa_ligand = PDB()
    #_6rsa_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_6rsa_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_6rsa_ligand.load_from_files(_6rsa_ligand_pdb, _6rsa_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1lvk comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1lvk_protein = PDB()
    #_1lvk_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1lvk_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1lvk_protein.load_from_files(_1lvk_protein_pdb, _1lvk_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1lvk_ligand = PDB()
    #_1lvk_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1lvk_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1lvk_ligand.load_from_files(_1lvk_ligand_pdb, _1lvk_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3rj7 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3rj7_protein = PDB()
    #_3rj7_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3rj7_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3rj7_protein.load_from_files(_3rj7_protein_pdb, _3rj7_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3rj7_ligand = PDB()
    #_3rj7_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3rj7_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3rj7_ligand.load_from_files(_3rj7_ligand_pdb, _3rj7_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3zp9 comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3zp9_protein = PDB()
    _3zp9_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_protein.load_from_files(_3zp9_protein_pdb, _3zp9_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3zp9_ligand = PDB()
    _3zp9_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_ligand.load_from_files(_3zp9_ligand_pdb, _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3bwf comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3bwf_protein = PDB()
    _3bwf_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_protein.load_from_files(_3bwf_protein_pdb, _3bwf_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3bwf_ligand = PDB()
    _3bwf_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_ligand.load_from_files(_3bwf_ligand_pdb, _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt)

    #self.test_cases = [("prgr", prgr_receptor, prgr_active),
    #                   ("cabl", cabl_receptor, cabl_active),
    #                   ("1zea", _1zea_protein, _1zea_ligand),
    #                   ("1r5y", _1r5y_protein, _1r5y_ligand),
    #                   ("3ao4", _3ao4_protein, _3ao4_ligand),
    #                   ("2jdm", _2jdm_protein, _2jdm_ligand),
    #                   ("3g5k", _3g5k_protein, _3g5k_ligand),
    #                   ("3str", _3str_protein, _3str_ligand),
    #                   ("2rio", _2rio_protein, _2rio_ligand)]
    self.test_cases = [("3bwf", _3bwf_protein, _3bwf_ligand)]
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TestBinana(unittest.TestCase):
  Test Binana Binding Pose Featurizer.
  def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
    self.binana = Binana()

    # TODO(rbharath): This load sequence is getting unwieldy. Refactor.

    #### PRGR is from the DUD-E collection
    #prgr_receptor = PDB()
    #prgr_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdb")
    #prgr_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdbqt")
    #prgr_receptor.load_from_files(prgr_pdb, prgr_pdbqt)
    ## This compound is CHEMBL1164248
    #prgr_active = PDB()
    #prgr_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdb")
    #prgr_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdbqt")
    #prgr_active.load_from_files(prgr_active_pdb, prgr_active_pdbqt)

    #### c-Abl is taken from the Autodock Vina examples
    #cabl_receptor = PDB()
    #cabl_receptor_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdb")
    #cabl_receptor_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdbqt")
    #    cabl_receptor_pdbqt)
    ## This compound is imatinib
    #cabl_active = PDB()
    #cabl_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdb")
    #cabl_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdbqt")
    #    cabl_active_pdbqt)

    #### 1zea comes from PDBBind-CN
    ## Python complains about variables starting with numbers, so put an
    ## underscore in front of everything.
    #_1zea_protein = PDB()
    #_1zea_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1zea_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1zea_protein.load_from_files(_1zea_protein_pdb, _1zea_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1zea_ligand = PDB()
    #_1zea_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1zea_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1zea_ligand.load_from_files(_1zea_ligand_pdb, _1zea_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1r5y comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1r5y_protein = PDB()
    #_1r5y_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1r5y_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1r5y_protein.load_from_files(_1r5y_protein_pdb, _1r5y_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1r5y_ligand = PDB()
    #_1r5y_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1r5y_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1r5y_ligand.load_from_files(_1r5y_ligand_pdb, _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3ao4 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3ao4_protein = PDB()
    #_3ao4_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3ao4_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3ao4_protein.load_from_files(_3ao4_protein_pdb, _3ao4_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3ao4_ligand = PDB()
    #_3ao4_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3ao4_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3ao4_ligand.load_from_files(_3ao4_ligand_pdb, _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2jdm comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2jdm_protein = PDB()
    #_2jdm_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2jdm_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2jdm_protein.load_from_files(_2jdm_protein_pdb, _2jdm_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2jdm_ligand = PDB()
    #_2jdm_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2jdm_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2jdm_ligand.load_from_files(_2jdm_ligand_pdb, _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3g5k comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3g5k_protein = PDB()
    #_3g5k_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3g5k_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3g5k_protein.load_from_files(_3g5k_protein_pdb, _3g5k_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3g5k_ligand = PDB()
    #_3g5k_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3g5k_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3g5k_ligand.load_from_files(_3g5k_ligand_pdb, _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3str comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3str_protein = PDB()
    #_3str_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3str_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3str_protein.load_from_files(_3str_protein_pdb, _3str_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3str_ligand = PDB()
    #_3str_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3str_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3str_ligand.load_from_files(_3str_ligand_pdb, _3str_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1nu3 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1nu3_protein = PDB()
    #_1nu3_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1nu3_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1nu3_protein.load_from_files(_1nu3_protein_pdb, _1nu3_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1nu3_ligand = PDB()
    #_1nu3_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1nu3_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1nu3_ligand.load_from_files(_1nu3_ligand_pdb, _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2rio comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2rio_protein = PDB()
    #_2rio_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2rio_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2rio_protein.load_from_files(_2rio_protein_pdb, _2rio_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2rio_ligand = PDB()
    #_2rio_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2rio_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2rio_ligand.load_from_files(_2rio_ligand_pdb, _2rio_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 2y2h comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_2y2h_protein = PDB()
    #_2y2h_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_2y2h_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2y2h_protein.load_from_files(_2y2h_protein_pdb, _2y2h_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_2y2h_ligand = PDB()
    #_2y2h_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_2y2h_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2y2h_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_2y2h_ligand.load_from_files(_2y2h_ligand_pdb, _2y2h_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1pi5 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1pi5_protein = PDB()
    #_1pi5_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1pi5_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1pi5_protein.load_from_files(_1pi5_protein_pdb, _1pi5_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1pi5_ligand = PDB()
    #_1pi5_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1pi5_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1pi5_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1pi5_ligand.load_from_files(_1pi5_ligand_pdb, _1pi5_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3fxz comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3fxz_protein = PDB()
    #_3fxz_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3fxz_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3fxz_protein.load_from_files(_3fxz_protein_pdb, _3fxz_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3fxz_ligand = PDB()
    #_3fxz_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3fxz_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3fxz_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3fxz_ligand.load_from_files(_3fxz_ligand_pdb, _3fxz_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 4i60 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_4i60_protein = PDB()
    #_4i60_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_4i60_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_4i60_protein.load_from_files(_4i60_protein_pdb, _4i60_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_4i60_ligand = PDB()
    #_4i60_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_4i60_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "4i60_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_4i60_ligand.load_from_files(_4i60_ligand_pdb, _4i60_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1hyv comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1hyv_protein = PDB()
    #_1hyv_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1hyv_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1hyv_protein.load_from_files(_1hyv_protein_pdb, _1hyv_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1hyv_ligand = PDB()
    #_1hyv_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1hyv_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1hyv_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1hyv_ligand.load_from_files(_1hyv_ligand_pdb, _1hyv_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3m1j comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3m1j_protein = PDB()
    #_3m1j_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3m1j_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3m1j_protein.load_from_files(_3m1j_protein_pdb, _3m1j_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3m1j_ligand = PDB()
    #_3m1j_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3m1j_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3m1j_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3m1j_ligand.load_from_files(_3m1j_ligand_pdb, _3m1j_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1y3g comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1y3g_protein = PDB()
    #_1y3g_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1y3g_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1y3g_protein.load_from_files(_1y3g_protein_pdb, _1y3g_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1y3g_ligand = PDB()
    #_1y3g_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1y3g_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1y3g_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1y3g_ligand.load_from_files(_1y3g_ligand_pdb, _1y3g_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 6rsa comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_6rsa_protein = PDB()
    #_6rsa_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_6rsa_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_6rsa_protein.load_from_files(_6rsa_protein_pdb, _6rsa_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_6rsa_ligand = PDB()
    #_6rsa_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_6rsa_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "6rsa_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_6rsa_ligand.load_from_files(_6rsa_ligand_pdb, _6rsa_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 1lvk comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_1lvk_protein = PDB()
    #_1lvk_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_1lvk_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1lvk_protein.load_from_files(_1lvk_protein_pdb, _1lvk_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_1lvk_ligand = PDB()
    #_1lvk_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_1lvk_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1lvk_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_1lvk_ligand.load_from_files(_1lvk_ligand_pdb, _1lvk_ligand_pdbqt)

    #### 3rj7 comes from PDBBind-CN
    #_3rj7_protein = PDB()
    #_3rj7_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_protein_hyd.pdb")
    #_3rj7_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3rj7_protein.load_from_files(_3rj7_protein_pdb, _3rj7_protein_pdbqt)
    ## The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    #_3rj7_ligand = PDB()
    #_3rj7_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    #_3rj7_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3rj7_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    #_3rj7_ligand.load_from_files(_3rj7_ligand_pdb, _3rj7_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3zp9 comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3zp9_protein = PDB()
    _3zp9_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_protein.load_from_files(_3zp9_protein_pdb, _3zp9_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3zp9_ligand = PDB()
    _3zp9_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3zp9_ligand.load_from_files(_3zp9_ligand_pdb, _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3bwf comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3bwf_protein = PDB()
    _3bwf_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_protein.load_from_files(_3bwf_protein_pdb, _3bwf_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3bwf_ligand = PDB()
    _3bwf_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3bwf_ligand.load_from_files(_3bwf_ligand_pdb, _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt)

    #self.test_cases = [("prgr", prgr_receptor, prgr_active),
    #                   ("cabl", cabl_receptor, cabl_active),
    #                   ("1zea", _1zea_protein, _1zea_ligand),
    #                   ("1r5y", _1r5y_protein, _1r5y_ligand),
    #                   ("3ao4", _3ao4_protein, _3ao4_ligand),
    #                   ("2jdm", _2jdm_protein, _2jdm_ligand),
    #                   ("3g5k", _3g5k_protein, _3g5k_ligand),
    #                   ("3str", _3str_protein, _3str_ligand),
    #                   ("2rio", _2rio_protein, _2rio_ligand)]
    self.test_cases = [("3bwf", _3bwf_protein, _3bwf_ligand)]

  def test_compute_hydrophobic(self):
    TestBinana: Test that hydrophobic contacts are established.
    hydrophobics_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      hydrophobics_dict[name] = compute_hydrophobic_contacts(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, hydrophobics in hydrophobics_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing hydrohobics for %s" % name
      assert len(hydrophobics) == 6
      assert "BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hydrophobics
      assert "BACKBONE_BETA" in hydrophobics
      assert "BACKBONE_OTHER" in hydrophobics
      assert "SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hydrophobics
      assert "SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hydrophobics
      assert "SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hydrophobics

  def test_compute_electrostatics(self):
    TestBinana: Test that electrostatic energies are computed.
    electrostatics_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      electrostatics_dict[name] = compute_electrostatic_energy(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, electrostatics in electrostatics_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing electrostatics for %s" % name
      # The keys of these dicts are pairs of atomtypes, but the keys are
      # sorted so that ("C", "O") is always written as "C_O". Thus, for N
      # atom types, there are N*(N+1)/2 unique pairs.
      num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
      assert len(electrostatics) == num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2
      # TODO(rbharath): Charges are not computed correctly for certain
      # ligands! (see 2y2h_ligand). Understand why this happens.
      #assert np.count_nonzero(np.array(electrostatics.values())) > 0

  def test_compute_flexibility(self):
    TestBinana: Gather statistics about active site protein atoms.
    active_site_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      active_site_dict[name] = compute_active_site_flexibility(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, active_site_flexibility in active_site_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing active site flexibility for %s" % name
      assert len(active_site_flexibility.keys()) == 6
      assert "BACKBONE_ALPHA" in active_site_flexibility
      assert "BACKBONE_BETA" in active_site_flexibility
      assert "BACKBONE_OTHER" in active_site_flexibility
      assert "SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in active_site_flexibility
      assert "SIDECHAIN_BETA" in active_site_flexibility
      assert "SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in active_site_flexibility

  def test_compute_hydrogen_bonds(self):
    TestBinana: Compute the number of hydrogen bonds.

    TODO(rbharath): The hydrogen-bond angle cutoff seems like it's
    incorrect to me. The hydrogens are placed by openbabel and aren't
    optimized, so I'm pretty sure that this code will miss many hydrogen
    Here are some options:
    -) Find a method to optimize the hydrogen placement.
    -) Place a more permissive angle cutoff for hydrogens.
    -) Allow for "buckets": angles 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, etc. and count the
    number of hydrogen bonds in each bucket.
    hbonds_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      hbonds_dict[name] = compute_hydrogen_bonds(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, hbonds in hbonds_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing hydrogen bonds for %s" % name
      assert len(hbonds) == 12
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_BETA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_OTHER" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_BETA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_OTHER" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hbonds
      assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hbonds

  def test_compute_ligand_atom_counts(self):
    TestBinana: Compute the Number of Ligand Atom Counts.
    counts_dict = {}
    for name, _, ligand in self.test_cases:
      counts_dict[name] = compute_ligand_atom_counts(
    for name, counts in counts_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing ligand atom counts for %s" % name
      # TODO(rbharath): This code is useful for debugging. Remove once
      # codebase is stable enough.
      #for key in Binana.atom_types:
      #  if key in counts:
      #    del counts[key]
      #print "Residual counts:"
      #print counts
      assert len(counts) == len(Binana.atom_types)

  def test_compute_contacts(self):
    TestBinana: Compute contacts between Ligand and receptor.
    contacts_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      contacts_dict[name] = compute_contacts(
          ligand, protein)
    num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
    for name, (close_contacts, contacts) in contacts_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing contacts for %s" % name
      print "close_contacts"
      for key, val in close_contacts.iteritems():
        if val != 0:
          print (key, val)
      print "len(close_contacts): " + str(len(close_contacts))
      print "contacts"
      for key, val in contacts.iteritems():
        if val != 0:
          print (key, val)
      print "len(contacts): " + str(len(contacts))
      print "Desired Number: " + str(num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2)
      # TODO(rbharath): The following code has proved very useful for
      # debugging. Remove once the code is stable enough that it's not
      # required.
      #if name == '1pi5':
      #  for first, second in itertools.product(Binana.atom_types,
      #    Binana.atom_types):
      #    key = "_".join(sorted([first, second]))
      #    if key in close_contacts:
      #      del close_contacts[key]
      #    if key in contacts:
      #      del contacts[key]
      #  print "Residuals close_contacts:"
      #  print close_contacts
      #  print "Residuals contacts:"
      #  print contacts
      assert len(close_contacts) == num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2
      assert len(contacts) == num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2

  def test_compute_pi_pi_stacking(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-Pi Stacking.
    # 1zea is the only example that has any pi-stacking.
    pi_stacking_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      pi_stacking_dict[name] = compute_pi_pi_stacking(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, pi_stacking in pi_stacking_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing pi-stacking for %s" % name
      assert len(pi_stacking) == 3
      print pi_stacking
      assert "STACKING_ALPHA" in pi_stacking
      assert "STACKING_BETA" in pi_stacking
      assert "STACKING_OTHER" in pi_stacking

  def test_compute_pi_t(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-T Interactions.

    TODO(rbharath): I believe that the imatininb-cabl complex has a pi-T
    interaction. This code has a bug since it reports that no such
    interaction is found.
    pi_t_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      pi_t_dict[name] = compute_pi_t(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, pi_t in pi_t_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing pi-T for %s" % name
      assert len(pi_t) == 3
      assert "T-SHAPED_ALPHA" in pi_t
      assert "T-SHAPED_BETA" in pi_t
      assert "T-SHAPED_OTHER" in pi_t

  def test_compute_pi_cation(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-Cation Interactions.
    pi_cation_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      pi_cation_dict[name] = compute_pi_cation(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, pi_cation in pi_cation_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing pi-cation for %s" % name
      assert len(pi_cation) == 6
      assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_ALPHA' in pi_cation
      assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_BETA' in pi_cation
      assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_OTHER' in pi_cation
      assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_ALPHA' in pi_cation
      assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_BETA' in pi_cation
      assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_OTHER' in pi_cation

  def test_compute_salt_bridges(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Salt Bridges.

    TODO(bramsundar): None of the examples contain salt-bridge interactions. Find a
    complex with an actual salt-bridge interaction.
    salt_bridges_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      salt_bridges_dict[name] = compute_salt_bridges(
          ligand, protein)
    for name, salt_bridges in salt_bridges_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing salt-bridges for %s" % name
      assert len(salt_bridges) == 3
      print salt_bridges
      assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_ALPHA' in salt_bridges
      assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_BETA' in salt_bridges
      assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_OTHER' in salt_bridges

  def test_compute_input_vector(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Input Vector.
    features_dict = {}
    for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
      features_dict[name] = self.binana.compute_input_vector(
          ligand, protein)
    num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
    # Lengths:
    # ligand_receptor_close_contacts: N*(N+1)/2
    # ligand_receptor_contacts: N*(N+1)/2
    # ligand_receptor_electrostatics: N*(N+1)/2
    # ligand_atom_counts: N
    # hbonds: 12
    # hydrophobics: 6
    # stacking: 3
    # pi_cation: 6
    # t_shaped: 3
    # active_site_flexibility: 6
    # salt_bridges: 3
    # rotatable_boonds_count: 1
    total_len = (3*num_atoms*(num_atoms+1)/2 + num_atoms + 12 + 6 + 3 + 6 +
        3 + 6 + 3 + 1)
    for name, input_vector in features_dict.iteritems():
      print "Processing input-vector for %s" % name
      assert len(input_vector) == total_len
Ejemplo n.º 10
  def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
    self.binana = Binana()

    # TODO(rbharath): This load sequence is getting unwieldy. Refactor.

    ### PRGR is from the DUD-E collection
    prgr_receptor = PDB()
    prgr_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdb")
    prgr_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdbqt")
    prgr_receptor.load_from_files(prgr_pdb, prgr_pdbqt)
    # This compound is CHEMBL1164248
    prgr_active = PDB()
    prgr_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdb")
    prgr_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdbqt")
    prgr_active.load_from_files(prgr_active_pdb, prgr_active_pdbqt)

    ### c-Abl is taken from the Autodock Vina examples
    cabl_receptor = PDB()
    cabl_receptor_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdb")
    cabl_receptor_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdbqt")
    # This compound is imatinib
    cabl_active = PDB()
    cabl_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdb")
    cabl_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdbqt")

    ### 1zea comes from PDBBind-CN
    # Python complains about variables starting with numbers, so put an
    # underscore in front of everything.
    _1zea_protein = PDB()
    _1zea_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _1zea_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1zea_protein.load_from_files(_1zea_protein_pdb, _1zea_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _1zea_ligand = PDB()
    _1zea_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _1zea_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1zea_ligand.load_from_files(_1zea_ligand_pdb, _1zea_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 1r5y comes from PDBBind-CN
    _1r5y_protein = PDB()
    _1r5y_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _1r5y_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1r5y_protein.load_from_files(_1r5y_protein_pdb, _1r5y_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _1r5y_ligand = PDB()
    _1r5y_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1r5y_ligand.load_from_files(_1r5y_ligand_pdb, _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3ao4 comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3ao4_protein = PDB()
    _3ao4_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3ao4_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3ao4_protein.load_from_files(_3ao4_protein_pdb, _3ao4_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3ao4_ligand = PDB()
    _3ao4_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3ao4_ligand.load_from_files(_3ao4_ligand_pdb, _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 2jdm comes from PDBBind-CN
    _2jdm_protein = PDB()
    _2jdm_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _2jdm_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _2jdm_protein.load_from_files(_2jdm_protein_pdb, _2jdm_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _2jdm_ligand = PDB()
    _2jdm_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _2jdm_ligand.load_from_files(_2jdm_ligand_pdb, _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3g5k comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3g5k_protein = PDB()
    _3g5k_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3g5k_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3g5k_protein.load_from_files(_3g5k_protein_pdb, _3g5k_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3g5k_ligand = PDB()
    _3g5k_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3g5k_ligand.load_from_files(_3g5k_ligand_pdb, _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 3str comes from PDBBind-CN
    _3str_protein = PDB()
    _3str_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _3str_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3str_protein.load_from_files(_3str_protein_pdb, _3str_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _3str_ligand = PDB()
    _3str_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _3str_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _3str_ligand.load_from_files(_3str_ligand_pdb, _3str_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 1nu3 comes from PDBBind-CN
    _1nu3_protein = PDB()
    _1nu3_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _1nu3_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1nu3_protein.load_from_files(_1nu3_protein_pdb, _1nu3_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _1nu3_ligand = PDB()
    _1nu3_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _1nu3_ligand.load_from_files(_1nu3_ligand_pdb, _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt)

    ### 2rio comes from PDBBind-CN
    _2rio_protein = PDB()
    _2rio_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdb")
    _2rio_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdbqt")
    _2rio_protein.load_from_files(_2rio_protein_pdb, _2rio_protein_pdbqt)
    # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
    _2rio_ligand = PDB()
    _2rio_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdb")
    _2rio_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
    _2rio_ligand.load_from_files(_2rio_ligand_pdb, _2rio_ligand_pdbqt)

    self.test_cases = [("prgr", prgr_receptor, prgr_active),
                       ("cabl", cabl_receptor, cabl_active),
                       ("1zea", _1zea_protein, _1zea_ligand),
                       ("1r5y", _1r5y_protein, _1r5y_ligand),
                       ("3ao4", _3ao4_protein, _3ao4_ligand),
                       ("2jdm", _2jdm_protein, _2jdm_ligand),
                       ("3g5k", _3g5k_protein, _3g5k_ligand),
                       ("3str", _3str_protein, _3str_ligand),
                       ("2rio", _2rio_protein, _2rio_ligand)]
Ejemplo n.º 11
class TestBinana(unittest.TestCase):
  Test Binana Binding Pose Featurizer.
    def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
        self.binana = Binana()

        ### 3zp9 comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3zp9_protein = PDB()
        _3zp9_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3zp9_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3zp9_protein.load_from_files(_3zp9_protein_pdb, _3zp9_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3zp9_ligand = PDB()
        _3zp9_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3zp9_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3zp9_ligand.load_from_files(_3zp9_ligand_pdb, _3zp9_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 3bwf comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3bwf_protein = PDB()
        _3bwf_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3bwf_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3bwf_protein.load_from_files(_3bwf_protein_pdb, _3bwf_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3bwf_ligand = PDB()
        _3bwf_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3bwf_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3bwf_ligand.load_from_files(_3bwf_ligand_pdb, _3bwf_ligand_pdbqt)

        self.test_cases = [("3bwf", _3bwf_protein, _3bwf_ligand),
                           ("3zp9", _3zp9_protein, _3zp9_ligand)]

    def test_compute_hydrophobic(self):
    TestBinana: Test that hydrophobic contacts are established.
        hydrophobics_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            hydrophobics_dict[name] = compute_hydrophobic_contacts(
                ligand, protein)
        for name, hydrophobics in hydrophobics_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing hydrohobics for %s" % name
            assert len(hydrophobics) == 6
            assert "BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hydrophobics
            assert "BACKBONE_BETA" in hydrophobics
            assert "BACKBONE_OTHER" in hydrophobics
            assert "SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hydrophobics
            assert "SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hydrophobics
            assert "SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hydrophobics

    def test_compute_electrostatics(self):
    TestBinana: Test that electrostatic energies are computed.
        electrostatics_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            electrostatics_dict[name] = compute_electrostatic_energy(
                ligand, protein)
        for name, electrostatics in electrostatics_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing electrostatics for %s" % name
            # The keys of these dicts are pairs of atomtypes, but the keys are
            # sorted so that ("C", "O") is always written as "C_O". Thus, for N
            # atom types, there are N*(N+1)/2 unique pairs.
            num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
            assert len(electrostatics) == num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2
            # TODO(rbharath): Charges are not computed correctly for certain
            # ligands! (see 2y2h_ligand). Understand why this happens.
            #assert np.count_nonzero(np.array(electrostatics.values())) > 0

    def test_compute_flexibility(self):
    TestBinana: Gather statistics about active site protein atoms.
        active_site_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            active_site_dict[name] = compute_active_site_flexibility(
                ligand, protein)
        for name, active_site_flexibility in active_site_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing active site flexibility for %s" % name
            assert len(active_site_flexibility.keys()) == 6
            assert "BACKBONE_ALPHA" in active_site_flexibility
            assert "BACKBONE_BETA" in active_site_flexibility
            assert "BACKBONE_OTHER" in active_site_flexibility
            assert "SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in active_site_flexibility
            assert "SIDECHAIN_BETA" in active_site_flexibility
            assert "SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in active_site_flexibility

    def test_compute_hydrogen_bonds(self):
    TestBinana: Compute the number of hydrogen bonds.

    TODO(rbharath): The hydrogen-bond angle cutoff seems like it's
    incorrect to me. The hydrogens are placed by openbabel and aren't
    optimized, so I'm pretty sure that this code will miss many hydrogen
    Here are some options:
    -) Find a method to optimize the hydrogen placement.
    -) Place a more permissive angle cutoff for hydrogens.
    -) Allow for "buckets": angles 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, etc. and count the
    number of hydrogen bonds in each bucket.
        hbonds_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            hbonds_dict[name] = compute_hydrogen_bonds(ligand, protein)
        for name, hbonds in hbonds_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing hydrogen bonds for %s" % name
            assert len(hbonds) == 12
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_BETA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_BACKBONE_OTHER" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-LIGAND_SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_ALPHA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_BETA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_BACKBONE_OTHER" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_ALPHA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_BETA" in hbonds
            assert "HDONOR-RECEPTOR_SIDECHAIN_OTHER" in hbonds

    def test_compute_ligand_atom_counts(self):
    TestBinana: Compute the Number of Ligand Atom Counts.
        counts_dict = {}
        for name, _, ligand in self.test_cases:
            counts_dict[name] = compute_ligand_atom_counts(ligand)
        for name, counts in counts_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing ligand atom counts for %s" % name
            # TODO(rbharath): This code is useful for debugging. Remove once
            # codebase is stable enough.
            #for key in Binana.atom_types:
            #  if key in counts:
            #    del counts[key]
            #print "Residual counts:"
            #print counts
            assert len(counts) == len(Binana.atom_types)

    def test_compute_contacts(self):
    TestBinana: Compute contacts between Ligand and receptor.
        contacts_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            contacts_dict[name] = compute_contacts(ligand, protein)
        num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
        for name, (close_contacts, contacts) in contacts_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing contacts for %s" % name
            print "close_contacts"
            for key, val in close_contacts.iteritems():
                if val != 0:
                    print(key, val)
            print "len(close_contacts): " + str(len(close_contacts))
            print "contacts"
            for key, val in contacts.iteritems():
                if val != 0:
                    print(key, val)
            print "len(contacts): " + str(len(contacts))
            print "Desired Number: " + str(num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2)
            # TODO(rbharath): The following code has proved very useful for
            # debugging. Remove once the code is stable enough that it's not
            # required.
            #if name == '1pi5':
            #  for first, second in itertools.product(Binana.atom_types,
            #    Binana.atom_types):
            #    key = "_".join(sorted([first, second]))
            #    if key in close_contacts:
            #      del close_contacts[key]
            #    if key in contacts:
            #      del contacts[key]
            #  print "Residuals close_contacts:"
            #  print close_contacts
            #  print "Residuals contacts:"
            #  print contacts
            assert len(close_contacts) == num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2
            assert len(contacts) == num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2

    def test_compute_pi_pi_stacking(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-Pi Stacking.
        # 1zea is the only example that has any pi-stacking.
        pi_stacking_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            pi_stacking_dict[name] = compute_pi_pi_stacking(ligand, protein)
        for name, pi_stacking in pi_stacking_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing pi-stacking for %s" % name
            assert len(pi_stacking) == 3
            print pi_stacking
            assert "STACKING_ALPHA" in pi_stacking
            assert "STACKING_BETA" in pi_stacking
            assert "STACKING_OTHER" in pi_stacking

    def test_compute_pi_t(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-T Interactions.

    TODO(rbharath): I believe that the imatininb-cabl complex has a pi-T
    interaction. This code has a bug since it reports that no such
    interaction is found.
        pi_t_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            pi_t_dict[name] = compute_pi_t(ligand, protein)
        for name, pi_t in pi_t_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing pi-T for %s" % name
            assert len(pi_t) == 3
            assert "T-SHAPED_ALPHA" in pi_t
            assert "T-SHAPED_BETA" in pi_t
            assert "T-SHAPED_OTHER" in pi_t

    def test_compute_pi_cation(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Pi-Cation Interactions.
        pi_cation_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            pi_cation_dict[name] = compute_pi_cation(ligand, protein)
        for name, pi_cation in pi_cation_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing pi-cation for %s" % name
            assert len(pi_cation) == 6
            assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_ALPHA' in pi_cation
            assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_BETA' in pi_cation
            assert 'PI-CATION_LIGAND-CHARGED_OTHER' in pi_cation
            assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_ALPHA' in pi_cation
            assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_BETA' in pi_cation
            assert 'PI-CATION_RECEPTOR-CHARGED_OTHER' in pi_cation

    def test_compute_salt_bridges(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Salt Bridges.

    TODO(bramsundar): None of the examples contain salt-bridge interactions. Find a
    complex with an actual salt-bridge interaction.
        salt_bridges_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            salt_bridges_dict[name] = compute_salt_bridges(ligand, protein)
        for name, salt_bridges in salt_bridges_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing salt-bridges for %s" % name
            assert len(salt_bridges) == 3
            print salt_bridges
            assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_ALPHA' in salt_bridges
            assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_BETA' in salt_bridges
            assert 'SALT-BRIDGE_OTHER' in salt_bridges

    def test_compute_input_vector(self):
    TestBinana: Compute Input Vector.
        features_dict = {}
        for name, protein, ligand in self.test_cases:
            features_dict[name] = self.binana.compute_input_vector(
                ligand, protein)
        num_atoms = len(Binana.atom_types)
        # Lengths:
        # ligand_receptor_close_contacts: N*(N+1)/2
        # ligand_receptor_contacts: N*(N+1)/2
        # ligand_receptor_electrostatics: N*(N+1)/2
        # ligand_atom_counts: N
        # hbonds: 12
        # hydrophobics: 6
        # stacking: 3
        # pi_cation: 6
        # t_shaped: 3
        # active_site_flexibility: 6
        # salt_bridges: 3
        # rotatable_boonds_count: 1
        total_len = (3 * num_atoms * (num_atoms + 1) / 2 + num_atoms + 12 + 6 +
                     3 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1)
        for name, input_vector in features_dict.iteritems():
            print "Processing input-vector for %s" % name
            assert len(input_vector) == total_len
Ejemplo n.º 12
def featurize_fingerprint(pdb_directories, pickle_out):
    """Featurize all pdbs in provided directories."""
    # Instantiate copy of binana vector
    binana = Binana()
    # See features/tests/nnscore_test.py:TestBinana.testComputeInputVector
    # for derivation.
    feature_len = binana.num_features()
    feature_vectors = {}
    for count, pdb_dir in enumerate(pdb_directories):
        print "\nprocessing %d-th pdb %s" % (count, dir)

        print "About to extract ligand and protein input files"
        ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt = None, None
        protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt = None, None
        for f in os.listdir(pdb_dir):
            if re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdb$", f):
                ligand_pdb = f
            elif re.search("_ligand_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
                ligand_pdbqt = f
            elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdb$", f):
                protein_pdb = f
            elif re.search("_protein_hyd.pdbqt$", f):
                protein_pdbqt = f

        print "Extracted Input Files:"
        print(ligand_pdb, ligand_pdbqt, protein_pdb, protein_pdbqt)
        if (not ligand_pdb or not ligand_pdbqt or not protein_pdb
                or not protein_pdbqt):
            raise ValueError("Required files not present for %s" % pdb_dir)

        ligand_pdb_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, ligand_pdb)
        ligand_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, ligand_pdbqt)
        protein_pdb_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, protein_pdb)
        protein_pdbqt_path = os.path.join(pdb_dir, protein_pdbqt)

        print "About to load ligand from input files"
        ligand_pdb_obj = PDB()
        ligand_pdb_obj.load_from_files(ligand_pdb_path, ligand_pdbqt_path)

        print "About to load protein from input files"
        protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
        protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

        print "About to generate feature vector."
        features = binana.compute_input_vector(ligand_pdb_obj, protein_pdb_obj)
        if len(features) != feature_len:
            raise ValueError("Feature length incorrect on %s" % pdb_dir)
        print "Feature vector generated correctly."

        print "About to compute ligand smiles string."
        ligand_mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(ligand_pdb_path)
        # TODO(rbharath): Why does this fail sometimes?
        if ligand_mol is None:
        smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(ligand_mol)

        print "About to compute sequence."
        protein = md.load(protein_pdb_path)
        seq = [r.name for r in protein.top.residues]

        # Write the computed quantities
        feature_vectors[pdb_dir] = (features, smiles, seq)
    print "About to write pickle to " + pickle_out
    with gzip.open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)
def featurize_dude(dude_dir, target, pickle_dir, num_jobs):
  """Featurize DUD-E docked poses and write features to pickle_out.
  dude_dir: string
    Path to DUD-E directory
  target: string
    Name of DUD-E target.
  pickle_dir: string
    Path to directory to output pickles 
  target_dir = os.path.join(dude_dir, target)
  actives_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "actives")
  decoys_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "decoys")
  actives = [a for a in os.listdir(actives_dir)]
  decoys = [a for a in os.listdir(decoys_dir)]
  receptor = os.path.join(target_dir, "receptor.pdb")
  pickle_out = os.path.join(target_dir, "out.pkl.gz")
  # Just for debugging purposes
  actives = actives[:1]

  num_per_job = int(math.ceil(len(actives)/float(num_jobs)))
  print "Number per job: %d" % num_per_job
  protein_pdb_path = "/home/rbharath/DUD-E/aa2ar/receptor_hyd.pdb"
  protein_pdbqt_path = "/home/rbharath/DUD-E/aa2ar/receptor_hyd.pdbqt"

  print "About to load protein from input files"
  protein_pdb_obj = PDB()
  protein_pdb_obj.load_from_files(protein_pdb_path, protein_pdbqt_path)

  binana = Binana()
  feature_len = binana.num_features()
  feature_vectors = {}
  for compound in actives:
    compound_name = compound.split(".")[0]
    compound_pdbqt = compound_name + "_hyd_out.pdbqt"
    compound_pdbqt = os.path.join(actives_dir, compound_pdbqt)

    # Convert the pdbqt to pdb
    pdbqt_to_pdb(compound_pdbqt, actives_dir)
    compound_pdb = compound_name + "_hyd_out.pdb"
    compound_pdb = os.path.join(actives_dir, compound_pdb)

    structures = MultiStructure()
    structures.load_from_files(compound_pdb, compound_pdbqt)

    vectors = []
    for key in sorted(structures.molecules.keys()):
      structure = structures.molecules[key]
      print "type(structure)"
      print type(structure)
    feature_vectors[compound_name] = vectors

  with gzip.open(pickle_out, "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(feature_vectors, f)

  decoys = decoys[:1]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setUp(self):
    Instantiate local copy of Binana object.
        self.binana = Binana()

        # TODO(rbharath): This load sequence is getting unwieldy. Refactor.

        ### PRGR is from the DUD-E collection
        prgr_receptor = PDB()
        prgr_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdb")
        prgr_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_hyd.pdbqt")
        prgr_receptor.load_from_files(prgr_pdb, prgr_pdbqt)
        # This compound is CHEMBL1164248
        prgr_active = PDB()
        prgr_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdb")
        prgr_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "prgr_active0_hyd.pdbqt")
        prgr_active.load_from_files(prgr_active_pdb, prgr_active_pdbqt)

        ### c-Abl is taken from the Autodock Vina examples
        cabl_receptor = PDB()
        cabl_receptor_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdb")
        cabl_receptor_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "c-Abl_hyd.pdbqt")
        cabl_receptor.load_from_files(cabl_receptor_pdb, cabl_receptor_pdbqt)
        # This compound is imatinib
        cabl_active = PDB()
        cabl_active_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdb")
        cabl_active_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "imatinib_hyd.pdbqt")
        cabl_active.load_from_files(cabl_active_pdb, cabl_active_pdbqt)

        ### 1zea comes from PDBBind-CN
        # Python complains about variables starting with numbers, so put an
        # underscore in front of everything.
        _1zea_protein = PDB()
        _1zea_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _1zea_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _1zea_protein.load_from_files(_1zea_protein_pdb, _1zea_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _1zea_ligand = PDB()
        _1zea_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _1zea_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1zea_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _1zea_ligand.load_from_files(_1zea_ligand_pdb, _1zea_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 1r5y comes from PDBBind-CN
        _1r5y_protein = PDB()
        _1r5y_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _1r5y_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _1r5y_protein.load_from_files(_1r5y_protein_pdb, _1r5y_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _1r5y_ligand = PDB()
        _1r5y_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1r5y_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _1r5y_ligand.load_from_files(_1r5y_ligand_pdb, _1r5y_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 3ao4 comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3ao4_protein = PDB()
        _3ao4_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3ao4_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3ao4_protein.load_from_files(_3ao4_protein_pdb, _3ao4_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3ao4_ligand = PDB()
        _3ao4_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3ao4_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3ao4_ligand.load_from_files(_3ao4_ligand_pdb, _3ao4_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 2jdm comes from PDBBind-CN
        _2jdm_protein = PDB()
        _2jdm_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _2jdm_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _2jdm_protein.load_from_files(_2jdm_protein_pdb, _2jdm_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _2jdm_ligand = PDB()
        _2jdm_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2jdm_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _2jdm_ligand.load_from_files(_2jdm_ligand_pdb, _2jdm_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 3g5k comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3g5k_protein = PDB()
        _3g5k_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3g5k_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3g5k_protein.load_from_files(_3g5k_protein_pdb, _3g5k_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3g5k_ligand = PDB()
        _3g5k_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3g5k_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3g5k_ligand.load_from_files(_3g5k_ligand_pdb, _3g5k_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 3str comes from PDBBind-CN
        _3str_protein = PDB()
        _3str_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _3str_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _3str_protein.load_from_files(_3str_protein_pdb, _3str_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _3str_ligand = PDB()
        _3str_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _3str_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "3str_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _3str_ligand.load_from_files(_3str_ligand_pdb, _3str_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 1nu3 comes from PDBBind-CN
        _1nu3_protein = PDB()
        _1nu3_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _1nu3_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _1nu3_protein.load_from_files(_1nu3_protein_pdb, _1nu3_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _1nu3_ligand = PDB()
        _1nu3_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "1nu3_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _1nu3_ligand.load_from_files(_1nu3_ligand_pdb, _1nu3_ligand_pdbqt)

        ### 2rio comes from PDBBind-CN
        _2rio_protein = PDB()
        _2rio_protein_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_protein_hyd.pdb")
        _2rio_protein_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(),
        _2rio_protein.load_from_files(_2rio_protein_pdb, _2rio_protein_pdbqt)
        # The ligand is also specified by pdbbind
        _2rio_ligand = PDB()
        _2rio_ligand_pdb = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdb")
        _2rio_ligand_pdbqt = os.path.join(data_dir(), "2rio_ligand_hyd.pdbqt")
        _2rio_ligand.load_from_files(_2rio_ligand_pdb, _2rio_ligand_pdbqt)

        self.test_cases = [("prgr", prgr_receptor, prgr_active),
                           ("cabl", cabl_receptor, cabl_active),
                           ("1zea", _1zea_protein, _1zea_ligand),
                           ("1r5y", _1r5y_protein, _1r5y_ligand),
                           ("3ao4", _3ao4_protein, _3ao4_ligand),
                           ("2jdm", _2jdm_protein, _2jdm_ligand),
                           ("3g5k", _3g5k_protein, _3g5k_ligand),
                           ("3str", _3str_protein, _3str_ligand),
                           ("2rio", _2rio_protein, _2rio_ligand)]