Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_option_universe(self):
        """Test --universe command line option"""
        # test with Intel MPI versions where mpd & hydra as the default process managers
        for impi_ver in ['4.0.3', '4.2', '5.1.2']:

            mpirun = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'mpirun')
            if os.path.exists(mpirun):
            install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', impi_ver)

            ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--universe', '4', 'hostname'])
            self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
            regex = re.compile('-np 4')

            # intel mpi without hydra
            os.environ['I_MPI_PROCESS_MANAGER'] = 'mpd'
            ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--universe', '1', 'hostname'])
            self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

            np_regex = re.compile('-np 1')
            ncpus_regex = re.compile('--ncpus=1')

            del os.environ['I_MPI_PROCESS_MANAGER']
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_launcher_opt_impi_hydra(self):
        """Test --launcher command line option with impi >= 5.0.3 (supports pbsdsh)"""
        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.0.3')

        # default behavior
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, 'hostname'])
        regex = r'-bootstrap pbsdsh'
        self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "-bootstrap option is pbsdsh (default for impi/5.1): " + out)

        # if --launcher ssh is used, behaviour depends on whether or not pbsdsh are available
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--launcher', 'ssh', 'hostname'])

        regexes = [
            (r'-bootstrap ssh', "bootstrap option is ssh (possibly with -bootstrap-exec option)"),
        pbsdsh = which('pbsdsh')
        if pbsdsh:
            # '-bootstrap-exec pbsssh' is used only when pbsdsh is available
            regexes.append((r'-bootstrap-exec pbsssh', "pbsssh is used when launcher is ssh and pbsdsh is there"))
            # withtout pbsdsh, no -bootstrap-exec
            fail_msg = "No -bootstrap-exec option when launcher is ssh and no pbsdsh: %s" % out
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r'-bootstrap-exec', out), fail_msg)

        for regex in regexes:
            self.assertTrue(re.search(regex[0], out), regex[1] + ": " + out)

        # unknown launcher being specified only results in a warning (we allow specifying launchers that are not listed)
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--launcher', 'doesnotexist', 'hostname'])
        regex = r'WARNING .* Specified launcher doesnotexist does not exist'
        self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "mympirun should warn for non-existing launcher")

        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--sched', 'local', 'hostname'])
        self.assertFalse("-bootstrap" in out, "using local scheduler, no bootstrap launcher should be specified: " + out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 127)
     self.assertTrue('test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory' in output)
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls','test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_convert_to_unix_timestamp(self):
        ec, out = run(['date', '+%s'])
        nowts = convert_to_unix_timestamp()
        self.assertTrue(abs(nowts - int(out.strip())) < 2)

        date = 0
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("19700101"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("0000000000"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(0), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("197001010000"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("19700101000000Z"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(datetime(1970, 1, 1)), date)

        date = 1521936000
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20180325"), date)
        date = 1521939900
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("1521939900"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(1521939900), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201803250105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201803250105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20180325010500Z"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(datetime(2018, 3, 25, 1, 5)), date)

        date = 1509239100
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("1509239100"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(1509239100), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201710290105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20171029010500Z"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(date), date)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_launcher_opt_ompi(self):
     """Test ompi v 2.0 bug (mympirun should produce error and stop)"""
     install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'openmpi', '2.0')
     ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, 'hostname'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 1)
     regex = r"OpenMPI 2\.0\.x uses a different naming protocol for nodes"
     self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "mympirun should produce an error with ompi 2.0: %s" % out)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_option_multi(self):
     """Test --multi command line option"""
     install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=FAKE_MPIRUN_MACHINEFILE)
     ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--multi', '3', '--', 'hostname'])
     # set_pbs_env() sets 2 cores, so *3 = 6
     self.assertEqual(out, ('\n'.join(['localhost'] * 6)))
     self.assertEqual(len(out.split('\n')), 6)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_cache_create():
    """Run the script to create the Lmod cache"""
    lmod_dir = os.environ.get("LMOD_DIR", None)
    if not lmod_dir:
        LOGGER.raiseException("Cannot find $LMOD_DIR in the environment.", RuntimeError)

    return run([os.path.join(lmod_dir, 'update_lmod_system_cache_files'), MODULEROOT])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_convert_to_unix_timestamp(self):
        ec, out = run(['date', '+%s'])
        nowts = convert_to_unix_timestamp()
        self.assertTrue(abs(nowts - int(out.strip())) < 2)

        date = 0
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("19700101"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("0000000000"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(0), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("197001010000"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("19700101000000Z"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(datetime(1970, 1, 1)), date)

        date = 1521936000
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20180325"), date)
        date = 1521939900
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("1521939900"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(1521939900), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201803250105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201803250105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20180325010500Z"), date)
            convert_to_unix_timestamp(datetime(2018, 3, 25, 1, 5)), date)

        date = 1509239100
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("1509239100"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(1509239100), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("201710290105"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp("20171029010500Z"), date)
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_unix_timestamp(date), date)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_localhosts(self):
        Get the localhost interfaces, based on the hostnames from the nodes in self.nodes_uniq.

        Raises Exception if no localhost interface was found.

        @return: the list of interfaces that correspond to the list of unique nodes
        iface_prefix = ['eth', 'em', 'ib', 'wlan']
        reg_iface = re.compile(r'((?:%s)\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?::\d+)?|lo)' % '|'.join(iface_prefix))

        # iterate over unique nodes and get their interfaces
        # add the found interface to res if it matches reg_iface
        res = []
        for idx, nodename in enumerate(self.nodes_uniq):
            ip = socket.gethostbyname(nodename)
            cmd = "/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show to %s/32" % ip
            exitcode, out = run(cmd)
            if exitcode == 0:
                regex = reg_iface.search(out)
                if regex:
                    iface = regex.group(1)
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: localhost interface %s found for %s (ip: %s)",
                                   idx, iface, nodename, ip)

                    res.append((nodename, iface))
                    self.log.debug("get_localhost idx %s: no interface match for prefixes %s out %s",
                                   idx, iface_prefix, out)
                self.log.error("get_localhost idx %s: cmd %s failed with output %s", idx, cmd, out)

        if not res:
            self.log.raiseException("get_localhost: can't find localhost from nodes %s" % self.nodes_uniq)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_env_variables(self):
        """ Test the passing of (extra) variables """
        fake_mpirun_env = """#!/bin/bash
        echo 'fake mpirun called with args:' $@
        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=fake_mpirun_env)

        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '/just/an/example:%s' % os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')

        command = [
        ec, out = run(command)

        for key in nub(filter(os.environ.has_key, MPI.OPTS_FROM_ENV_BASE)):
            self.assertTrue(key in out, "%s is not in out" % key)

        regex = r'.*-envlist [^ ]*USER.*'
        self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "Variablesprefix USER isn't passed to mympirun script env")

        regex = r'PYTHONPATH=/just/an/example:.*'
        self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "PYTHONPATH isn't passed to mympirun script env correctly: %s" % out)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_openmpi_slurm(self):
        """Test running mympirun with OpenMPI in a SLURM environment."""

        os.environ['SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE'] = '2'
        # patch scontrol to spit out "localhost" hostnames
        scontrol = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'scontrol')
        os.chmod(scontrol, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
        fh = open(scontrol, 'w')
        fh.write("#!/bin/bash\necho localhost")

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'openmpi', '2.1', txt=FAKE_MPIRUN + "\nenv | sort")
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, 'hostname'])

        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))

        # make sure output includes defined environment variables
        # and "--mca orte_keep_fqdn_hostnames 1"
        mca_keep_fqdn = "^fake mpirun called with args:.*--mca orte_keep_fqdn_hostnames 1 .*hostname$"
        for pattern in ['^HOME=', '^USER='******'^SLURM_JOBID=', mca_keep_fqdn]:
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(out), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))

        # $SLURM_EXPORT_ENV should no longer be defined in environment
        regex = re.compile('SLURM_EXPORT_ENV', re.M)
        self.assertFalse(regex.search(out), "Pattern '%s' *not* found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def setUp(self):
        """Prepare to run test."""
        self.orig_environ = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

        # add /bin to $PATH, /lib to $PYTHONPATH
        self.topdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        self.mympiscript = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'bin'), 'mympirun.py')
        lib = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'lib')
        # make sure subshell finds .egg files by adding them to the pythonpath
        eggs = ':'.join(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.topdir, '.eggs', '*.egg')))
        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s:%s' % (eggs, lib, os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''))
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['HOME'] = self.tmpdir
        mpdconf = open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, '.mpd.conf'), 'w')

        # add location of symlink 'pbsssh' to actual pbsssh.sh script to $PATH too
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin'))
        os.symlink(os.path.join(self.topdir, 'bin', 'pbsssh.sh'), os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin', 'pbsssh'))
        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin'), os.getenv('PATH', ''))

        # make sure we're using the right mympirun installation...
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, '-c', "import vsc.mympirun; print vsc.mympirun.__file__"])
        out = out.strip()
        expected_path = os.path.join(self.topdir, 'lib', 'vsc', 'mympirun')
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(os.path.dirname(out), expected_path), "%s not in %s" % (out, expected_path))

        # set variables that exist within jobs, but not locally, for testing
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        pbs_tmpdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'pbs')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def report(self, cluster):
        """Make a report for the given cluster"""

        logging.debug("Start date: %s", self.convert_date(self.options.start))
        logging.debug("End date: %s", self.convert_date(self.options.end))

        sreport_command = SREPORT_TEMPLATE.format(

        ec, output = run(sreport_command)

        logging.info("Report command ran, ec = %d", ec)

        info = self.process(output)

        relevant_info = {}
        for (company, users) in self.users.items():
            relevant_info[company] = dict(
                filter(lambda kv: kv[0] in users, info.items()))

        body = []
        for (company, users) in sorted(relevant_info.items()):
            for (user, usage) in sorted(users.items()):
                body += [
                    "%s:%s:%s:%s" %
                    (cluster, company, user, usage_info_to_string(usage))
        return body
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertTrue(ec > 0)
     regex = re.compile(r"'?test/sandbox/testpkg/\*'?: No such file or directory")
     self.assertTrue(regex.search(output), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, output))
     ec, output = run_simple(TEST_GLOB)
     self.glob_output(output, ec=ec)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_noshell_executable(self):
        ec, output = run("echo '(foo bar)'")
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('(foo bar)' in output)

        ec, output = run(['echo', "(foo bar)"])
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('(foo bar)' in output)

        # to run Python command, it's required to use the right executable (Python shell rather than default)
        ec, output = run("""%s -c 'print ("foo")'""" % sys.executable)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('foo' in output)

        ec, output = run([sys.executable, '-c', 'print ("foo")'])
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('foo' in output)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_noshell_executable(self):
        ec, output = run("echo '(foo bar)'")
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('(foo bar)' in output)

        ec, output = run(['echo', "(foo bar)"])
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('(foo bar)' in output)

        # to run Python command, it's required to use the right executable (Python shell rather than default)
        ec, output = run("""%s -c 'print ("foo")'""" % sys.executable)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('foo' in output)

        ec, output = run([sys.executable, '-c', 'print ("foo")'])
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertTrue('foo' in output)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_dry_run(self):
        """Test use of --dry-run/-D option."""
        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2')

        for dry_run_opt in ['--dry-run', '-D']:
            ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, dry_run_opt, 'hostname'])
            self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

            regex = re.compile('^mpirun .* hostname$')
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(out.strip()), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))

            extra_opts = ['--hybrid', '9']
            ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, dry_run_opt] + extra_opts + ['hostname'])
            self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

            regex = re.compile('^mpirun .* -np 9 .* hostname$')
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(out.strip()), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_launcher_opt_old_impi(self):
        """Test --launcher command line option with impi < 5.0.3"""

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '4.2')

        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, 'hostname'])
        regex = r'-bootstrap ssh'
        self.assertTrue(re.search(regex, out), "-bootstrap option is not ssh (default for impi/4.2)" + out)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertTrue(ec > 0)
     regex = re.compile(r"'?test/sandbox/testpkg/\*'?: No such file or directory")
     self.assertTrue(regex.search(output), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, output))
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls','test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue(all(x in output.lower() for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Ejemplo n.º 20
        def run_test(mpi_name, mpi_ver, mpirun, pattern):
            """Utilitiy function to run test for a specific case."""
            tmpdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, '%s-%s' % (mpi_name, mpi_ver))
            install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', tmpdir, mpi_name, mpi_ver)

            ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--setmpi', mpirun, '--sched', 'local', 'hostname'])
            self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))
            regex = re.compile(regex_tmpl % pattern)
            self.assertTrue(regex.match(out.strip()), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_serial(self):
        """Test running of a serial command via mympirun."""

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2')
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, 'hostname'])
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))
        regex = re.compile("^fake mpirun called with args: .*hostname$")

        self.assertTrue(regex.match(out.strip()), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_noshell_glob(self):
     ec, output = run('ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*')
     self.assertEqual(ec, 127)
         'test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory' in output)
     ec, output = run_simple(['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*'])
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
         all(x in output.lower()
             for x in ['__init__.py', 'testmodule.py', 'testmodulebis.py']))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_option_universe_hydra(self):
        """Test --universe command line option with hydra impi"""
        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.124.67')

        cmd = "%s %s --universe 1 hostname"
        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--universe', '1', 'hostname'])

        np_regex = re.compile('-np 1')
        ncpus_regex = re.compile('--ncpus=1')
        self.assertTrue(np_regex.search(out), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (np_regex, out))
        self.assertFalse(ncpus_regex.search(out), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (ncpus_regex, out))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_get_localhosts(self):
        """test if localhost returns a list containing that are sourced correctly"""
        mpi_instance = getinstance(mpim.MPI, Local, MympirunOption())
        res = mpi_instance.get_localhosts()
        _, out = run("/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show")

        print("localhosts: %s" % res)

        for (nodename, interface) in res:
            self.assertTrue(nodename in mpi_instance.nodes,
                            msg="%s is not a node from the nodes list" % nodename)
            self.assertTrue(interface in out,
                            msg="%s can not be found in the output of `/sbin/ip -4 -o addr show`, output: %s" %
                            (interface, out))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_which(self):
        """test if which returns a path that corresponds to unix which"""

        testnames = ["python", "head", "tail", "cat"]

        for scriptname in testnames:
            mpiwhich = mpim.which(scriptname)
            exitcode, unixwhich = run("which " + scriptname)
            if exitcode > 0:
                raise Exception("Something went wrong while trying to run `which`: %s" % unixwhich)

            self.assertTrue(mpiwhich, msg="mpi which did not return anything, (unix which: %s" % unixwhich)
            self.assertEqual(mpiwhich, string.strip(unixwhich),
                             msg="the return values of unix which and which() aren't"" the same: %s != %s" %
                             (mpiwhich, string.strip(unixwhich)))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_output(self):
        """ Test --output option """
        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=FAKE_MPIRUN + "\necho 'fake mpirun error' >&2")
        f_out = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "temp.out")

        ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--output', f_out, 'hostname'])

        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))
        self.assertFalse(out, "Found output in stdout/stderr: %s" % out)

        regex = re.compile("^fake mpirun called with args: .* hostname\nfake mpirun error$")

        with open(f_out, 'r') as output:
            text = output.read()
            self.assertTrue(regex.match(text), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, text))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_getgrouplist(self):
        """Test getgrouplist"""
        for user in pwd.getpwall():
            gidgroups = sorted(getgrouplist(user.pw_uid))
            namegroups = sorted(getgrouplist(user.pw_name))

            # get named groups from id
            #   grp.getgrall is wrong, e.g. for root user on F30,
            #   gr_mem for root group is empty (as is entry in /etc/group),
            #   while id returns 1 group
            #groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user.pw_name in g.gr_mem]
            ec, groups_txt = run(['id', '-Gn', user.pw_name])
            groups = sorted(groups_txt.strip().split())

            logging.debug("User %s gidgroups %s namegroups %s groups %s",
                          user, gidgroups, namegroups, groups)
            self.assertEqual(gidgroups, namegroups)
            self.assertEqual(gidgroups, groups)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_getgrouplist(self):
        """Test getgrouplist"""
        for user in pwd.getpwall():
            gidgroups = sorted(getgrouplist(user.pw_uid))
            namegroups = sorted(getgrouplist(user.pw_name))

            # get named groups from id
            #   grp.getgrall is wrong, e.g. for root user on F30,
            #   gr_mem for root group is empty (as is entry in /etc/group),
            #   while id returns 1 group
            #groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user.pw_name in g.gr_mem]
            ec, groups_txt = run(['id', '-Gn', user.pw_name])
            groups = sorted(groups_txt.strip().split())

            logging.debug("User %s gidgroups %s namegroups %s groups %s", user,
                          gidgroups, namegroups, groups)
            self.assertEqual(gidgroups, namegroups)
            self.assertEqual(gidgroups, groups)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def get_hydra_info(self):
        """Get a dict with hydra info."""
        reg_hydra_info = re.compile(r"^\s+(?P<key>\S[^:\n]*)\s*:(?P<value>.*?)\s*$", re.M)
        cmd = "mpirun -info"
        exitcode, out = run(cmd)
        if exitcode > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("get_hydra_info: failed to run cmd %s: %s" % (cmd, out))

        hydra_info = {}
        for regex in reg_hydra_info.finditer(out):
            key = regex.groupdict()['key']
            if key is None:
                self.log.raiseException("get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing key in %s (out: %s)" %
                                        (regex.groupdict(), out))
            key = key.strip().lower()
            value = regex.groupdict()['value']
            if value is None:
                self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: failed to get hydra info: missing value in %s (out: %s)" %
                               (regex.groupdict(), out))
                value = ''
            values = [x.strip().strip('"').strip("'") for x in value.split() if x.strip()]
            hydra_info[key] = values
        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: found info %s", hydra_info)

        keymap = {
            "rmk": r'^resource\s+management\s+kernel.*available',
            "launcher": r'^%s.*available' % self.HYDRA_LAUNCHER_NAME,
            "chkpt": r'^checkpointing.*available',

        self.hydra_info = {}
        for newkey, regtxt in keymap.items():
            reg = re.compile(regtxt, re.I)
            matches = [v for k, v in hydra_info.items() if reg.search(k)]
            if len(matches) == 0:
                if len(matches) > 1:
                    self.log.warning("get_hydra_info: more than one match %s found: newkey %s regtxt %s hydrainfo %s",
                                     matches, newkey, regtxt, hydra_info)
                self.hydra_info[newkey] = matches[0]

        self.log.debug("get_hydra_info: filtered info %s", self.hydra_info)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _get_uniq_nodes(self):
        """Get list of unique nodes, via $SLURM_NODELIST."""

        res = None

        nodelist = os.environ.get(self.SCHED_ENVIRON_NODE_INFO)
        if nodelist is None:
            self.log.raiseException("set_nodes: failed to get $%s from environment" % self.SCHED_ENVIRON_NODE_INFO)
            self.log.debug("set_nodes: obtained $%s value: %s", self.SCHED_ENVIRON_NODE_INFO, nodelist)

        cmd = "scontrol show hostname %s" % nodelist
        ec, out = run(cmd)
        if ec:
            self.log.raiseException("set_nodes: failed to get list of unique hostnames using '%s': %s" % (cmd, out))
            res = out.strip().split('\n')

        self.log.debug("_get_uniq_nodes: %s" % res)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def test_hanging_fatal(self):
        """Test fatal hanging check when program has no output"""
        no_output_mpirun = '\n'.join([
            "sleep 4",

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=no_output_mpirun)
        cmd = [
            '--output-check-timeout', '2',
        ec, out = run(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 124)

        regex = re.compile("mympirun has been running for .* seconds without seeing any output.")
        self.assertTrue(len(regex.findall(out)) == 1, "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def set_netmask(self):
        Set self.netmask to a list containing (ip address/netmask).

        Based on the hosts IP address (from ip addr show) and the selected netmasktype from select_device.
        if self.netmasktype is None:

        device_ip_reg_map = {
            'eth': r"ether.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",
            'ib': r"infiniband.*?\n.*?inet\s+(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+/\d+)",

        if self.netmasktype not in device_ip_reg_map:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: unknown mode (device_ip_reg_map %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map))

        cmd = "/sbin/ip addr show"
        exitcode, out = run(cmd)
        if exitcode > 0:
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: failed to run cmd '%s', ec: %s, out: %s" % (cmd, exitcode, out))

        reg = re.compile(device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype])
        if not reg.search(out):
            self.log.raiseException("set_netmask: can't get netmask for %s: no matches found (reg %s out %s)" %
                                    (self.netmasktype, device_ip_reg_map[self.netmasktype], out))

        res = []
        for ipaddr_mask in reg.finditer(out):
            ip_info = IP(ipaddr_mask.group(1), make_net=True)
            network_netmask = "%s/%s" % (ip_info.net(), ip_info.netmask())
            self.log.debug("set_netmask: convert ipaddr_mask %s into network_netmask %s",
                           ipaddr_mask.group(1), network_netmask)

        self.log.debug("set_netmask: return complete netmask %s", res)
        if res:
            self.netmask = os.pathsep.join(res)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_hanging(self):
        """ Test --output-check-timeout option when program has no output"""
        no_output_mpirun = '\n'.join([
            "sleep 4",
            "echo 'some output'",
            "sleep 3"

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=no_output_mpirun)
        cmd = [
            '--output-check-timeout', '2',
        ec, out = run(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))

        regex = re.compile(("mympirun has been running for .* seconds without seeing any output.\n"
                            "This may mean that your program is hanging, please check and make sure that is not the case!"))

        self.assertTrue(len(regex.findall(out)) == 1, "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def test_hanging_file(self):
        """ Test --output-check-timeout option when program has no output writing to file"""
        no_output_mpirun = '\n'.join([
            "sleep 4",
            "echo 'some output'",
            "sleep 3"

        f_out = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "temp.out")

        install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=no_output_mpirun)
        cmd = [
            '--output', f_out,
            '--output-check-timeout', '2',
        ec, out = run(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0, "Command exited normally: exit code %s; output: %s" % (ec, out))

        regex = re.compile("mympirun has been running for .* seconds without seeing any output.")
        self.assertTrue(len(regex.findall(out)) == 1, "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out))
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_env(self):
     ec, output = run(cmd="/usr/bin/env", env={"MYENVVAR": "something"})
     self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
     self.assertTrue('myenvvar=something' in output.lower())
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def test_option_hybrid(self):
     """Test --hybrid command line option"""
     install_fake_mpirun('mpirun', self.tmpdir, 'impi', '5.1.2', txt=FAKE_MPIRUN_MACHINEFILE)
     ec, out = run([sys.executable, self.mympiscript, '--hybrid', '5', 'hostname'])
     self.assertEqual(out, ('\n'.join(['localhost'] * 5)))
     self.assertEqual(len(out.split('\n')), 5)