Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_read_uniform_grid_from_file():
    grid = vtki.read(examples.uniformfile)
    assert grid.n_cells == 729
    assert grid.n_points == 1000
    assert grid.bounds == [0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 9.0]
    assert grid.n_scalars == 2
    assert grid.dimensions == [10, 10, 10]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_save(extension, binary, tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % extension))
    beam.save(filename, binary)

    grid = vtki.UnstructuredGrid(filename)
    assert grid.cells.shape == beam.cells.shape
    assert grid.points.shape == beam.points.shape

    grid = vtki.read(filename)
    assert grid.cells.shape == beam.cells.shape
    assert grid.points.shape == beam.points.shape
    assert isinstance(grid, vtki.UnstructuredGrid)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load_frame_type(frame_num, dir_abs):
    Load the VTKI grid object for a frame number and specified directory (blood or drug).
    frame_num: the frame number to load, e.g. 100000
    dir_abs: the absolute directory of data to load, e.g. 
    # The filename of the .pvtu file for the requested frame
    filename = os.path.join(dir_abs, f'T{frame_num:010}.pvtu')
    # Read this file with VTKI
    ds = vtki.read(filename)
    return ds
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_save_structured(extension, binary, tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % extension))
    sgrid.save(filename, binary)

    grid = vtki.StructuredGrid(filename)
    assert grid.x.shape == sgrid.y.shape
    assert grid.n_cells
    assert grid.points.shape == sgrid.points.shape

    grid = vtki.read(filename)
    assert grid.x.shape == sgrid.y.shape
    assert grid.n_cells
    assert grid.points.shape == sgrid.points.shape
    assert isinstance(grid, vtki.StructuredGrid)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_save_uniform(extension, binary, tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % extension))
    ogrid = examples.load_uniform()
    ogrid.save(filename, binary)
    grid = vtki.UniformGrid(filename)
    assert grid.n_cells == ogrid.n_cells
    assert grid.origin == ogrid.origin
    assert grid.spacing == ogrid.spacing
    assert grid.dimensions == ogrid.dimensions
    grid = vtki.read(filename)
    assert isinstance(grid, vtki.UniformGrid)
    assert grid.n_cells == ogrid.n_cells
    assert grid.origin == ogrid.origin
    assert grid.spacing == ogrid.spacing
    assert grid.dimensions == ogrid.dimensions
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_save_rectilinear(extension, binary, tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % extension))
    ogrid = examples.load_rectilinear()
    ogrid.save(filename, binary)
    grid = vtki.RectilinearGrid(filename)
    assert grid.n_cells == ogrid.n_cells
    assert np.allclose(grid.x, ogrid.x)
    assert np.allclose(grid.y, ogrid.y)
    assert np.allclose(grid.z, ogrid.z)
    assert grid.dimensions == ogrid.dimensions
    grid = vtki.read(filename)
    assert isinstance(grid, vtki.RectilinearGrid)
    assert grid.n_cells == ogrid.n_cells
    assert np.allclose(grid.x, ogrid.x)
    assert np.allclose(grid.y, ogrid.y)
    assert np.allclose(grid.z, ogrid.z)
    assert grid.dimensions == ogrid.dimensions
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multi_block_io(extension, binary, tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % extension))
    multi = vtki.MultiBlock()
    # Add examples
    # Now check everything
    assert multi.n_blocks == 5
    # Save it out
    multi.save(filename, binary)
    foo = vtki.MultiBlock(filename)
    assert foo.n_blocks == multi.n_blocks
    foo = vtki.read(filename)
    assert foo.n_blocks == multi.n_blocks
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_read(tmpdir):
    fnames = (ex.antfile, ex.planefile, ex.hexbeamfile, ex.spherefile,
              ex.uniformfile, ex.rectfile)
    types = (vtki.PolyData, vtki.PolyData, vtki.UnstructuredGrid,
             vtki.PolyData, vtki.UniformGrid, vtki.RectilinearGrid)
    for i, filename in enumerate(fnames):
        obj = readers.read(filename)
        assert isinstance(obj, types[i])
    # Now test the standard_reader_routine
    for i, filename in enumerate(fnames):
        # Pass attrs to for the standard_reader_routine to be used
        obj = readers.read(filename, attrs={'DebugOn': None})
        assert isinstance(obj, types[i])
    # this is also tested for each mesh types init from file tests
    filename = str(tmpdir.mkdir("tmpdir").join('tmp.%s' % 'npy'))
    arr = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    np.save(filename, arr)
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        data = vtki.read(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def load_frame_pos(frame_num, dir_abs):
    Load position data for a frame number and specified directory (blood or drug).
    frame_num: the frame number to load, e.g. 100000
    dir_abs: the absolute directory of data to load, e.g. 
    # The filename of the .pvtu file for the requested frame
    filename = os.path.join(dir_abs, f'T{frame_num:010}.pvtu')
    # Read this file with VTKI
    ds = vtki.read(filename)
    # Extract the points
    point_pos = np.array(ds.points)
    # Extract the center of each cell
    cell_pos = ds.cell_centers().points
    # Compute the volume of each cell
    cell_vol = ds.compute_cell_sizes().cell_arrays['Volume'].astype(np.float32)

    # Return the points grid
    return point_pos, cell_pos, cell_vol
Ejemplo n.º 10
well_locs = pd.read_csv(gdc19.get_well_path('well_location_from_earth_model.csv'))
well_locs = PVGeo.points_to_poly_data(well_locs[['x', 'y', 'z (land surface)']].values).clip_box(
                    gdc19.get_roi_bounds(), invert=False)

WELLS = gdc19.load_well_db()
proposed = PVGeo.filters.AddCellConnToPoints().apply(WELLS.pop('well_new2'))#vtki.MultiBlock()

well_5832 = PVGeo.filters.AddCellConnToPoints().apply(WELLS.pop('well_5832'))
well_Acord1 = PVGeo.filters.AddCellConnToPoints().apply(WELLS.pop('well_Acord1'))
#well_Acord1 = WELLS.set_active_scalar('GR_SPLICE (GAPI)')

# load the gravity model
gf = gdc19.get_gravity_path('forge_inverse_problem/RESULT_THRESHED.vtu')
grav_model = vtki.read(gf)
grav_model.active_scalar_name = 'Magnitude'

# Plotting Helpers
# ++++++++++++++++
# Functions for adding datasets to a scene in a consistent manner

vtki.rcParams['window_size'] = np.array([1024, 768]) * 2
legend_color = vtki.parse_color('lightgrey')

Ejemplo n.º 11
Read a dataset from a known file type

# Loading a mesh is trivial.  The following code block uses a built-in example
# file, displays an airplane mesh, saves a screenshot, and returns the camera's
# position:

import vtki
from vtki import examples
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Get a sample file
filename = examples.planefile
mesh = vtki.read(filename)
cpos = mesh.plot(color='orange')

# You can also take a screenshot without creating an interactive plot window using
# the ``Plotter``:

plotter = vtki.Plotter(off_screen=True)
plotter.add_mesh(mesh, color='orange')
# plotter.screenshot('airplane.png')

# The ``img`` array can be used to plot the screenshot in ``matplotlib``:
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_read_rectilinear_grid_from_file():
    grid = vtki.read(examples.rectfile)
    assert grid.n_cells == 16146
    assert grid.n_points == 18144
    assert grid.bounds == [-350.0, 1350.0, -400.0, 1350.0, -850.0, 0.0]
    assert grid.n_scalars == 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def load_channels():
    """ Loads a uniform grid of fluvial channels in the subsurface """
    return vtki.read(channelsfile)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _download_and_read(filename, texture=False):
    saved_file, _ = _download_file(filename)
    if texture:
        return vtki.read_texture(saved_file)
    return vtki.read(saved_file)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_plot_rgb():
    """"Test adding a texture to a plot"""
    image = vtki.read(examples.mapfile)
    plotter = vtki.Plotter(off_screen=OFF_SCREEN)
    plotter.add_mesh(image, rgb=True)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_plot_multi_component_array():
    """"Test adding a texture to a plot"""
    image = vtki.read(examples.mapfile)
    plotter = vtki.Plotter(off_screen=OFF_SCREEN)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def download_blood_vessels():
    """data representing the bifurcation of blood vessels."""
    local_path, _ = _download_file('pvtu_blood_vessels/blood_vessels.zip')
    filename = os.path.join(local_path, 'T0000000500.pvtu')
    return vtki.read(filename)