Ejemplo n.º 1
    def startup(self):
	# When ReverseProxy is used the asyncore.loop() handles this part of the process...
	mySocket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
	if (logger):
	    logger.info('%s.startup() :: self.ipAddr=[%s], self.port=[%s]' % (self.__class__,self.ipAddr,self.port))
	mySocket.bind ( ( self.ipAddr, self.port) )
	mySocket.listen ( 1 )
	channel, details = mySocket.accept()
	if (logger):
	    logger.info('(%s) Opened a connection with "%s".' % (self.port,details))
	__data__ = ''
	__filename__ = None
	__fOut__ = None
	__chunk_count__ = 0
	__re1__ = re.compile("@@@filename=(?P<filename>.*)@@@", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
	__re2__ = re.compile("@@@address=(?P<address>.*)@@@", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
	while True:
		data = channel.recv(8192)
		if (data) and (len(data) > 0):
		    for ch in data:
			if (not __filename__) and (ord(ch) == 0):
			    if (__data__) and (misc.isString(__data__)) and (len(__data__) > 0) and (callable(self.callback)):
			    __data__ = ''
			    __data__ += ch
			    matches1 = __re1__.search(__data__)
			    matches2 = __re2__.search(__data__)
			    if (matches1):
				f = matches1.groupdict().get('filename',None)
				if (f):
				    __filename__ = f
				    dirname = os.path.dirname(__filename__)
				    if (callable(self.callback)):
					dirname2 = self.__handler__(dirname)
					if (misc.isIterable(dirname2) and (len(dirname2) > 0)):
					    dirname2 = dirname2[0]
					if (dirname != dirname2):
					    __filename__ = __filename__.replace(dirname,dirname2)
					    dirname = dirname2
				    if (not os.path.exists(dirname)):
				    __fOut__ = open(__filename__,'wb')
				    __data__ = ''
			    elif (matches2):
				f = matches2.groupdict().get('address',None)
				if (f):
				    self.address = f
				    if (logger):
					logger.debug('Address is "%s".' % (self.address))
				    __data__ = ''
				i = __data__.find(self.eof)
				if (__filename__) and (i > -1):
				    __data__ = [ch for ch in __data__]
				    del __data__[i:]
				    __data__ = ''.join(__data__)
				    if (callable(self.callback)):
				    if (_utils.is_valid_ip_and_port(self.address)):
					connect_to_ip,connect_to_port = parse_ip_address_and_port(self.address, default_ip='', default_port=51555)
					__writer__ = SocketWriter(connect_to_ip, connect_to_port,retry=True)
					__writer__.send('@@@delete=%s@@@' % (os.path.basename(__filename__)))
				    __filename__ = None
				    __fOut__ = None
				    __data__ = ''
		    if (__filename__):
			__chunk_count__ += 1
			if (logger):
			    logger.debug('DEBUG: writing (%s bytes) x (%s) --> "%s"' % (len(__data__),__chunk_count__,__fOut__.name))
			__data__ = ''
	    except socket.error:
		mySocket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
		if (logger):
		    logger.info('%s.reconnect() :: self.ipAddr=[%s], self.port=[%s]' % (self.__class__,self.ipAddr,self.port))
		mySocket.bind ( ( self.ipAddr, self.port) )
		mySocket.listen ( 1 )
		channel, details = mySocket.accept()
		if (logger):
		    logger.info('(%s) Reopened a connection with "%s".' % (self.port,details))
		__data__ = ''
		__filename__ = None
		__fOut__ = None
		__chunk_count__ = 0
	    except Exception, details:
		info_string = _utils.formattedException(details=details)
		if (logger):
		    logger.exception('EXCEPTION: %s\n%s' % (details,info_string))
    parser = CustomOptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', help="verbose", action="store_true")
    parser.add_option("-i", "--input", action="store", type="string", help="Fully qualified filesystem path or IP address.", dest="ipath")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", action="store", type="string", help="Fully qualified filesystem path or IP address.", dest="opath")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dest", action="store", type="string", help="Fully qualified filesystem path for incoming files.", dest="dest")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--retry", action="store_true", help="Sets retry to True otherwise will not retry connection with Remote.", dest="retry")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--listen", action="store", type="string", help="IP address and port for listener, provides bidirectional communications.", dest="listener")
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    _isVerbose = False
    if (options.verbose):
	_isVerbose = True
    __ipath__ = None
    if (options.ipath and (os.path.exists(options.ipath) and os.path.isdir(options.ipath)) or (_utils.is_valid_ip_and_port(options.ipath)) ):
	__ipath__ = options.ipath
    if (_isVerbose):
	print >> sys.stdout, 'INFO: input path is "%s".' % (__ipath__)
    __opath__ = None
    if (options.opath and (os.path.exists(options.opath) and os.path.isdir(options.opath)) or (_utils.is_valid_ip_and_port(options.opath)) ):
	__opath__ = options.opath
    __dest__ = None
    if (options.dest and (os.path.exists(options.dest) and os.path.isdir(options.dest)) ):
	__dest__ = options.dest
    __retry__ = False
    if (options.retry):