def Download_ETmonitor_from_WA_FTP(local_filename, Filename_in, Type): """ This function retrieves ETmonitor data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the ETmonitor developers. Keyword arguments: local_filename -- name of the temporary file which contains global ETmonitor data Filename_in -- name of the end file with the weekly ETmonitor data Type = Type of data ("act" or "pot") """ # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA') ftpserver = "" # Download data from FTP ftp = FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(username, password) if Type == "act": directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ETmonitor/Global/" if Type == "pot": directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ETmonitor/Potential_Evapotranspiration/" ftp.cwd(directory) lf = open(local_filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + Filename_in, lf.write) lf.close() return
def Download_CMRSET_from_WA_FTP(local_filename, Filename_in): """ This function retrieves CMRSET data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the CMRSET developers. Keyword arguments: local_filename -- name of the temporary file which contains global CMRSET data Filename_in -- name of the end file with the monthly CMRSET data """ # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA') ftpserver = "" # Download data from FTP ftp = FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(username, password) directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/CMRSET/Global/" ftp.cwd(directory) lf = open(local_filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + Filename_in, lf.write) lf.close() return
def Download_ASCAT_from_VITO(End_filename, output_folder_temp, Date, yID, xID): """ This function retrieves ALEXI data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the ALEXI developers. Keyword arguments: """ # Define date year_data = Date.year month_data = Date.month day_data = # filename of ASCAT data on server ASCAT_date = "%d%02d%02d0000" % (year_data, month_data, day_data) ASCAT_name = 'SWI_%s_GLOBE_ASCAT_V3.0' % ASCAT_date ASCAT_filename = "" % ASCAT_date # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='VITO') URL = "" % ( year_data, month_data, day_data, ASCAT_name, ASCAT_filename) # Output zipfile output_zipfile_ASCAT = os.path.join(output_folder_temp, ASCAT_filename) # Download the ASCAT data try: y = requests.get(URL, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)) except: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) y = requests.get(URL, auth=(username, password), verify=False) # Write the file in system z = open(output_zipfile_ASCAT, 'wb') z.write(y.content) z.close() # Extract the zipfile DC.Extract_Data(output_zipfile_ASCAT, output_folder_temp) # Open the file f = h5py.File(output_zipfile_ASCAT.replace('.zip', '.h5')) # Open global ASCAT data dataset = np.array((f['SWI']['SWI_010']).value) # Clip extend out of world data data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]].astype("float") * 0.5 data[data > 100] = -9999 return (data)
def Download_ALEXI_from_WA_FTP(local_filename, DirFile, filename, lonlim, latlim, yID, xID, TimeStep): """ This function retrieves ALEXI data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the ALEXI developers. Keyword arguments: local_filename -- name of the temporary file which contains global ALEXI data DirFile -- name of the end file with the weekly ALEXI data filename -- name of the end file lonlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -60 and 70) latlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180) """ # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA') ftpserver = "" # Download data from FTP ftp = FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(username, password) if TimeStep is "weekly": directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ALEXI/World/" if TimeStep is "daily": directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ALEXI/World_05182018/" ftp.cwd(directory) lf = open(local_filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write) lf.close() if TimeStep is "weekly": # Open global ALEXI data dataset = RC.Open_tiff_array(local_filename) # Clip extend out of world data data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]] data[data < 0] = -9999 if TimeStep is "daily": DC.Extract_Data_gz(local_filename, os.path.splitext(local_filename)[0]) raw_data = np.fromfile(os.path.splitext(local_filename)[0], dtype="<f4") dataset = np.flipud(np.resize(raw_data, [3000, 7200])) data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]] data[data < 0] = -9999 # make geotiff file geo = [lonlim[0], 0.05, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.05] DC.Save_as_tiff(name=DirFile, data=data, geo=geo, projection="WGS84") return
def Collect_data(FTPprefix, Years, output_folder, Waitbar): ''' This function downloads all the needed GLEAM files from as a nc file. Keywords arguments: FTPprefix -- FTP path to the GLEAM data Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' output_folder -- 'C:/file/to/path/' ''' # account of the SFTP server (only password is missing) server = '' portnumber = 2225 username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='GLEAM') # Create Waitbar print '\nDownload GLEAM data' if Waitbar == 1: import wa.Functions.Start.WaitbarConsole as WaitbarConsole total_amount2 = len(Years) amount2 = 0 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount2, total_amount2, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50) for year in Years: directory = os.path.join(FTPprefix, '%d' % year) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(server, port=portnumber, username=username, password=password) ftp = ssh.open_sftp() ftp.chdir(directory) filename = 'E_' + str(year) + '' local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) if not os.path.exists(local_filename): ftp.get(filename, local_filename) if Waitbar == 1: amount2 += 1 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount2, total_amount2, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50) ftp.close() ssh.close() return ()
def Download_ALEXI_from_WA_FTP(local_filename, DirFile, filename, lonlim, latlim, yID, xID): """ This function retrieves ALEXI data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the ALEXI developers. Keyword arguments: local_filename -- name of the temporary file which contains global ALEXI data DirFile -- name of the end file with the weekly ALEXI data filename -- name of the end file lonlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -60 and 70) latlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180) """ try: # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA') ftpserver = "" # Download data from FTP ftp = FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(username, password) directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ALEXI/World/" ftp.cwd(directory) lf = open(local_filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write) lf.close() # Open global ALEXI data dataset = RC.Open_tiff_array(local_filename) # Clip extend out of world data data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]] data[data < 0] = -9999 # make geotiff file geo = [lonlim[0], 0.05, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.05] DC.Save_as_tiff(name=DirFile, data=data, geo=geo, projection="WGS84") # delete old tif file os.remove(local_filename) except: print "file not exists" return
def Download_GWF_from_WA_FTP(output_folder, filename_Out, lonlim, latlim): """ This function retrieves GWF data for a given date from the server. Keyword arguments: output_folder -- name of the end file with the weekly ALEXI data End_filename -- name of the end file lonlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -60 and 70) latlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180) """ try: # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA') ftpserver = "" # Set the file names and directories filename = "Gray_Water_Footprint.tif" local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) # Download data from FTP ftp = FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(username, password) directory = "/WaterAccounting_Guest/Static_WA_Datasets/" ftp.cwd(directory) lf = open(local_filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write) lf.close() # Clip extend out of world data dataset, Geo_out = RC.clip_data(local_filename, latlim, lonlim) # make geotiff file DC.Save_as_tiff(name=filename_Out, data=dataset, geo=Geo_out, projection="WGS84") # delete old tif file os.remove(local_filename) except: print "file not exists" return
def Download_ETens_from_WA_FTP(output_folder, Lat_tiles, Lon_tiles): """ This function retrieves ETensV1.0 data for a given date from the server. Restrictions: The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without permission of the WA+ team. Keyword arguments: output_folder -- Directory of the outputs Lat_tiles -- [Lat_min, Lat_max] Tile number of the max and min latitude tile number Lon_tiles -- [Lon_min, Lon_max] Tile number of the max and min longitude tile number """ for v_tile in range(Lat_tiles[0], Lat_tiles[1]+1): for h_tile in range(Lon_tiles[0], Lon_tiles[1]+1): Tilename = "" %(h_tile, v_tile) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_folder,Tilename)): try: # Collect account and FTP information username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type = 'FTP_WA') FTP_name = "" % Tilename local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, Tilename) # Download data from FTP curl = pycurl.Curl() curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, FTP_name) curl.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, '%s:%s' %(username, password)) fp = open(local_filename, "wb") curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, fp) curl.perform() curl.close() fp.close() except: print "tile %s is not found and will be replaced by NaN values" % Tilename return()
def Collect_data(TilesHorizontal, TilesVertical, Date, output_folder, hdf_library): ''' This function downloads all the needed MODIS tiles from as a hdf file. Keywords arguments: TilesHorizontal -- [TileMin,TileMax] max and min horizontal tile number TilesVertical -- [TileMin,TileMax] max and min vertical tile number Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' output_folder -- 'C:/file/to/path/' ''' # Make a new tile for the data sizeX = int((TilesHorizontal[1] - TilesHorizontal[0] + 1) * 2400) sizeY = int((TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 1) * 2400) DataTot = np.zeros((sizeY, sizeX)) # Load accounts username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='NASA') # Download the MODIS FPAR data url = '' + Date.strftime( '%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '/' dataset = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, stream=True) try: get_dataset = requests.get(dataset.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), stream=True).content except: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) get_dataset = requests.get(dataset.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), verify=False).content soup = BeautifulSoup(get_dataset, "lxml") if len(str(soup)) < 300: print 'Download was not succesfull, please check NASA account' sys.exit(1) # Create the Lat and Long of the MODIS tile in meters for Vertical in range(int(TilesVertical[0]), int(TilesVertical[1]) + 1): Distance = 231.65635826395834 * 2 # resolution of a MODIS pixel in meter countY = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 1) - (Vertical - TilesVertical[0]) for Horizontal in range(int(TilesHorizontal[0]), int(TilesHorizontal[1]) + 1): countX = Horizontal - TilesHorizontal[0] + 1 for i in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('(?i)(hdf)$')}): # Find the file with the wanted tile number Vfile = str(i)[30:32] Hfile = str(i)[27:29] if int(Vfile) is int(Vertical) and int(Hfile) is int( Horizontal): # Define the whole url name full_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, i['href']) # Reset the begin parameters for downloading downloaded = 0 N = 0 # if not downloaded try to download file while downloaded == 0: try: # open http and download whole .hdf nameDownload_url = full_url file_name = os.path.join( output_folder, nameDownload_url.split('/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(file_name): downloaded = 1 else: x = requests.get(nameDownload_url, allow_redirects=False) try: y = requests.get(x.headers['location'], auth=(username, password)) except: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings( InsecureRequestWarning) y = requests.get(x.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), verify=False) z = open(file_name, 'wb') z.write(y.content) z.close() statinfo = os.stat(file_name) # Say that download was succesfull if int(statinfo.st_size) > 1000: downloaded = 1 # If download was not succesfull except: # Try another time N = N + 1 # Stop trying after 10 times if N == 10: print 'Data from ' + Date.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + ' is not available' downloaded = 1 try: # Open .hdf only band with SnowFrac and collect all tiles to one array scale_factor = 1 dataset = gdal.Open(file_name) sdsdict = dataset.GetMetadata('SUBDATASETS') sdslist = [ sdsdict[k] for k in sdsdict.keys() if '_1_NAME' in k ] sds = [] for n in sdslist: sds.append(gdal.Open(n)) full_layer = [ i for i in sdslist if 'MOD_Grid_Snow_500m' in i ] idx = sdslist.index(full_layer[0]) if Horizontal == TilesHorizontal[ 0] and Vertical == TilesVertical[0]: geo_t = sds[idx].GetGeoTransform() # get the projection value proj = sds[idx].GetProjection() data = sds[idx].ReadAsArray() countYdata = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 2) - countY DataTot[int((countYdata - 1) * 2400):int(countYdata * 2400), int((countX - 1) * 2400):int(countX * 2400)] = data * scale_factor del data # if the tile not exists or cannot be opened, create a nan array with the right projection except: if Horizontal == TilesHorizontal[ 0] and Vertical == TilesVertical[0]: x1 = (TilesHorizontal[0] - 19) * 2400 * Distance x4 = (TilesVertical[0] - 9) * 2400 * -1 * Distance geo = [x1, Distance, 0.0, x4, 0.0, -Distance] geo_t = tuple(geo) proj = 'PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the custom spheroid",DATUM["Not specified (based on custom spheroid)",SPHEROID["Custom spheroid",6371007.181,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]' data = np.ones((2400, 2400)) * (-9999) countYdata = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 2) - countY DataTot[(countYdata - 1) * 2400:countYdata * 2400, (countX - 1) * 2400:countX * 2400] = data * 0.01 # Make geotiff file name2 = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged.tif') driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dst_ds = driver.Create(name2, DataTot.shape[1], DataTot.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) try: dst_ds.SetProjection(proj) except: proj = 'PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the custom spheroid",DATUM["Not specified (based on custom spheroid)",SPHEROID["Custom spheroid",6371007.181,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]' x1 = (TilesHorizontal[0] - 18) * 2400 * Distance x4 = (TilesVertical[0] - 9) * 2400 * -1 * Distance geo = [x1, Distance, 0.0, x4, 0.0, -Distance] geo_t = tuple(geo) dst_ds.SetProjection(proj) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(-9999) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_t) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(DataTot) dst_ds = None sds = None return ()
def DownloadData(Dir, Startdate, Enddate, latlim, lonlim, Waitbar, cores, TimeCase): """ This function downloads MSWEP Version 2.1 daily or monthly data Keyword arguments: Dir -- 'C:/file/to/path/' Var -- 'wind_f_inst' : (string) For all variable codes: VariablesInfo('day').descriptions.keys() Startdate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' Enddate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' latlim -- [ymin, ymax] lonlim -- [xmin, xmax] Waitbar -- 0 or 1 (1 is waitbar on) cores -- 1....8 """ # Load factors / unit / type of variables / accounts username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type = 'MSWEP') # Set required data for the daily option if TimeCase == 'daily': # Define output folder and create this one if not exists path = os.path.join(Dir, 'Precipitation', 'MSWEP', 'daily') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Startdate if not defined sd_date = '1979-01-01' # Define Time frequency TimeFreq = 'D' # Define URL by using personal account url = 'https://%s:%[email protected]/opendap/MSWEP_V2.1/global_daily_010deg/' %(username,password) # Name the definition that will be used to obtain the data RetrieveData_fcn = RetrieveData_daily # Set required data for the monthly option elif TimeCase == 'monthly': # Define output folder and create this one if not exists path = os.path.join(Dir, 'Precipitation', 'MSWEP', 'monthly') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Startdate if not defined sd_date = '1979-01-01' # Define Time frequency TimeFreq = 'MS' # Define URL by using personal account url = 'https://%s:%[email protected]:443/opendap/MSWEP_V2.1/' %(username,password) # Name the definition that will be used to obtain the data RetrieveData_fcn = RetrieveData_monthly # If none of the possible option are chosen else: raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported") # Define IDs (latitude/longitude) yID = np.int16(np.array([np.ceil((latlim[0] + 90) * 10), np.floor((latlim[1] + 90) * 10)])) xID = np.int16(np.array([np.floor((lonlim[0] + 180) * 10), np.ceil((lonlim[1] + 180) * 10)])) # Check dates. If no dates are given, the max number of days is used. if not Startdate: Startdate = pd.Timestamp(sd_date) if not Enddate: Enddate = pd.Timestamp('Now') # Should be much than available # Create all dates that will be calculated Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq=TimeFreq) # Create Waitbar if Waitbar == 1: import wa.Functions.Start.WaitbarConsole as WaitbarConsole total_amount = len(Dates) amount = 0 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50) # Create one parameter with all the required arguments args = [path, url, TimeCase, xID, yID, lonlim, latlim, username, password] # Pass variables to parallel function and run if not cores: for Date in Dates: RetrieveData_fcn(Date, args) if Waitbar == 1: amount += 1 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50) results = True else: results = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(RetrieveData_fcn)(Date, args) for Date in Dates) return results
def Collect_data(TilesHorizontal, TilesVertical, Date, output_folder, hdf_library): ''' This function downloads all the needed MODIS tiles from as a hdf file. Keywords arguments: TilesHorizontal -- [TileMin,TileMax] max and min horizontal tile number TilesVertical -- [TileMin,TileMax] max and min vertical tile number Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' output_folder -- 'C:/file/to/path/' ''' # Make a new tile for the data # NPP_SIZE = 2 NPP_SIZE = 4 sizeX = int( (TilesHorizontal[1] - TilesHorizontal[0] + 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE) sizeY = int((TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE) DataTot = np.zeros((sizeY, sizeX)) # Load accounts username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='NASA') # Create the Lat and Long of the MODIS tile in meters for Vertical in range(int(TilesVertical[0]), int(TilesVertical[1]) + 1): Distance = 231.65635826395834 * NPP_SIZE # resolution of a MODIS pixel in meter countY = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 1) - (Vertical - TilesVertical[0]) for Horizontal in range(int(TilesHorizontal[0]), int(TilesHorizontal[1]) + 1): countX = Horizontal - TilesHorizontal[0] + 1 # Download the MODIS NPP data #url = '' + Date.strftime('%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '/' url = '' + Date.strftime( '%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime( '%d') + '/' # Reset the begin parameters for downloading downloaded = 0 N = 0 # Check the library given by user if hdf_library is not None: os.chdir(hdf_library) hdf_name = glob.glob("MOD17A3.A%s%03s.h%02dv%02d.*" % (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%j'), Horizontal, Vertical)) if len(hdf_name) == 1: hdf_file = os.path.join(hdf_library, hdf_name[0]) if os.path.exists(hdf_file): downloaded = 1 file_name = hdf_file if not downloaded == 1: # Get files on FTP server f = urllib2.urlopen(url) # Sum all the files on the server soup = BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml") for i in soup.findAll('a', attrs={'href': re.compile('(?i)(hdf)$')}): # Find the file with the wanted tile number #Vfile=str(i)[31:33] # Hfile=str(i)[28:30] Vfile = str(i)[30:32] Hfile = str(i)[27:29] if int(Vfile) is int(Vertical) and int(Hfile) is int( Horizontal): # Define the whole url name full_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, i['href']) # if not downloaded try to download file while downloaded == 0: try: # open http and download whole .hdf nameDownload = full_url file_name = os.path.join( output_folder, nameDownload.split('/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(file_name): print "file ", file_name, " already exists" downloaded = 1 else: x = requests.get(nameDownload, allow_redirects=False) try: y = requests.get(x.headers['location'], auth=(username, password)) except: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings( InsecureRequestWarning) y = requests.get(x.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), verify=False) z = open(file_name, 'wb') z.write(y.content) z.close() statinfo = os.stat(file_name) # Say that download was succesfull if int(statinfo.st_size) > 10000: downloaded = 1 # If download was not succesfull except: # Try another time N = N + 1 # Stop trying after 10 times if N == 10: print 'Data from ' + Date.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') + ' is not available' downloaded = 1 try: # Open .hdf only band with NPP and collect all tiles to one array dataset = gdal.Open(file_name) sdsdict = dataset.GetMetadata('SUBDATASETS') #sdslist = [sdsdict[k] for k in sdsdict.keys() if '_2_NAME' in k] sdslist = [ sdsdict[k] for k in sdsdict.keys() if '_2_NAME' in k ] sds = [] for n in sdslist: sds.append(gdal.Open(n)) #yfull_layer = [i for i in sdslist if 'Npp_500m' in i] full_layer = [i for i in sdslist if 'Npp_1km' in i] idx = sdslist.index(full_layer[0]) if Horizontal == TilesHorizontal[ 0] and Vertical == TilesVertical[0]: geo_t = sds[idx].GetGeoTransform() # get the projection value proj = sds[idx].GetProjection() data = sds[idx].ReadAsArray() countYdata = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 2) - countY DataTot[int((countYdata - 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE):int(countYdata * 4800 / NPP_SIZE), int((countX - 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE):int(countX * 4800 / NPP_SIZE)] = data * 0.0001 del data # if the tile not exists or cannot be opened, create a nan array with the right projection except: if Horizontal == TilesHorizontal[ 0] and Vertical == TilesVertical[0]: x1 = (TilesHorizontal[0] - 19) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE * Distance x4 = (TilesVertical[0] - 9) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE * -1 * Distance geo = [x1, Distance, 0.0, x4, 0.0, -Distance] geo_t = tuple(geo) proj = 'PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the custom spheroid",DATUM["Not specified (based on custom spheroid)",SPHEROID["Custom spheroid",6371007.181,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]' data = np.ones((4800 / NPP_SIZE, 4800 / NPP_SIZE)) * (0) countYdata = (TilesVertical[1] - TilesVertical[0] + 2) - countY DataTot[(countYdata - 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE:countYdata * 4800 / NPP_SIZE, (countX - 1) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE:countX * 4800 / NPP_SIZE] = data * 0.0001 # Make geotiff file DataTot[DataTot > 3.27] = -9999 name2 = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged.tif') driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") dst_ds = driver.Create(name2, DataTot.shape[1], DataTot.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) try: dst_ds.SetProjection(proj) except: proj = 'PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the custom spheroid",DATUM["Not specified (based on custom spheroid)",SPHEROID["Custom spheroid",6371007.181,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]' x1 = (TilesHorizontal[0] - 18) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE * Distance x4 = (TilesVertical[0] - 9) * 4800 / NPP_SIZE * -1 * Distance geo = [x1, Distance, 0.0, x4, 0.0, -Distance] geo_t = tuple(geo) dst_ds.SetProjection(proj) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(-9999) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_t) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(DataTot) dst_ds = None sds = None return ()
def RetrieveData(Date, args): """ This function retrieves TRMM data for a given date from the server. Keyword arguments: Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function. """ # Argument [output_folder, TimeCase, xID, yID, lonlim, latlim] = args year = Date.year month = Date.month day = from wa import WebAccounts username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='NASA') # Create https if TimeCase == 'daily': URL = '[%d:1:%d][%d:1:%d]' % ( year, month, year, month, day, xID[0], xID[1] - 1, yID[0], yID[1] - 1) DirFile = os.path.join( output_folder, "P_TRMM3B42.V7_mm-day-1_daily_%d.%02d.%02d.tif" % (year, month, day)) Scaling = 1 if TimeCase == 'monthly': if Date >= pd.Timestamp('2010-10-01'): URL = '[%d:1:%d][%d:1:%d]' % ( year, year, month, xID[0], xID[1] - 1, yID[0], yID[1] - 1) else: URL = '[%d:1:%d][%d:1:%d]' % ( year, year, month, xID[0], xID[1] - 1, yID[0], yID[1] - 1) Scaling = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] * 24 DirFile = os.path.join( output_folder, "P_TRMM3B43.V7_mm-month-1_monthly_%d.%02d.01.tif" % (year, month)) if not os.path.isfile(DirFile): dataset = requests.get(URL, allow_redirects=False, stream=True) try: get_dataset = requests.get(dataset.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), stream=True) except: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) get_dataset = requests.get(dataset.headers['location'], auth=(username, password), verify=False) # download data (first save as text file) pathtext = os.path.join(output_folder, 'temp.txt') z = open(pathtext, 'w') z.write(get_dataset.content) z.close() # Open text file and remove header and footer data_start = np.genfromtxt(pathtext, dtype=float, skip_header=1, delimiter=',') data = data_start[:, 1:] * Scaling data[data < 0] = -9999 data = data.transpose() data = np.flipud(data) # Delete .txt file os.remove(pathtext) # Make geotiff file geo = [lonlim[0], 0.25, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.25] DC.Save_as_tiff(name=DirFile, data=data, geo=geo, projection="WGS84") return True
def DownloadData(Dir, Var, Startdate, Enddate, latlim, lonlim, Waitbar, cores, TimeCase, CaseParameters, gldas_version='2.1'): """ This function downloads GLDAS Version 2 three-hourly, daily or monthly data Keyword arguments: Dir -- 'C:/file/to/path/' Var -- 'wind_f_inst' : (string) For all variable codes: VariablesInfo('day').descriptions.keys() Startdate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' Enddate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' latlim -- [ymin, ymax] lonlim -- [xmin, xmax] cores -- 1....8 CaseParameters -- See files:,, and """ # Load factors / unit / type of variables / accounts VarInfo = VariablesInfo(TimeCase) username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='NASA') # Set required data for the three hourly option if TimeCase == 'three_hourly': # Define output folder and create this one if not exists path = os.path.join(Dir, 'Weather_Data', 'Model', 'GLDAS', TimeCase, Var) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Startdate if not defined sd_date = '2000-02-24' # Define Time frequency TimeFreq = 'D' # Define URL by using personal account #url = 'http://%s:%[email protected]:80/dods/GLDAS_NOAH025SUBP_3H' %(username,password) url = '{0}'.format( gldas_version) #%(username,password) # Name the definition that will be used to obtain the data RetrieveData_fcn = RetrieveData_three_hourly # Set required data for the daily option elif TimeCase == 'daily': # seperate the daily case parameters SumMean, Min, Max = CaseParameters # Define output folder and create this one if not exists path = { 'mean': os.path.join(Dir, 'Weather_Data', 'Model', 'GLDAS', TimeCase, Var, 'mean'), 'min': os.path.join(Dir, 'Weather_Data', 'Model', 'GLDAS', TimeCase, Var, 'min'), 'max': os.path.join(Dir, 'Weather_Data', 'Model', 'GLDAS', TimeCase, Var, 'max') } selected = np.array([SumMean, Min, Max]) types = np.array(('mean', 'min', 'max'))[selected == 1] CaseParameters = [selected, types] for i in range(len(types)): if not os.path.exists(path[types[i]]): os.makedirs(path[types[i]]) # Startdate if not defined sd_date = '2000-02-24' # Define Time frequency TimeFreq = 'D' # Define URL by using personal account #url = 'http://%s:%[email protected]:80/dods/GLDAS_NOAH025SUBP_3H' %(username,password) url = '{0}'.format( gldas_version) #%(username,password) # Name the definition that will be used to obtain the data RetrieveData_fcn = RetrieveData_daily # Set required data for the monthly option elif TimeCase == 'monthly': # Define output folder and create this one if not exists path = os.path.join(Dir, 'Weather_Data', 'Model', 'GLDAS', TimeCase, Var) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) CaseParameters = [] # Startdate if not defined sd_date = '2000-03-01' # Define Time frequency TimeFreq = 'MS' # Define URL by using personal account #url = 'http://%s:%[email protected]:80/dods/GLDAS_NOAH025_M' %(username,password) url = '{0}'.format( gldas_version) #%(username,password) # Name the definition that will be used to obtain the data RetrieveData_fcn = RetrieveData_monthly # If none of the possible option are chosen else: raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported") # Define IDs (latitude/longitude) yID = np.int16( np.array( [np.ceil((latlim[0] + 60) * 4), np.floor((latlim[1] + 60) * 4)])) xID = np.int16( np.array( [np.floor((lonlim[0] + 180) * 4), np.ceil((lonlim[1] + 180) * 4)])) # Check dates. If no dates are given, the max number of days is used. if not Startdate: Startdate = pd.Timestamp(sd_date) if not Enddate: Enddate = pd.Timestamp('Now') # Should be much than available # Create all dates that will be calculated Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq=TimeFreq) # Create Waitbar if Waitbar == 1: import wa.Functions.Start.WaitbarConsole as WaitbarConsole total_amount = len(Dates) amount = 0 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50) # Define the variable string name VarStr = VarInfo.names[Var] # Create one parameter with all the required arguments args = [ path, url, Var, VarStr, VarInfo, TimeCase, xID, yID, lonlim, latlim, CaseParameters, username, password ] # Pass variables to parallel function and run if not cores: for Date in Dates: RetrieveData_fcn(Date, args) if Waitbar == 1: amount += 1 WaitbarConsole.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50) results = True else: results = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(RetrieveData_fcn)(Date, args) for Date in Dates) return results