Ejemplo n.º 1
class WackyQueue():
    '''This class represents a WackyQueue
    A WackyQUeue is queue that operates with WackyNodes
    It stores its data in two linked lists. Every odd object
    is in a list. And the other holds every even object
    def __init__(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> None
        This method instanciates a WackyQueue
        # Representation Invariant
        # _size is how many objects the Queue contains
        # _head is the head of the one of the WackyQueues
        # _head2 is the second head of the WackyWueues
        # The hgher the number, the greater its priority
        # Which ever head holds 0 as its priority is the head of the odd
        # list
        # if self._head.get_priority is 0, it is the head of the odd list
        # if self._head2.get_priority is 0, it is the head of the odd list
        # Now cretaed the WackyHeads holding no information and
        # pointing to nothing
        # Make self._head's priotiry 0 by defualt to be the head of the odd
        # list, you will see why later.
        self._head = WackyNode(None, 0)
        self._head2 = WackyNode(None, 1)

    def insert(self, obj, pri):
        '''(WackyQueue, object, int) -> None
        This method puts an object in the Wacky Queue depending on its
        # Create the new node
        new_node = WackyNode(obj, pri)
        # First you want to find the spot where the new node will go. 'in-head'
        # means the operation is currently in self._head and is loking for
        # where to insert the item
        # We also want to start comparing items from the top of the list
        if self._head.get_priority() is 0:
            current_check = 'in-head'
            current_node = self._head.get_next()
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 0:
            current_check = 'in-head2'
            current_node = self._head2.get_next()
        # Next you want to make sure that the current node is not None
        if current_node is not None:
            current_pri = current_node.get_priority()
        # You want to keep track of what node was visited last in each list
        last_head_node = self._head
        last_head2_node = self._head2
        # Loop through BOTH lists, by alternating until you find the spot
        while (current_node is not None) and (pri <= current_pri):
            # create a condition that does alternate checking
            if current_check == 'in-head':
                # Keep track of both current and LAST Nodes
                last_head_node = current_node
                current_node = last_head2_node.get_next()
                # Next you want to make sure that the current node is not None
                if current_node is not None:
                    current_pri = current_node.get_priority()
                # Now to alternate make the current check to point to head2
                current_check = 'in-head2'
            elif current_check == 'in-head2':
                # Keep track of both current and LAST Nodes
                last_head2_node = current_node
                current_node = last_head_node.get_next()
                if current_node is not None:
                    current_pri = current_node.get_priority()
                # Now to alternate make the current check to point to head2
                current_check = 'in-head'
        # When the spot is found, depending on the obj of the head, that is
        # where you inserting it
        # Do not forget to push all the other items down the list
        # If the current_check is 'in-head', then you want to PUT the new node
        # in head
        if current_check == 'in-head':
            # Get the next node of the last node you visited in head2
            # Make the new node point to that
            # Make the last node you visited in head2 point to the current node
            # Make the last node you visited in head point to the new node
        # If the current_check is 'in-head2', then you want to PUT the new node
        # in head2
        elif current_check == 'in-head2':
            # Then get the next node of the last node you visited in head
            # Point the new node to the next node of the last node you visited
            # in head
            # Now point the last node you visited in head and point it to the
            # current node
            # Also, get the last node you visited before the current node,
            # then point that node to the new node.

    def extracthigh(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> object
        This method removes and returns the first item in the WackyQueue.
        The object with the largest priority and inputed first amognst its
        equal priority is removed first
        REQ: The Queue is not empty
        # You want to extract from the top of the head that has the highest
        # priority in the queue
        if self._head.get_priority() is 0:
            top_item = self._head.get_next()
            new_top_item = top_item.get_next()
            # Now make head point to the new top item
            # Remember to change the priority of the head, because the new top
            # item is now in the other head
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 0:
            top_item = self._head2.get_next()
            new_top_item = top_item.get_next()
            # Now make head2 point to the new top item
            # Now remember to change the priority of both heads
        return top_item.get_item()

    def is_empty(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> bool
        This method returns True if the WackyQueue is empty and False if it is
        # This part is simple, just get the next item to the dummy node
        # and check if it is None or a Node
        check_odd = self._head.get_next()
        check_even = self._head2.get_next()
        return check_odd is check_even is None

    def changepriority(self, obj, pri):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> None
        This method finds the first object of this priority and changes it to
        the priority that is given. Nothing is done if the object is not found
        # Now you want to find the first apperance of that object
        # start with the top of the list
        if self._head.get_priority() is 0:
            current_check = 'in-head'
            current_node = self._head.get_next()
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 0:
            current_check = 'in-head2'
            current_node = self._head2.get_next()
        current_item = current_node.get_item()
        last_head_node = self._head
        last_head2_node = self._head2
        # Now you want to loop until you have found the object you are looking
        # for
        while (current_item is not obj) and (current_node is not None):
            # Again just like in insert, you want to start with the top of the
            # Queue
            if current_check == 'in-head':
                last_head_node = current_node
                current_node = last_head2_node.get_next()
                if current_node is not None:
                    current_item = current_node.get_item()
                current_check = 'in-head2'
            elif current_check == 'in-head2':
                last_head2_node = current_node
                current_node = last_head_node.get_next()
                if current_node is not None:
                    current_item = current_node.get_item()
                current_check = 'in-head'
        # Check if the current node is None first
        if ((current_node is not None) and
           (current_node.get_priority is not pri)):
            # After you have found the node that contains the object you need
            # to re-arrange the list
            if current_check == 'in-head':
                # So first if you left off at head, that is where you are
                # removing the node from
                # Get the previous head item you visited and point it to the
                # next item of the last head2 item you visited
                # Now get the previous head2 item you visited and point it to
                # the next node of the current node
                self.insert(obj, pri)
            # If you left off at head2, this is where you are removing the
            # item from
            elif current_check == 'in-head2':
                # get the previos head2 node and point it to the next item of
                # the previous head node you visited
                # Then get the previous head node you visited to point it the
                # next item of the current node
                # Now you need to put back the new node into the list
                # use the insert method
                self.insert(obj, pri)

    def negate_all(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> None
        This method reveres the entry time of all the objects
        # Since your methods should be independent of the items in the list
        # when retrieving them, You want to 'just' flip both the odd and even
        # lists, luckily you have a helper function for this
        self._head = flip(self._head)
        self._head2 = flip(self._head2)
        # Now to get to the purpose of the function you have to negate all
        # the priorities in the Queue
        current_node = self._head.get_next()
        while current_node is not None:
            pri = current_node.get_priority()
            pri = pri * -1
            if current_node is not None:
                current_node = current_node.get_next()
        # Repeat the same steps for head2
        current_node = self._head2.get_next()
        while current_node is not None:
            pri = current_node.get_priority()
            pri = pri * -1
            if current_node is not None:
                current_node = current_node.get_next()
        # For the final step, since you do not remember what the last object
        # in the queue is. You need to check for the highest
        if (self._head.get_next() and self._head2.get_next() is not None):
            head_top_pri = self._head.get_next().get_priority()
            head2_top_pri = self._head2.get_next().get_priority()
            # Now you need see if you need a new top Node
            if head_top_pri > head2_top_pri:
            elif head2_top_pri > head_top_pri:

    def getoddlist(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> WackyNode
        This function returns a node that points to all the odd items in the
        # You know the first item on the list is the list is the one that has
        # priority 0
        if self._head.get_priority() is 0:
            odd_list = self._head.get_next()
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 0:
            odd_list = self._head2.get_next()
        return odd_list

    def getevenlist(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> WackyNode
        This function returns a node that points to all the even items in the
        # You know that which ever head whose priority is 1 has all the even
        # items
        if self._head.get_priority() is 1:
            even_list = self._head.get_next()
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 1:
            even_list = self._head2.get_next()
        return even_list

    def __str__(self):
        '''(WackyQueue) -> str
        This method prints the contents of the WackyQueue
        current_node = self._head.get_next()
        current_node2 = self._head2.get_next()
        head_str = ''
        head2_str = ''
        top_head_str = ''
        top_head2_str = ''
        while current_node is not None:
            current_obj = current_node.get_item()
            head_str = head_str + str(current_obj) + ', '
            current_node = current_node.get_next()
        while current_node2 is not None:
            current_obj2 = current_node2.get_item()
            head2_str = head2_str + str(current_obj2) + ', '
            current_node2 = current_node2.get_next()
        # Check which head has the higher priority
        if self._head.get_priority() is 0:
            top_head_str = 'ODD-LIST -> '
            top_head2_str = 'EVEN-LIST -> '
        elif self._head2.get_priority() is 0:
            top_head2_str = 'ODD-LIST -> '
            top_head_str = 'EVEN-LIST -> '
""" ANNOTATION 1: How do the priorities work? """
        Insert an item with a priority into the Wacky Queue.
        Duplicates are allowed - wacky queue may contain same copies of obj
        with same or different priorities.
        # Create a new node that will be inserted into the wacky queue
        new_node = WackyNode(item, priority)

        # If the WackyQueue is empty, add the new node to the first position of
        # WackyQueue (first position of odd linked list)
        if self._odd_head is None:
            self._odd_head = new_node
        # If the WackyQueue contains only one node and if the new node has a
        # priority greater than the first node,
        elif ((self._even_head is None) and (new_node.get_priority() >
            # Switch the first node to the second node's position and insert
            # new node to first node's position
            self._even_head = self._odd_head
            self._odd_head = new_node
        # If the WackyQueue contains only one node and if the priority of new
        # node is lesser than that of first node,
        elif self._even_head is None:
            # Add the new node to the second position of WackyQueue
            # (ie. 1st position of even linked list)
            self._even_head = new_node
        # Else, loop through both linked lists till we find a priority lesser
        # than the priority of new node
            # Set temporary variables to represent the nodes in the linked list
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def insert(self, obj, pri):
        '''(WackyQueue, obj, int) -> NoneType
        Creates a new WackyNode and inserts it into the
        WackyQueue sorted descendingly. Items with
        the same priority are sorted according to which
        item was added first.
        # Create node
        node = WackyNode(obj, pri)

        # Insert first item
        if self._odd is None:
            self._odd = node
        # Insert the second item if
        # it has less priority than first
        elif self._even is None and node.get_priority(
        ) <= self._odd.get_priority():
            self._even = node
        # Switch the first and second if
        # second node has greater priority
        elif self._even is None and node.get_priority(
        ) > self._odd.get_priority():
            self._even = self._odd
            self._odd = node
        # Insert the nth item, where n > 2
            # Store the first and second nodes
            cur_node1 = self._odd
            cur_node2 = self._even
            # Keep track of the size of both lists
            sizeodd = 1
            sizeeven = 1

            # Take the nodes with the highest possible
            # priority from both lists
            while (
                    cur_node1.get_next() is not None and
                (cur_node1.get_next().get_priority() >= node.get_priority())):
                sizeodd += 1
                cur_node1 = cur_node1.get_next()

            while (
                    cur_node2.get_next() is not None and
                (cur_node2.get_next().get_priority() >= node.get_priority())):
                sizeeven += 1
                cur_node2 = cur_node2.get_next()

            # First Case:
            # The current nodes priorities taken from the
            # even and odd lists are greater than or equal
            # to the node priority
            if (cur_node1.get_priority() >= node.get_priority()
                    and cur_node2.get_priority() >= node.get_priority()):
                # Find greater value between two current nodes
                # By default assume the odd list contains the higher node
                greatest = cur_node1
                lowest = cur_node2
                if cur_node1.get_priority() < cur_node2.get_priority():
                    greatest = cur_node2
                    lowest = cur_node1
                elif cur_node1.get_priority() == cur_node2.get_priority():
                    # If odd list is longer, add node to the even list
                    if sizeodd > sizeeven:
                        greatest = cur_node2
                        lowest = cur_node1

                temp = greatest.get_next()

            # Second Case:
            # The node priority is strictly inbetween the two
            # priorities or equal to the first odd node's priority
            elif (cur_node1.get_priority() >= node.get_priority()
                  and cur_node2.get_priority() < node.get_priority()):
                # Insert in between
                temp = cur_node1.get_next()
                self._even = node

            # Third Case:
            # The node priority is strictly greater than both
            elif (cur_node1.get_priority() < node.get_priority()
                  and cur_node2.get_priority() < node.get_priority()):
                # Insert at the beginning
                temp = cur_node1
                self._odd = node
                self._even = temp