Ejemplo n.º 1
 def build(self, bld, target, tgen, font):
     if not hasattr(self, 'no_make'):
         cmd = getattr(self, 'make_params', '') + " "
         ind = 0
         srcs = []
         if hasattr(font, 'ap'):
             cmd += "-a ${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
             ind += 1
         if hasattr(self, 'master'):
             cmd += "-i ${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
             ind += 1
         bld(rule="${MAKE_VOLT} " + cmd + "-t " +
             bld.path.find_or_declare(target).bldpath() + " > ${TGT}",
             source=srcs + [target],
     if hasattr(font, 'typetuner') and not getattr(self, 'no_typetuner', 0):
         xmlparms = " -x ${TGT[0].bldpath()}"
         tgts = [target, font.typetuner]
         modify("${VOLT2TTF} " + self.params + xmlparms +
                " -t ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}",
                tgts, [self.source],
                name=font.target + "_ot")
         modify("${VOLT2TTF} " + self.params + " -t ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}",
                target, [self.source],
                name=font.target + "_ot")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def build(self, bld, font):
     if not hasattr(self, 'copyright'):
         self.copyright = getattr(font, 'copyright',
                                  getattr(font.package, 'copyright', ''))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def doit(src, keeps):
     modify("${TTFTABLE} -d opentype ${DEP} ${TGT}", target)
         "${FONTFORGE} -nosplash -quiet -lang=py -c 'f=open(\"${DEP}\",32); f.encoding=\"Original\"; list(f.removeLookup(x) for x in f.gsub_lookups+f.gpos_lookups if not len(f.getLookupInfo(x)[2]) or f.getLookupInfo(x)[2][0][0] not in ["
         + keeps +
         "]); f.mergeFeature(\"${SRC}\"); f.generate(\"${TGT}\")'",
         target, [src],
         name=font.target + "_fea",
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def doit(src, keeps) :
     modify("${TTFTABLE} -d opentype ${DEP} ${TGT}", target)
     if hasattr(font, 'buildusingfontforge') :
         modify("${FONTFORGE} -nosplash -quiet -lang=py -c 'f=open(\"${DEP}\",32); f.encoding=\"Original\"; list(f.removeLookup(x) for x in f.gsub_lookups+f.gpos_lookups if not len(f.getLookupInfo(x)[2]) or f.getLookupInfo(x)[2][0][0] not in ["+keeps+"]); f.mergeFeature(\"${SRC}\"); f.generate(\"${TGT}\")'", target, [src], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_fea", shell = 1)
     elif hasattr(self, 'buildusingsilfont'):
         modify("${PSFBUILDFEA} " + self.params + " -o '${TGT}' '${SRC}' '${DEP}'", target, [src], name = font.target + "_fea", path=bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), shell = 1)
     else :
         modify("${FONTTOOLS} feaLib -o '${TGT}' '${SRC}' '${DEP}'", target, [src], name = font.target + "_fea", path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), shell = 1) 
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def build(self, bld, target, tgen, font) :
     if not hasattr(self, 'no_make') :
         cmd = getattr(self, 'make_params', '') + " "
         ind = 0
         srcs = []
         if hasattr(font, 'ap') :
             cmd += "-a ${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
             ind += 1
         if hasattr(self, 'master') :
             cmd += "-i ${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
             ind += 1
         bld(rule = "${MAKE_VOLT} " + cmd + "-t " + bld.path.find_or_declare(target).bldpath() + " > ${TGT}", shell = 1, source = srcs + [target], target = self.source)
     if hasattr(font, 'typetuner') and not getattr(self, 'no_typetuner', 0) :
         xmlparms = " -x ${TGT[0].bldpath()}"
         tgts = [target, font.typetuner]
         modify("${VOLT2TTF} " + self.params + xmlparms + " -t ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", tgts, [self.source], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_ot")
     else :
         modify("${VOLT2TTF} " + self.params + " -t ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, [self.source], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_ot")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def build(self, bld, target, tgen, font) :
        srcs = [font.source]
        if self.master : srcs.append(self.master)
        modify("${TTFTABLE} -delete graphite ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, srcs, path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath())
        prevars = ""
        if hasattr(self, 'gdlpp_prefs') :
            prevars = 'GDLPP_PREFS="' + self.gdlpp_prefs + '" '
        depends = getattr(self, 'depends', [])
        if self.source is not None :
            if not hasattr(self, 'no_make') :
                srcs = []
                cmd = getattr(self, 'make_params', '') + " "
                ind = 0
                if hasattr(font, 'ap') :
                    cmd += "-a '${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()}' "
                    ind += 1
                if hasattr(font, 'classes') :
                    cmd += "-c '${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()}' "
                    ind += 1
                if self.master :
                    mnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.master)
                    snode = bld.bldnode.find_or_declare(self.source)
                    loc = mnode.path_from(snode.parent)
#                    cmd += '-i ${SRC[' + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
                    cmd += '-i ' + loc + ' '
                    ind += 1
                bld(rule = "${MAKE_GDL} " + cmd + bld.path.find_or_declare(target).bldpath() + " ${TGT}", shell = 1, source = srcs + [target], target = self.source)
            modify(prevars + "${GRCOMPILER} -q " + self.params + " ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, [self.source], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_gr", deps = depends, shell = 1)
        elif self.master :
            modify(prevars + "${GRCOMPILER} -q " + self.params + " ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, [self.master], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_gr", deps = depends, shell = 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def build(self, bld, target, tgen, font) :
        srcs = [font.source]
        if self.master : srcs.append(self.master)
        modify("${TTFTABLE} -delete graphite ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, srcs, path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath())
        prevars = ""
        if hasattr(self, 'gdlpp_prefs') :
            prevars = 'GDLPP_PREFS="' + self.gdlpp_prefs + '" '
        depends = getattr(self, 'depends', [])
        if self.source is not None :
            if not hasattr(self, 'no_make') :
                srcs = []
                cmd = getattr(self, 'make_params', '') + " "
                ind = 0
                if hasattr(font, 'ap') :
                    cmd += "-a '${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()}' "
                    ind += 1
                if hasattr(font, 'classes') :
                    cmd += "-c '${SRC[" + str(ind) + "].bldpath()}' "
                    ind += 1
                if self.master :
                    mnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.master)
                    snode = bld.bldnode.find_or_declare(self.source)
                    loc = mnode.path_from(snode.parent)
#                    cmd += '-i ${SRC[' + str(ind) + "].bldpath()} "
                    cmd += '-i ' + loc + ' '
                    ind += 1
                bld(rule = "${MAKE_GDL} " + cmd + bld.path.find_or_declare(target).bldpath() + " ${TGT}", shell = 1, source = srcs + [target], target = self.source)
            modify(prevars + "${GRCOMPILER} " + self.params + " ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, [self.source], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_gr", deps = depends, shell = 1)
        elif self.master :
            modify(prevars + "${GRCOMPILER} " + self.params + " ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", target, [self.master], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_gr", deps = depends, shell = 1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def build(self, bld, ap=None) :
        res = {}
        if self._isbuilt : return self
        else : self._isbuilt = True

        basepath = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath()
        if self.source == self.target :
            Logs.error("Font source may not be the same as the target: '%s'" % self.target)
        # convert from legacy
        if hasattr(self, 'legacy') :
            self.legacy.build(bld, getattr(self, 'ap', None))

        # build font
        targetnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.target)
        tarname = None
        srcnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.source)
        if self.source.endswith(".ttf") :
            bgen = bld(rule = "${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = srcnode, target = targetnode, shell=True)
        elif self.source.endswith(".ufo") and not hasattr(self, 'buildusingfontforge') :
            bgen = bld(rule = "${PSFUFO2TTF} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = srcnode, target = targetnode, shell=True) 
        else :
            if getattr(self, "sfd_master", None) and self.sfd_master != self.source:
                tarname = self.source + "_"
                bld(rule = "${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = srcnode, target = tarname, shell=True)
                modify("${SFDMELD} ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", tarname, [self.sfd_master], path = basepath, before = self.target + "_sfd")
            bgen = bld(rule = "${FONTFORGE} -nosplash -quiet -lang=py -c 'import sys; f=open(sys.argv[1]); f.encoding=\"Original\"; f.generate(sys.argv[2])' ${SRC} ${TGT}", source = tarname or srcnode, target = self.target, name = self.target + "_sfd") # for old fontforges
            # bgen = bld(rule = "${FONTFORGE} -quiet -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); Generate($2)' ${SRC} ${TGT}", source = tarname or srcnode, target = self.target, name = self.target + "_sfd")

        if hasattr(self, 'version') :
            if isinstance(self.version, (list, tuple)) :
                ttfsetverparms = "-d '" + self.version[1] + "' " + self.version[0]
            elif self.package.buildversion != '' :
                ttfsetverparms = "-d '{1}' {0}".format(str(self.version), self.package.buildversion)
            else :
                ttfsetverparms = str(self.version)
            modify("${TTFSETVER} " + ttfsetverparms + " ${DEP} ${TGT}", self.target, path = basepath, late = 1)
        if hasattr(self, 'copyright') :
            modify("${TTFNAME} -t 0 -n '%s' ${DEP} ${TGT}" % (self.copyright), self.target, path = basepath, late = 1)
        if hasattr(self, 'license') :
            if hasattr(self.license, 'reserve') :
            self.license.build(bld, self)

        # add smarts
        if hasattr(self, 'ap') :
            if not hasattr(self, 'legacy') or hasattr(self.legacy, 'noap') :
                apnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.ap)
                if self.source.endswith(".sfd") and not os.path.exists(apnode.get_src().abspath()) :
                    apopts = getattr(self, 'ap_params', "")
                    bld(rule = "${SFD2AP} " + apopts + " '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = tarname or self.source, target = apnode)
                elif self.source.endswith(".ufo") and not os.path.exists(apnode.get_src().abspath()):
                    apopts = getattr(self, 'ap_params', "")
                    bld(rule = "${PSFEXPORTANCHORS} -l '${TGT[0].bld_dir()}' " + apopts + " '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = tarname or self.source, target = apnode)
                elif not hasattr(self.ap, 'isGenerated') and (hasattr(self, 'classes') or ismodified(self.ap, path = basepath)) :
                    origap = self.ap
                    self.ap = self.ap + ".smith"
                    bld(rule="${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = origap, target = self.ap, shell=True)
            # if hasattr(self, 'classes') :
            #     modify("${ADD_CLASSES} -c ${SRC} ${DEP} > ${TGT}", self.ap, [self.classes], shell = 1, path = basepath)
        # add smarts
        for x in (getattr(self, y, None) for y in ('opentype', 'graphite', 'pdf', 'woff', 'fret')) :
            if x :
                x.build(bld, self.target, bgen, self)

        if hasattr(self, 'ttfautohint'):
            modify("${TTFAUTOHINT} " + self.ttfautohint + " ${DEP} ${TGT}", self.target)

        if hasattr(self, 'typetuner') :
            modify("${TYPETUNER} -o ${TGT} add ${SRC} ${DEP}", self.target, inputs = [self.typetuner])

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def build(self, bld, ap=None) :
        res = {}
        if self._isbuilt : return self
        else : self._isbuilt = True

        basepath = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath()
        if self.source == self.target :
            Logs.error("Font source may not be the same as the target: '%s'" % self.target)
        # convert from legacy
        if hasattr(self, 'legacy') :
            self.legacy.build(bld, getattr(self, 'ap', None))

        # build font
        targetnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.target)
        tarname = None
        if self.source.endswith(".ttf") :
            bgen = bld(rule = "${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = [self.source], target = targetnode, shell=True)
        else :
            srcnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.source)
            if getattr(self, "sfd_master", None) and self.sfd_master != self.source:
                tarname = self.source + "_"
                bld(rule = "${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = srcnode, target = tarname, shell=True)
                modify("${SFDMELD} ${SRC} ${DEP} ${TGT}", tarname, [self.sfd_master], path = basepath, before = self.target + "_sfd")
            bgen = bld(rule = "${FONTFORGE} -nosplash -quiet -lang=py -c 'import sys; f=open(sys.argv[1]); f.encoding=\"Original\"; f.generate(sys.argv[2])' ${SRC} ${TGT}", source = tarname or srcnode, target = self.target, name = self.target + "_sfd") # for old fontforges
            # bgen = bld(rule = "${FONTFORGE} -quiet -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); Generate($2)' ${SRC} ${TGT}", source = tarname or srcnode, target = self.target, name = self.target + "_sfd")

        if hasattr(self, 'version') :
            if isinstance(self.version, (list, tuple)) :
                ttfsetverparms = "-d '" + self.version[1] + "' " + self.version[0]
            else :
                gotver = package.getversion()
                if gotver != '' :
                    ttfsetverparms = "-d 'dev {1}' {0}".format(str(self.version), gotver)
                else :
                    ttfsetverparms = str(self.version)
            modify("${TTFSETVER} " + ttfsetverparms + " ${DEP} ${TGT}", self.target, path = basepath, late = 1)
        if hasattr(self, 'copyright') :
            modify("${TTFNAME} -t 0 -n '%s' ${DEP} ${TGT}" % (self.copyright), self.target, path = basepath, late = 1)
        if hasattr(self, 'license') :
            if hasattr(self.license, 'reserve') :
            self.license.build(bld, self)

        # add smarts
        if hasattr(self, 'ap') :
            if not hasattr(self, 'legacy') or hasattr(self.legacy, 'noap') :
                apnode = bld.path.find_or_declare(self.ap)
                if self.source.endswith(".sfd") and not os.path.exists(apnode.get_src().abspath()) :
                    apopts = getattr(self, 'ap_params', "")
                    bld(rule = "${SFD2AP} " + apopts + " '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = tarname or self.source, target = apnode)
                elif not hasattr(self.ap, 'isGenerated') and (hasattr(self, 'classes') or ismodified(self.ap, path = basepath)) :
                    origap = self.ap
                    self.ap = self.ap + ".smith"
                    bld(rule="${COPY} '${SRC}' '${TGT}'", source = origap, target = self.ap, shell=True)
            # if hasattr(self, 'classes') :
            #     modify("${ADD_CLASSES} -c ${SRC} ${DEP} > ${TGT}", self.ap, [self.classes], shell = 1, path = basepath)
        # add smarts
        for x in (getattr(self, y, None) for y in ('opentype', 'graphite', 'pdf', 'woff', 'fret')) :
            if x :
                x.build(bld, self.target, bgen, self)

        if hasattr(self, 'typetuner') :
            modify("${TYPETUNER} -o ${TGT} add ${SRC} ${DEP}", self.target, [self.typetuner])

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def build(self, bld, font) :
     if not hasattr(self, 'copyright') :
         self.copyright = getattr(font, 'copyright', getattr(font.package, 'copyright', ''))
     modify(self.insert_ofl, font.target, path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), late = 1)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def doit(src, keeps) :
     modify("${TTFTABLE} -d opentype ${DEP} ${TGT}", target)
     modify("${FONTFORGE} -nosplash -quiet -lang=py -c 'f=open(\"${DEP}\",32); f.encoding=\"Original\"; list(f.removeLookup(x) for x in f.gsub_lookups+f.gpos_lookups if not len(f.getLookupInfo(x)[2]) or f.getLookupInfo(x)[2][0][0] not in ["+keeps+"]); f.mergeFeature(\"${SRC}\"); f.generate(\"${TGT}\")'", target, [src], path = bld.srcnode.find_node('wscript').abspath(), name = font.target + "_fea", deps = depends, shell = 1)