def analyse(self):
        # construct WPDS
        for func in self.filecontainer.getFunctions():
            if func.getInstructions() == []:
        res = construct_wpds(self.filecontainer)

        print "Value Analysis: WPDS constructed"

        # Compute the result
        query = wali.WFA()
        p = wali.getKey("p")
        accept = wali.getKey("accept")
        # XXX configurable entrypoint
        initloc = wali.getKey("f_main")
        query.addTrans(p, initloc, accept, getNoEffect())
        self.answer = wali.WFA()
        res.poststar(query, self.answer)

        print "Value Analysis: post* calculated"

        # print self.answer

        # post-process the result
        self.calling_contexts = calculate_calling_contexts(self.filecontainer, self.answer)

        print "Value Analysis: calling contexts calculated"

        # self.mem_accesses = calculate_memaccesses(self.filecontainer,
        #    self.calling_contexts, self.answer)
        # print self.mem_accesses
        self.analysed = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calculate_memaccesses(f, calling_contexts, answer):
    """Calculates the memory address accessed by a memory operation.
    @returns a dict from memory address of instruction -> memory address,
        or -> dict of loop bounds -> memory address, if function uses loop bounds.
    arch = f.getArch()
    #helper function
    def get_ins_type(opcode):
        return arch.get_ins_type(opcode)

    #the state of our automaton
    p = wali.getKey("p")

    toret = {}

    for func in f.getFunctions():
        if func.getLabel()[0:1] == '_':
        if func.getLabel()[0:2] == '__':
        if func.getLabel() in ['call_gmon_start', 'frame_dummy']:
        loop_bounds = find_loopbounds(func)
        for ins in func.getInstructions():
            if get_ins_type(ins.getOpcode()) in \
                ['INSTR_STORE', 'INSTR_LOAD', 'INSTR_PUSH', 'INSTR_POP',
                if len(loop_bounds.values()) == 0:
                    k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_")
                    print hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_"
                    trans = answer.match(p, k0).asList()[0]
                    #print "extending", calling_contexts[func.getLabel()],
                    #print "with", trans.weight(),
                    weight = calling_contexts[func.getLabel()].extend(trans.weight())
                    #print "=", weight
                    #print hex(ins.address), str(ins), weight
                    #find out address, by evaluating expression, given weight

                    toret[ins.address] = memory_address_from_instruction(f, calling_contexts, weight, ins)
                    context_dict = {}
                    #traverse the different loopbound contexts
                    for lb in all_loopbound_combinations(loop_bounds.values()):
                        k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                            "_".join( map(str, lb) ))
                        transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
                        assert(len(transitions) in [0, 1])
                        if len(transitions) == 1:
                            trans = transitions[0]
                            weight = calling_contexts[func.getLabel()].extend(trans.weight())
                            #print "extending", calling_contexts[func.getLabel()], "with", trans.weight(),
                            #print "=", weight
                            #print hex(ins.address), lb, str(ins), weight
                            addrval = memory_address_from_instruction(f, calling_contexts, weight, ins)
                            if addrval != 'INVALID_ADDRESS':
                                context_dict[lb] = addrval
                    toret[ins.address] = context_dict
    return toret
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calculate_weight(f, calling_contexts, answer, ins):
    """Calculates the weight associated with this instruction,
    given the calling contexts and the answer.
    #the state of our automaton
    p = wali.getKey("p")

    func = ins.getFunction()
    loop_bounds = find_loopbounds(func)

    if len(loop_bounds.values()) == 0:
        k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_")
        #print hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_"
        transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
        if len(transitions) == 0:
            return None
        trans = transitions[0]
        #print "extending", calling_contexts[func.getLabel()],
        #print "with", trans.weight(),
        weight = calling_contexts[func.getLabel()].extend(trans.weight())

        #Cast to ConstDom
        weight = dissy.constdom.toConstDom(weight)
        return weight
        context_dict = {}
        #traverse the different loopbound contexts
        #for lb in all_loopbound_combinations(loop_bounds.values()):
        for lb in loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()]:
            print 'lb', lb.values()
            k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                "_".join( map(str, lb.values()) ))

            transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
            assert(len(transitions) in [0, 1])
            if len(transitions) == 1:
                trans = transitions[0]
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                weight = calling_contexts[func.getLabel()].extend(trans.weight())
                #print "extending", calling_contexts[func.getLabel()], "with", trans.weight(),
                #print "=", weight
                print hex(ins.address), lb, str(ins), weight
                #Cast to ConstDom
                weight = dissy.constdom.toConstDom(weight)

                context_dict[tuple(lb.values())] = weight

        return context_dict
Ejemplo n.º 4
def do_valueanalysis(fname):
    #construct WPDS
    f = dissy.File.File(fname)
    for func in f.getFunctions():
    res = construct_wpds(f)

    #Compute the result
    query = wali.WFA()
    p = wali.getKey("p")
    accept = wali.getKey("accept")
    initloc = wali.getKey("f_main")
    query.addTrans( p, initloc  , accept, getNoEffect() );
    query.set_initial_state( p )
    query.add_final_state( accept )
    answer = wali.WFA()
    res.poststar(query, answer)

    #post-process the result
    calling_contexts = calculate_calling_contexts(f, answer)
    mem_accesses = calculate_memaccesses(f, calling_contexts, answer)
    return mem_accesses
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def analyse(self):
        #construct WPDS
        for func in self.filecontainer.getFunctions():
            if func.getInstructions() == []:
        res = construct_wpds(self.filecontainer)

        print "Value Analysis: WPDS constructed"

        #Compute the result
        query = wali.WFA()
        p = wali.getKey("p")
        accept = wali.getKey("accept")
        #XXX configurable entrypoint
        initloc = wali.getKey("f_main")
        query.addTrans(p, initloc, accept, getNoEffect())
        self.answer = wali.WFA()
        res.poststar(query, self.answer)

        print "Value Analysis: post* calculated"

        #print self.answer

        #post-process the result
        self.calling_contexts = calculate_calling_contexts(
            self.filecontainer, self.answer)

        print "Value Analysis: calling contexts calculated"

        #self.mem_accesses = calculate_memaccesses(self.filecontainer,
        #    self.calling_contexts, self.answer)
        #print self.mem_accesses
        self.analysed = True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_basic(self):
        a = ConstDom("")
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "{ }")

        a = ConstDom("r1 = 5")
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "{ r1 = 5 ; }")
        b = ConstDom("r2 = 7")
        self.assertEqual(str(b), "{ r2 = 7 ; }")

        c = ConstDom("r1 = 5; r2 = 7")
        self.assertEqual(str(c), "{ r1 = 5 ; r2 = 7 ; }")

        d = ConstDom("r2 = r2 + 5")
        self.assertEqual(str(d), "{ r2 = r2 + 5 ; }")

        self.assertEqual(wali.getKey('*'), wali.getEpsilonKey())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_basic(self):
        a = ConstDom("")
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "{ }")

        a = ConstDom("r1 = 5")
        self.assertEqual(str(a), "{ r1 = 5 ; }")
        b = ConstDom("r2 = 7")
        self.assertEqual(str(b), "{ r2 = 7 ; }")

        c = ConstDom("r1 = 5; r2 = 7")
        self.assertEqual(str(c), "{ r1 = 5 ; r2 = 7 ; }")

        d = ConstDom("r2 = r2 + 5")
        self.assertEqual(str(d), "{ r2 = r2 + 5 ; }")

        self.assertEqual(wali.getKey('*'), wali.getEpsilonKey())
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def no_test_funccall(self):
        n0: r1 = 30;
        n1: f();
        n2: r1 = 5;
        n6: f();

        n3: f():
        n4:    dostuff
        n5:    return
        w = wali.WPDS()
        p = wali.getKey("p")
        accept = wali.getKey("accept")
        n = []
        for i in range(0, 8):
            n += [wali.getKey("n" + str(i))]
        z = wali.ConstDom().zero()

        noEffect = wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom(""))
        w.add_rule(p, n[0], p, n[1], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r1 = 30")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[1], p, n[3], n[2], noEffect)
        w.add_rule(p, n[2], p, n[6], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r1 = 5")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[6], p, n[3], n[7], noEffect)

        w.add_rule(p, n[3], p, n[4], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r2 = 5")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[4], p, n[5], noEffect)
        w.add_rule(p, n[5], p, noEffect)

        print w

        query = wali.WFA()

        #q = wali.getKey("q")
        #query.addTrans( p, n[3] , q, noEffect);
        #query.addTrans( q, n[2] , accept, noEffect);
        query.addTrans( p, n[0] , accept, noEffect);
        query.set_initial_state( p )
        query.add_final_state( accept )

        print query

        print "============== ANSWER ==============="
        answer = wali.WFA()
        w.poststar(query, answer)
        print str(answer)
        compkey = wali.getKey(p, n[3])
        print wali.key2str(compkey)
        genkeysource = wali.GenKeySource(1, compkey)
        #print  genkeysource.to_string()
        genkey = wali.getKey( genkeysource )
        genkey = wali.getKey( genkeysource )

        print str(genkey)

        #for i in answer.asList():
        #    print wali.getKeySource(i.fromState()).toString(), \
        #        "==", \
        #        wali.getKeySource(i.stack()).toString(), \
        #        "=>", \
        #        wali.getKeySource(i.toState()).toString(), \
        #        "  ", \
        #        i.weight()
        #    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        abemad = answer.match(genkey, n[2])

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        print abemad, dir(abemad)

        mylist = abemad.asList()
        print len(mylist), mylist

        for i in mylist:
            print "abemad: ", i
            print "props: ", i.fromState(), i.stack(), i.toState(), i.weight(), i.getDelta()

        functionsummaries = answer.match(p, wali.getKey('*')).asList()
        functionsummary = functionsummaries[0]
        callsite = answer.match(p, n[5]).asList()[0]

        print callsite.weight(), functionsummary.weight()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def no_test_funccall(self):
        n0: r1 = 30;
        n1: f();
        n2: r1 = 5;
        n6: f();

        n3: f():
        n4:    dostuff
        n5:    return
        w = wali.WPDS()
        p = wali.getKey("p")
        accept = wali.getKey("accept")
        n = []
        for i in range(0, 8):
            n += [wali.getKey("n" + str(i))]
        z = wali.ConstDom().zero()

        noEffect = wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom(""))
        w.add_rule(p, n[0], p, n[1], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r1 = 30")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[1], p, n[3], n[2], noEffect)
        w.add_rule(p, n[2], p, n[6], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r1 = 5")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[6], p, n[3], n[7], noEffect)

        w.add_rule(p, n[3], p, n[4], wali.SemElemPtr(wali.ConstDom("r2 = 5")))
        w.add_rule(p, n[4], p, n[5], noEffect)
        w.add_rule(p, n[5], p, noEffect)

        print w

        query = wali.WFA()

        #q = wali.getKey("q")
        #query.addTrans( p, n[3] , q, noEffect);
        #query.addTrans( q, n[2] , accept, noEffect);

        query.addTrans(p, n[0], accept, noEffect)

        print query

        print "============== ANSWER ==============="
        answer = wali.WFA()
        w.poststar(query, answer)
        print str(answer)
        compkey = wali.getKey(p, n[3])
        print wali.key2str(compkey)
        genkeysource = wali.GenKeySource(1, compkey)
        #print  genkeysource.to_string()
        genkey = wali.getKey(genkeysource)
        genkey = wali.getKey(genkeysource)

        print str(genkey)

        #for i in answer.asList():
        #    print wali.getKeySource(i.fromState()).toString(), \
        #        "==", \
        #        wali.getKeySource(i.stack()).toString(), \
        #        "=>", \
        #        wali.getKeySource(i.toState()).toString(), \
        #        "  ", \
        #        i.weight()
        #    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        abemad = answer.match(genkey, n[2])

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        print abemad, dir(abemad)

        mylist = abemad.asList()
        print len(mylist), mylist

        for i in mylist:
            print "abemad: ", i
            print "props: ", i.fromState(), i.stack(), i.toState(), i.weight(
            ), i.getDelta()

        functionsummaries = answer.match(p, wali.getKey('*')).asList()

        functionsummary = functionsummaries[0]

        callsite = answer.match(p, n[5]).asList()[0]

        print callsite.weight(), functionsummary.weight()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def calculate_calling_contexts(f, answer):
    """Calculates the combined calling context for each function
    @returns dict from function names -> calling context as SemElem"""

    #the state of our automaton
    p = wali.getKey("p")

    toret = {}
    #Traverse the CFG, from main, looking for function calls
    mainfunc = [func for func in f.getFunctions() if func.getLabel() == 'main'][0]
    toret[mainfunc.getLabel()] = getNoEffect()
    funcqueue = [mainfunc]

    while len(funcqueue) > 0:
        func = funcqueue.pop()
        #k0 = wali.getKey("f_" + func.getLabel())
        #transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
        #print len(transitions)
        #print transitions[0].weight()
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        #loop_bounds = find_loopbounds(func)
        print 'traversing func', func.getLabel()
        for ins in func.getInstructions():
            if isinstance(ins.getOutLink(), Function):
                print 'now at', hex(ins.address)
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                f2 = ins.getOutLink()
                curcontext = toret.get(f2.getLabel(), None)
                #print "got", curcontext

                #traverse the different loopbound contexts
                #print loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()]
                #for lb in all_loopbound_combinations(loop_bounds.values()):
                for lb in loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()]:
                    #print 'lb', lb.values()
                    k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                        "_".join( map(str, lb.values()) ))

                    transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
                    if not len(transitions) in [0,1]:
                        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                    assert(len(transitions) in [0,1])
                    #If reachable in this loop context
                    if len(transitions) == 1:
                        trans = transitions[0]
                        #print "extending", toret.get(func.getLabel()),  "with", trans.weight()
                        #if toret.get(func.getLabel()) is None:
                        #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                        thiscontext = toret.get(func.getLabel()).extend(trans.weight())
                        #print "combining", curcontext, "and", thiscontext
                        if curcontext is None:
                            curcontext = thiscontext
                            curcontext = curcontext.combine(thiscontext)
                        #print "combine result", curcontext

                #if curcontext is None:
                #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                toret[f2.getLabel()] = curcontext
                #dont calculate calling contexts for things called by library funcs
                if f2.getLabel()[:2] != '__':
                    funcqueue += [ins.getOutLink()]

    return toret
Ejemplo n.º 11
def calculate_calling_contexts_test(f, answer):
    """Calculates the combined calling context for each function
    @returns dict from function names -> calling context as SemElem"""

    #the state of our automaton
    p = wali.getKey("p")

    toret = {}
    #Traverse the CFG, from main, looking for function calls
    mainfunc = [func for func in f.getFunctions() if func.getLabel() == 'main'][0]
    toret[mainfunc.getLabel()] = getNoEffect()
    funcqueue = [mainfunc]

    while len(funcqueue) > 0:
        func = funcqueue.pop()
        instructions = func.getInstructions()

        if func.getLabel()[0:2] != '__':

            loop_bounds = find_loopbounds(func)
            #Copy loopbounds
            cur_loopbounds = dict(loop_bounds)
            for i in cur_loopbounds:
                cur_loopbounds[i] = 0

            i = 0
            indentlevel = -1

            while i < len(instructions):
                ins = instructions[i]

                #unconditional branch ("Function call")
                if isinstance(ins.getOutLink(), Function): #TODO check that jump is unconditional
                    print 'now at', hex(ins.address)
                    f2 = ins.getOutLink()
                    curcontext = toret.get(f2.getLabel(), None)
                    #print "got", curcontext

                    #print 'lb', lb
                    k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                        "_".join( map(str, cur_loopbounds) ))

                    transitions = answer.match(p, k0).asList()
                    assert(len(transitions) in [0,1])
                    #If reachable in this loop context
                    if len(transitions) == 1:
                        trans = transitions[0]
                        #print "extending", toret.get(func.getLabel()),  "with", trans.weight()
                        thiscontext = toret.get(func.getLabel()).extend(trans.weight())
                        print "combining", curcontext, "and", thiscontext
                        if curcontext is None:
                            curcontext = thiscontext
                            curcontext = curcontext.combine(thiscontext)
                        #print "combine result", curcontext

                    toret[f2.getLabel()] = curcontext
                    funcqueue += [ins.getOutLink()]

                    #Special case: Function call as last instruction, no return from this call - handle as sort of sequential
                    if len(instructions) - 1 == i:
                        i += 1
                        nextins = instructions[i+1]
                        i += 1
                elif isinstance(ins.getOutLink(), Instruction) and \
                    not ins.getOpcode() in ['bl', 'bx'] and \
                    len(ins.getOpcode()) > 1:
                    #Forward jump
                    if ins.getOutLink().address > ins.address:
                        i += 1
                    #Backward jump
                    elif ins.getOutLink().address < ins.address:
                        #examine loopbound, to find out if we unroll,
                        if cur_loopbounds[ins.address] < loop_bounds[ins.address]-1:
                            if cur_loopbounds[ins.address] == 0:
                                indentlevel += 1
                            #print '  ' * indentlevel + 'Unrolling loop at', hex(ins.address)[:-1],
                            #print cur_loopbounds[ins.address], "/", loop_bounds[ins.address]

                            #keep unrolling, take loop edge
                            nextins = ins.getOutLink()
                            i = instructions.index(nextins)
                            cur_loopbounds[ins.address] += 1
                            #loopbound reached, go on sequentially
                            nextins = instructions[i+1]
                            i += 1

                            #reset loop counter
                            cur_loopbounds[ins.address] = 0

                            indentlevel -= 1

                elif ins.getOpcode() == 'bx' and ins.getArgs() == 'lr': #TODO arch specific to ARM
                    i += 1
                #Sequential progression
                elif i < len(instructions)-1:
                    nextins = instructions[i+1]
                    i += 1
                    i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
def construct_wpds(f):
    global loopcontexts_seen
    arch = f.getArch()
    wpds = wali.WPDS()
    #the state of our automaton
    p = wali.getKey("p")

    #Helper function, to wrap into the WALi framework, and cache effects
    instructionEffectCache = {}
    def getInstructionEffect(ins, func):
        if (ins, func) in instructionEffectCache:
            return instructionEffectCache[(ins, func)]
            effect = wali.SemElemPtr( 
                    arch.getInstructionEffect(ins, func), 
                    arch.getInstructionStackEffect(ins, func) 
                ) )
            instructionEffectCache[(ins, func)] = effect
            return effect

    for func in f.getFunctions():
        instructions = func.getInstructions()
        if func.getLabel()[0:2] != '__':

            loop_bounds = find_loopbounds(func)
            #Copy loopbounds
            cur_loopbounds = dict(loop_bounds)
            for i in cur_loopbounds:
                cur_loopbounds[i] = 0
            loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()] = [dict(cur_loopbounds)]

            #Function start transition
            ins = instructions[0]
            k0 = wali.getKey("f_" + func.getLabel())
            k1 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
            effect = getNoEffect()
            wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)

            i = 0
            indentlevel = -1

            while i < len(instructions):
                ins = instructions[i]
                #print i, ins

                #unconditional branch ("Function call")
                if isinstance(ins.getOutLink(), Function): #TODO check that jump is unconditional
                    k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                    k1 = wali.getKey("f_" + ins.getOutLink().getLabel())
                    effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)

                    #Special case: Function call as last instruction, no return from this call - handle as sort of sequential
                    #if len(instructions) - 1 == i:
                    if ins.opcode == 'b':
                        wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)
                        i += 1
                        nextins = instructions[i+1]
                        i += 1

                        k2 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                        wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, k2, effect)
                #TODO arch specific to ARM
                elif isinstance(ins.getOutLink(), Instruction) and \
                    not ins.getOpcode() in ['bl', 'bx'] and \
                    len(ins.getOpcode()) > 1:

                    #Forward jump
                    if ins.getOutLink().address > ins.address:
                        #Jump taken
                        nextins = ins.getOutLink()
                        k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                        k1 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                        effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                        wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)

                        #TODO arch specific to ARM
                        if len(ins.getOpcode()) > 1: #Conditional jump, possibility of sequential
                            nextins = instructions[i+1]
                            k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                            k1 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                            effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                            wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)

                        i += 1
                    #Backward jump
                    elif ins.getOutLink().address < ins.address:
                        #examine loopbound, to find out if we unroll,
                        if cur_loopbounds[ins.address] < loop_bounds[ins.address]-1:
                            if cur_loopbounds[ins.address] == 0:
                                indentlevel += 1
                            #print '  ' * indentlevel + 'Unrolling loop at', hex(ins.address)[:-1],
                            #print cur_loopbounds[ins.address], "/", loop_bounds[ins.address]

                            #keep unrolling, take loop edge
                            nextins = ins.getOutLink()
                            i = instructions.index(nextins)
                            k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \

                            cur_loopbounds[ins.address] += 1
                            loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()] += [dict(cur_loopbounds)]

                            k1 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                            effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                            wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)

                            #loopbound reached, go on sequentially
                            nextins = instructions[i+1]
                            i += 1

                            k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \

                            #reset loop counter
                            cur_loopbounds[ins.address] = 0
                            loopcontexts_seen[func.getLabel()] += [dict(cur_loopbounds)]

                            k1 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                            effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                            wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)
                            indentlevel -= 1
                        assert (False) #Jump to self is crazy

                elif ins.getOpcode() == 'bx' and ins.getArgs() == 'lr': #TODO arch specific to ARM
                    k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                    effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                    wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, effect)

                    i += 1
                #Sequential progression
                elif i < len(instructions)-1:
                    nextins = instructions[i+1]
                    i += 1
                    i += 1

                k0 = wali.getKey(hex(ins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                k1 = wali.getKey(hex(nextins.address)[:-1] + "_" + \
                effect = getInstructionEffect(ins, func)
                wpds.add_rule(p, k0, p, k1, effect)
    return wpds
Ejemplo n.º 13
    res = construct_wpds(f)

    print "=================== WPDS constructed =============="

    if verbose:
        #Sort output, by address ;-)
        lines = str(res).split("\n")
        verbosefile.write("=== WPDS ===\n")

    query = wali.WFA()
    p = wali.getKey("p")
    accept = wali.getKey("accept")
    initloc = wali.getKey("f_main")

    query.addTrans( p, initloc  , accept, getNoEffect() );

    query.set_initial_state( p )
    query.add_final_state( accept )

    if verbose:
        print "============== ANSWER ==============="

    answer = wali.WFA()
    res.poststar(query, answer)
    if verbose: