def test_runs_sweeps(request_mocker): """Request a bunch of runs from different sweeps at the same time. Ensure each run's sweep attribute is set to the appropriate value. """ api = Api() run_responses = [random_run_response() for _ in range(7)] sweep_a_response = random_sweep_response() sweep_b_response = random_sweep_response() run_responses[0]['sweepName'] = sweep_b_response['name'] run_responses[1]['sweepName'] = sweep_a_response['name'] run_responses[3]['sweepName'] = sweep_b_response['name'] run_responses[4]['sweepName'] = sweep_a_response['name'] run_responses[5]['sweepName'] = sweep_b_response['name'] run_responses[6]['sweepName'] = sweep_b_response['name'] runs_response = { 'project': { 'runCount': len(run_responses), 'runs': { 'pageInfo': { 'hasNextPage': False }, 'edges': [{ 'node': r, 'cursor': 'cursor' } for r in run_responses], } } } mock_graphql_request(request_mocker, runs_response, body_match='query Runs') mock_graphql_request(request_mocker, {'project': { 'sweep': sweep_a_response }}, body_match=sweep_a_response['name']) mock_graphql_request(request_mocker, {'project': { 'sweep': sweep_b_response }}, body_match=sweep_b_response['name']) runs = list(api.runs('test/test')) sweep_a = runs[1].sweep sweep_b = runs[0].sweep assert len(runs) == len(run_responses) assert sweep_a.runs == [runs[1], runs[4]] assert sweep_b.runs == [runs[0], runs[3], runs[5], runs[6]] assert runs[0].sweep is sweep_b assert runs[1].sweep is sweep_a assert runs[2].sweep is None assert runs[3].sweep is sweep_b assert runs[4].sweep is sweep_a assert runs[5].sweep is sweep_b assert runs[6].sweep is sweep_b
def arena_launcher_op(image, command, job_type="tfjob", gpus=0, env=[], workers=1, logdir=None, parameter_servers=0, ps_image=None, timeout_minutes=10, sync_source=None, name=None, namespace=None, wandb_project=None, wandb_run_id=None): from kfp import dsl from kubernetes import client as k8s_client options = [] if name: options.append('--name=' + name) if logdir: options.append('--logdir=' + logdir) if sync_source: if not sync_source.startswith("http"): raise ValueError("sync_source must be an http git url") options.append('--syncMode=git') options.append('--syncSource=' + sync_source) if namespace: options.append('--namespace=' + namespace) if wandb_project: options.append('--wandb-project=' + wandb_project) if wandb_run_id: options.append('--wandb-run-id=' + wandb_run_id) if ps_image: options.append('--psImage=' + ps_image) if gpus: options.append('--gpus=' + str(gpus)) for e in env: options.append('--env=' + e) op = dsl.ContainerOp(name=name or "wandb-arena", image='wandb/arena', arguments=[ "submit", job_type, '--workers=' + str(workers), '--ps=' + str(parameter_servers), '--timeout-minutes=' + str(timeout_minutes), '--image=' + image, ] + options + [" ".join(command)], file_outputs={ 'train': '/output.txt', 'wandb': '/wandb.txt' }) key = Api().api_key if key is None: raise ValueError("Not logged into W&B, run `wandb login`") op.add_env_variable(k8s_client.V1EnvVar(name='WANDB_API_KEY', value=key)) return op
def wait_pending_artifact(api: wandb.Api, name: str, type: str = None) -> wandb_api.Artifact: # Source: while True: try: return api.artifact(name, type) except wandb.errors.error.CommError: # Back-off and retry time.sleep(5) pass
def test_api_auto_login_no_tty(mocker): with pytest.raises(wandb.UsageError): Api()
def api(runner): return Api()
from wandb import Api import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18, 'legend.fontsize': 14}) api = Api() runs = api.runs( "jeppe742/language-of-molecules-graph", { '$and': [{ 'config.model': 'Transformer' }, { 'config.num_layers': 4 }, { 'config.edge_encoding': 1 }, { 'config.dataset': 'qm9' }, { 'tags': { "$ne": "old" } }] }) df = None for run in tqdm(runs): df_temp = run.history() #df_temp['Attention'] = run.config['edge_encoding'] if isinstance(run.config['edge_encoding'], int) else run.config['edge_encoding']['value'] df_temp['dataset'] = run.config['dataset'] df_temp['epsilon_greedy'] = run.config['epsilon_greedy'] if isinstance(
import pytest import os import yaml import tempfile from .api_mocks import * from click.testing import CliRunner import git import json from .utils import git_repo, runner import h5py import numpy as np import wandb from wandb import Api from six import StringIO api = Api() def test_parse_path_simple(): u, p, r = api._parse_path("user/proj/run") assert u == "user" assert p == "proj" assert r == "run" def test_parse_path_leading(): u, p, r = api._parse_path("/user/proj/run") assert u == "user" assert p == "proj" assert r == "run"
def test_base_url_sanitization(runner): api = Api({"base_url": ""}) assert api.settings["base_url"] == ""